Newspaper Page Text
j' BEEF AND Jnrk Sprntt could ent no fat. 11)8 wife could ent no lean, So in the happy days of yore. They licked the platter clean. Dut now for neither fnt nor lean Can poor Juck liml the means; They neither eat a bit of meat liut buth go in for Ix-nns. G. 11. H., in Brooklyn Lifo. LOOKS OFFICIAL. "Is King Menelik really dead?" "I really think bo. He hasn't been reported alive any since his last de mise." Louisville Courier-Journal. DRAWN FROM "LIFE." Finst Lady "Are you a suffragette, too?" Second Lady "O, dear, no! I'm bappily married." Life. TURNING THE TABLES. He (after a quarrel, bitterly) "I was a fool when I married you." She "I knew It, but I thought you would improve." Boston Transcript. , IN BOHEMIA. v First Artist "Reduced to a drain pipe for a pillow, old chap?" Second Artist "Idiot! Can't you see It's filled with straw." Bon VI-vant. NOT A MAN. "But, Marie, I have told you dis tinctly that you are not to have men In your kitchen." "Bg pardon, ma'am, this isn't a man, he is a corporal." Sourire. VP TO LIZ. On of the ivr-alicst points In tn Chlneso Imperial government hns l"v.n Its mnnase-me-nt of th finances, Asserts tho Nw York Trlnmip. Thorn pbb neon a dp!orb!o lark ot en llpht"nd svs'pm, and, according; to confident report, a still more deplor able excels of "sinec7.ln" and other forms of d'shnnetitv. Tt was therefore tn r d'Strrl foenl reforms phfii'd orc.ipy a lartre place In the re TrrritT.ntinn of the (rcvernment on a rijp'tltntlonal basts. And It Is now srrntlfivim anl encournitlnir tr observe flint rnieh Is tho case. Various Im perial dwrs have emrhasl7cl the nncpsslty of fiscal reform flnd have Inlnnted on pen.'ra linos the manner In whleh It Is to be effrct"d, anl tbern Is wound for honln that ttiose will be obeved ns the other decree re lating to constitutional matters have brll. Silence I One of tho times when patience cwds to have her perfect work, ex plains Ram's Horn, Is when tho wait er sticks his thumb Into the soup. Success For 70 Years-Tha record of FotV Iti'lfer (rr'M'. The remedy tor diar rhea, dyseutoiy tmd all bowel curunlainu. The instinct of modesty natural to every woman ts often Jreat hindrance to the cure oi womsnly diseaaet. Women shrink from the personal queations of the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination is ob horrent to them, and so they endure in silence condition of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse, it baa been Dr. Pleree'e prlvtteie to core m treat many women who have found m retnje tor modesty In hla otter ol FREE consults' tlon by latter. All correspondence la beld an aacredly confidential, Uddrvea Dr. B. V. Pierce, Outtalo, K. Y. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription restores and reiftilatea the womanly functions, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the i5niiliin( touch of hculth on cvory weak woman who gives it a fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. You cio'f afford to tocept terret nostrum nWdtuto for this nun-olcohnlic medicine o known composition. i f-iS One of the twist unfriendly acts In to toll your troubles to a friend. Constipation cnuaea many aeriona rfte eases. It ia tliortmuhly cured by Dr. Pierce's Plenaant Pellets. One a laxative, three for cathartic. The battle in the air is often on the blvHt'hers. Try Murine Eye Remedy For Red, Weak. Weary, Wntery Kyes and Granulated Evelida. It Foothos Eye I'uin, Murine Eva Remedy Liquid. 25c. and aUo. Murine Eye Salve, 25c. t.d gl.UO. Economy in littl ethlnus helps the housewife to dress better. Buy "hATii.n Axh ..o-.s. The smoke from the bowl of one's pipe Is blue because, coming; direct from the redhtt tobacco, It Is very tilftily ox!llzJ. but the smoke from one's lips is gray, because It is highly watered and hydrocnrbonlzed. T.'nclei Fam Is relnlclns 1n en addi tion to his DresdnoiiKh, fleet that places the pennant upon his navy as the sreatefit yet In th possession of the floating armament the world has produced. The launching of the Utah, declar-fa the Baltimore American, was an event of greet moment in the naval annals of the nation. The mere rcdtal of the facts of tonnao and a pin mount do not convey a sufficient Idea of tho axtiinl flrrhtlnn; rower of this monster that faVa Its place along with) slater ships 'of micht Peanut cake seems to bo supplanl Ins; cotton Bci-d cako an tho preferr ed food for SwcedlHh cattle. Cut This Out And mail to t ha A Co., Ft. Louis free a 10 day tl edv (NR Ubk-UI. (iuuruntned for Rheu matism, Constipation, Sick Headache. Liver. Kidney and Modi Diaeiuea. Hold by all Ih-ugioals. Better tliim Pills for Liver Ills. It's free to you. Write today. AVERY & CO. 81-6S South rorayth St., Atlanta, Oa. MACHINERY ...Lis Reliable Frirk Cnglnea, Boilera, all Sites. Wheat Separators. BEST IMPBOVLU SAW MILL ON EARTH Laroe Bnoints and Bnllara auppliatf promptly. Shinole M ilia. Corn Mills, Cir cular Saws, Saw Teeth, Patent Dogs, Steam Govarnora. Full Una Engines aV Mill Supplies. Sand tor traa Catalogue. The difference o the A. H. Lewis Mdlclns rCHlfiEnber tHlS , Mo., and thev wdl aend you lllCtlluei III ' trenlment of 'Nature's U'm- save yonr life. Man without liiiiiKlnntlnn novt-r feels sure where he is nolnR to kind. "If yer wants me to take yer out on Sunday, Liz, get yerself up so'i yer look like that!" Telegram. THE NEW YORK WHIRL. "Don't you lose time by living In Jersey City?" "Not much," answered tho Wall Street man. "I have deskroom on a ferryboat." Louisville Courier-Journal. SOON DUB. "The dream of my life is about to be realized." "What was that dream?" "To see Teddy and Emperor Wil liam exchange pulpits." Louisville Cjjurier-Journal. COLOSSAL. "I want a few colored Illustrations of beets and tomatoes." "Life size?" Inquired the artist. "Catalogue Blze," replied the seeds man, with a significant smile. Louis Mile Courier-Journal. HIS CAPACITY. Kind Lady (at kitchen door) "So Jou were in the army during the war with Spain? What was your capacity there?" Hungry Hobo "Double rations, ; me 'am." Chicago News. ONE BIG DIFFERENCE. Heck "In my view, the partner ship of marriage is precisely like a partnership In business." Peck "You're away oft! In, busi ness a man sometimes gets a silent partner; In marriage never." Boston Transcript. rnslghtly Ccmploilons. The co". tant use of Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for toilet, bath and nursery purposes not only preserves, purifies and beautifies the skin, scalp, hair and hands, but prevents Inflammation, irritation and clogging of the pores, the common cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other unwholesome conditions of the complexion and Bkln. All who do. light in a clean skin, soft, white hands, a clear, wholesome senlp nnd live, glossy hair, will find Cutlcura Soap most successful in realizing every expectation. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are admirably adapted to preserve tho health of the skin and scalp of In fants and children, and to prevent minor blemishes or Inherited skin hu mors becoming chronic, and may be used from the hourof birth. Cutlcura Remedies are sold throughout the civ ilized world. Send to Potter Drug ft Cbem. Corp., sole proprietors, for their free Cutlcura Book, 32 pages of Invaluable advice on care and treat ment of the skin, scalp and hair. A fast pace In marr'ases was set In Now York lately, relates the Bal timore American, when Clerk Six'cd Issued a license to Mr. Swift to marry Miss Hurry. Miss Hurry's father was a business partner of Mr. Gallop. If there Is anything In a name this cou ple ought to be. in the running. Buy "Battle aii" rMiotte. ThoBe who bcc ftmie good In all thlnRS know what real happiness Is. War COLDS and r.RlP. tick's Carnnmn la the neat remdr rallies the aWitluf and fvarlhneaa cures the ld and rentorea nortnul cunoiUona. lt'a Huulil-eflwu liiitutiliauali. lu- " uA ado., at drug aluraa. In tin-tie latter diiys candor is con Kldered Impoliteness. The ' International Antl-CIgaret League has 87,000 members, who are pledged to abstain from tobacco until they are 21 years of age. Pon't Blslt Your Life By neglecting Conatipttion. It lends to sntotoxemia. There la juat one riRht rem edy for l onstipation, that is Nature's Rem edy (NR tablets). It's different from all ethera because it is thorough, it corrects the entire digeative system and the kid nays, curea iyspepaia and Rheumatiam. It'll easy and sure to act. Tnka one to niRht you'll feel better in the morning. Uet a 25c. Box. All Irunuita. The A. II. lavria Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. THTMP! THfMP! THUMP! Mrs. Heck Ycur carpets are so fresh and hrjght looking. What do you use to clean thm? Mrs. Peck Mr husband. Wot UK A CHK-Htrhe' OA FTJDIIfV Whether from Cold. Beat, Stomach or flarrous Trouble, Capudlne will relieve rou. t'a Uuuld-plaaant to take-acta Inimodl auly. Try It, lue., ibc and sue. M dut (Nothing troubles a handsome man like the loss of his good looks, con Cesses the Boston Pest. IN THE RECORD. "I guess these Indiana people aic't o awful literary after all." "How now?" "I never beard of none of their Congressmen asking for leave to print a historical novel." Louisville Cour ier-Journal. ; j', OF LITTLE SERVICE. ' "Judge, can I have back my maiden name?" "Will it be of any particular use to you?" "Your question Is almost rude?" "Not at all. The last dame whose faifcen name I restored changed It inside of twenty minutes." toulsvllle Courier-Journal. ' - - Buy "Battle Axe" Shois. In a turbine steamer the rhythmic thumping of the pitsons disappears, and instead the engines give out a thin soprano song that rises or fallt in key with the speed, sometimes sug gesting a continuous squeal. Mrs. Wlnalows Soothing Syrnp for ChlWrea ietUng,BWftertheguniB,rertuceslnt!n.min. feloa. aiiaya pa.ln.cnre wind colic H5c. a bottle The pardoned poBt-convlct has marked' his release by writing some verses entitled "As I Leap Forth." Wo thought, chirps tho New York American, he had promlard to refrain from that sort of thing if set free. When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain Temedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble i Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Fltchvtlle, Oliio. "My danfrhtcr wft all mn down. Buffered from puinn in her aide, head and limbs and could walk but a short distance at a time. She came very near having nervous) prostration, had begun to coiiRh a Rood deal, and seemed melancholy by Rpelbt. She tried two-doctors) but cot little help. Hlnce latin ff I Lydia E. Pinknain'g Vesfet'iDia fjoiupounu, Wood Purifier and Liver rills Hue has im proved no much that alio feels and look lute another glrL" Mrs. C. Cole, Fitchville, Ohio. Iriuihurtr. Vermont. " I fcol it my duty to & a few words in praise of your medicine. When I began ...... . 1 Ul. 1. J .1 .1 li 1 1. 1.1. 1M taking " been very hick wim i.. bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bot tie of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and find myself greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed a ffreat change." Mrs. A. II. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. ' We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask? For 30 years Lydia K. Pinkham's VegelaWa Compound has been tho standard remedy for female Ills. No sick woman does Jutitloe to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made eiclHsivelv from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to ttn credit. rwrgea, Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women ti&Jr o write her for advice. She has CUiued tnotisiinds to health free of chargn. Address Mrs. Pinkbam, Lynn, Mass. j Cathartics, bird shot and cannon bull pillstea spoon doaes ot catnartic menn-nKs all depend on irritation of the bowel until they sweateuongh to move. Cai tarels strengthen the bowel muscle o they creep end crawl naturally. This means a cure and only through Castarelt can you get it quickly and tuturallv. Cacarta-)l)e to-week'a tri-at-mmil Allrtruitslala. HiSKi-ht il'-r U tho wurld-iulllionbiui.- a muutn. i I I I MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, Mottter nra. Nur,in r.i.iW . SwTwIcl'ilv In M II..U1. At nil lirtii;i-- vwm buni,!.. n,.l"1 HllwB. A.lil"-J, , i. OLMSTKO. t-Ko. N.V- LADY tn rfPrfM-tit ii.hirvrylown; l'.l wlltnf hniiw-lml-l nwMllw. Ijirto ilciliinilll f-I of....U Hi.w-,.hi, MiiarHnlwI. rll aa H v 4,1 A I ., New Orlrnna. I.a. itiraiifflg an. Waffisaim HV 18-0UCE U01TLE M fRlLE ON An'HOvak MAN1SB wlllpfrmani-nlly fur; out li.r.nlrent..V..nt.lnnf.nb'itfru.liia It at our rlk-JM tu bo the a'.ia tw. "or" Manine Co.25h Wmine BMg. St. Louis, Mo. JlJI BcPmW. )) -. ,ae.da J Urti t t Ih.a atrott ot immito rauchanti. Rclttcact: ts; bank it Lanisville. We iwsitk I W-wlBujitiwUnar imrP"'- mns su i M, SA3EL li SONS TV:. Looiifillt, If- W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES 5, 4, S3.S0, 3, 2.50 & 2 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. Mltliona of men wear W. L. Douila. ibm b. cauaa thay ar tha low t pricaa. quality con aidered, In tha world. Mid. udm honor.of tho Im.I loolhor., by tho k, . moat aUill.d workmen, I ,JV-'.L mi I n 1., iina V.;.'1 ' ana a.w .nno. onuoi m Sw,.A4' c oil in, $8,011 to tt. Boyl'Shots, $3.fJ 10 w. f ... If 1 ' A Di.iiflsn irimmrttt-( ili. lr vnliit hv flRtin.ina M iii it it- ku it'-'f n the boltfin. I.t.tik f-1 iU 'J'ultra Ht -'.ft Ct-I r f.v- trr$. Ak your tint If r f . r W. t Ittni;!:' if not for aid n nr town wt U'ft r M mlt m ili-n'm hN.h.iIihw. tniv' t"w it-i tifili-r ly nisitl, Mutt-H .rtlrtit -lin i lioin lailorydeiivi'irtl lr, W.L.IiuukJiu, Jiiucktii, Mm. BUY "BATTLE AXE"Shobs Send postal for Free Package of Puxtino. Better and more economical than liquid antiseptics FOB ALL TOILET USES. FREE! Givca on a sweet breath ; clean, whit. arm-free teeth antiaeptically clean mouth and throat purifies the breath after smokina ditpels all disagreeable perapiration and body odors much ap preciated by dainty women. A quicK remedy lor tor eyes end catarrn. A tittle Paxtine powder dis solved in a glasi of hot watet makes t delightful antiaejjtic so lution, poueuing exlranrdiasry cleansing, germicidal and heal ing Down, and absolutely harm less. Try a Sample. 50c t large bos at druggists or by mail. THE lAXT0tT0ILT CO., Eostom, Maaa. nftlirlr afUsa sThompoon'sEyeWater (At-21'10) R H : . f": il'n 1 af . mm ' :VJ. f i,1' -. JLlEB. uli to. L o.aif i It'iJL:. iaVJl aW I 1MB T7I B.cuV Of tho. ugly, srUily, gray hair. Uo " tA CRtOfce;' HAIR, RESTORIR. Prlca, V.OO, ratal). " u i W a : 1 i ; . ii