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The - I von, JR. president v LL, Vice-freeident M. C. C. Drew, Vice-President L Morrow, Cashier First National U COWOeVSCO STATtMSNT OF THM CONDITION or TUB Bank Of Madison it ' MADISON, FLORIDA Am linonio to t cowrnoitit r rum dost cf mummtm June 30t, 1910 Capital, Surplus ami UndifTded profits Total Assets - , sioo;o5fooV 40),tH'lO 1 '..tV. V. V A . Welcomes and appr e c i a t e s jour business whether lure oi" small and believes its ex tensive resources (Weldped by nearly fifteen years of con staut, considerate, conserva tive accommodations, aiplcn did endorsement of its most satisfactory service to the peo ple of Madison and vicinity. . r . TOWN Our 'Phone 76. TOPICS. "Where re yon going? Never mind! Just follow the sigubiard that says 'Be Kiud;' Do the dnty that near you Ilea That is the roui to Paradise." a i-d Try Dr. G. B. Williams1 Liver Kidney Pi'ls for Constipation. ' Dr. W. F. Parrsinore will be Absent from litis offlos Hll of next week. Miss May Mickel Iibsos her guest this week Miss Maggie Perry of Morelt-.v Hull. , Wanted: 100 dozen eggs each" week. Holiest market price pafd, or trade. R. V. Dial. tf Mrs. William Tooke returned thin week from Wavcross wijere she lias been visiting relal'ves. Miss Ethol Howe expects to leave next Tuesday for Bioken Arras, Oklahoma,' where she will visit her Ttftvther, Knox Howe. Ola Sanders Ri d "lilllcfcOlu" left Tuesday for St. Louis, CinciJiiati Bnd other points on a trip to cover ten ilays or two weeks. I Mrs. Grant Wheeler ir.ri Ruth, who have been visiting frinnjjs Ri d relatives in Ohio for several lyuths, returned home Saturduy. . j Bate Thomas ofckeonville was In tswn a short titoe lust Wednesday, lie went from here Ai attend the fuueral ol Hart. P. a. Crn aa-C. S. jr., left SiiVu.Uy t r Lincmnau wntre mey win boiiVl with Mrs. Albert fraleigh the i rearVinder of the summer, Among those who cinue hire to hi tend the tying bed of Mr. Ted Icr were Will TedLi-r of. Jacksonville antf Ls-wis, Les lie ofyhis county, with thiir respective "wirnaX J Lloodine Tim World's on!o is the beet tonic and body builder Free sam ple by mini for' 0o. AriVcss. The . Bloodine Co , Inc , Boston, Jijs. - D. O. Smith, special ngent. MwsdHuies W. L. Parruui'ire nd 0. B. Ashley, accomp"ined by llelerA Fra leign, went Saturday to I'liunceayspriogs where thev will epend several J leiisunt restful weeks for the beuetl; of their 1. health. - In buying n cough medlolne, ytion't be afraid to Ct Chamberlain' Cough Kerned v. There is'uo danger .fibi It, mid relief 1 sure to follow. E-peiHally reoommeiTded tor cough, colds :V d whoopiug ooiikIi- Sold by ull Urtigists. , lAltendioK the funeral of Lnvfren.-e Hurby from this place were Mj)dames i U. Dvii. Man UarLiy nyd McC. ..Tharin in a or driven by KiVadi, and 'Bev. aud .Mrs. Wbiineil uur.llbs Mimie Lou lludil-in. their Cariafl'tf driven by ul Sanders. ' Mrs. Guy blinms hnj uvlended i-nnip nieetiiiK Ous n, Ga.. where her Aits tented duri"he meeting. She i-ith her children, absent ten d iys. tii;uin Monday. Miss Viva S:ms ot Vi.iil(.v.iji ccouwnuiea, Mr. siaiui borne for a t0 weeks visit. ' Sajtiow about thai btHjauA on!" Don't it need n-palre? If so? tuli' on we at ti h"P "-ltr tll Maiiisoo pinning Co , for first class work 'In every respect. Prii-c are r ght. Prompt Httentiou lcU woilt. Try uia and be rneel 'J with Loa Ovc? - 'J-' Mad! Furr Cash rt 01 1 1 RESOURCES icaunts. mty School Scrip .Fixtures . & Due from Banks .1 ?2C2,702.37 320. S4 3,400.89 4,314.52 6G, 800.92 337,599.54 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits (Net) Dividends Unpaid Bills Payable DEPOSITS Total $50,000.00 5,000.00 17,171.97 30.00 20,000.00 213,397.57 3 V, 599. 54 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF DEPOSITS -Deposits June 30th, 1910 - - $245,397.57 Deposits June 30th. 1999 - - 157. COCO" Try Dr. Ci. B. V 1 1 lii. m.s Liver uih! Kidney Pills for Billif uhk-pp. Mrs. C. C. Ciirro!! Bud the toy are spending IhU wei k at Pubio Ee;:c!i. Hon. Charles Davis returned from his visit to his family at Pablo Mondny of Ibis week. oat j. siclvinr.on to insure your property ngalnst los by fire. His coin paires arc stronc and , ' 4t A solid car loud of banauai. for sale by the bunch Friday and Saturday at Gn nnd Fla. depot. Seeor phone Charlie Csrroll. B. B. MeCall returned Tuesd ..yjfrom the mounlaiiiS ef Geirj;iii ntd North Carolina where he spent several weeks wllb Lie fuhiMy. H. D. Kowe vi'lteMs, Mrs. J ib ii Ulai.ton of Lee snd Mts. Ed Chss of lilue S rmg, from Tuesday to Tliursi day of last week. ' ' We regret to ! urn of the tenons Ill ness of Master George 1'urrott:- if.W in sult of polng In swimming too soufi af ter an attack of Koscola. ( . Mifses Annio and Bessie cT.i'd hf'l Mr. Lilly constituted an uuto party com ing ovtr fiom Quitman one day b et week to fpnnd the day with the .Mit.-w. Tucker. What will 'ou take fur lb a Cough you Jiave Bill? I don't wsut it, but if I had ll I would take Bio-dine Cough Checker, u 25a bottle will cure you. D' G. Smith, special agent. Trof. W. A. Oto is now teachirg .n Prof. Grant Wheeler's place while the hater Is or joying greatly needed rest at Tslluiab Falls before retiming Pis school duties at the opcniig of the-lall term. ' - If rour Hver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, biiit-ue. coiili-j pnted, take a dose of Chain berlimrs Stomach and -Liver Tablets lijuigh-r be fore retiring and you wilj 1el all right lu the morning. Sold tV ainirngglh-tB, Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie I.ivk-gstoc jr., mid Archie 111 luivetliis afttrnoerrfor Jiickfoiiville.' ,.lo that c"ity they will be joiueiTbf I'rsnk Webb bud on fatjurday all wid em'jark on Clyde steamer f.-r New York where they will spend vera'. wieks sightseeing. A meetlns; of the county dimocrntic executive cominltteft has bean called aud will be held at the court hupss to morrow morning at which the name of some good eitv.n will be selected and he recommended to the governor for appointment a Supervisor f lt--glstra. tion, made necuss.ry by the death of Geo. II, Tedder, . lie sure imd luku a bottle of Chum beilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iteinedy with you when siarflngon your trii) this suionier. It cannot be obtain prion board tlio trains or sUawen. Changes of water and climate cft'eu causes sudden nrtacks of diarrhoea, mid it is best to b prepared. KoUl 1 all riiggnss. " ' It. N. Tucker, the. well known horse man, will leave about Kept. 1st for yl.e nf tl.u t'.-ar III TiU'illtHa hla flist supply of horses sua luuH's g. . j , I uvu tliis week at Irs. T. C. Smith, i . .-.t. received at i ' h twice a week, i V))e SitrouiiOre-1 .. visit to relatives . n for Fire Insvu- ' 4 me of the lead ,i 'of Jacksonville the guest of i Sjd ii I.e.. the lr ii. e u' Fleifchtr. si's Grocer) :5 im f Misies Ma .! ' I at i turned Rati-: ,". ji in Ellavi'ie See ,1. W. ' ill.. lie r i r'-n: ibg compaal -a. Mrs. J. C. ,n.jmn: arrived Tues.. :v and Mrs. Col unit) ;f t-.-np! For Salt:--Sl im.! . n u d Augusln brick. Pricei smiwai t ee ( lias. C. Carroll or ; lepliom i umber M. 1'-. Tom Leslie. V its. (' ,nt, Harry and Leroy Palmer ..i.d At-i i Stanton nnde an auto trip to '-ee f . .lav. i-etunilcg tlie same day. Mrs. S. K. M'i.aley daughters, Blan h at Suiurday and ai- - uy Jicklpson this v -k. Archie L. Van i .. J if I'.esday nf lust ' t v. here tb. V will -. sit 1 f Vann and nt her e v. iv r. Mr. and Mis. 1: - Mc- ' teishiiiv wl-o hav ! . i lives nt Hamburg r.:n e 1 1 DESIRABLE CITY LOTS I have a few building lots left in PARK PLACE. Buy a; lot, build a heme shd stop paying rent- " . J. PARRALWiORE md. rd two little Olive, arrived f, Mrs. Ilufiis! if" left on Wsd t WiisbluuUm f . ' Liviugstcc t of St. Pu. siting rela rovvn Wed nesday of Inst wet., ai for their Lome. Bloodine Liver I ii:. aches, Blliousueci, tV land Constipation 0' 'flia Bloodir.c Co., -ft -D..d tyi'll, specia. i ' Mite Guiiua Joii . several woe'.-;s the a ' Mrs. John WadfwoH week for Westfarm I Sullivan. S-he wan Mrs. Ii. D, Wadswoi Mr. 51 uft Tln-rntoi .. Imuaehold , furniture i preparatory to a tlual - II! I:e at tle Stroud ) lot.' I.lttie Mutt, whr i. US i'.lnefs, la i.ow imp T d't . Tliiirsdii; clt Head- - i , lyspepsin . 1 .., nailed by , i i ts -., M iss. cc - t- "1 lei '.1.1' ! rt iff i rrv,' for gUfSl of rly tins in. J. h UlC'd b) , 0i h. l i i( 'OJiviile - rp. She r II Sept. . tedl- V i a OF PI- ID J. THE JEWEL R My business has :rc!. . ' to such an extent! utl : ; been compelled to t 'd t . repairing departme ai er shop-devoted to D ' " and JEWELRY i i ai and from "now On 1 1 11 1 out work promptly ai i? job GUARANTEED. at up the Clocks, Jewel' t Watches and bring th ti I have full line - of WA 'C CLOCKS and JEWELR1 foret SPECTACLES. U it - -v. y tat f am don g when I t ,v;tt f nS.'snji-'si and mV Dlice .1 ' r9 thfall trade. Any person want'"' t1;,,j J.J-hatl 0ther3 i' 'V kind of bouse or mu: ' . I , !.'. ' Call In and see me ant. , , , how. -I- like- company.; I M .- 4 H. a tmsrf tii.i t .-: : SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN, ASHLEY & CO. I IT S "J E -A.1 IT O E We lepresiiit 1 ndirjZ Com fii;ies in Fire, j.ife. Liability. T'-vitado, Live Stock,'l)i! Ineiirar.ct-, and yill go on your bu-.d. Your iuteii-s'.s with us aie nlv.ays gunidcj. We arircein!e your liusims-. V. J. I'm i niiiore has en'iiv c':fl'te of tliu lusltitss at tie ssmc c-IIl. c ) Increase - - - $87,730.90 Peninsular Casually Comoany. v H:nie Office: Jacksonville, Fla. Our Ddlar-a-Month Policies provide you an income if you are sick or injured and cannot, work. Your f alary contin ues just the same. Ask for full particulars. ALL CLAIMS PROMPT LY PAID AGENTS WANTED IT EVERY TOWN , Peninsular Casualty Company. FOR DESIRED INFORMATION, ADDRESS D. WILLIAMS, General Agent LIVE OAK. FLORIDA , t 4. ti4ill?UtVt ' V " ftll,j1lM.t.tHMti. 1 suecial kiud of horse or mul wull to see bim or lei him ki.ov, by just 'bt is desired.' Mr. ) T rc; r secuitid tha Lines stable Stroud bousa, and will b We friends r..d, patrocs c. li.Mi ,.' i'.C ,i.,v itiiu Fire S' J. V McKin oon for ii polic) iu a go .l couitiHiiy. Mis, J, J. Sullivau and daughters. Huby and Kathleen, returned to their home at Westfars Fr-dny. Miss Susie E li-on wlio has been vis l't'lng in Gieenviiie for several we.-lts; returned liome inst Thursisy, Mrs. Mattie Wltherspoon Is still iu Greei'Ville with Mrs. H.-irbv.. hiving gone there to nurse Mrs. Uarbj'6 6om Lawrence, in bis last illness. 5 All persons interested are -notified to be ai.Pii.e Giove cemetery on Wed nesday Aug. '11-t, for the annual cieao mg up. Bring lunches with you. Salesmen Wanlorl to look after our j interest in Madison and adj.. cent coun ' liet. Salary or ( 'cmmlssioin. Address The Victor Company, Cleveland. Ohio. The F. N. I. dormitory will not be i .eaily for ocuupHncv until Oct. 1st, so It-ourdlnii pupils will secure board In privata borne until then. Prof. Cate authorizes Ui to state that the contract l -ig been let and the work begun on the new college building which is to com prlBe fiva recitatiou. rooms and -a large auditorium.' expeola to bavs thia completsd and ready for uae fry Dec. I. Mis. r. Ruth, .ii-i hold D. Davis lilt." d.ii i rpct.dicg the week in t 1 of K;;-i l Fiuwers at Hnm'iir,;. iMi-s E-telle Hurts who b:.s been vis iting her mother for seveta! Aei-k re turned to her scliooi woijc 'a:-t week. C. l. Tomlitison, i oold.u'i er at the Citizens Bank, relume 1 b.-t bight from hU vacation of two v.-..-l:a which iva's spent at his ni l homo in Mi.'!;own, (ja, Tom and Eugene Leuli have bought the mercantile business of Fr. d Hiiiiul. ton acd will have a splendid line of fan cy and family groceries in a few, c'sys. The regular busings uie.-tiiu of .the W. C. T. U. win held last Friday even ing wlili M is. Sam Morrow as boste-s. After it pleasant and pioril .hie busun si and devotional sessiou Mr. Morrow ar sisle.i by. her son, E. B. Mnrro.v, s .'i ved dellgi.ti'ui cream and cake, and i most uleas'aiit sound hour was spent with th kind and cordial bcstes. Dysentery is a d.-mgetoua disease but can be oared. CbaruOeiiplu'a Colio, Cholera and l.'iarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine epidemics of riveeulery. It bus never been Knowu to fail, ft is equally valuable for children and adults, and when rwdticed with wa ter ai-.d sweetened, It La pleasant tike, told by aillvuggiets. to V i f ! ; i t r, -i - V.