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The original and genuine Syrup cf Figs and Elixir cf Senna, known throughout the world as the best of family laxatives, for men, women and children, clways has the full name cf the California Fig Syrup Co. printed cn the front cf every package. It is for sale by all leading druggists everywhere, one size only, regular price 50 cents per bottle. The imitations some- times offered are of Inferior quality and do not five satisfaction; therefore, should be rr Resurrecting th Old Trail. Kansas In nt work, plrlc and shovel, upon t!i? plctnroiri'.oly irnrli:il wnrli or rtpiirrwtlni; Iho oll Siinte Fc trail Tlw trail Cornel Hnclf iiwm (i. Kan. e;ins. Vli''n twelve of the wcMoni ronntips pot lo"o)iicr to rnnslrtor tho quoptlon cf ImprovliiR (heir Inter commnnlentlcn ly rend they lind to r-linoso It. T!v pathway by wliii h the lmnHTlni; prnlrio schooners mailt tliolr way to the ro:ist. upon which tli" mail went hy rolny tin! over which cattle !r!ven In tliou buthIf, was foti.-.d to ! the lunicully perfect rtiti. lis course was ni economically correct ns If one of 111 prent llarrlman engineers had laid It out. T'pnn ttiis hapls the move ment for "(Kind roads' Knew, until now the SanU Ye Irnil is to bo mudo A thirty-foot s'lcniway. running from Kansas City Into Pantn Fe. Seven counties already are nt work on It, nnd the tank (rocs forward easily and rapidly toward completion, VcauRe common dirt surface has noon found to b the bfst pavement Chicago Post What Ails You) Do you feel weal;, fired, clr;sponder,t, hnvc frequ?nt Iicod aches, coaled tongue, hitter ur Y taste in morning, 'heart-burn, " huli-hing of fix, acid rikinn in throat ifccr eating, bUimwh gnaw or burn, foul brent!,, di-y fcinl. poor or variable uppetite, naurca at times and kindred tyuiptoms P I? you hnvo nny confttdcraMo ntimhc r f tTio cbovo symptoins yu ore ftuffenag from bilious rrss, torpid liver with indijlcr:ottv or dvpcpsi.j. lr riurcc'tt GohScn Medical Discovery i nmOo up of the uio ,t valuable medicinal principles known to medical ceienco for tho ycrmnntiit cttro of sii.h abnormal ccmil.tum.. Jt iu a mofit efficient liver invito rotor, ivfotiiarfj tj:s:ot bowel reiulutor and nerve r-trcnit-icner. The "Golden MVdical Dir.covcry" not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full li.t of iti ingredients bcinit printed on ilH hot tie w nipper and attested under oath, A glance at thcr.e v ill thow tliat it contains no alcohol, or hurm f'jl habit-formintf drugs. It is fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined fi'ycerine, of proper strength, from the root3 v( native American medical, forest plants. W orld's Dispensary Medical Association, Crops., IfufTalo, N. Y mm. More money is lost on tlie v. down bill than on the level. rtnby'i Scalp All Cn i ttetl Over. "Our little daughter, when three monttiB old, began to break out on the head, and we bad the bebt doctors to treat her, but they did not do her any good. They said she had eererua. Her iralp wag a solid scale all over. Tho turning and Itching was so severa that she could not reet, day or nlcht. We had about given up all hopes when we read of the Cuticura Reme dies. We at once got a cake of Cuti cura Soap, a hot of Cuticura Oint ment and one bottle of Cuticura Re solvent, and followed directions care fully. After the flrBt dose of the Cuti cura Resolvent, we used the Cuticura Soap freely and applied the Cuticura Ointment. Then she began to Im prove rapidly and In two weeks the icale came off ber head and new hair began to grow. In a very Bhort time tlie was well. She Is sow sixteen years of age and a picture of health. We used the Cuticura Remedies about fve weeks, regularly, and then we could not tell she had been affected by the disease. We used no other treatments after we found out what the Cuticura Remedies would do for Iter. J. Fish and Ella M. Fish, Jit. Vernon, Ky., Oct. 12, 1903." Did you ever hear of the crow? he's a bird. Tho man who borrows trouble pays usurious interest In the end. Cut This Out And mail to the A. H. Lewin Modiclne Co.. Kt. IxHiin, Wo., and they will nrl you free ft 10 dnv trtntmcnt of Nftlure'i Rem edy (XR tablets). Guarontfwl for Rheu matism, Constipation, Sick Headache. Liver. Kidney and Wood l)metsf. Sold by all Drueirists. Better than I'iU for Liver Ills. Il l free to you. Write to-day. Cr. Pierce's PrJleU, small. uftr-oote; ftsy tu take as candy, regulate Dd invig orste stomach, liver and txjwels. Do pipe. It Is hard to steal the thunder of a );phtning calculator. K Buy "HATTtB AJi" SlIOlS). Foolishness is not nonsense. rr. Davit FainkiUer for cots, bruises, bnrn-. and strain. Taken internally cures dmrrheaand dysentery. Avoid substitutes. Popularity often means trouble. People Talk About Good Tilings. Bixtxun vuara aito few fopiu iw of such a preparation a a Powditr tor the Pt. To-day after the genuine merit, of Allen's Foot-Eae bav been told yeorafter year by grateful pnison', it is in.iispen able to millions. It iscleanly, wholesome. Dealing auU antiseptic ami gives loit aoi ooufoi t to tired acning feet. It cures whilt) you wallt. Over MO,0!H) testtaonials. Imitai ions pay the dealer a Wger protjt otherwise you would nevT rx ''Swsd a nubxtitute for Allen's Foot-Easn, Mo oritiual toot powder. Axle for Alleu's Voot-Eiwe, and see that you get it. , Bubbling spirits are not always the product of the flowing bowl. ttuy "Battle Ax' Snois. Our idea of a silly girl Is one who Imagines pouting Is becoming to her. rr COI.D9 and tiRIP. Rick's CirDDim Is the best rfoar relieves ths sohlii mrl fevartslinew cures the Cold snd remorcs ticrmsl comhtlons. It's llquld-effeeu Iniaisdisust. IVc, iUo. and bsc. aidnur suira it ' Danperotis Dog Bite. Many "mad doR" scares and frights come whero a dog lias eaten too much meat, or foul food, has become over heated, or suffers from luck of wa ter. Again, ir.lld s'rychnlne poisoning. In a dog may be mistaken for rable?. Jinny say there is no (?nch thing as hydrophobia. Suppose there la not. Anyhow, dog blto seems dangerous, j it Its fright kills strong men. Friends ! of dofcs and owrers of valuable ones, by aiding to keep homeless dogs off city street", will lend n helping hnnd ngnlnst the prevalent and spreading dog prejudice which has grown up hereabout In the last year or two.- Nfw York Prens. rf.e; m .-mmmm .ssss a ! -sini-ss ""iMsi I,is.isiiM ji-.,, v 'TB sITflailiaj Vh T To get things coming your way is first necesnary to go after thorn. IT WEARS YOU OUT. So few are captains of their fau or even lieutenants, that the man in harness ought ttbe glad he's living and on his Job. for Red, Ih-hing Eyelid". Cysts, Styes, Jelling Kyela-hes and All Eyes That Need Cre. Try Murine Eye Halve. Aseptic lubes, Trial Bute, 25c. Ask Your lugmst er Writ Murine lis Remedy Co.. Cbicugo. A nev7"'lea8t on Ufa general v neans a contract with the attendant Physician. sr UK ADACHR-HletCS C A PCBItsI fWhethsr from Golds. Best Btomsch of Isrvous Troutiles, Cspudlne will rrtlc yoo. UuuUI-lsaii to take-sets imaimil iiw ii. Mo.. Uc. and uw. at cUut ' suma (The latest fashionable wedding in New York brought out the uaual Crowd of well-dressed barbarians, neera the Providence Journal, Kidney Troubles Lower the Vitality of the Whole Hotly. Don't wait for serious illness; be gin using Doan's Kidney Pills when you first foel backache or notice urin ary disorders. W. W. GoBden, 71 m E. Marshall St., Rich mond, Vs., says: "My doctor said I had inflammation of the bladder. My limbs swelled to twice their real slue and it Beemed as If there were thousands of needles sticking Into them. I had been bedfast for three months when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Soon I was In better health than lu years." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by nil dealers. BO cents a box. FoBter-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dead Swell. A young girl, incorrigibly given to slang, went with her mother to the funeral of an aunt. The dead woman had been strikingly handsome In Hie, nnd her features retained all their sttractlvenss. "How do you think Aunt Blanche looked?" asked the mother, when they had viewed the corpse. Enthusiastically the child replied, "Dead swell, didn't she, moth, err All Tired Out. . Do you feel dull, occasionally out of sorts? Headaches snd DizzineHS? Ths fault is either with your stomach or your liver. The safe, sure and easy way to gtt rid of either trouble is to take Nsture'a Rem ery. Take an NR Tablet to-nifflit it will sweeten the stomach and regulate the liver, kidneys and bowels. Easy sure to act. tiet a 25c. Box. The A. H. Lewis Medicine Co. tit. Louis, Mo. The "Can't help It" blush Is the prettiest. Buy "Hatti.b axz" Snogs. A brother Is a young man who nev er flatters his grown-up slBter. Mrs. Window's Soothing Byrtip for CMldresi allays paia,ouraa wind colic, c a DottlO Tho best people on earth are your wlfn' 'cilks so sne minus. Food Lilly's Evaporated Milk Contains double the nu triment and none of the impurities so often found in so-called fresh or raw milk. The use of Lilby't In sures pure, rich, whole some, healthful milk that is superior in flavor and economical in cost. lobby's Evaporated Milk is the purest, freshest high grade milk, obtained from selected, carefully fed cows. It is pasteur ized and then evaporat ed (the water taken out), filled into bright, new tins, sterilized and sealed air tight until you need it. Use Libby's and . tell your friends how good it is. &Uhhj Qucao l-,LiA'''vJAlTllisiidF I'M There are many women, worn out and discouraged on account of some form of female trouble, or weakness caused by overwork. Are you one of these sufferers? Take Cardul, the woman's tonic. It will help you. It has helped thousands of other women. They say so. They write enthusiastic letters from all over the country, telling what Cardul has done for them. Cardui Is a mild remedy. It Is made from safe, vczc tabfe ingredients and contains no Injurious drugs. Ks suc cessful record is surely proof that Cardui will help you. TEACHERS WANTED S,' I HUfci EttK Htii l.JJil) with oo(ttritt' hT otsrii. bout-hera Ttwchera' Anjr, Oo)uebisv H You Indoor People must give the bevreis help. Your choice must lie be tween harsh physic and candy Cascarets. Harshness makes the bowels calldus, so you need increasing: doses. Cascarets do just as much, but In a gentle way. Vast-pocket bo. lOcectt at drar-storss. SSI Each tablet et tbs gooulns Is msrkad C C C. The Woman'slTonic CC 54' Mrs. Fannie Ellis, of Foster, Ark.7 writes:-"I was sick for seven (7) years, with female trouble. Every month, I would nearly die, with my head and back. Half the time I could not stand on my feet, without great pain. I took 12 bottles of Cardul and was cured, fat, healthy and stout. Cardul Is a God-send to suffering women." Try Cardui. A thorough trial will convince you that Cardul is what you need. Don't wait start talcing Cardul today. For sale at all druggists. I "llPISfU 11w..m'Ww No Heat Except Where Needed Dishes hot food well cooked kitchen cool. No underdone food no overheated kitchen in summer. Everything hot when wanted. Heat un der perfect control and concentrated. The blue flame 13 all heat no smoke no odor no dirt. These are some of the advantages in using the 9 31 TT . '7m ' I c It has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping elates and food hot Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very attractive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. CiUTIONsBY NOTE! I sure yog get this lov-st thst the nsmt-plstt retdt "NEW ?EK((CTI0N. Kvsry dsslsr svsrywhsre; If not t yours, writs for Dtscnptlvs Circulsr to ths nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company I Incorporated I DR. BRUCE, 139 1-2 B4iewood Art.. A tl an la, G. Ifm vnm Hiaro rr that bu Jnar.lrl thm mcdlrsl fritfrDitr rm tlmw Iromauiorlal. Trr-m thsmofHw h ham in tho pa 4 y mum It pffni) h Iim ftmii'l fKrnttunmnt rirH for ( AN uK ltiP-V mnA a Hl.Ooii III Mlt K. Yor Utinjnn. In- writ t h dotrtAr nn4 h will MBd full you 1 I parti t?ulr. iooooocooooooxoocooooo Ma Axe" Shoes w""-- '" - 77T. ., . ", " """'i I . ") WW . I " ,( , .''"T .. T" :V L-lMM,L-t Mil-. l.i L........-I.. .., ... M WE DUY cHIDESArsorURS BeujDwIfTj. t Ul ss ette tor too tin ifrotisr ctamiuits setchm! Relorrocc: oof kank is Loi illo. Wl lurniii j WnolBaiFrKUo ttippoi. WiOe Isr ptiu lut. e.oauf of tho-. Mgir. srlxKy. gray Vo. " LA CREOLC" mair RESTQH6H, Price. i.OO. retail. 50XK00X0COXXXX0OXX Bj'Battle Axe" Shoes (At-22'10) I ; 1 ! it N, i r ''r 4. ,JsWU .