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NSW ENTERPRISE, EsUMielied lH MADISON RECOKDHR, Established ItW. CONSOLIDATED June , 1S0S. Millson. FlorltU. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. lterfd at the Madia-,. Pott CMWri ait.onril li Matter Jnne M, 1808, under Act of March i. coluihbus b. smrm. Editor. gevt.urt.criiitloi, $1.00 per Tear. Advertising en made known on application. Correspondent Irnlca.e write on only one aide of the paper. brief in vour items, but give every item of fa. We must have the nameof erery eontrihu not for publication, but that we may know the espondenceis authentic. Al1 enttnvmous com licauons will rind a home r Che waste basket. dret alicommunicntions to THE NEW ENTERPRISE, Madison, Florida. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, IS'1. The great campaign is on in Georgia. Hoke Stmtn is a can didate for governor against "Little Joe" Brown, the man who defeated him two years ago. Both candidates say that they will remain quiet and not kick up much fuss in the way of a campaign, but that remains t be proved. Next Monday is the creat day on which it will be determined whether or not the white race will maiutain its supremacy in the prize fighting ring as well as in other walks of life. The fight will be pulled off at Reno, Kev , and the governor of that State has promised that he will not interiere. Jack Johnson the "coon," will do battle with Tim Jeffries, the white (skin) man, and the result is by no means certain. Handsome men and beautiful women are built on a frame work which is about the most hideous object which meets the human vision. Who knows more repulsive object than the human skeleton divested of the adornments of skiu and flesh! Upon this hypothesis we are hoping that the completed structure of the new Seaboard depot will prove both attractive to the eye and comfortable to humanity, but if the framework of the structure as we viewed it a few days ago doesn't develop a better and better looking bui'ding than it promises Madi son people are going to be awfully disappointed with the new depot, here's hoping that the building will develop from its framework as men and wo men do. The County Commissioners Good Roads Association which held its annual session in Gaines ville last week, made the fol lowing wise recommendations to the forthcoming session, of the legislature which, if enacted in to law, will result in inestima ble value o the people; First: That the funds derived from the bire of State convicts be paid quarterly to the several counties of the State hi proportion to their assessed valuation. Second: That all the funds thus paid to the counties be used exclusively by the commissioners for the purpose of constructing bard surfaced roads in said counties. Tiird: That the above named funds be used exclusively tr connecting with the main line bard surfaced roads of ad joining counties, and all road 3 thus constructed to be located by the county commissioners of their respective counties subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Im provement Fund. Fourth: That the trustees furnish a competent engineer and road examiner to assist the county commissioners in laying out and locating roads and securing suitable road materials. Political progoosticators esti mate that the elections oeit November will send 224 demo crats and 163 republicans to Congress; that Champ Clark ( f Missouri will be elected Speak, er, a new tariff bill enacted, and that two years hence the demo crats will not only capture the presidency but the Senate as well. It is devoutly to be hoped that the prognosticators have prognosticated not in vain. We have heard similar prognostica tions from time to time in the years that have passed. We agree with that part which prognosticates a democ r a t i c House after the next election and the election of Champ Clark as Speaker will naturally fol low. We don't want ta be a pessimist we won't be, Indeed we'll cheerfully agree that the conditions for a tull realization ot all the cheerful prognostica. tions above set forth are more hopeful than they have been for many, many years, but well, we hope they will be realized. In the navigation of the air Germany leads all other natious. An aerial line for the transpor tation of passengers lias been established between two of the German cities with uopronounce able names and several trips have already been made with a full cargo ot passengers carried by tte great dirigible ship the invention of Count Zeppelin. Tbis ship has a length of more than four hundred feet and its passenger car a breadth of more than forty feet. Meals are served the same as in a Pullman car on the earth. The distance bet ween the two cities is three hundred miles and the trip is made in about nine hours, while people are tumbling over themselves for the privilege of becoming passengers at the cost of twenty.tive to fifty dollars for the trip. Germany may be a little ahead of us now but U won't take this country long to catch up with her example and surpass it. "Prohibition" cannot Ice en forced." This is the cry of the distiller, the brewer, the whole sale dealer and the saloon keep er. J he statement finds an echo among the unthinking, says the PalatkaNews. Who are the law breakers? Why these self-same manufacturers and dealers. In effect they say, "we will not obey the law. " They are anar- j cmsts. nere is an example: me sale of "near beef" containing one per cent, alcohol, is permit ted in the dry counties of Flori da. Do these brewers obe f this law? Welly hardly. Mayor Matbeson and Marshal Dell of Gainesville recently purchased a bottle of "near beer" la that city which they took to a chemist for analysis. It showed 7k per cent, alcohol. The booze deal ers do not intend to obey any law that interferes with their business. It is this attitude that is making prohibitionists of the white people in Florida. We have received the new catalogue from tbe University ot lortda at uainesville ana are glad to note the progress that is being made. Tbe attendance was materially increased dunce tbe past year and it is evident thai our young men are wakintr up to the advantages offered there. We note that the Unt yersity has been reorganized in to distinct colleges, comprising those of Arts and Sciences, Law, Agriculture and Engineering. Tbe faculty and officers number 46. Two new buildings have been added to the campus this year. This is our Statelnstitution and we should be proud of it. RUN-OVER LOCALS. Prof. and Mil. Walter Cat are viait Ing Mr. Biabop. Mr. Cate's mother at White, Spring! tbi week. Mr. B. D. Wadaworth accoupaoted by bar son, Gordon Wadavrorth, went Monday for ton day aojourn at Hampton Spring. Willi Brinaon left Tueeday after noon for tb country where b will be for aotne time, having accepted a posi tion with C. P. Kelly. Mr. Gordon Wadaworth and little daughter, Lilla, left Thuraday for Live Oak where he will apend a week with her mother, after which ahe will go to Suwannee Springs for eeveral week. Rev. W. R. Ivey left Monday to con duct a protraoted meeting for Rev. T. C. Berkley ot Plaios, Ga. Rev. John. on of Lake City will fill Or. Ivey'a pulpit next Sunday In the morning and a Song and Praise service will be held in the evening. Mr. G. M. Simma and children and Mr. KeDnetu Simma went to Ousley. Ga., Inet week In the car ot the latter. While there tbey vtaited Mrs. Simtse' pnrenta. She returned to Madison Fri day, but Mr. Simma remained until Monday coming through the country lu hi car. The many friends of Rev. W. M. Conoley will be interested to learn that be is spending ten days In Greenfield, Ohio, where he was urgently invited Lo attend the nineteeth celebration ot the Presbyterian church of tliat place. He will probably return to Madison for a few days the latter part of tbis week. Little Miss Gladys Thornton and her cousin, Elizabeth McCailum arrived Saturday and Mrs. Kingsley MuCalluin Tuesday, all being the guests of Mrs Matt Thornton. Glad, will return to Jacksonville after spending a week with her mother and Matt who la al.-o here will return to Qalncy where be will spend tbe summer with bis grandfather Major Lines. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton expect to leave early In July tor Denver and other points of Interest. Madison's young boys are made of the proper stuff that is a good manv ot them are. With the closing of school a good many of the youngster Imtned iately sought employment, unwilling to "loaf ' even after ten months of arduous school duties. Some found employ ment in stores, others in offices while tome could find do work in any line which they would naturally have pre terred. Nothing dauuted. however, they declined tb be idle simply because tbey could not get employment such g they preferred, but went forth with determination to take anything they could get with tbe result that a ' gang" of them are employed mixing mortar, rolling brick and doing anything else tbey can get to do around the building in course of construction in town aucn grit is commendable and it is pleasure for us to let the w.rld know that Madison boys are not above any honest labor. Tbe Big Real is of two kind conceit and tbe big head that comes frcm a aick headache. Doe your head ever feel like) a gourd and your brain feel loose and sort? You can cure it in no tims by acting on your liver with Ballard' Herbine. Isn't It worth trying fur the absolute and cer tain relief you'll get? Sold by W. B. Dayi. $40.00 Handed to You and a good position with the accept ance. Big corporations make ad vance tall for office help. Bookkeep ers and Stenographers wanted. Must have a large number by early fall. DraughoiYs Practical Business College Macon, Georgia The largest Business College Company in the world. 37 Colleges in 16 States.' Established 22 years. $300,000.00 Capital Stock. 9,000 Students enrolled annual ly. Over 100,000 graduates in good positions. Home Study Course. Write for big Catalogue. ' . . Mies Mae Venn, Josle MoDonsld snd Vsnn Wilson spent Sunday in El laville with Mr. Robt. Millinor. Misses Amanda and Ruth Patteraon wbo accompanied their brother Rev. Ira Patterson on his return to Talla basse terminated their visit to him Wednesday and are now the guests of their eisrer, Mrs. X. E. Chairea at Cbaires, Fla. Th oarty given by Mrs. W, M. Bur. ton on Wednesday afternoon was pretty compliment to Mr. Walker of Valdoata. Mr Sharon and Mr. Hinaon of Quinnv. The prizes ot the honorees were lovely hat pins. Tbe guest prlzs was a pretty belt pin and went to Mrs. E. J . Vano. The nrelimlnary bearing of I. uis J. Sheffield tor the killing ot the JefTcoat it Greenville on the 11th Inst, was con cluded before county judge Mirtin last Wednesday afternoon and after (lie arguments were submitted by couusel on both fides the Judge entered an or der holding the defendant in tb rum of (2000 for his appearance t tbe fall term ot the Circuit Court, to answer whtevr Indictment may be returned against him by toe urand Jury. Mr. Sheffield supplied th necessary bail bond acd tva released from cus'.ody. A Fire Fighter's OFTRE UNPARALLELED MERITS OF l - - HARRY A. 8LAZ1EI mama wboi mm. olasbk nuna. Signs of Danger. arkacha, dlialoaaa and headache, "specks efort th yea," Irregular heart actloa and rer tronola. Th aevertty ol the early ymptoma depending upon th emoant of polarma which tba kidoava have altowsd to rauuia la Uia aystem. SYMPTOMS. JkohlBfPsUn Otsw Ripe, ataokaehe, Bad. Smant at Dapoaat In Ortna, imuuaa of the BiA4df. Pain ha OrtMUna;, K haumtiia (arlo aoidi la blood), atoddea eHepMira) ol t!nn, Hlflilf Colored of Milky White TJrUio, tua (Hood or Maoae la Crtse, M laauoa. ol rjrlaa, amBlalng Aftoc OrlnaUBg, TtuoB of BlutfUa Drlise, )Maa In tbe ladder, Creuua (tDflaaiBUUoa) el Blad Oat), Oatarrb ei Bladder or atowola, PuM oo Vadar aTyae, srooloaa aVppotlte, blnl, Oall )lau. OnaroL Pala In Oratba. Bwobm JLaUilao. Dlasnod Thaton, Sipaoka aloro iba Brae, Doaaty Orlne, lraiaaa waua, Bwni mwy, amwamaii, DflDDluj, baaabato. Waahaaaa, Loan or Plaab, Inor. euar Baart Aottoa. UlearaUon at tba Blad- Oar. Bhta Palo, WaT aad Dry, Bad Odor s ranPHBiwa, SIIPII TEST FOR RMEI DISEASE. Plll a hetlle with orino; lat tt aUnd for Iw1t hovra ; II there la a aedtmeat or oloud laua ot aay kind yoa have kldnry or bladder troablo, and yoa abottld commaoea taklnf loodlot loay. Doot wait osUl lb dlacMc is too lar aavancea. Blonttiw eaaat jar Hon la lar tea aasa fiaaaha, aiwa. urp aaaM nom. oy aaau sal. Bloodlno D. G. SMITH, SENSE OF HEARING. Sound Waves end th. w., Tr,, Upon th. E.rm. ' T The dewrlnij ..r the dirwtion ot ' sound by thv aense 0f beanug u Yn! tbe rapid rocuslug of the jectt at diivnt distune. those InHtlnotlve oporatlou ,u continually doni without any eouwal. method. Sound wave traverse the air as rl. pie tir th water, and the ir h. pertence acquire torn sllgtu .!, s.n. ah. ." 'r,WBf the eye doe with far greater In tbe other. Usually we oncooacUni w uiutB iron otaerseoan u well. Often we fall t iocaTt once some bidden ouree of aorW acb as a singing bird, and thenZ Instinctive Ingenuity displays itti The Intensity of sound Is, of eorj,,. by no Bean so great behind ecrm ss In front of It. and every one csrrtsi with him the ecreen of his own bmul which may prevent a particular smm from being heard so well by one Mr a by tbe other. If. then, tbe Head b turned until this Inequality and both ears bear equally well a, know that we must be directly fady or turned from the aource of womi, and our previous rough Idea ot in whereabout generally prompts tu to face lu Astounding Story BLOODINE" A Prominent rtrenia al Ualiaa, Masa., wrltts. Mar, iSth, tn tstt winter I bad a severe cold and it MUnt on my Kiducya, eauaag the most eacnicUtinf pain almost every tiaiil attempted to move ; 1 14 tried evraythlns Imir able to get relief, with w vised to try- "Btoodloe." which to n; rnat aurpriae, save me relief almost from tat Srst dose, and before I had taken one bottle I wis completely enred. " Bloodine" ia a wonderfil. ucceaa, aoui a was so vttauainf tonic. II tne bloos la Impure, coav pleaioa bad, appetite loat, strength tone, eat the whole ayetera ia apaet by an aecurouletlc of humors, It is time to try Blaodiac " teeuv Neealae Can Heaaerrbare el (Be Kleeen, U ..t.rr.js. Vt.. Scol a. absj. Tn Blwmir Co , Boeioa, Maea. Genilainaa : I received oae of your Bneka. v serday. 1 hav. beea a freat aufferer for tainrtano weeka. paaainc bloody water, have been to nu a 'ttai, have bad foer elaeroot dootora. They csiM it saoat evarvttiine. and I eot bo batter. eae a sample bottle of year Bloodiae for erbich 1 av close tea caata la atampe to pay for aaase, li S en 4a taa aay food I will take it the rest of say Ills. Saiaed, MRS. OCTAVU E. CAKFiHTla. MaaittrTSLS, Tt., Seat iesfav Tin rnwmM Co., Boetoa, bfaaa. Ceatlamea : I received year trial bottle ol Bkoi ina. That waa not enough to do much tornw,lerl am very bad snd weak, paaeing qatte a lot ot bloat. Mow, if yoa think that Btoodina will help ae, r eaay aead eaa one dellar'a worth. I think kr let rieiBSaaa tuna i use mat i can tail if tt will do me any rone. Siguad, MIU OCTAVIA I. CAR PS N TBI TEH MaeaemetB, Vt., Od as, iea raluanai Co, Boetoa, Maea. Pear aire : Fleaee sand nw eii botrlee ol Bleat, vae. It he. done a), a world of rood; it huff nee nautili nigeei and i am leeaag morn Better, Reeparttollr, wSS i Mgaed,MIU A I. CARriMTIa. WewiO foeeiti eaaif taaeuUtsfi'wvi wnere, avawag geamnaaeaa, caaejol a. proamwfc Qreeic Caaarinaaea. Sick Itaadacke aad SaV Uonaaaaa. B OTB. A BOX. Special Agent. s yx mm',. i 5