Newspaper Page Text
CO (" i : v td 21 00 :i4 to Proceedings Town Council. Madison, F!a., June 7, 1910 Ceucc-il met in rtgular sesion, Present: E. C. ILir-sel!. I H. Ya'.c. Walter Filiating. W. F.. Davis and I: A. Fr .I' -i li . p:eji lent. Tbe minutes of lust icfce'.tng weie read and a; i rc v 1. The folkwiig the ton wt:e ts:.m i 1 ...isnd correct soil or lire 1 i si i. Jim f' t., eV.nry. Frock Vhrt r , ?a Inry. W H l!utr. Hilary. Ttiann A L!;c, S P Gr.ftc, I'icriLiiorv lot ' i W Hi(;cp on dor- mil cry contract H00 ('0 " Bmids chlled id dc iDterert coupotp 7H! 11 Kltcinc Fiwtr Co. water itOOO ' ' " market 3 00 " " rights S47 7(i YV A Dale, s; work & mule board 1C.8 70 eiiiary 40 00 Total tcijoo :i A ie'.iticn was received from t he citizens living iu Pope Addition ak. icg for a water main to be extended from the school boute out through Pope Addition. Same was referred to Wuttrwoiks Committee. The following appointments were received from the Mayor: J. H. Denton. Nipht Watchman. W. II, Eutler. Janitor, for the ens ding year, and fsme was ratified 1 y the Council and tnlaiict fuel as heretofore. Upon me'.ion Council adjourned. S. P. GKIFFIN, Clerk. NOTICE Notice : hereby given that tbe following described lands will be sold at pub'.iv! miction in f ront o' the Court Ilmiae door in the Town of Ma. lis. n. MadifOt. county. Flor'da. July -Itli, 1910. or so much thertof as will he necessary to psv the amount due for taxes therein set opposite to same, together with the cost of such sale and advertising. ) r.l.:.i.h... li.krown ,Vf'..: drier i-..r.,h lf.a:.c NcI ,tt A 11 lliaritnn H .1 I'.iltrs. n, ant., hveretl I irln.t: .. .. Hvirelt 1 ) ir,ii,: . . , . T WtM' J h AiMirtun... W'lilir pl;.;.)T Jairit-'b JK.Jntcb .V Sunt.. M C N nl Rol.t , Mnrean Lie Wliuimn. ...... . Wilker.on. ... Mrc Nillii- L" Unit.... George Givtni- DtSCUll'I'IHX Of I.AN'D S l4 ol SK'4 le '.' Hires n.lil to D;.v.. I'irl c,l K'j. .1 sr.'4 Ki.ordid in Ileid j :i .ok -tl I'.-V" ami, i'"" eved 'v I J Sutton 'I I "lit i I l-1, i.l !', Recorded in IlH-ll Hook i.iTe 17fl l.i.. No a, Itloik I, limn t.f Simian..... .. Is No. V mid II) Blot k 4, Town i.f Sir- nail's V t of S is. H except 2 acre in N W sw i . '.ii Vv ' ' ! S',,cJ Mt, S'. el SV 4 ,V Vi4 i.f rh'4.. K 1 .. ill MWi li-w in arr ln.a.. h'4i.Sh'4. St'. ..f SU'., K'4 of l-W "4, sL'.ol N 4 Sffi, of Nh4 U poJ tux iint) tux mi pcrsomJ t.Tnin-rty . W 1 of N I't-Unown (i li M:itl;n... H K Moiri- .... (, R Marlin... II C While. .. Mrs Miirlh;i Ilun Est Marin F Moo'W. Pnvid Ijiw J no Lain NK'4 of stt'l. lxtK Nn. 4. D am) ti, liiock 7, T( wn ul Itrt-tnvillr Lou No. 8 ami i Kluik No. U Irn if lirnnvlllf Lot No. 1' IliOik Ji Town i f (irctrnville I.ot No. J7 Hiixk Li i T"wn of (mtnvi.le I.otNo, JH Ulnrk Town of Orttnvule J.clf No. 1, S, 8 and 4, liloik 1! Town ol Oret'tivillt' Furl cf NK'4 1 Hk'4. I'ikI Book "T" liff tonvtvtd t y L-i!t Choire I-ol No. lilRlcfk fT'wn i.i H.iiiton.... Lot No. 14 Hloik t Tnwn of Hinun 1.1.1 No. Ui-k II Town if llarnon.... 1.1 No. J Wink 14 Town of Hnntcn. ... No. jfi and It; IlliKk 14 Town of )1 annn W ',, of Sl-.'i If. Id acre' on S it.d, E't .SVVi4..0!Vi4 of SV4 t.W H ol NE4. M.'4 of SW'i ar.l ir iiiTH. ni K Mdr of W4 of Ni, I'.ol SE4. i.i N ' if X W'4 ol J-h'i; W .. -t '4 il 1 Nfc A' t on B iJ oltE4 olNW-4 S. J. ELLISON. Tax Collector Madieon Couny, Florida. N.....I Sc. Tp. I R. T.,x ; ol It Till 40 !1 1 7 I 1 'JO i If 7 1 ,'k I"!- 8 cm a S4 in ; f i 4(1 ll II 1 Ni Ti I. e - 7h mi w li ivi '.' To 1 i :n e 1 M Hi i 1 In t 1 If 1 i 1 o e 6 41 ' Ai C In It 1 1.1 1 K't ) i t, li M j 1 J W In V t 5 . i i fi tt M li 8 i' n 'Id e ! : nms 17 2 n ':o t 4 ei Hi 8i In lit 8 5 is S5 3 n I (H 8 61 QUALITY SUPREME Every ounce of material that goes into a Studebaker Wagon or Buggy has the Studebaker reputation behind it. Nearly sixty years experience has toneht the Studebakers how to make vehicles that last. Every axle every spoke every hub every tire every bolt is made just right. The result: The finest wagons possible to produce and the largest rehicle factory iu the world. The absolute reliability of the Studebaker line appeals to all careful buyers those who appreciate honest values. The first time you have chance, come in and let us tell yon more about Kotfol Dyspepsia Cure Cioeata what you eat. A Vital Point The nmst delicat part of a biihy is it' bole. Every al'meDi Ibat it suf fers witlit attacks tbe howels also en datiBeriDg in most cafes the life of the infant. M'jUee'n Baby Elixir. Cure diarrhnea. dypntry aul all derange" meets of the btomacb or boweie. Sold .y W. h IlnviB. COLE STEAM EKGINES are riflit up to the ljifheM standard of effi ciency and durability. Every part of a Cole Steam Engine Is made In our factory consequently v. e know what material goes into it. MTeknow it will pull a certain load and we know from the past that It will last as long as any fcteam engine made. We repaired steam engines for fifteen years before we started to manufacture the Cole Engine. Consequently we have profited by the mistakes of others and,- In the Cole Engfne, we have overcome all of the weak points of other engines. If you want an engine to pull your gin, saw mill, gTist mill or do any real work and stay on the Job buy a Cole Engine. Write today for catalog. , R. D. COLE MFG. CO., NEWMAN, U. KuifKtvnt f EnfiMi, BoUcn, Can FlilU kits' Stw Mill. P. Jn paiaMde &CO. PIHTESSORS TO JORDAN. ASHLEY A CO. I jg We represent leading Companies in Fire. Life, Liability. Tomndo, i.ive mock, Auiomoniu; insurance, and will go on your tioia. Your interests wr.u us are always guarded, business. We appreciate your . P. J. Parrarnore baa entire charge, of the business at the same olllce For SPRAINS, BRUISES, AND WOUNDS USE 1 mini Get tb CeaaiiM. Thro Sue, ZSc, 60c and $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and RaeemmandMlb, W. B- DAVIS NOTICE FOR ri BLICATlO.N. t'i.lted Siates Lund Oftce at c.alnesvine, Fia. May sist.lMO. NmlceU bereftv plven that .lobn l. Hill, of Mhd.HtiD. F.onda. who. on .lanuary 6th 10! taiuie HoniMitc-ad Entry. No. W4;if (setial No. him i for E n of St, section C. Tpi south, K H Eat. TalUhHf.ei. Mndiaii.tia Died notice ot lntfiitlon to make Ulr) five year Front, to cutablteL cliilm to the land afcjvc ilfiictlld. tx-tore th clerk ot the c Ircult Court at Mud ltoci, Flc rlda on tbe7tbdy of .luly. 1W0. ( lalUitttit Xi&thtf us wituctfes: .). A. Lamb, H. II. Blshnti. J. K. WMiertpoon kui Hehrv tarter, allot Madison, I'lorldu. HENHV B. i-i.t 111). Ktk'li-tcr. Wagons Fraleigh-Lines-Shelfer Co., Wagons, Bueiei, Live Stock, Madison Etc. Georgia & Florida Railway. SCHEDULE in eflect May 29th, 1910 Unexcelled Passenger Train Service Between Madison and Valdota, Hazleburst, Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga, points North and West, Vi dalia, Millen, Augusta and points north and east. In '.Iu Co ir;, .t.nlici ,: C ir k, in l"f M.iuri.:-. ( ti.n.ty, V.ijT . !.i. In Ci ..treiy. I.i. nr V.'i r: ...i k j . ui ' ii.e StvMn i mink i T. '.i. i t n V. t it-til., ;i. Jt r ce ir.isn v. n i r-'i .iri' Iii i. !'V rt, .in i I. a; ;h .r li. I1.!' V':.l '.f .!'" ''' ' ;'1 r"'; :' ' '" ' ''' i , -.v.. VJ ... . v M l I A ..i-t, A. I. " l.'i F.nt!t!.t.!.. -'ri, '' tfv,.' a .1 ,.!, ,i ,VV I r ; :r, v. Hum-- ' li .: ...... I . n !i. Ol -.:v. All J ' 10. IS.-.J T .. MAItTIV, c:. N'.'TICE t'h Ii'.i'.llAKI.i. SMlce I- ter..t-y (tlvii r r Hx m(:tIi ;.! i' tli- (i.i lit ; i-ot liii.' lll,t.',l-lr'l:e l v. Ill li- Lit" i t'lll,- (I li). jKL'MllJili. .'li- A .lu;llij -r I aT O- Ot UlC otiiti' of E. JLi o. '1' 'I'.mm'.I. aiid that h" win :it mob Tln.f ariuy to i Ik- ouiiiy .1 uut Ot Mh. lion ..(HUH-., ri'ill'l.l. t'.r hl (iLillI d.. i halve as Mich auuiiijiMi ;i"r. li. T. DAVIS Adtnirilsii-ntCT Estate ol !. h. l.n, di Ceased. Jlurcli -u. "M TRAINS LEAVE MADISON Train No. 26:20 a. m. Daily tor Vildosta Nashville, Willacoochee, Douglas, Ilazlehurst, V.dalia, Millen, Augusta and points north and east. Train No. 4 4:00 p. in. Daily except Sunday for Valdosta, Nashville, uhlncoocbee, Douglas, Hazleburst, etc. Train No. 12 6:50 p. m. Sunday only for Valdosta. Nashville, Willa j coochee, Douglas. Ilnzl'.-hurst, etc. CONNECTIONS: At Valdosta with A. C. L. li. K.. G. S. & F. Ry. 'and V. M. iv.W . tit WillitMochee with A. C. L. I. Ii.; at Douglas with A. D. is A. 1! K., a ll'i. 'hnrst with Sou'.horn Kv., at Vidnlia with S, I A. L. I'y.. mii I M. U. .V S. "v.. at Millen with C. of G. l!y. C. C. Carholl, C. II. Gattis. Auei.t, General Passenirer Agent i.a'in. i.i. auubiu, G. E Clavs, So!. Pass. Agt., Valdosta, Ga. GI ARU1AN S NOTICE. Ni tico is ran i y civi v tl,.it I, Ar.dri w 1-.. Patter, sin, (.narciaii i I Ota'.y A. F.itttriiin Amai.i'a E. Falteri-on and Kath Fatter. i n, nurorf, will on the M i,iiv of Julv, A. 1'. :;i)0, make apr-llCiltlOli to Hon. B. II. Fultner. lacye of tlie t'ireait Courl, 8r,l -.idi( ini Circuit in aj d for Madi'on county, Fairid'i. al Inr. ofllct at 1-ake City, Florida, or wlitresoivi-r in t-aid tin .in liV may il.en be, for nr. order to ke.l an undivided three-len-.l.. ir.teiest in the folio- nv described i.indl, in Madison ccnniv, Hnrum, lowit: 'Jl.t V of S'l4 fnd Sh'jot SW4, get Hi, I n 1 wnvtb. It :u. TaU. Tlie SU !, of N W '4 Sec 1, anil N'a ..I N'5 and hW)4 ol .'. A J4 Sec 'J in '1 n .outli, Ran(;e 7 east. A.NDKEW t. FAlTERtrON, Q S tit Guardian. HENDRY & McKINNON. Attorney s-at-La w Mudison and Perrjr, - Florida W ill Prarllt-r In all ramie anil federal 1'ourtm Office: In Ccr.way Building TAYLOR SAW MILLS LEAD In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, Nona Batter Bmr Maroa Mad Maehtnvry mmi avoid soaaaiva Frrltaia an 4 Isaa waila lor Bapaira vrriil lun fini me Cuniurai a --a .lira m u n . I iiDMa imr m '..! ftSfr-w d . - p n-.. I unmiiLLa uiaiiuwani atuiLLHa) Complete Ciimliit Sawing and Shlnglt Outfits ra,l,TU, 1,tn. tfiia, ttr,lcMliktlm ft nunwat m aacsmui am suphiw miwr MACHINERY cc.'L1 in m til n i Vv if yvrprcrnwly t iVAliTED-nmnEnnnFiiT much Town and di.trict K aunt,!, L.,, Model "RunrrtT- V-T. f7mi-,h7 rrV M. 0"nt.rl i. ir.V.T . . Iyc,,lAl. dunce wluch erne you mnr ndi lh bicyclr Mid ".'.;,,r.,h,'A,'rr:.rr r'-i. .r.u" 'j!?'" do u Colttntbut D IsinUli Jus. E. Kdky SMITH & KELLEY ATTOR.KYMAT-liAW, Will praotloe In fafute Federal eourta Office: C. B. Ashley Building FACTORY PRICES o-JJl'h,hJ fe?ht" t7cl" p"Hit w mta i. muiioruei and urn out urdutud of Jcttvrt kalU ttmU tfrrt to rider a Km la. "a ' trie, until jrvtt ana rtt YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED 1han ycu ,tc"v! tnunrui aniorn nil vri r. mi ifutf . . " Pf""' wcioit con. dooVleou7Yricr. Orde eilrd The'cirv ci.d. """ 0W BB "U " buionu HAND BIClfCLKs. W, do Bol rerrtl.rl. Krtt. A v..i Ml- not Tjr.,!?, L'V'i't by OUf, Chicaro .tore,. fh.M w. claw out Wico rungim Irom B3 to 6-H or Bib. T niVTV:" Til. COASTER-BRAKES, tZ 2 TS l ut- waiM aaaaa-aaaitiaji aaiaaal J. J. CONWAY DENTIST. MADSOV. - FLORIDA. Office Phone No. 101, Residence Phone No. 34. COCAIKE arb UIIIIAafPlf II wnitvi Babila ctirarl at n. flan.birlnm ta a f." WMk,. Too ran return io yont Ikibm Id dar. vail, frea aod baapr . 1 kara sad. taaaa habltaa moiattr for raan ana eand laoaaaada. aaaa aokoaBomaTralaaataHit FRlC Adaraa, M, B. M. WOglUf, MMW. n;w aaaai, Aalaauastaa. The rmlar retail trice of thtit i f t a per patr, rut to tniroa-ue u e ti :ll NO M0RETR0U3LE FROM PUHCTtlRES NAILS, T-vcki or Glau will not It th tr vuU Bixtv thcutand pairs sold last year. ver two hundred thoutand pain cow in ute. DESCRIPTION Ma4e in oil fixe. It is lively to immoDuoe. oklt .Wkr7"i rjclcahvridiDK.vcrydiiraLlcarjd hnedir.tide wiiK aprcial Quality of mbbrr, which never become, potou. ana woicn up .mall puncture, without allow, lur the air toeacaDe. Wehavehunriri-daol ti.r. r.. fiedcustomeraatatinfr that their tire.haveonlybeen pumped up ence or twice in a whole aeason. They wtiifh no more than ia n I i i I a ". . . . ,i.m... i F jr--miiiiaa i ,r am aT V 111 Kotlea tha thick nbher tmdt f M -A ' and onnotiira atrlna 14" and "1," alao rim atrip "H" to preTanS rim auUlnir. TbJa tire will oatlaat any otbr make SOFT, XXaVaXIQ and ,vrti.inpuiTKjaeawearemukinB,riarfactoryi)ricto S-AoHS BIUiNG. th. -ider ofonly S4 So Per pair. All orUera ahipped aame day letter ia received We ahte C O. I. on ' r&wiii ZZti ;nIll.,tt"Vl yOU h,t" 't3 VnS I found thlS riVaa repenied. end rilX CASH rwiTiToKni ft Pert Jhrby making the pric a.6l? per piir) l y atudina- Tai wi al t iaVi-nincloM Jh' dver,n,t- Voo riiu E rl.k In o. aaifafarirT Ti.mi. "turned at OUR ezpenat if for any reaaon they ara bk if vo7o?S.V;; L?'.v We ."re P"'"1? reliabl. and money aent to u. la a. aafe aa In a .bailer laataSr K tJV" t,,! 5,00 6nd ,h" hr "'" ruo wrar better, laat longer and leak finer than any tire you banc ever lined or area at anv erica. Wa .iLZ teaM,triMord"'?.nenthiareiniirkablllr, offer. . aT YOU NEED TIRES 0B', T k'nd ,n Price until yo and for a pair of rlaT,,!X'4"' Bedgethorn tunctnre-Proof tire, an approval and trial at cetera aid SulVei Jf! ElSJjl ''i ? ,0' bi I' -d Bundi, CaUlogut whk CeacriDea and quotea all makea and kinda of tire, at about half the aaual prirea. AO MOT WAIT J?1' V 1 P0.'' torf"T. ix mot TtiiMk or Btjnwa a ble-rrta "TX pair ol tire. Iron anyon until jrou know th new and woadarfal oflerawa arc making. It ooly ouaL. a puatal u lean ivarrtlitt WW. H HOW. y. ctu ctcle mmi, ill.