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THE CONSERVATIVE BANKER in making loans must know to a certainty that his applicants or sureties are responsible and worthy of credit. Likewise, the prudent depositor should know the character and the standing of the bank with which he deals. The business reputation of our directors and the experience and ability of our officers with a record of fifteen years of successful business is sufficient guarantee that the interests of every depositor will be carefully protected. The First National Bank Of Madison ANNOUNCEMENT OF DAVIS. THE JEWELER. My business has increased to such an extent that I have been compelled to add to my repairing department anoth er shop-devoted to CLOCK and JEWELRY repairing and from now on I will turn out work promptly and every job GUARANTEED. Gather up the Clocks, Jewelry and Watches and bring them on. I have full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Don't forget SPECTACLES. I know what I am doing when I fit you to Glasses and my price is less than half what others charge. Call in and see me any how. I like company. Tr& ID avis. JEWELER TOWN TOPICS. Oar 'Phone 76. Miss Orena Smith spent several day in town last week. Fleischrnann' Yeast received at Di al' Grocery Store fresh twice a week. Mr. and Mn. Randell Pope returned Monday after a three days visit to J ack onvllle. Dr. Conwav will be away from b:e office from Tueeday noon to Friday p.m. of next week. Wanted: 100 dozen eggs each week, j Highest market price paid, caab or trade. R. V. Dial. tf Miss Blanch Fearneule of Oklahoma ia the attractive guest of Mrs. C. W, Sinclair of Hopewell. For Sale: At a bargain, Sure Hatch Incubator and Brooder, in perfect or der. 200 egg the. J. J. Conway. Mrs. Randell Walker and ber attrac tive children returned to Valdosta Sun. day after visiting ber mother ten days. Madiaon's population will soon be at Its minimum aa everybody and bi wife seems to be preparing for a summer trip. The July meeting of the Elizabeth Harris Chapter will be beld at Mr. Will Taylor's. A full attendance ia requested. Mr. and Mrs. U. Blitob and baby of Quincy who have been visaing Mr Matt Thornton tor a week, returned to Quincy Sunday. Strayed or Stolen: White a 1 1 r bitch witb one black ear, black spot on hip. Any Information will be appreciat ed. J. W. Milford. The Home Misaion Society will meet witb Mrs. Wbltnell on Tuesday next at tour o'clock. Every member is cordial ly Invited to be there. The many friend of Mies Viola Carl ton will be glad to lea o that the is the guest of her lister, Mrs. John Wads worth tor several weeks. Misses Lilla Fraleiga and Mary Bur ton left Wednesday tor Jacksonville where tbey will pay an extended visit o their aunt, Mrs. Sam Cobb. Mr and Mr. John Fonda made week end visit to Thomaayllle, Ga., last week to see Mr. Wanao Earria who has been quite ill in a hospital at that iplaoe. Miae Mamie BUIk of Vaidoete spent Monday witb Mr. Maude Wycbe eu route to her borne, having been on visit tor some time to Mis Mary Bur nett ot Cherry Lake. Chamberlain'e Stomach end Liver Tablet wilt brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency and invigorate the whole system Bold by all druggist. The friends of Mrs. Mitch Drew will be Interested to learn that ah witb Miss Ruby and Mitchell will leave early next month for Gallagher Springe, Tenn., where tbey will spend the heat ed term. Beer drinkers and others who suffer with Bright' Disease. Diabelis, Rack Aohe.or any Jildnev or Bladder Troubl can be cured If tbey will take BlOodimb Biax)d and Kidney Tablets, SOo box, mailed by The B oodlne Co., Idc Boston, Maea. D. O. . Smith special agent. , Try Dr. G. B. Williams" Liver aoc) Kidney PiMe for Constipation. J. W, Reeve made a bualce-s trip to Jacksonville, returning the sair.e day, Master P, B. McCall i spending ou e time with his grandmother, Mrs McCall et Quitman. Miss Margaret Dew of Quitman, Ga., la expected shortly to pay a visit to Mrs. John Fonda. Wanted: Peach Seed. Will pay II per bushel for same delivered at my houae. W. H. Dial. V Mrs. J. P. McCall spent several days last week in Montieallo with her daugh ter, Mrs. Clifford McCall. QWort Bunting has bad a seriots raesle'' with fever for several weeks but ie again at bis place of business. School books and school supplies of all kinda at lowest prices. Call at W. L. Tooke'a store and get what you need Several eruptive diseases have pre vailed in town for three weeks paet, but none have suffered seriously witb them. Little Miss Katie Martin left Satur day for Hamburg where she will ptnd three week with her aunt, Mrs. J. R f loweia. Mrs. Angus Hinaon who with her dainty baby bae been a guest ot Mr?. P. S. Cogglns, returned Friday to ber home in Quincy. Mr. snd Mrs. Ola Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. T J. Beggs with their respee tive families engaged in a ttsh fry at lake Kampala last Thursday. Mistes Mary Love aud Sara Fraleigh left Wednesday for Tallahassee where they will be the charming little guest of Mr, Dr. Brevard. Mrs. -Will Mitchell ot Jacksonville wao bae been the guest of Mrs. T. C. Smith and other relatives for a month returned to Jacksonville Wednesday. Mrs. M . E. Bedding ot Cecil, Ga., former and well known resident of Cherry Lake, ha been the guest of Mrs. Maude Wycbe for several days this week. Misse Hattl Lou Dickinson and Ella Week, Messr. Oxford and Walter Wad and Prof, aud Mrs. Walter fate went to White Spring Sunday, the young folks returning the same day. Liitle Miss Marie Wadaworto left Madison oa Thursday of last week She joined Mrs. E. E. Westot Jackson rill ecd aeuompanied ber to Header onville where they will both epeod the banner When BLOODINC Rhkdmatio LtM Manx baa cured so many case ot Rueu' ttisiu. wbr do you suffer witb this terrible affliction, It relieve all pain In Matty. 2uo and Wo a bottle D. G. Smith, special agent. Mus WhiMie Dickinson has d IlKhiful summer ahead ot her. She lift Wednesday for Knoxville, TeOo Where she will enjoy th del'gutful ell ma'e and at the same time study new school methods at a summer Normal there. Mia Emily Bradford who ha attend ed the F.N. I. for the eight months term and who ha during that time made her home witb ber grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Bradford, returned to Muscogee, Ala. Beside making a cred ituble record in ber school work, she haa been a popular member ot tb ' vounirer set. and will be sorely missed i by ber friends here.. eeeeoeweeeeeeieeeeefsiee-yi ee t e e TO-MORROW HJULYIST Begins a new Interest Period 5 e If you wish to increase your Bal ance, or if you are thinking of open ing a Bank Account, or if you are desirous of making a change in your present Banking connections, this is the time to do so- Deposits made in our department of savings on or be fore July 5 draw interest from July 1 4 Per Cent. Per Annum Interest Com pounded Quarterly. We Respectfully Invite Your Patronage. H CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON, MADISON. FLORIDA For Sale: A aecond hand square piano. Cheap. Apply to C. B.buiitb. Full Parramore is speeding this week at Lithla Springs a popular Georgia health resort. Lost: Gold belt pin, round, w th yello atone setting. Under return to this olMce. Reward. Mr.and Mra.T.W.McKiunon have t.iken Mrs. Ida Whitlock a home for the Hum mer aud are moving in to-day. Mra. Will Davis anil children left Wednesday of this weex for Atlantic' Beach where they will spend some time. Mra. Charles Duttou and children who have been on a visit to the lady's parent here, will return to Dunoellon Friday. Lost: Gold eye glasses in leather c iae on which silver monogram F. S. CJ Finder by returning to Ibis oftius wl 1 receive reward. Mbs Hattie Z'.pperer is at home again after a delightful visit ot several weeks with relatives iu Jasper acd Hamilton county. Mra. Charlie Dutton and the little folks with Mrs. Sam Morrow spent eev eral days this week in the country vis iting Mrs. N. R. Witt. Toere will be a special Song and Praise Service at the Baptist church Sunday evening, July 3rd at 8 o'clock. Every one cordially iuvlled. The friends of Mr. S. Willis are gli d to note that be is again making bs usual rounds on the vegetable and wood wugons, after quite a severe illness of several days. Mrs. Pillens or Electra, Ha, came late last week in response to a auuimui to the bedside ot her brother, Mr. Archie Ueggs. Mr. Beggs continues in a precarious condition w regret to say. Mrs. W. H. Harper and children of Jasper are visiting Mrs. CUas. Noegel Hiss Mollis Moegel spent several weeks In Jasper with Mrs. Harper and accom panied ber when she came to Madison on Friday last. Mrs. Ida Whitlock, MUses Sadie and Viola and Mr. Waller Whitlock will leave Saturday for Pablo where tbev will spend th summer. Tbey will oe cupy a part ot Mr. Char lee Davis' eol tags and do light house keeping while there. Lame eboulder f almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the miisole and yields quickly to the free explica tion ot Chamberlain's Liniment. Thla linimeut ia not only prompt and effect ual, but is no way disagreeable to use Sold by alldruggiate. Tb little L. T. L'. beld their usual enthusiastic meeting Thursday after noon et the borne ot Mrs. Id Whitlock. All parents are urged to remind their ohildren to attend these meetings ihey are enjoyed by the children and give them something to Interest them durng tbe long summer month. Tbe next meeting will be held at Mrs. C. B. smith' residence. "It cured me,'' or "it saved the life of my child," are tbe expression you hear every day about Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true th world over where this vain UBble remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarruoea or bowel complaints hat received such gen erl aDDroval. The Mcret of the tuo cess of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy la that it oures Sold by all druggist. XV ft m Insect Destroyer Germicide Disinfectant The Only Stainless NO Where FEWOLE is Used Insects Germs Disease FOR SALE BY THARIN &. LESLIE MADISON. FLORIDA HOUSEWIVES Do you want to know about a wonderful new time, health and money saving kitchen convenience? Then you should see the complete line of "1802" Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utensils now on exhibition at your dealers. This ware is guaranteed by the makers for 25 years. It is absolutely cure, wholesome and thoroughly hypnenic. will not crack, scale, peel, break, rust, tarnish, scorch or burn. v"- i f!f I It is light weight, easy to handle and easy to clean; makes kitchen work a delight instead of drudgery ; saves your money, time, fuel; protects your health against metal poisoning and serious troubles resulting from chip ping of small particles into the food, which is one of the dangers from the use of the old style enameled wares. You buy patent carpet sweepers, egg-beaters, dish washers, clothes-wringers and many other time and labor saving conveniences, but there is nothing that will prove a greater practical household blessing than the "1392" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware. Lose no time in seeing for yourself what it will do. Your money back if this ware fails to do what is claimed i0TlL THARIN & LESLIE. we e e :: e CM e e