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' v ' '..,'.:..'" ' ....' T.1 W 1 .Lawn Partv ; T? contrive a ljliasuiit break in c dull sunnier season, and t the! . .1 .)..-. dm fi-i. i- I , rfjiir in tiaiuiiiuy closer ..Jttuer tlieHVoodmen of Madison : their heads together insccret ,,,nclvc at a recent mettingCind the put delightful lawn parly of last ."liursday afternoon was ibe rcsuli. Tlie only invited guests were the Trinities of Ibe respective sovereigns, '.ill they made quite a large party as viied or standing on tlie'court Louse nn.tliey listened, to the addretses ',,( welcome. x Sovereign Livingston Jiuson was master of ceremonies ,ni in well chosen words be iutro. jtd the two speakers of the oc. 'rtion. Dr. Mitkel gave a resume !;ibe reat men of" woodcraft, re- 'using to include Adam because by to cut down the" apple tree '..Eilen, be was responsible for all 'wnblud's woes. He did, however, ';m Noah and many other worthie s '.id bis tribute to woodcraft was one Imrtliyo' its theme. lie was fol j wed by bovereign C. B. Smith iio gathered up tbe fragments left m by Dr, Michel and pieced tbem j ''jethcr in' humorous strain, in tlegy of tbe organization. I Tbe most delightful cream and le was then gracefully served to .t ladies and children by the sov reigns themselves, thus forever ex ploding tie o'.d theory thai women iremade to aet ve. V I Tbe program" was interspersed frequently with good, music by our iiendid Boy's Band, of whcb Mad- on should be inordinately proud. After lingering in pleasant social tercourse until twilight, tbe crowd ifpersed each feeling that it was khI Uijhave been there. NOTICE. Beginning on September 1st, tbe udersigned Bank will open at 9 clock a. tn., and close at 4 o'clock ., except on Sundays and legal lidays. Citizens BfK of Madison, .... By C. L. Morrow, Cashier. hist National Bank cr Madion, i J. W. Wamworth, Cashier. Lee News. Children! Dny waa observed at th fihqtfidtcburch.on tbe first gundaj iAog.Sitaiid was eDjoyed bjr all who ndnl. Eabh child psriortueJ Its it with creilit to self and those, bo i'be training, (iod lles tbe chil- in. 1. Davia and C. M. Frier left Fri (for Baltimore to purehaae their full winter 'gouds. i F. Stroud and family returned last ''lav from a visit te relatives at Fln- jiloway. "Willis WiUUmaof Ellavllle f lended to the depot during bis ab -w. V- A jfiw. T. C. Bradford rilled bis regular j'Pointment here the first Sunday and ubjiot of moving tbe cuurch to Lee x-broight before tbe cburcb but no Hod was taken, but will be brought Tugain the first Sua)ay In September, j (najority ruling. Let every mem. f r b present and vote to move it. W. T. BrBntley of Mayo came jf Friday night to assilt Rev. Bradford I revival at Hickory Grove this week. , Rvv Hacker eame down Friday to All j regular appolntnieat at tbe Baptist uroh and waa called as pastor of that urch for tbe ensuing year. The) ladies of tbe W. F. (t. society of Methodist cb'urcb met at the borne j t, Mlckler .last biturdsY evening uad quite an interesting program. J. E. Williams spent last'week Aucil) visiting bar brother sod fam- r ' ' ' I $50,000 Reward ! "r l Florldlan wbo baa never beard of "A's Cbill Tonio. It's gu sranteed to ebllls, fever, cold and la grippe. fspteed to cure a cold In one nigbt, t"r(te In tbree nlgbtt. Price 25c and ' Ir bottle. Money back if not satis ;T. Ask your druggist MADISON, mmuu-s or sciiooi Boarl . JLldlsun, Fl., Auir. ). 191(1. n,.ui,i .. i.. . . u;vi (iioupuy in iu a. m. full B jard pri-sent. Minutes of Inst meetin read and a.lopted. W. H. Phillips was appointed supervisor of Ellis school. r A petition for a new school situ. aed in the I.oper neighborhood was received and filed. On motion ac. tlon on same was deferred till next nueiiug for further investigation. Several applications foi raises in silnry were received. On motion all were denied as the Board has a ruling tln.t no falark-s will be raited after ecboola are accepted. Tbe superintendent submitted the f jllowinif report for the wur whieh was approved : Of tbe 55 wb te schools 53 have been maintained with an enrollment of 2337 an average attendance of 1389. T4ie census showed 2503 white youth of school age in the county. Of these 166 did not at tend school at all the past year, and the average was but a little more than one-half of the total nurabe- of youtb. There enrolled iu the negro schools 2G96 pupils with an average attend ance of 2107. Theieare 3107 negroes of school age in the county of which 111 did not enter school tbe past year. The average school term for the past year was 111 days, that of tbe previous year, 101, showing an In crease of 1 0 days for the year. As some schools were maintained for longer periods than 5$ months, otb ers were run for a shorter period a few falling as low as 60 days. For the past several years the term bag been gradually lengthened and it is to be boped that iu tbe next year or two tbe interest manifested will be so great as to maintain each school for at least 6 months in tbe year. Tbe school property of tbe county is now valued at $47000 an increase of 20 per cent. In tbe past year and considerably over 100 per cent, in the past 6 years. Ofth55 white schools 16 are now seated with best patent desks, the others are fairly comfortably seated with so called "Patent Pine" desks; but all should have best patent desks. I recommend that the Board devise some plan wbeieby at least part of those remaining may lie so furnished each year. An expenditure of H500 each year for 3 years on furniture would supply every school in the county. The Board is to be congratulated upon tbe financial showing made at tbe close of tbe year. One year ago we bad a net cash balance of 17430 40 but the expenditures for the year were exceedingly heavy and only financing enabled us to close the year with a net balance to our credit of $382.03. With sucb a small bal. ance bt this time and with many new projects planned for tbe coming year no unnecessary expenditure should be made in order that we may begin a new year in 1911 with out a debt. Settlement was bad with tl.e treas urer and all bills paid. Bids on school bouse at Madison were opened and Died as follows: W. B. Davis, tlO.OlO.OOj F. A. Bishop 17575.00 On motion con tract was awarded to F. A. Bishop. Bid on school bouse at Pinetta were then opened as follows: J. 6. Wilson 11059, Ben Williams 11075, J. B. Wilson $1047.82, H. F. Grif fin 8181.50, W. E. Sircy ,$1656, J A. Gray $1975. On mot'on contract was awarded to J. B. Wilson. Owing to the fact that tbe teach ers' exemluationwiIl begin on tbe FLA.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18; 19.10." first Tuesday, tbe Board will meet on the first Mnnriavln,.r Hoar 1 adjourned. W. J. Blastom, Attest: Chairman. G. V. Tkuder, Secretary. Teachers Examination. The regular examination for teach ers will be held in the High School building beginning at 8:30 a. m. Tuesday, September 6th, 1910. Gko. W. TlCDI.EIt, County Superintendent. RUN-OVER LOOALS Mrs. Hart and child of Champaign were the guests of Mr!. 11. M. Sutton on Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. Conway and son left Tues day for Greenville where they will visit relatives tbe reuic inder of this week. Mis. U. R Croinartie of Pavo, Ga., arrived last Fridny nii,i nod remuined in Mad moil until -Monday witb her daughter, Mrs. George A. Duvs. Misses Annie Beggs 'and Lilla Fra leigh paid a week-eud visit to Mies Til lie Davis of Quitman, teing while there the gueatBof honor at a delightful party. Tbe "Pastime" moving picture show is again runlng a series of evening en tertainments, much to the delight of the young people who welcome every diversion at Ibis dull season. Will Taylor left for northern markets Wednesday making tbe trip by rail. Mrs. Taylor, children and ours also left tbe same day for White Springe where they will be at tbe Skipworth Hotel for several weeks. Mrs. J. F. Ilinely of Lake Park left Sunday after spending a few days witb her sister, Mrs. Frank Martin. Mrs. Martin Is slowly but surely recovering from tbe severe shock snd nervous strain she suffered tn tbe railroad acci dent at Valdosta. Messrs. John L. Fonda snd W. M. Burton returned Inst week from sn exceptionally pleasai.t business and pleasure trip north In tbe Interests of the Florida Manufacturing Co. Mr. Burton made tbe tea trip both ways but Mr. Fonda stopped off at Charles ton returning from there by rail. ' On Tuesday afternoon Mies Mae Venn gave a delightful surprise party to her niece, Miss Kathleen Venn, in honor of her fifteen lb birthday wbicb fell on Monduy the 15th. Logomachy, Flinch and otber'garaes were indulged in and delightful refreshment served to the honoree and her happy jiuett. When tbe digestion is all ritilit, the action of tbe bowels regular, there ia a natural craving and relish for food. When this ia lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. T b e v strengthen the dlgnetive organs, lm. prove the appetite and regulate tbe bowelB. Sold by all druggists. We learn witb great pleasure that tbe cotton crop prospects in this ' county srs much better than offered s few weeks ago. Conditions have so Im proved tbat now it is said the crop will pan ouf'fairly well," whereas, a few weeks ago it seemed that tbe cotton crop was almost a complete failure. Genevieve, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morrow, who was severely burned with scalding coffee while at Cherry Lake sulphur spring ten days ago, has had s distressing .time with the wound. Owing to their not having remedies st hand tbe wound wss neces sarily neglected for several hours snd she has suffered greatly in o-nsequence, having bad considerable fever ever since. We wish tbe charming little lady a complete and speedy recovery. Our ice wagon leaves the plant every morning st sli o'clock and every after noon st fo-ir o'clock. The morning de livery will be for all ios takers. Tbs afternoon delivery will be only tboss orders for whioh orders have been re ceived up to'tbs time of the wagon leaf ing tbe plant, 4 o'clock. If you want ice in the afternoon send or telephone your order before four o'olosk. , We want to satisfy our customers in every way and if you have complaints of the ufiin nlease let us bsvs them. Madl- son Electrio Power Coupmy. tf For Sale: Shingles and AagUKts brick. Prices satisfactory." See Chun. C Ciirrolf of telephone number III. 4u Mr. and Mra. Sevier Gnllin and tami ly reiurued Friday from thtir cimpiug trip to Cherry Lake sulphur spring. ' Mrs. Charles Eddy and wife, Mini-Bei-gie Eddy and Mr. II. M. Uaruld were prominent Quiney people who composed an auto party who pussed through Madi-on Inst Thursday. Hay, how ubout that buggy and wag on? Dnn't it need repalre? Ifeo, cull on me at the shup near the Madison Ginning Co., for first class work in every rtepect. Prices are right. Prompt attention to all work. Try toe and be cenvmoed. B T. Walker. J uat as we cloRe our forms for the preas news reaches lis i-f t lie death ut Lawrence Harby, son of Col. and Mrs, i t. n i .. . i , i ... v,. o. iiaroy. wnicu occurred at the ram ily home In Greenville at an early hour yesterday morning. The young man had been ill several weeks. Hon. Charles E. Davis spent from Saturday to luce lay with his family at Pablo. The very thought of those peo ple who are so fortunate at to get a whlrT of the salt sea air makes tbse of us left behind mop our fu.-es more vigo rously, groaning meanwhile at the par tiality of Fortune Dysentery Is s dangerous disraee but can be C'Jred. Chair berlalns Coho, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in lime epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to tail, It Is equally valuable for children and adults, and when reduced with wa ter and sweetened, it la pleasant to take. old by all druggists. Among those expecting ti leave Mon day for the north are Rev, and Mrs. Whitnell, Mead auies T. C. Vanu and Mary Bryan, Mises Joeie McDonald. Mamie Lou 'Haddeo, Mae Venn snd Vann Wilson, MesBrs. Al Vsnn, L. A snd Laurence Fraleigb. Mrs. Clifford McCall of Monticello ! lei ne over and Join the party bere and Mrs. J P. Mo Call and twe sisters and Mrs Al Vann will join tbem en route. Tbe party will visit Washington, Baltimore, Phi ladelphia, Atlantic City and other pis oes before reaching "little old New York." For Hale: An extra fine hammock land farm of 480 acres, 6? miles south west of town of Madiaon, iu tour miles of shipping point. G&od houses.mules, cattle, bogo, vehicles and farming Im plements. Dwelling of six rooms; eight tenant and servant houses, smoke house, two barns, well paying pecan grove, store bouse, good mercantile trade. Place cut Into ten fields, plenty of tint br;laud fertile and in high state of cul tivatiimjno stumps; tine water. perfcotly healthy. Price of land $10 00 per aero. Personal property at reasonable valua tion. W. P. Thompson. 3t. rat;smiw:s P. J. PARItAMORE &CO. I SUCCESSORS TO B JORDAN. ASHLEY A CO. t I1TSTJEAITGB g We represent leading Companies in Fire, Life, Liability, Tornado, jj Live Stock, Automobile Insurance, and will go on your bond. Your interests with us aie always business ' I P. J. Parramore has entire charge Peninsular Casualty Comnany. Home Office: Jacksonville, Fla. Our Dollar-a-Month Policies provide you an income if you are sick or injured and cannot work. Your salary contin ues just the same. Ask for full particulars. ALL CLAIMS PROMPTLY PAID . AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN , , Peninsular Casualty Company. FOR DESIRED INFORMATION, ADDRESS ,M. D. W I L L I A M S, General Agent ' LIVE OAK. FLORIDA i, $1 A YL'&R ' Mrs. 3$. E, Atkinson waa tbe honoree hist Shtunlay of n veryWoi rpnl ldiics which fcns giymi frats eleven to t wefv ' by Mrs, C. Id pmllli to u few neighbors una itillnmte friends. "Musical Syn onyms" wHstlie g-'me for the tcciiBlpn, after which- Mi.4 Atkiusou rendered several vocal selections, then a s dad course and Iced teii were served. The invited guet ere MesJames L A. Fmlelgh, W. L Parramore, J.T. Vans, Whitueli, Kullv. Chas Morrow, Carroll, T. C. Vann, McKinnoo, Begge, N'cw uian and Wndsworlh. Skin and Scalp Troubles Yield to Zems A clean liquid preparation for exter nal use. D. G. Sinitb. druggist, le so confident that Zmio will rid the ekn and scalp of infant or grown person of pimples, blackheads, dandruff, eczema, prick'y teat, raslie, hives, Ivy poison or any other form of skin or sculp eruption that they will give your money bacK if you are not entirely sathtled with tbe results obtained from the use of Zeino. The first application will give prompt relief and show nn improvement and In every instance wbere used persistently will destroy the germ life, leaving the (kin in a clean, bealthy conditiou. Shipment Mathushek Pianos Just Arrived. This Line at the Establishment of F 0. Miller Is Attracting Much Attention. F. O. Miller, 419 West Bay street, has now on bis floor a full line of Mathushek pianos, from tbe style No. 11, at $350, up to the Playr and Grand, at $750. Tbere are twenty. five of these, and Other pianos, on bis floor, and this stock furnishes an assortment from which anyone can be pleased. Some of these instru ments are offered at rare bargain prices, and on bis easy payment plan there is no reason why every home sLould not be supplied with a piano. Mr. Miller is doing a good busU ness witb the Mathushek piano, and it is believed that tbere will be m ore MathuBbeks sold this year than any other piano on tbe market. This pi ano is especially adapted to tbe Florida climate, Jacksonville Me tropolis, Tbere is no finer stock of pianos, organs and musical goods anywhere than in tbe store of F. O. Miller ,and with his system of cut prices and easy payment aoyono can save mon ey by trading there. guarded. We appreciate your . of tbe business at the same office V.