Newspaper Page Text
SPIDER INSTINCT. Cutting Web Thread to Eecapa From an Intruder. The UwtlDct of the Bplder Is always id Interesting subject fur study. Re; cently naturaliBt placed a small spi der In the center of a large' spider's web some four feet above ground. The large spider soon itoshed from its biding place under a leaf to attack the Intruder, which ran lip-one of the as tending lines by wik-b) tu web was ecured to the foliage. The bis insect gained rapidly upon tbe little one, but tbe fugitive was eqaal to the emergency, for when barely on inch ahead of tbe other it rut with one of its rear legs the line behind itself, thus securing Its own es cape, tbe ferocious pursuer falling to tbe ground. Tbe naturalist says: "It Is not the hatilt of spiders to cut the slender thread below them when they are as rending to avoid some threatened dim per unless there Is a hole close r,t band and a bole that is known to be Unoccupied.'.' From this It would seem thut the little creature's notion wustue result of some sort of reasoning. In Btlnct led It to run away, but it must hare been something more than lu stlDct that led It to sever the line and so cut off the pursuit. The same nuturallst snys tfcnt spi ders are citiinlljnls and that they are naturally pugnacious. But they do not fight for the satisfaction of eating one another. "When two EpWors fit-'ljt there Is generally a very good reason for the attack and the vigorous de fense that follows. "It is not generally known that nfter B certain time spiders become Inca pable of splinting a web from luck of material. The glutinous excretion 'from which the slender threads are spun is limited, therefore spiders can not keep on constructing new snares when the old ones are destroyed. Hut Ihey can avail themselves of the web producing powers of their younger neighbors, and this they do without neruple. As soon as n spider's web constructing material has become ex hausted and Its last web destroyed it pets out in search of another home, and unless it should chance to find one that Is lenantless a battle usually en sues, which ends only with the retreat 'or death of the invader or defender." New York World. ; V O T C i Notice is hereby given that tbe following detcribed lands will be sold at public auction in front of the Court House door in the Town of Madison. Madison county, Flor'da, Juty 4th, 1910, or so much thereof as will be necessary to pay the amount due for taxes therein set opposite to tame, tqgetW with L cost of such sale and advertising. S. J. ELLISON. Tax Collator Mndison County, Florida. OWN ER DESCRIPTION OK LAND No.of Sec. Tp. ft. T.. . . Acre . Cost. J 8 Jmeina ; ' 8W of SE'i trt S nct fold to Duv.. 88 81 It 7 140 J HJcnkln,.. Fart of E't iJ Ml1-, Recorded In Deed Book SS m!e ennvrvrd by I J Sutton 2 81 1 7 t 1 SO Unknown That I'iirt of S), of SWJ Recorded in Deed HooS W, p-ife 171 2 32 1 7 1 W Alfred Crirter Lo No. 8, Block 4, Town of Sirmnnt, , ., UW surah Curler Lot No. snd 10 Block 4, Town of Sir- mane 8 00 Isaac N'csbitt N of SE) except i acres in N W corner 8S 84 1 7 e If A D Wanton SW'k oflW 40 H it 7. IS" R J Pteri. at S'.oiSfe'i Ml Z7 ) He 8 7H Everett Darlinu St'4 of SV W'i of SWU of sK'i .. (W I 10 c ! W Everett nullum E'u of NVi4 Icm lu acres off "t, ". -n ' 6 S T V,bh SMofSki h'i of SW'l. HI K6 ll Ur 8 78 J 4 t Anderson XK4 "f sW'4, St, of N',l SWi vi NEl4 li poll tax and tax (.11 personal rropertv ISO 8 Is 10 e 411 Walter Slider i of NE'i of S;4 1 S In 7 118 ames I Ijlmtt Son,.,, 1-us No. 4, 0 and fl, illock 7, Town of , Greenville 1 96 M C Xorlh Low No, 8 and 4 Block No. 14 Town of tireenvllle J 8 Root. Morinn Lot No. 18 IllOi k l Town of Greenville at" Wllkerson Lot No. 17 Bio. k n Town of Greenville H l.onnie Wilkci'on Lot No. 18 Mock Town of Gm-nvills tW Mr. N'tilic C lime Lett No. 1, 8, 8 and 4, Hlock i!4 Town of Greenville 12 "4 George Givtrts Pari of NL1 of Mil41 Hecordil Detd Hook "T" patje '" tunvevul hv Ligc Choice .' 1 82 In He II VnUmvn Lot No. 18 Hlk S Tr wn of llanton.... (15 fillM iriin Lot No. 14 IllorU H Town of Hanson . . Is", H Mo n Lot No. 8 H.ock It Tn of llann.n..., 1 (i It M. itit! Lot No. 7 Block 14 Town of Hamcn. ... "6 liC VM'.ite Lots No. 15 and HI Illock 14 Town of llar.a"n.. W Mrs Manila Base V of Sh'i 10 acre, on S end, . 1 of s'l, 3s ; of SVi4 1MI 8 in 10 t C 83 En.Mari.i K Mooly.... 4 of SK'. Sh4 o4 S "4 .in.V iSS acrei. on h Mde of SWii of . rt''4 I"S 17 2n 10 e 4W riivul Law h'..of Nh;i4 mi 8.' In lie 8 0(1 J.K.I.MiK NO cf N Wi4 of SE'4. V' of Stt'i , of 1 Nt'4 ,v If at on b Mde of rib1, ofN W4 OS 86 8 n li 8 (11 way he was uot satisfied, for the dull lecture still wont on lu the other room, to he tired nu iuiaciunry revolver sev eral times nt nu Imaginary head. The whole thing was inimitably done. I hoped nobody saw It but my self. Yeurs afterward n ponderous, fat wltted young mau put the question squarely to me: "What was the matter with Mr. Thackemy that night the club met at Mr. 'a bouse?" A RARE COIN. r THACKERAY WAS EORED. Amusing Incident of the Author's See ond Visit to Boston. Iiurinc TbnclioiMv's second visit to BoRtcm Mr. .lames T. Holds, Ills bust. was asked t Invite Tl.aokera.v to at- ! tend nn ereuliig melius of a si-leutlik' f club, which was (o be bold at the bouse of n distinguished member. I was, said Mr. Holds, very reluc tant to nsk him to bo nreseht, for I knew he was easily bored, nnd I was fearful that a jTiisy essay or geological riuper might be presented nnd felt cer tain that should such be the case be would be exasperated with me, the In nocent cause of bis affliction. My wirst fears were realized. I dared not limit nt Thackeray. I felt that bis eye was upon mo. My dis tress mny be imagined when I saw liitii rise iptiie dc'fiienitely nnj make Tils exit very n"ielos.-ly into u small nuleriicni inlji Ininu. The apartment was ilitniy lighted, but he knew that 1 knew ho was there. Then bi-:an a series 1 f pantomimic eats i.:ipt sl lo t describe. He threw nu ii;agiii:;'.y person myself, of course upon the ti- ! ;:i.d in-M-eedcd t Hab titiu several tii.ics villi a paper f .bier. Which he ;.'!. !i' 111 f u- the iuumoso. I Jltt ('.is-.o:..- .'f f ; v!.V'S2 12 It I Called a "Mitstrik." and I Very Seldom Seen. "See this penny I got today nt the postofBce," said the cashier. "There aren't five other pennies like It In the Cnited States." lie handed out a cent piece with the die impression ha'f off the face of the coin nnd with a big bait moon of blank metal showing along one side. "They aill it a misstrlke," he con tinued. "Perhaps once in 10,000.000 times the two little notched fingers on the minting machines that grip the blank disk and draw it forward to the die fnil to spring a way. In this case tbe left band finger stuck ond pushed the coin halfway over the die. That Is bow the Impression U only half on the disk. "You can see the raised edge on the blank portion of the metul," the cash ier went on as be took up bis pen. "It Isn't everybody knows that each coin goes under the dies twice. The first time it is struck with a blank, dome shaped set of dies to put an edge on the disk. Then It gets the regular die with the familiar head on It. "What's it worth? Oh, I'll say protv ably $25 or so. I see It's been In cir culation fur uine years. It's a wonder some coin collector hasn't nnbbed it. I'm going to keep It as a rarity." New i'ork Times. P. J. paraMoie &CO. SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN, ASHLEY eS CO. HTSUEA1TCE We represent leading Companies in Fire, Life, Liability. Tornado, Live Stock, Automobile Insurance, and will go on your bold. Your interests with us are always guarded. We appreciate your business. P. J. Parramore has entire charge of the business at the same olfice .r.?.:.M'wiW For SPRAINS, BRUISES, AND WOUNDS USE S "TjO Cot the CenuirM- ThrM Sum, 25c, 50c ni f 1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. told and Reeommended toi W. B DAVIS NOTICE FiJK I'l ntlCATION. Vr.ltei s.ati'H LiilI (.mice ut (.nlucKvllle, Ha. May lilst. lino. Notice Is li'T"t)v t'lvcu that .tohn II Hill, (it ;!i. Kitii jd i. w h'i. on .iHnuury (ith )M(i5 iineti- H'ltni'wi ,-nd :;.-,- v., v..,..., fPnHj js"(i,. ikiMi lur F. t ot st,, cett..n t-. 'i,.. 11 '. hast, TulluliKii.ei' Mn'idiuii.lias tiled tinner or IntcLtion to iii nk" tltntl n-; yeur l'rorit, lo esutjIleU cl il'ii tn tlic liiiid utove desctltied, before the clerk (if tnc (. lirult coict. at .Mnd I ton. Hnrlda mi the ;tli(l:iy nt .Inly, 1410. hiluiaiit ijuijjcs as witnesses: .1. A. Laiiib, H. II. fllsln.ji. J, K. WMicrspoon and Heai v Cirti-r. nil nr Madison, I'iotlda. HKNHV 8. cut 1UI. Kttjlster. In thr Circiit Court, rd Judicial Cir tint, in ,nu; fc.r M..disoii County, Flor i.l.u l:i Cl..inciry. I-i? Vcirm.iLk I Vh . Divorce Slt v,n (irniiiclt I To Slotn, ic-i Itrce v.nknown trt An- IhtiI-v rc'i.iin.l o. .i;pt-;ir to tin- Hill of Corinl iii;! hml t-.i run ;u.iii -1 ci in the abi.vt.' ct.m.l i,i..bc on '.lie lilt .i i ol A.iUst, A. l. l'.'l'l. 1 iitr HiiUi list -ltccr.'ir if hi n-hv i'i-HlTUHi il as t'-.c nc.M.:i i r in h llii!, onkr t.i;iil la- luili iln il IHII.V ;l V'l-vlv tur l ilil conn run 1 c 'V '.-"'kv, W il!H S inv li -J O iimI hiiI of llii, lil-l '.K of M.iv, A . 1. H'lO. ' ciilj T. Z. MAHT1N, tlcrli. OTICE OF M-CIIAHCE. Notice In heretiy (tlven that. H.x montlis nftif date tlie underHniK d will innkc niml renin, b ot tils account n as admtiiMratur or tbe ebtate oi Mrs (. A w i In U- dei eascd. oml that he l;l at siiili lline uiii'ly to the ( oiiiitv .1 mine of Mad. ikoii ( oumy, Vlurlda, lor Lib ulsebaigi- as sucli admliiUiraior. J. W. WADSWOHTII, Administrator estate ui Mia. (,. A. wnmie do. cea ed. Jai.T, luiU. NOTICE OK DISCUAKOK. Notice Ik hen-bv ulven that six months after ttie date hereof Die utidei filmed will iiiaKetinal returus ef UI- aei-ouiiis as Adiiilnistruto- of tlic estatw of 8 E. Lee, deceased, and that lie win at such time apply to tbe county Judne of M unison couinv, l-iorida. tor his flnul die . Inn t'c as such administrator. M. T. 1IAVIS Adminlsirator Estate of . h. I.t, deceased. Maich a., '10 Gl'ARDIAN'S NOTICE. Notice ii. hereby ifivcn that I, Al.'-rew E. Patter, son. (iunrdiiiii ( f (irinly A. Fatlerhon Amanda K. lJn;ieri.on and liuth Fiittcr.on, minorn, will on llu In (lav of Julv, A. P. l'.'lo, make apulicaiiOn to Hon. II. li. Faliner. Iminc of tlic Ciicuit I uurl, !rd Jmlicial Circuit la and for Mnili-un, Florida, at 111. ottice at Lake l-ily, M.aitl.l, or ivIiercKotver in biiid circnit lie mfl (lien be, for a urder lo led an umlivnUil iliree-lenlln lnle-ei.t in ihe following debcribed land, in Madidon coniily. I- Inrida. lo-wit: 1 he W of S't i ild M-f.of '!,, fee H5, Tn 1 sonlh. Kanne7 east. I lit- NU '-t of ll'i Sec 1, and X'j of X, ami V' .it . IV'i Sec 1 in T p 2 oath, Kanyv 7 eal, . AXBKHW E.FAlTtllSOS, 0-2 St ljui.rdian HENDRY & McKINNON. Attorn eys-at-Law Madison and Perry, - Florida Will 1'rartlee In all Ntate and f ederal I'onrtx Office: In Conway Building Culumbut B Smith (' li. Kvlley SMITH & KELLEY' ATTOK . K YM-AT-I.A W , Will p raft Ire In Hlete federal ronrtu Office: C. B. Ashley Building J, J. CONWAY ' DENTIST. MADISON. - FLORIDA. Office Phone No. 101, Residence Phone No. 34. - There is a jiitrertij Between Wagons " " TT . A ebeap Vagoo lookt abont as good aa Studebaker when it ii new, but it won't compare with Studebaktr after several years wear; And what is more, The chances are that what yon have paid on it for repairs, added to the original cost, would be more than we would ask for e new WAGON The cheap wagon is "played out" in a few years, But, The Studebaker will be practically as good as new. The prudent farmer buys the wagon that will do his work well and wear well. He buxs Studebaker. W Sell and Guarantee the) Studebaker Wagon Fraleigh-Lines-Shelfer Co., Madlson Wagons, Buggies, Live StocK, Etc. Georgia & Florida Railway, SCHEDULE in eflect Mv 29tb, 1910 . Unexcelled IVsenger Train Service Between Madison and Valdota, H.izleluirtt, Macon, Atlan'a, Chattanooga, points North and West, Vi ilalin, Mi He n, AugUKta and points north and enst. TRAINS LEAVE MADISON Train No. 2 6:20 a.m. Daily tor Vildosta Nashville, Willacoocliee, Douglas, Ilazlehurst, V.ilalia, Millen, Augusta 'and points north and east. Train No. 4 4 :00 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Valdosta, Nashville, Wilhlncoocuee, Douglas, Ilazlch'.irst, etc. Train No. 12 6:50 p.m. Sunday only for Valdosta. Nashville, Willa- coothee, Douulan, IIuzl 'hurst, etc. CONNECTION: At Valdosta with A C. L. R. II . G. S. & F. Ky. and V. M. cfc W . at Willncwcbee with A. C. L li. R. at Douglas with A. R. & A. K R., at Ilazvllinrst with Southern Rv., at Viilulia with S. A. L. ly., and M. I). k S. Hy., at Millen with C. of G, Ky. C. C. C.VKltOI.L, C. II. Gattis, Agert. General Passenger Agent Ma lison, Fin. Angusia, Ga. G. E Ci.ais, Sj, Pass. Agt., Valdosta, Ga. iW 1MILLS L EAD In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, Nona Better m Kr Jltco. Mad Maohinrr and avoid . M""'a FiIabt aad loaf walla lor Rapaira i V- x Steam and Rashiikf Fnginfs tm Portable & StatsokaryBoilers jr'-fiir Complete Ginning, Sawing lai Shingle Outfits rwMi.Tnki, Imri.laofini, leetrlnt litoa ! fvunwita i MacHiHcm nb tuppiiir MALLARY MACHINERY COrd1 mn in mux iniia it mm j. UifV usuai jy a Mtimtil f 17AI1TED-A RIDER AGEIIT . tample Latnl Model "Runictr" bicvele lumlthff h. iT. f iT,r..T r r,"",y'l"r'itiiafiJii. at nut. KU MOW 1V BKUl 1 INUtHTOWM and dlitrlrt to rid. anci cshibil a Our tcents avarrwbert ua 1 unnl you receive an(T,pprov of your biCTcl. Wf ihlp n nyntir, inywilere in me u . a. mthimt a ant n mAvmnrm l-lt .uA " .7.T.1N VA.VS W durnic which timru miVhdtthJbiwItaud iu. w ,.r ... w'-ii. ,uu mim men not perfectly iiuihed or do not mail ta leep the bicycle ihip il bark to u it our expenne and you will noli, cut ememt. FACTORY PRICES JT"'' tUt rcln "M' m rHblwni rnilL ,t one ma 1 profit above actual (actory coat Voa aave lia to M mlddlemra'a profiti by buy,nl dwet of ua and have the manufacturer'a t Ar. antee behind your bicycle. UoSuI BOH a bicycle or pair of tire, from mlyn at r trut unlll you raceive our catarognea and learn out aubaard of jOcur tricu and nmarhoiit ittcuU nffer, to rider aajenuT J"""r VOU WILL BE ASTONISHED mV yo" wjlMul enalotnn and UHnika. Ufa HdlvnidllbH , udy pur auperb modela al tha iwUrJoU tenfrtenmt an maeyoalhl year. We jell the huj heat (rade bicydea for leu money than anv mher farlnrv. Wa . r uhtfi.J m.itk a . ........ . . . . I Hiixfjut . lk.Al.l.tiM, you can aell our bicydea utvdu your owa plau tt our Dncea. Ordera ft ed tha d.iv rM-niwH. KKCONO HAND lllCVCLES. We do not roularly handle lecorul hand Mnclea. bot raya a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago reuil alorea. Theae w clear out at nricea rana-inr from S3 to aT.R nr alii,, ri-nt.iiu. I.-.. .t.j i COASTER-BRAKES, ZuVilW ,wdaU "il,d 50 HEDGETHOHH PUNCTURE-PROOF 0 u cri C.UrXI IHfJ TlCrC a sample pair 111 Vm.Wm H-nallltl SllaaW WThe rerutar retail price of these tire i$ tfl.SO ir tair. but to mtrixlut we will teiyoHa$ampepatrror.wc4snwunoraerM, RO MORE TROUBLE FROM FUKCTURES NAILS, Tftckt or Glut will not lot th ir out 8ixtv thoutaud pain sold lat year, Over two hundred thuuund pairs now in use. DFMnmPriOMi Mflde In all ffiies. It is lively and eaisvrniiiiff.veiydurnUleand lined inside with a soecial aualitvcf rubber, which never becomes iroui ana wmcn clones up sniau punctures without allow TO iMIRQDVQE, OHLT tHll In K the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis fieclcuGtomers statins that tlieir tires haveonly been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than a 7 orumary lire, uieuuntiuic real ruing quail ties by several layers of thin, specially prepared ft tTzd. The regular price of these tiresiB JS.joper 1 J, J B'W.tWHI.i.WIMWh.taJ m PTotle tha thick mbbf trrtif -A" and pQucture) atrlpa "U" and "i," alao rim atrip H" beinireiven I I P"ni rim onltine;. i fabric on th 3 ""r.""' J?"7 ""10,"'I tiresinfli.TOMronir.biitfor UT . . CrtiaingpurpoaeawearamakingaapeciaUactoryoriceto kiuihiu. tb rider of only (4.80 p pair. All oideri ahipped aamt dny letter la received. wiii aiiow a paiia uianuuni or a per cent Itherebv tnnkim th crice Hd-SS oer .1. n r. r ntt jp.aval. Vou do not pay a cent until you have examined and found tbem itrictty aa reoreaenied. We will allow a cash dlaoount of tier cent Itheretiv mnliinx th nrlr aw ; .,r u vou tend W LI, CASK WITH OKDEft and encloae thie adverflaemebt. Too run to risk i acndina; ua an order aa tht tirei may be returned at OUR ezpenae If for anyreaaon tbeyart not aatiafactory on txamlnatlon. We art perfectly reliable and money sent to ua la aa aafe aa In V - ' inc, ywu wm ouu mat tncy win not taaier, run laa.., wear better, last lonier and look finer than any tire you have ever used or aeen at any price. W know that you will be w well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will Kivt ut your , Wt want jjou to send ua a trial order at once, hence Ihie remarkable lire offer. . IF YOU MFFB rDr don't buy any kind at any prlc until youaend for fair ' . Hedfethorn tuacture-Proof Urea on approval and trial at the apecial Introductory price quoted above; or write for our bit Tlrt and Sundry Catalogue whic describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the uausl prices. tin Minr WAFT hut write us a postal today. IX NOT lumkuy BUTINO a bicvett " TWU or a pair of tirea from anyone until vou know the new and wonder'" eflcrs we ate maJcint. it ooly coats a poaua lo karn everyttung. Write U MOW. i l r.:L'.D CTCLE.c::.i?Anr. c:iic..:i ill