Newspaper Page Text
Financial Statement of School board. July Gth, liilO. receipts: June" O W Tedder. Ex. fees J 1. 'JO 00 " 22 A C (.'room, H. K, and Telegraph tax 24151 July 1, fS. .1. Ellison, County !.evv W:tT5."2. I'tilW K. 34. IP 72 June 22 A C room. Greenville eub Uictriot tax HiO 73 A I' CJroom, birmims cub diitncl tax 4b 75 A ' (.'room, nub- dii-trict tax (" -8 Total t'30l 4'i KxrrMilTtT.Es: 55 Cordon ('orbett, teaching $ 40 10 5MI .-allic K Miult-r " 74 50 Gt-7 Elcie llciiny 35 tKi 5hK LtBlic Howard 40 00 ftK'J Willie A Ilratry " 40 00 Mm Eva TownK'iid 40 00 501 Utile f lowcra 40 00 fiH'2 Ssdie llamriclt ' 3."i 00 rKI Maggie .Mae l'erry ' 35 00 5!)4 W .( Conway ' 35 00 Cofl K II Houston " 25do 5w7 Bertha UoJye " 20 00 r.ns isarah E Kobar'.g 35 00 fiH5 Citizens Bank, interest '.l (i5 500 C H Smith, jirintlni: 13 50 WO J E Hardee Co incidentals 5 lo 101 Livingston Si Morrow, ins H u0 002 W I; liendereon. incidentalB 1 10 (Mi V K Sircy, building 40 40 4 L E Leslie, hauling 3 50 005 Porter PlaninR Mill, lumber 2h H iiOO W J HI nton, member Bd 7 00 007 Z M MeLeoil 7 00 Mift 8 H Sloan 4 00 mi G W I tdder. lalarv 100 00 C10 T W Dale, treasurer 124 1U till G H Hven, rixinp pump 4 00 30 I- J Porter, iouiuectaU 2 55 Total S 009 33 I certify that Boove report is true and correct. Attest: O W Tedder Secv. W J Blanton, Chairman A Golden Welding in enn k that man and wife hnvc lived to B good old age una consequently havekept. bfiilthy. The best wuy to kefp healthy ie to see that voo r liver does it's duty :v') diye out of 305. The only way to do tnis is to keep Ballard's Herbme In the house and tidte it whenever your liver tti'ls it, active. 50 cents per bottle, .old by V. 15. Iiavls. How the Rash Cornel. In measles a rash appears gon the fourth day of the fever. It Is first Keen on the forehead, face raid neck, nfterwnrd over the whole body. It consists of wised red spots. In scarlet fever the rash appears on the second day of the fever, commencing on the upper part of the chest mid neclt, whence It sptvnds over the body. Iu , Fninllpox ;iu enipiion Is seen on the third or fourth day- on the face, neck iind v.-rlsts. !u i-hh ten pox the crop- 0:i Is i;;;:do i f i-nall l,!cbn. In typhoid f ji'ir the i.'-li rare!;- tOiovs it. :clf be ,. ' live the s( ! !:!', day of tS fever. The V.'t ' : I r. ;. :: d they disap pear . :: ; vv. C i.rir i; ,;!lt;r.c:;. Tin a:.' :v . ! f ;.o!!ter'?s ' l li'.elii a : ; :. i.nd p'ai'.trjess t. other.". Vl:i i: y, -i for c 1i!5. '. i v. I e,'.irf i r u i-vi: ii t ';-".,; ;'.? rv,.;, rii'.icra:.' : TIii:.;: I.. ; Mr. H'j'.ui .(.- ' my ;m;.'i:r, i o can Biipi" r: hvr 1:: ebe bus becu ; e l.;'.c lit i.iht . ' y. ,: ave very ; '.at ii::d a: 1 ! M N I'ttli ' : :::ie yuu t !).!. C.r ' : rn 'l : f !.. ;j.:l:t ,; .. ,. : ; .: !.;i'y :. ' VV'vvrt'.i. I' v:.- t lo u: i..:.': iliat yoi : ' to wide! a.i.' .lack Wiu ome No, sir. but i can support her In pood deal Potter Kyle than you lived an the first five years after you were married. Somerv II le Journal, Supply Your Kitden Needs Now j Yoo can't afford to risk beaJUi Kooitli.g uten f cilA norn 1 IOQI fOIIUVf, 1 "Vnhlil, rh ni tiff Lanil raiiEBDltim 'fooO. Kilac tb old &r with "1892" Pure Spoil lAIuiriinumftSi one of tlie many rclla- , bis lints wa entry. we have just rev i ceiva m new ' lot. Come la and see these RttDerlor Eooda and gt a aouventr tree. You can depend on anything you buy Iter THARIN & LESLIE. SCHEDULES Georgia & Florida Railway. LINE NOW COMPLETE Augusta, Go., to Madison, Fla. Short Line to S ju'.Ii Georgia and FlorkU Double Daily Passenger Service Effective July 1st, 1910. ! I 1 7 S Snli.l.iv Kwt pt lilv IViilv Only SunJ iy I' M A M i i '5 ii :a t n Br I .Mi lu in fi HI 11 HI n an 1'j oi 7 -A IJ M i" in 11 in A M AM (m I M 15 K 4(1 0 in (' on IB ti r.' II l5 7 4M M an I in 7 nti ( L'7 4 M 7 17 H 1.1 P M 6 : H M In lb II C S M HI 18 II 47 i ii 11 40 K lo lu ;i ii mi s -.ii A M A M l M rmlv Dallv 1' M A M 4 Ml (i H'l 6 III Id HI 5 4 IV is 6M KIM 81 11 n 7 US 18 (ill 7 811 18 811 P M P M M IX l.IN'K Al'(ilSl.V 1U M,V1)U feASIl-.RN I I MK A l;.i-oi tKMKAI. II M ii X i ysviliL- Iioiltfll ...... Ml.lMlIf Swailll-Irn .... . . . , imn;intov!i .... Vi,lal,;i ...... V'Hinlia HayMvirf-t .... .... HazkllillH .... Jlouui. Wlllacindii-i-.... Nashville Val Ici-'a V,.l,!n.ia Ma.ilvon ..SAL Ky I J-v. !At. Lv. Ar. p: lA. Ar. I.v, Ar. Ar. 4 IliillV P M 4 8 4 nil 8 15 8 SO i an 1 10 112 40 11 811 II 8li 1(1 18 U :I8 8 68 7 SO 7 48 0 8n lo AM S 13 II lllV ExCl-!lt KlllllllO V -M humbly t n I y ' 18 10 n no Ii -3 H 411 7 BS .r)l M 1H 15 6 05 P M P M 6 05 Ii fid 11 fil' 4 (O S 115 In 45 7 li Id 01 AM (I 87 V S.i 5 28 S 8(1 l D 88 f 15 il II ill 8 fHI 411 P M P M Mll.t.F.N lltiAS'LH CtutraJ 1 ini' .. Millrn Ar .. Gurfitld Ar ... Summit Ar , . .Griiyimiijt Ar . . .Slillmori; Ar . Normantown Ar ... Vidaha Lv 8 Daily A M X 56 H 14 7 57 7 54 7 84 II 48 8 86 A M HI Tailv p.M 8 40 8 CI S 4fl 2 48 i lfl 1 W 1 80 P M Thronjih daily train hclwtn Aupuna anil MailiM'n, Double daily service betwein Anftnsta nnd Doiiffla, between Millen ond Doxiji,i., .iid between 1 lazlehurM and Vuldoi,ta ami Mudiion ftcpK fi.r mcaU. CONNECTIONS At Augusts with Atlantic Coist Line, Cbarlefton k Western Carolina Railway atd Southern liailway for the Carolinas and eastern cities, at Vidalia with Seaboard Air Line Railway for Cordeie, Fitzgerald. Helena, Aniericus, Montgomery and points west, with Macon, Dublin & Savnn. nab Railway for Dublin. Macon, etc.; at Huzleuurst with SinlLern Rail, way for Erunswiek, Jacksonville an;l all Florida pointe; at Douglau with Atlanta, Birmingham b Atlantic Ruihoad for Waycross, Brunewick, Fitzgerald, Cordele, Atlanta, etc.; at Willaeoociiee with Atlantic Coast Line for Tifton, Albany, Waycross, Jaeksonv.lle and all Florida points; at ValdosU with Atlantic Coabt Line for Q iitmaiij Thomasville, Buin biids;e, etc.; with Georgia. Southern it Florida ' Railway for While Springs, Jacksonville. Palatka Riid Florida points, also Tifton, (Jordele and Macon, with Valdosta, Miwiltrie it Western for Moultrie, etc. ; at Madison wit!) .Seaboard Air Line Railway for Tallahnssee. River Junction, I'ensaeoln etc.; at Milieu with Central of Georgia Railway for 3Iacon, Srvannnl), etc, C. C. Cauhoi.l, C. II. Gattis, Agent, General Passenger Agent Madison, Fla. Augusta, Ga. G. E Ci.At s, So!. Pass. Agt., Valdosta, Ga. Notice to Contractors. The Board of Public Instruction will receive sealed bids for the erec tion of a school bouse at Madison and one at Pinetta until 12 o'clock, neon, Tuesday, August 2nJ, 1910. Plans and specifications are on tile in the office of the county superin tendent and can be had upon appli. cation. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. G. W. TEDDER, 31 County Superintendent. T. C. Mitchell, CIVIL ENGINEER, emeu HIS N. BROAD St., THOMASVILLE GA. HENDRY & MoKINXON. Attorney s-at-Law Madison and Ferry, - Florida Will Practice In all Ntate and federal i'onrt Office: In Cor.wey Euildir.g Columbv B Smith Jut. R. Kttiey SMITH & KELLEY ATTOKEV.AT I.AM , Will practice In Hiate Federal ronrte Office: C. B. Ashley Building NOTRE TO BONUHOLDEK". IJi)drR 01 MarJ'.S'irj ( ruin'y. Horldfl. are liifby noMdi'dtliftt tue lollinviiioursrioid. lri bo:i(l ot ild eoiuity. to-wit: Inkjet oumlii'r ed xiy.nx oil) lor live buuditd dollars, and li.ji.iih :;uni.-erii eleven, twel ty tlx, one aim ilieil a:,il M-en!een, and one hnndred and twtnly. rive (4 ina- humlrtd dclliri ifllMI.IKI) each have bet-D drawn bv lot. fliid called In for pay ment iind tuiii.tlie aanie wiih accnieil Interret. tberenu wl,l be paid on Auui-t HWi, mio, at wblcb date tbe iutereet thereon will cease. A. UVJNi.sTON. E..I. VAKA', Trustff b of Bozdh i.f Madison County. Fiortda. Maaieoii, t'lorlda, July mil, mjo. NOTICE HP APPUCATI'lN COKTaX DEED CND!:KSECTHlNS5W.t 5'5 OP THE (rENKKAL KTAT-VTiiK OF FLOK1DA. Notice It bercby given tbat A W Phackeltord. puriUaKi-i' nt Tax Cert lllenies NOB. 3 0 10,dnted rue li (lay of .nily.A H I Hi, lias tiled bald cer. in inv dlJIce, and bat. made api ltcatlnn for tax deed to Isyie In accordance with law. tald certificate ernbrace the following ilesci'lbea property feituated iu Madison coo m y, Florida, w-wlt.' Two ncroslri NK"-4;of NW eec !. Tp 1 K.K7E. and part of KM ot ISK'..!, recorded In Heed UooK 0-2 page K'l, set ip 1 N, It. K8', and Ixit, . 9 In Hiocli 14 In the Town ot Hanson, Kla,.. The Bald land being iiKstsed at the date ot IbelKpiiiince of fuel) certificates In tlie name ot orltlln, Unknown and J, P. Fender, Agent. Unl st said certificate shall be redeemed ac cording to law, lax deed will IhMie therton on ibe ic.iti day of Augusi. A . I), mio. Witness wy official signature and seal tLlB the (ith day of July, A. I. imu. (Seal) T. Z, MARTIN. Clerk circuit Court, Xaaison County, Florida. In the Circuit Cnurt, Itrd Judicial Cir cuit, in and for MiidisOn County, Flor ida. In Chancery, Lizie Wormaek 1 vk V Divorce Steven NVormnck J To Sleven Wormaek, residence unknown: Vou are hereby reqaired to appear to the Bill of Com), lalnt tiled herein iiffiunbt nou in the above entitled cause on the firtl day Augubt, A, 1, The Enterprise-Recorder it herehv designated ai. t'r.e newspaper in wlii,U thin order all be Dub lifched once a week fnr eight cnnfceculo e weeks. Witness my and sea) of office this 81st nay of May, A. . 1SU0. Seal T. Z. MARTIN, Clerk. J. J. CONWAY DENTIST. MADISON. . - FLORIDA. Office Phone No. 101, ' Residence Phone No. 34.' NOTICE OF DI8CHAHG. Notice Is hereby given that, Blx months after the date hereof Die undersigned win inane final returns of his accounts as Administrator ot the estate of s. K. Lee, deceased, and that, he will at such time apply to the county Judge 01 ManlBon couniv, Florida, for his final dis charge as such administrator. K. T. DAVIS Administrator Estate ot S. B. Let, deceased. March X4, '10 In Cnurt of County Inrtge, State of Florida, Madison County. In re Estate of Plaviout J. Jeffcoar. , To all creditorB. legatees, distributeei and All per aons having claims or demands against estate: You, and eBch of vou, are hereby noli fled and required to present any claimt and de mands whlth you or either of you may have against the estate of Pluvious J. Jeff cost, deceased late of Madison county, Florida, to the undersign ed, W. Jeffcont, ai nnnistralor of said estate, within two years from the date hereof. Dated July UOth, A. D. (Ul. TS18w G. W.JEFFCOAT. NOTICE THE HUB5 On the next STUDEBAKER Wagon you pass on the road Why aren't they split and cracked like the ordinary wagon? Pecause the ordinary wagon hub It made from oak, a wood that splits and i ...kilo ieill r l m m m Jl v Wago hulie are made from go.ltm Black Birch, a ery springy, tough wood, chemically treated, with great weather resisting qualities. Western birch Is used by tome manufacturers, but It is even poorer than oak. It Is hrathy and will not stand the strain. Studebalcer hubs cost more than Bny other hub on the market, but they are stronger and wear longer. Another reason why you should buy a Sfudebaker from Fraleigh-Lines-Shelfer Co., Wagons. Buggies, Live StocK. Etc. TAYLOR SAW HLL 8 LEAD An Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, Nona Better O mi- u u.j. tlm . I J bTEAM AND UASGLINE tNGIXES Portable & Stationary Boilers Complete Glrmlnt Sawing and SMngle Outfits tmtt. Tanks, T twin, loellno, acetylene litSiInf Pilots VEIVTHIHB IN MSCMISEBT MBSUPPllEf MALLARY MACHINERY CCSrel1 a m nEi' .... .l ''ii. Hev For Permanent Relief Take HEKBENE nets diroctlr on the Liyer. It will cure CONSTIPA- TtOK, CtYSPEP&IA, BILIOUSNESS, MALARIA ANi CHILLS. . It ie entirely free from all poinonotm mlntral substancee, and ia com posed solely of LIFE-CIVENQ HERBS. It Is adapted for weak and R oary constitutions; strengthens the weakened glands and organs; it, checks all derangementu vt thebody. "Try a bottle to-Utiy." Fiity Cents a Bottle. Avoid Ail Substitutes. BcJIard Snow liriment Co. KZ'AUD' ST.-LCUiS, MO., U. S. A. iSolO eirf fe3ccr;maancl.c s-..". 1 Lflu&lfTg,l W. B DAVIS mm wit. aj mmmmi IHMCHTOW and district t ride and exhibit a Cur asentt tverywhere are samDle Lattst BiakinK money fast. Wrtlt fer full HirticuUri and tiicml tffcr i emr: WO ME KEil lRlil until you receive and approve of yoiirbiertU. WeiWrj to"nyS5li,1X,,'mf' enU A'' n advance, prita rritkt, ani allow HtM HAYS' FKCJB TKIA1. during vhich time you mavncuTSe bicycle anil put it to any ten you wisn. It you are then sot perfectly unified or do not wills u keep the bicycle ahi p it bark to us at our expense and ymt wilt net bt ma cm cent. FACTORY PRICES XtfSMfSSJ 2 "ft! fo miqaieroen- pronw wounnr airect ot us tod havs the manuiacturtr's ffuaN Yott savt lift antct behind your bicycle. IX KOI BIJY a bicycle or a pair of tire from anyen ai y prict unin you receive our cauiotrues and leam our u&beard u JMtorp frtcti and rtmarkacl tfactal urr to rider mgtsaiM, VOU WILL BE ASTONISHED mhV you '' ov bnotiful ntaioro IUIJ W1LU DC HdlUnidnCU study pur superb modela at the wondrfulir tewtrt we can mike you thia year. We aell the highest grade bicycles for less money man any omer laciory, w are aausneo wild pi.oo profit above factory cost i BiCYCUE IKAI.EjKB, you can sell our bicycles luider voiu om wama Dial at Our prices. Orders filled the day received. . Pr Munlly have a number on hind taken jn trade by our Chir&iro retail stores. Theae we th oromntlv at imces mneme from S3 to PS nr HIO. r)ainntiu Kr.i ii.. .iii tm COASTER-BRAKES, ltt&B " 50 HEDÐ03H PUMCTUHE-PEOOF SELF-HEALING TOESftafl The rtrulav rrtatfjrtee otthtim tire im IF. 50 trr hair, but to introduce we mill MO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Tacka or GIavm will not let tb lr iint. Sixtv thousand Taira sold last veer. Uver two hundred thousand pairs now lo use. DESOHIPTIO Mi Mflde In all sizes. It is lively and easv ndinir.vervdurableand lined inside wit fa ft epecial Quality of rubber, which never becomes ttorouaana which closet ud small Duncir.-ea vithr tiiK the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from sati 00 (IB JJ80 MMVW.l,ajUlnj Ht. ......... A Jfivtlcr the thick Rlbber tiwstot A" nd punotara atripa nd -O,' islw rim atrfp H to pravant rim dotting. Tblat ttrei will ontlmat ssny other make SOFT, HXAIaXIO svuil fiedcuotomeretlatinK that their tires havconlybeen pumped up once or twice in a whole aeason. They weigh no more than ordinary tire, the puncture resitting quail lies baing given by eeveral layera of thin, apecially prepared fabric on the trjd. The regular price of these tlrea per pair, but for C-rtiine purpotet we are makinit a special I actorvoriecto th. rider of only $4.80 per pair. All order thipped aam day letter it received. ahlp CO.S.M pp. oval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them atrlctly aa represented. We will allow a cswrs discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price .tto per pair) if yoa aend FULL CASH WITH OUDKft and enclose thi advertiaement Ton run no risk in acnding ua an order aa the tiret may be returned at OUR expense if for eny reason they are not eatitfaclory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is aa aafe at in bank. If you order pair of these tiret, yon will find th.t they will ride easier, run fatter, wear better, latt longer and look finer than eny tire you have ever used or ween at any price, we know that you will be ao well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give ua your order. We want you to aend us a trial order at once, hence thia remarkable lire oiler. ff9 V1f f urm Tfratrc don't buy any kind at any price until you Bend fore pair of If WUV HK.K.U Hedgetborn Kncture-Prool tiret on approval and trial at the epecial introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue whit describes and quotet ell makes and kinda of tire, at about half the usual prices. Wilt HFfiT WAIT but write use postal today. UO NOX THINK OV RTJTTNO e Mrrcle a" t WW Ml I it e pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful lilcrt we are mslcuir. It only cosus a pualal to Icain everyttiiug, Write U DOW. J. L OEIi CYCLE MIMiiY, 'mm, ILL