Newspaper Page Text
' il'.-V 1v'", ".. ' . . ; 1 , . 1 ' T.3 . I I t I ' I. . t r. '. v ; :l froL IS-NO. 4 MADISON. FLA., THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1910. ' $1 A rtt,, - u ' CANDIDATES districts 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total or United Slat- SeuHtor: . S. B. Broward 118 4 60 40 95 50 2178 38 10 49 0 B78' J,sP. Talmferro 141 23 48 13 44 32 13 19 0 8 20 17 ,7 0r County Treasurer: T. W. Dh1 1451139275834 10 49 20 1220 12 4'43 J, Davis 119 1(3 7H 28 73 49 17 51 20 0 49 11 Ciil or County CommlBBloner, Diet 2 I,ee Barrel I 62 22 24 108 W. II . E. Terry 21 11 75 107 urMeuiter School Board, Mist 2 J. U. Lammune..'. 2371 27 20 21 10f J. E. WMUy 3 48 62 42 2 157 Vote by Precincts, 2nd Primal? - Greenville Scene of Awful Tragedy, JUNE 7. 7970. As Officially Canvassed and Declared June 10th. hUN'OVER LOCALS. Try Or. CJ. B. William' Liver and idnev P'11 'or Billiousneea. Miaf- Helen fcegnB reached horn Sal Jay hfieruoou to the great joy of her trcQtK und uiany friends. Mis.. Nellie Hinely left Fi I Jay fur iillahussee where she will visit tier eise r, Mrs. R. C. Dunn, for eome time. For Sale-. Shingles and Augusta ilck. Prices i.tmtHctory. pee .iiai. Carroll or telephone Dumber 91. 4t. Mrs. D.iniel Puillips who bat been siting her cousin, Mrs. J. L. Bunting r time time, returned to her borne at lanlurd lust Saturday. Riiymoiid Wbeeler arrived Saturday oat Ohio where he tins bo ut school, i will eueud tbe summer with bl '.her, Prof. Grant Wheeier. Slits Whittle Dickinson expects to ,ve Saturday for Knoxvllle, Teno., .ere the will peud the summer tak- I a course in the Teacher1 Tr lining liege of that city- Leonard Xewuiau and Millie fcniitn. 10 hava lea the guests of Curroll nilh for the past two weeks, returned their respective homes at Jackson Is and Hampton Springs oa Tueeday. Do you have the dark brown taste in ur mouth every morning ben ycu nke? If o,you aretilious and should e two or three of those little buioD. e Liver Pills, easy to tane, never Iken, weaken or ( ripe, 25o mailed by e Bloodiue Co., lac, Boston Mass. Q . Smith, special agent. 1 Miseet Editb Stewart, Small Miller, vb Frenger, Myrtle Nipe and XitB jore, a bevy of young lady grtuuatei the Sanford High Scboul, arrived In r city this week and are taking the ncliers' course at the Suuimer Normal. it young ladies are comfortably doml led at tbe pleasant home of Mr. R. . Dickinson. Oui' ice wagon Itaves the plant every urniD(t at six o'clock and every after on at four o'clock. The morning de- erv will be for all Ice takers. The Jternoon delivery will be only those ders for which ordors bave been re ived up to the time of tbe wagon leav the plant, 4 o'clock. If vou want e m ths afternoon Bend or telephone lur order before four o'clock. We nut to iatlsfy our customers in svery ay and if vou have complaints ol tne irvlce please let us bave them. Madl- lm Eleclrio Power Comp ny. tf "It cured me,1' or "it saved ths life of iy child," are the eipressioDS vou hear fery Jay about Chamberlain's Colio, holers and Diarrhoea Remedy. This ' true the world over where tbie valu able remedy has been introduced. No iber medicine in use for dlarruoea or lowel complaints has received such gen Ml approval. The secret of the SUO' as of Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolera and diarrhoea Ramedv Is that it cures. "Id by all druggists. Rv. Burke Culpepper, tbe widely nown evangelist, visited our city Sun- far and filled tbe pulpit ot the Method t church at both morn log and eveq- "t services. It is greatly regretted that Ihe extremely inolement weather pre- snted a great many of our people from fUeD1;iig tbe services, but Mr. Culpep cr, Uibina daunted bv the smallness tbe congregations, preached two plead id sermons with all of bis old vigor and earnestness. Mr. Cul "Pner stated later In ths vear be ex pecta to come to Madison with bit fetb r md bold1 s tent neeUnf , ' ' - Three Men Dead and a Fourth Man Seriously Wounded As Result of Knife and Pistol Duel. Flnttta News. Lust Sunday morning at eleven o'clock Rt tbe home of tbe bride's parentM, Mr. and Mrs.W.J.IJotnan Mr. Edit Rykarri anil Miss Lizzie Boman were quietly married, Mr. A. A. Wellington, notary public officiating. None but tbe immediate family were present. The groom it the eldest son of Sir. T. L. H. Ryk ard, a well to do farmer of tbe Ham burg neighborhood, and tbe bride in the only single (In lighter of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Boinan. The happy couple left Monday lor the home of. the groom's parents. We extend thini our sincere congratulation. l'rof. WY. II. Young who Las been in Madison for the last week serving as one of the Grading Committee, returned last Sunday afternoon in an automobile and proceeded out to Mr, C.A. Terry's, Ids present board ing pluce. Mr. Young is engaged at prtsent . Mrincipul of the Oik Hill bchool with Miss Gl. ss from Madi son as his asaislint. Mr. W. II. E. Terry made a bttsi. ness trip to Valdosta St'irduy, Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Edwards went over to Valdosta last Sunday to vis it their daughter, Mrs. Johnson, who is confined there in the SanitariumJ Mrs. vV. P. Crawford returned from Madison Saturday where she has been spending several dnys with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Coody. Don't be surprised this week to meet Mr. S. T. Corbett on tie streets with a broad smile on. It Is all on account of tbe arrival of a ten pound boy a'.hii bouse. Mr. Corbett has named the young gentleman Napoleon Broward. Rev. Gray, pastor of tbe 7esle)au church, wiil atart a series of. meet ings here under cover of a tent, more commonly called a tent meet ing, next Friday. Mr. Gray will It ably assisted. Everybody cordially invited to attend. .Perhaps tbe most horrible tragedy koawn in the history of Madiaon county was enacted at Greenville last Saturday afternoon as the result of which Flavius J. leffcoat, 'W. S. Jeffcoat, brothers, and Will Sheflield are in their graves and Lewis Shef lield, brother of Will SueUleM, is at his home with many cuts and sttbs in his body inflicted by a knifu in tbe hands of Will Jeffcoat, and from the effect! of which it is uncertain whether he will live or die. All of the parties concerned in the tiagedy were well known and well-td-do white citizens of the county, men of prominence and resp ctabili ty, and the tragedy has caused great sorrow among thfir many friends and acquaintances and thrown the little town of Greenville into a state of excitement surpassing any occas ion of former days. Saturday afternoon in the court of Justice of the Peace W. I). Grillln, Dan Moore a negro man was tried und convicted of a charge of beg stealing. The negro wag in the employ of Lewis Sheffield and the charge of bog stealing was made against liiiu by the Jtfleoats After the termination of this cane Lewis Miellleld was arraigned upon a charge ot cattle Ktealiog preferred, we think, by a negro man who was an etn. ployce of Hie Jeffcoats. While the purtion were passing into tbe court room which is located in the depot of the South Georgia Railroad, it is stated that F. J. Jeffcoat called the negro aside to speak to him concern ing the trial about to tae place. Will Sheflield protested sgnmst this action upon the part of Jeffcoat and words passed - between them during which the unmentionable epithet was applied and Sheflield struck Jeflcoat a blow full in the face which sent him to the floor of platform. Sheffield fell upon Jeffcoat and was proceed ing to beat him when Will Jeffcoat fell upon Sheffield and with sn open knife began to cut and carve him in a most horrible manner. It was at this juncture that Lewis Sheffield came out of the depot and seeing the fight in progress and blood stream ing from bin brother went to his as slstance. Will Jeffcoat in the mean time had risen or been pulled from Will Sheflield and as Lewis Sheffield approached began culling Lun also. In some manner Lewis Sheffield was shoved down the steps of the plat form but on reaching the giouod he turned and pulling his pistol began to ascend the steps and when he reached the top leveled his pistol and fired a 6hf.t which struck Flavin Joffcoat in the head and then a sec ond shot which struck Will Jeffcoat iu the head killing him instantly Only the two shots were fired and ot the lust shot Lewis Sheffield, faint from loss of blood because of the knife wounds, fell with tbe ot'ier three men in a pile. Will Jeffcoat was killed Instantly, Flavins Jeflcoat lived but a short lime and Will Sheffield died eaily in the evening. It is said that the seen: was inoel sickening. The depot platform was S lushed wit'i b'ood and the four bodies lying about, one dead, two dying and tb'j fourth blesding mid faint, the clothing of the victims cut almost into ribbons, presented a picture which will not be soon for gotten by those who saw it None of the men were drinking. All were white men, well known and adeemed, and some of them of about middle age. The trouble secies to have grown out of the case about the yearling calf, probably worth five or ten dollars. At this writing it is thought that Lewi? Sheffield will recover from his wounds. Another Cool Rot Plan, Ma. Editor: Your readers will ' ' probably come to the conclusion that tbe public roads problem la . Madison county has everlasting lifev. so I will suggest an opinion, 'fbnm . are a great many different 'fcWat stv to tbe best method of keeping in re pair tbe public roads of tki eouaty and I am satisfied there is a bettor . way than the present one. - This problem is a hard one and 1 indeed should not be fiven up until it is solved. Some ail vocate a mora rigid enforcement of the law "compel men to work eight dsy or pay Ave dollars." To this I am very much opposed. The idea of taking toys out of school or men off of their firms to w.uik on public roads without compensation Is tt unjust for a set of honest men to consider. We bave a one dollar copilation tax, und I am sure that is enough. A five dollar road tx is unequal and injuat. Besides, thei e are a great uiany men not able to pay it, hence have to work eight du)s per annum in prison, where DO offence lias beeu committed. Now tiie plan is the question. 1 believe no person should be requir ed to oik on the roads without pay. The county couiiniss loners should levy a tux sullicieiit for the purpose and use it in a way they lind to fce best and if the people iu any part of the county where thero is material wanted lo improve their public roads just get the county commissioners to designate a special lax rad district and hud 1 roads lo suit themselves "others seeing their good" roads migiit be constrained. etc. . K. H. W. 0- W- Unvelim. AH Woodmen of the World and the friends of the Order are cordial ly Invited to attend the unveiling of .1. . M O a monumem over tue grave oi sov ereign James C Webb, which cere mony will take place on the second Sunday In July at 10 o'clock, a. m., at Midway cemetery, six miles south of Lee. BETHEL CAMP, No. 102, v W. T. Krst, Clerk. ler If Notice. " . Tbe school Improvement Associa tion of Lee will give an ice cream supper at tbe school bouse Friday evening at 7 o'clock June 24, 1910, for tbe purpose of raising funds to buy a teacher's desk for tbe primary room. Tbe string band from Ella villo will furnish music. Everybody s invited to come. Mas. R. V. Micklee, Leila Stroud, President. Secretary. Blanton-Walters. One of the prettiest weddings of tbe season was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wal lers, Burlington, N. C., Wednesday afternoon, June the second, when their daughter, Mary Lou, became tbe bride of Mr. J. A. Blanton, a successful young business man of Day, Florida. Mr. Blanton is tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Eilis Blanton of Lee, Florida, and is employed as agent on tbe Seaboard Airline at Day, Florida. The bride is a native of Alamance county .North Carolina, and is one of its most popular and estimable young ladies. She is graduate of E'on College, class ot 1900 and since her graduation has been engaged 'n teaching. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.T. Wallers of Winchester, V. . a brother of the bride. It was wituessed by members of tbe family and relatives. The house was taste fully decorated with potted plants and evergreens. The bride was handsomely gowned in white satin roessallne and carried white lillies. Immediately after tbe ceremony the couple left for Wash ington, D. C, where after spending a few days they will go to Day,Fla. where they will make their future home. They have good wishes of a host I of friends for a long and bappj life. District Conference- The District Conference of the Methodic Church, South, Talla hassee District, is being held with tbe church of Madison this week, and many ministers and lay dele gates are in attendance from tbe various churches of the District. The session began Tuesday night when Rev. Folsom of tbe Carrabelle church preached a most practical and forceful sermon. The business ses sions of the Conference began yes terday morning and will continue daily through to morrow. Tbe busi ness session are held at the cburch at nine o'clock continuing until eleven when preaching service Is bad. Preaching is also held at eight o'clock each evening. The public is cordially inviled to attend the husiness sessions on well as the preaching services. President Ililburn of the denomi national college located at Suther, land is present in the interest of that institution, and Rey. W. J. Carpen ter, representing the Church Extcn. sion Board, is also in attendance. Miss Wagner, Missionary to Korea, is here and some time during the session will address the conference and tell ot ber work In that far dm taut country. You Never Can Tell juwt eitctly the cause of your rheuma tism, but you know you have it. Do Vxii know that Milliard's Miow Liol inent will cure it? relieves llm paiu reduces the swelling uud liuibersthi joint und muscles bo thai you will be m active and well as vou ever were. Price) iV, 50c and 8H.00. hold by W.B. Dtivw. Kissiinuiee has sold her 113,000 municipal bond issuo to a home coo. cem, the Citizen's Bank, at a prem ium of $1 ,750. A Vital Point- The most delicate p:irt of a baby i it'x bimels. Every ailment that it Buf fers wit attackM tbe bowels also en dangering la most cases the life of th infant. McOee'a Baby Klixir. Cure diarrhoea, dysentery anJ all derange-. menta of tbe stomach or bowels. Hld by W. H. DavlB. A newly organized Florida com pany has bought various concerns milling and handling Fuller's eartb. The general offices of the company are at Warren, Pa., and Bremen, Germany, and the mines and mills arc located on tbe Manatee river and at Quincy, Florida. Kissimmee is to have an amuse ment park where those in search of recreation can indulge in bathing boating, roller skating, etc. Are you tortured to death daily witr Eczema? Why sufTwr when BwxmiNE Ointment will give you instant relief and permanently cure you, 50o a box mailed by The Bloodinn Co., Inc., Boa ton, Mass D. U. Smltb, special agent. NOTICE- All persons interested are notified that thj Board of County Com mis-. missioners will at its next regular meeting receive bids for straighten ing and improving road at Fannia Lamb Bay as per specifications now on file in tbe County Clerk's ofllce'. Tbe Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. T. Z. MARTIN1; Clerk Board County - Cemmissioncr. "A