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LOW-HEADED TREES. In the majority ot cases apple trees are headed too high. This tends to put the tree im a leaning position and leaven a long trunk exposed to the .direct- rays of sun. Moreover, de priving the tree of Its lower limbs checks Its growth because it Is harder for limbs to draw the sap through a long trunk. Farmers' Home Journal. A GREAT FRUIT CROP. The orchardlst in the Northwest faces the most prosperous year la his history. Fruit prospects never were so pleasing between the Rockies and tbe sea, and the large loss of fruit In the Central West opens up an un usual market for the Pacific Coast products. East of the Alleghanles also the yield promises to be normal, and those sections will share in the enlarged markets. But the Central West will possibly surprise us with yield from orchards now thought to have been stripped ot all prospect by the frost. Even some of the Iowa papers have the hardihood to claim a normal yield of fruit for tha. State. At all events the human system this season will not need to be acidulated by drug store products. From the Farmers' Home Journal. PLAN FOR HOTBED GROWTH. I have often observed thHt begin ners plant In hotbeds with little ref erence to the heights of various plants. When I start my hotbed planting I always make a diagram of the seed positions. In this way there Cosmos "I Costor Deo n I r . ...-Ziooisd-. . .'- .tock Sweet William ........ Torset-mfc-not ... ... Candytuft. can be no mistake, and lull seedlings will not push up against the low front top of the SflBh nor low seedlings be come lost in their shade at tire back of the bed. The following diagram wll Indicate what is meant. W. T., in House Rnd Garden. ONIONS. The Welsh onion is much better for an extra early green onion than the old Egyptian or winter onion, and yet I am half inclined to discard it. It requires much more work In clean ing It for table and market than the regular bulb onion, and I find that by sowing seed of the SllverBkin of White Portugal early enough In the summer, say the middle tf July, I can have these excellent green bulbs almost as early In the spring as tbe Welsh. I have reduced my plantings of the latter from year to year, and fter this shall sow only a row or two In my garden. The seed is usu ally sown during tbe fore part of June, or even In May. I have usual ly tried to sow SllverBkin about Au gust 1. but this year shall sow a few rows about July 15 and follow this op by repeated sowings at lnte-vala ot a week until August 8. It is an easy thing. Indeed, to grow fin abun dance of the finest green onions In th Is way, six times as many on a given area as can be grown by planting; et, and to get them much earlier; In fact, at a time when demand anil prices are especially good and favor able for the grower. Tribune Far HOW ORCHAbs MAKE VALUES. Good orchards of all fruits have affiled value tnat has been well main tained, says a writer in American Agrlculturl. They are rarely found for sale, their value being from $209 to $100 an acre, the difference la price growing out of the location, condition and varieties grown, the lat ter blng regarded as a matter of great Importance, but which in many instances has been too little thought ofin planting for commercial pur- ririapa i k friend who Is known as one of itJi hoat unnle crowars In my country. ' has assured me that $1000 an acre would be no temptation as a purchase price for bis orchard, be claiming that bis- plantation of Nonesuch and Rulilw n haa nam mm more man ien L per cent, net on this sum through the raist ten years. The nast season, with ii mmiorntu croo and an unusual amount of defective fruit, the re cetpts from about twenty-five acre havo amounted to something over ' $4000. ' Now, how about the value of ordinary iarm jhuuh through the same section T A hasty review of the situation may not be amiss.' A portion of the land owned ' by my lather, Independent of the old orcfcttnl' referred to, sold some forty yeitrs lint t $135 an acre, and It tia recent V changed hands at $G0 , aa acre, aud tbl Is no exception. A Packas Malted Frse on Request of nuiiYOfi's PAW-PAWPILLS . .Th bt Stomach and JFT Llw Pills known and -r ' positive and speedy cire lor Constipation. Indigestion, Jaundice, Biliousness, Sour Stom ach, Headache, and all ailments arising from a disordered stomach or sluggish liver. They contain In concen trated fnrm all k- Ttrtues and values of Munyon's Paw Paw tonic and are made from the Juice of the Paw-Paw fruit. I un hesitatingly recommend these pills as being the best laxative and cathartic ever compounded. Send us postal or letter, requesting a free packago of Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa tive Pills, and we will mall seme free of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO PATHIC HOME REMEDY CO., 53d and Jefferson Sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. wf& Over eight thousand gardens are cultivated In connection with Aus trian schools, the pupils receiving ex pert tuition in horticulture. Ia a Pinch, Vte Allen's Foot-Ease, Th Antiseptic Powder, to ahak into your hoe. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bun ions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen Foot-Ease make new or tight shoes eaar. Always use it to bn-alc In new ehnee. Sum pis IJUU. A. IS. Olmsted, L Roy, N. Y. The banana has become popular ' Paris and Is sold freely in the streets. Far COLDS and ONIP CiTODins I the hnt rcmwJF-pf. Mir! chl'" n fowl.lmosa-o.ires the uoiu incl reitorn normal conditions. It's iru7,'M,dUM,ly- di Musical Announcement. Secause the Barkers were alwaya doing ridiculous things In a ridiculous way nobody was surprised at their sending out a mysterious Invitation to something, presumably a musicals, because the notice consisted of uf four bars of music; but everybody was surprised that the Invitation should have been mailed several days after the printed date, which was June IE. One man who never liked to miss anything called Barker up and told him how sorry he and bis wife were that they didn't get the Invitation In time. "Invitation?" said Barker. "Yes, to your musicale. It Just came this morning." Barker sent back an embarrassed cough over the wire. "I am afraid you dldnt under stand," he said. "That was my wife's way of letting you know It's a boy. From 'The Messiah, you know 'Unfb us a son - Is born." "Oh," said the other man. Then he added, "Those craey Barkers I" New York Bun. If all were determined to play the first violin, we should never have a complete orchestra. Therefore, re spect every musician In his proper place. Robert Schumann. For Red, Itching Eyelid. Cysta, Styes, railing Eyelashes and All Eyas That Need Care, Try Murine Eye Salv. Aeeptie Tuhea, Trial Sue, 35c. Ask Your Druggist or .Write Murine Eve Remedy Co., Chicago. Running Up the Taxi. Uncle (taking niece for her first taxi ride) Well, Gladys; bad enough of It. eh? Gladys (much Interested in fare dlgc)Oh, no, uncle. Let's go on. I want to aee If the shilling can go into double figures. Punch. Ura. Wlnalnw" rkxrthte ft ByrwpfbrChMrea tevtblng.aoftMis theguma, rduOfinflmm. tton, allay paln,onro wind oolic, 4&c bottle Killing Pocket Gophers. The' pocket gophers are quite easily killed with poisons. Tbe United States department of agriculture gives the following formula for this: Dissolve one ounce of strychula iul phate In a pint of boiling water. Add a pint of thick sugar syrup. Scent this mixture by adding a few drops of oil of anise. Steep a half bushel of corn In hot water and allow It to soak over night. After this, drain It, and allow to soak for several hours In the poisoned syrup. t. Pierce's Pleai-anTPelleta eure eon palion. twipauon i. the cause of many Swease. Cur the cause and yoa cure tie d-ea . Easy to take. Prussia' laws at one time Inflicted penalties for smoking, not only In railway carriages, but in any public place. In 1840 the prohibition was so far relaxed as to allow cigar smok ing in the streets, provided the light ed end'of the cigar was protected by a klndfof wire csge which was sup posed o obviate the risk of fire from flying eparKS, Sounded Best When Silent. In a railroad office in West Phils, delphla there is an old and trusted clerk of Celtic extraction who keeps his associates In a constant state of good humor by an unending series of witticisms, Interspersed with bulls so glaring that even he himself baa to Join In the laugh that Invariably follows such a break on his psrt. There was aome trouble on the telephone one day recently and Mike, as he is called among bis friends, lost much of his usual good nature In his efforts to get tbe gist of a message that was being sent from another offlee. The man on the oth. r end of the wire finally became ex asperated and asked Mike if he was losing his hearing. "I can bear you all right until you begin to talk," said Mike, "and then I can't understand a word you say." Philadelphia Times. Smoking and Big Hats. For instance, take smoking and, of course, spitting. Whst could be a more unsanitary, disgusting and filthy habit. Delicate women are constantly called upon to suiter In silence In public places because It Is man's pleasure to smoke. Now, then, It it Is woman's pleasure to wear large hats for a few short seasons, should man protest? large hats Im prove the appearance of most women, and women, as a whole, are careful enough to aee that "their long and dangerous hatpins" are In their hats properly. As women are naturally sympathetic and solicitous for the comfort of others, It is only an ex ceedingly small proportion who would be so careless as to permit their hatpins to protrude enough to Inflict Injury. A Woman In New York Times. Epidemic of Itch In Welsh Village. "In Dowlals, 8outh Wales, about fifteen years ago, families were strick en wholesale by a disease known as the itch. Believe me, It ts the most terrible disease of its kind that I know of, as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno. Sleep Is out of the question and you feel as If- a million mosquitoes were attacking you at the same time. I knew a dosen families that were so affected. "The doctors did their best, but their remedies were of no avail what ever. Then the families tried a drug gist who waa noted far and wide for his remarkable cures. People came to him from all parts of the country for treatment, but hlt medicine made matters still worse; as a last resort they were advhsed by a friend to. use the Cutlonra Remedies. I am glad to tell you that after a few days' treat ment with Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent, the effect waa wonder ful and the result was a perfect cure in all eases. "I may add that my three brothers. three sisters, myself and all our fam ilies have been user of the Cutlcura Remedies for fifteen years. Tbomaa Hugh, 1650 vVest Huron St., Chicago, ill., Jane 29, 190J." Broadway In a Oale. Tip tried to walk down Broadway from the post office to tbe Battery during one of our early June simoons or stroccos that sweep and blow down the Royal Gorgo of Broadway like blasts out'n a horn In Hades a full-blown Flying Dutchman's gale of dry manure, the pure, venerable stuff Itself, a gasping, a spitting, a hawk ing, a poughlng, a weeping, a tasting, a sneeilng. a choking. Smother of fine fertilizer, both fluid and solid, dried up Into an unspeakable wind blown powder mixture, a whirled mess that tastes and smells and makes the very clothes on a man's back reek and smell and stink for hour's after, almost as If one had been a tramp winter-warming and hibernating hla apark of life in a stale, stable's dung hill. Tip, In the New York Pre, FrHEADClIK-Hl. k. I'SPIIMHB Wh.ihr from Colds. Heat, dtomach or Nervous Troubles, laiiudlna will n-ll" voti. It's Uauld-plenant to take-seta Try Ik Inc., tee., md SO cents avdrug sure. Cup Defender Becomes Oil Barge. The Pilgrim, a former palatial 90 foot yacht built to defend the Ameri ca's cup In 3893, but which did not go against the Valkyrie II, as the Defender won the trial races, started recently on what will probably be the la at chanter of her career, that of a gasolene supply bat to be located In Marblehead Harbck . The craft, on wLich no money was spared whn bells built, and on which thousands Aiave been spent, was stripped of all her machinery and finery at tbe.Atflantlc works. East Boston, and In lace of her former mahogany flttini s ot the pl there now lies a huge i gasolene ts-; that will held hundn lsf gallons. Bos- it, ii ...... Do You Feel ThisWayE Do yee feel all tired eut ? Do yon sometimes ' think vou hiat een't work nmf. 1 eioa or trad any longer ? Do yon have a poor ape- mm, era lay awake at nights unable to sleep ? Are your nerve all goae, and your stomach too ? Has am bition to forge ahead in the world left you P If so, you night wall put a atop to your misery. Yoa can do it if you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will make you a different individual. It will set your lac liver te work. It will set thine right in your stomach, and your appetite will come back. It will purify vour blood. If there as anT tendency in VOUr fumilv fnwirrf nnnanmnrinn. it Will keep that dread destroyer away. Even alter con UmDtion hma llmnul rtninml (,.,u.,l,l i ,k. Ai lingering eougi, bronohitie, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about J8 P" . ol all oases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose aivict U tiven frtt to all who wish to write him. Hie reat suooess has come irons his wide experience and varied praotico. ' U" by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking interior substl ' tutos ior Dr. Pierce's medioin, reoommended to be "just a good." Dr. Pierce' medicine are o snown coMrosiTioN. Their every ingredient printed on their wrappers. Mad from roota without alcohol. Contain no habit forming druga. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. St mm J m UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Offers superior training in Agriculture, Engineering, Edu cation, Forestry, Law, Pharmacy and the Arts and Sci ences. Tuition free; room and board $12,00 per month. Send for bulletins to THE REGISTRAR, Athens, Ga. WINTERSMTHS Oldest and Best Tonic; for Malaria and Debility, A iplondid ffenvral tonic; 40 year' iucchi, tf ftrtanic or other oiona. Unlik aulnin Oontalns nu ninv ft I - no bad rracti. Talc no aubstituto. F re boot of ouisla aant to ony addr-ata 4HTHI ft PTCTi CO., Om'I tVle)V(ta. at. 1 f II I IT m H NO fW! MM Tl m ui ii ii ei ia - neurits ii ii ei ii nn, II PAY I G iTf Ha Stopped. A Philadelphia man who finds miicfe amusement In playing rag-time mel odies on the piano, received a rude shock one evening recently at the hands of bis daughter, a sweet little miss of soma fourteen years. It was warm and the house was wide open when the fond parent sat down' at the piano and began "pawing tbe Ivories" with unusual ardor. While he was playing, his daughter came Into the room with a companion. "Daddy, stop playing," she said. Somewhat sur prised, the father wanted to know why he should cmb9 entertaining himself. The little girl waa not Inclined to ex- I plain. .Finally aTie aald, "Why, the neighbors have a lot of company." "Ts that all?" commented daddy, with i fine scorn. "Well, If they don't like I my playing they can close .their win dows," and be attacked the piano with renewed vigor. "Yes, but daddy," pleaded the daughter, as she gllilcd over to her parent and put her arm around his neck, "they'll think It waa I playing." That settled It. Hie stopped. Buffalo Commercial. AN ADDED ATTRACTION. "You say tuo church attendance la improving?" "Yes; a fashionable milliner ' baa opened next door, with a fine die. play." These candy tablets do just as much as salts or calo mel. But Cascarets never callous the bowels. Theynever create a continuous need, as harsh cathartics do. Take one just oa soon as the trouble appears, and in an hour its over. Visitor So this town is strongly opposed to corporal punishment? Walter Yes, sir. Way, mister, dey don't even let us serve whipped cream. New York Evening Tele gram. A POLICEMAN'S EXPERIENCE. Suffered For Tears From Chronic Kidney Trouble. Walter 3. Stanton, 113 Pear St., Camden, N. J., sayB: Kidney trouble Bothered ma for fifteen years. If I stooped, sharp twinges shot through ray back and it was hard for me to arise. I waa treated by sev eral a.T'ors, one a specialist, but did not receive relief. Finally I began us ing Doan's Kidney Pilla and soon no ticed an Improve ment. I continued until the trouble dis appeared." Remember the name Doau'a. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos ter Milborn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. WE BUY WOOU I k,H It rn Km itnu Mmnliiiei csu. I Relertsc! ssy tins is Leaisville. Ws leraisb I Wnol Hi ji rtMMwmipp"'. ' r X.SABEL SONS u!tr l""". r- Attractive Excursion Rates A. B. & A. R. R- TO SEASHORE and SPRING Resorts ItluatrmtedBookletSent Upon Application. W. N, mil Sentrtl Pistenjir Agent, aUtnta, Bt STUNS THEM ALL. "The girl graduate la the real spellbinder." "As to how!" "She Impresses the anea with her oratory and the women with her gown." Louisville Courier-Journal. CURED ropsys. o. all -"'" !? VlTccta a pwiaaciit cure '- d.. Trinl treatment " writ Or. M. H. Ve"' t. - " ii n ra vt vi m wb as fc m ri II ami aa Send pontal for Free Package of Paxtlne. Belter and more economical than liquid antiseptics FOR ALL TOILET USES. FtFIE 'J ilsOWiKliMiO.l Gives on a tyftet breath clean, white, grm-fre teth antiaepticitlly clean mouth and tkroat purifies th breath after mokitrg dispels ell disagreeable perspirattoriand body odor much ap preciated be dainty women. A quick remedy iof tore eye end catarrh. A little Paxtine powder dis solved in (la- of hot wetee mskee a delightful anniepnc o iut'TG, poueuing extraordinary cleaniing, germicidal and heat ing power, and absolutely haraa Trv a Sample. 5Uc a Urge bos at drugs or by suitL The saXTON ToilitCO., Boston, Mass. ' - 1 inas-V- ' " ' ----M.Mea.M iaitj .W!H' 1 '"""I " """" IM -feJaW I MMtJB j(. iii. j i ran an At-30'10) ,'Wf.HWT'ayf Uee MU CRfcQLaV HAlPr eaTOtM, fr-ivp, . reuu. 'l If Vi ' I u 'Hil " If " . . ..,-.;.5iU . A IT . r -f .. jr