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The Enterprise OOLO I ETTA K ) BIAIH r-3 VI. ;' 1 1 u';;jn Nitft on veivrt. Inji"-. :- V , C$ V it-ii. in-.-i iujiluiuu mat; t i .! I.n'" now- vV- A h. air- 1..,. 1 . I, I' D il. Kni i.ji ir ir ii fit i liny mil, wti U - ,, U1 . 11 ' It oil ) M hl'rp-in, ir iin . i . i ,',.,.,' f' uw Mnt.MHi'H J'awl'iiw IMIm. ,., J ,t' i. ti-i, (-'-. iMi'Mipiiiion nnl drive ;( . J'"J i r" 1 M- in., ...I. Minuvn c u..ii ,.,,'.!.11'! !' ' Pill-Ill"-.: . 'bill. V :. ..ll: I,;,.- . II HOME HEMEDY CO.. Phild-liilij. ta ' 'HK !!.. in t! hi .1 i. "I I""'' a! :i r Us if 1 AT V - "NX it 1 V V , -( I-. '.'-',' I V $., '&':-ti' U I r. k I. ;.:.!.! r.' l In-.ruf nr.- i 1 TI..V I r v-:.- ii . In.-. . -. I I ;i i i .-. : : . - . i -1. 1 1 . ... I. .1 l: i-!'. ..I - :- -i i- -1 In li-- i.. a I. - 1 1 : I ... I-- ,v.' 1- N- a t'O. I is i.. I ' I'll 1 -..:,-' 'I 1 ,1 I I . I .1 . , r. ; ' II : ;. -. . iih .1 : ' , . ; : . - If ll. ... .;.-,, 1- ' I '. . '- , ;, i.-i- a ll.lll I" 'I. I'lil'l'l; . i - r.tiu '11, 1'Ml f..- tl,. i l'.l art.'nAins . wl'l; i . 1 1 1 ,i 1 ' pi;:liti'.'' i'f ill.-.' ,i -.- :;.-niiS n.eiill llli.l .Ill i. Ill il. !:a : ii it ! n "hy i " -rut; n . u n i , - I " h 11:1 . moans, 11.. .ir 111.... I i i 'in-' :m III: I J i.l.-- II 111 lllcaV. at .1 Clil''- f..i i 1 " : ly. w lull m i .1 m.-iv I" . in I.n fell. h"l1IC.s Mil III i.l. ll. .. .f i.l.i ll.- I' Ii' ' d ltMIK ) I '.ml us, w :l- . i .1 ..I i.l I - in;: I I'lM '1. .1, th;,l 1:.- ,!.. , I !, 1 1 1 . ll , ,,ii Until v u hi, , ,, ,; ,,, ' kind "I I .'l . '. Mlifllt pe, 1,11,,- Ml n I lu' ,!ii'-t II , in 'r. , " ii.i-Hm.,1 Is .!,),,; I, - I 1'.. iiHii T I. . , I,,. Ii, In -.- i i- Mini:::)-. :.s : ! . , ;,, I ,i I -il -, w ", v i. '.. i-li ;..'t I : i i I o; 1... t 'Tit" . r I I' V "'l..'i f . ll t- ..''''. 1111, 1 1: 'I1 '' 'I Mi' ,'..,,; i, ; - . ....' I 1 , i. ' - i ' i t: N .il -I I". I ,i I'l l l.- I , I .... i ,. ,li n '1 . -I . : v. i1 I I i,i ;. ,-:,:, ,1 I,' I I-'-:- ' 1. r"l :' i. 1 III,.- I:, : ,' ' i v i n r,i.- .. i I,..-,. . i. m i.. ,,.,y i 1 s 1 1 : . " i t., i.,;; :, -. i, v.i;ii im i.. i i,. . I! ' ' ' l''"t .1 tli .1 n Vin '.flr f-'1'1'1 i-- ' -HI. "I i -I ,.n :,' 1, ';,:.,!, Sun, "l! " .I." .- n. ; ,:i il- I, -a, ! n, ' II. I I.- .1 I:.., , ,., ,;' r, w I: !v wal,.r. 11 N -:r l.-.v ii, t: in.,: y n I m. ,-i :" 1 ' -I -'I' i !:im. , iy itii.iurii.rf H"-.v i!:y I I,-.: ' ''"M :" ' n ' "l: li I v. i-it. t ri-e "I l'.'---..l I'-.l -I' : I I' .1 H i' "I ., I. : is i f . .. I I. -1 for ll,,' '.' .. . J )-. . :i - i - i -!,'. i i n-.,-: V': i:-. i - in, . :i i I ' ; .i I.. l;"i-':;':': ' . in. n r :- :, -,,i v i il .. i;. ; :' " , ti- - '-I . . . . -..'.-1. , : ti. I,,' ,,,' ' V!a-. ' 1.' - :.',-.. ill Ii.!.:'. '!,' I. " ! 1 " ' ' ' i I'. ". I ! "ii 1 i!liiR j ' t).. II I V !.. It 'I . , , .., ll,, ,! .--!-:"! i , r. i ! v I i :',',-!' i t j ' ns- i.i 1 1. -i un, s '!' i. I- -i : t-:. r . - ' " i , , ;i'i,,:' iil.-ii;iu;.'i :u.':iii,-i t !:.,'. lll.i- ' .'.. ll 1.,,- '-,-,l.,il- In I! i: I'll- -it'l.V ;lr I i' ,-..', i i .. t : '' I . II :':-1 I ' :!'! iir. i ill',:.' to nr.,-,-'.- ."ii- ..... r.i-iiil'y. !,,i' 1 MIII,:I "r i-n. I i. :l -!', it.. ' r... i ll.-li!-'.-.! v I f nl t. ;,r m J-:' -i " .-. i ?!,,. 1 I ''.i'1!" . ii t! .. 1'n, t, , ,. .,.,,) wilii. I III ,v. : 1 MLIi 'A. V . . .. .il'V,. .Tt'.f is. f . r .: ri"" hv.n. tl... ...Ili. tl',. i. ' ' ; 'j I I'i'i hut wli'.r.t il..l li,,iliiriii i-ni. '' ft-, ,i,i -' V, I'-. l'liilv lilmu H, Is in s;iy. im;i) . I'.i'in: l.iit i'k nr. "t tri,,l ;ill killiU of 111 Dill I . ..1' whit h f;iih i to do me nny ptiii, bm; i ( ;.-M U'K full if t lillll ,1(C fl'li 1 til ii. L i' Alter taking CascaretR tbey nil laB 'in iiiuiii lut u&e til iMi-m uin; jpcdgj, mrrnhmj tin-in to ny fripinis. I fvel fi win ii I rise in the morning. 1 1 pe 1 r'rulC, Witteu, 761;iu St., Newark, X.j, ricniftnt, rnlat.-injc, Potent, Tapfp '"oiofl, 1 N,ht ! iclt'-i,akuD"r .rot l'ti-. Ncv.t bulk. TlM-it.'tm. Iih- la1 l'-t sta;nrpt t (' C, UudifcU'.-wd to cluu ur yuur uiuucy bauk. bJ2 TPRY EYE "RSHi?!S fi Far Red, WraU, Wurj., Vttrry tjci and E r.R J.NI tl ATPn FVFI ir M '.irini'Dnrs'i't Smart Snot hi'BKvf. Pui- Druiliiti Sell Murbt Ere Rfntdy, Liquid. 2Sc, 5lic, $1 H Merino t" Silv, in Aerytic Tubpn, 2Sf, f l.oo IYL' HOOKS AN 1) AUVll E KKKB BY .UAH, MtirineEye Remedy Co.,Chicaso o! r I-" .-t u. , ( i, ! !'l .; I ll.S ll..- , .11 ,1. , 111 ... , 1. .. I,. I. - li.' I.. ;. : ;... .' i r." In l u i r- .-1 i f,T ' 1 .:.t ii a ill. I!)'. -' :- ' - n i. ,-i i,... t Vll-'f I'--' I .1.' ! ),. ,, ,, ',, , a !.!. : i ni i : i, , . j; . j '' "'' 1 ''.ir l: I'ii.'.i ;;,:... . I-;-. k . r ,., ;s-, .,v y,,. i; '" " ! ! 1.1. I .- III,.- w; l in:, c. ,: . , ; - " ' :" : l'.'.-h: Tl,. :.. u i u -I't - l"l -'..I -- V I.V In 1. 1 (, ' l(; , i.t i. - I''' ' I nl il :i.i:i-iy I . ;,, H i f v - -I . .,1 i ', ,i, ,, N ' I : ii i. ,i . i , i.l V, I: ll.,- I',. ,') ll. I- U, v.'; t :-.-:-i nn.t-nt r .. - t. I - nn - '- 'I. J'J d.n. ,,..:.. - l v nl u j c,f l! r -r trcv r Cir-jiji'.t s.i I. .'. i: : 'i ' i r ti.o '!-'. .1 ii:. -:i t.i : 'I-- -...,!:.-. i.r ' ' ' t ii t-ti, ;,t - T: . - v. 1.. in ! v: i '.- n. .... -".:! :.' .! . Ijrc-e ll in, ' ' ' ' t i . ' ! .' -' - I -' . r !: . . ' 1 m-::i.: Li',,. 1-"' ' ' X'. ,r 'I'!' - f il f.- I,'.'!': .1, , ' .,;-; ,i'r 1 '-' : ' - .li t t: ,'fi. '"' -. i' . i. i ,,i i; f!."V Ill :. " ;,1 tn ;:,,' ,, "" I" aIi.u'I, 1 ;: i tt'i,. :,,r. A S.Arr Voice, Vv !!;' i ' i'. hi n mi li.';i;-f.p on ri'-fiiiii,', t'., ,1'.' r.'i;',i M-.aroi.!y "P' .-ilf "W '. . !-:n-;;ti::i.'' Mll.l i li,. lit. tl.' f.'lUiw, '" ii ..rt viilrp yuu'o Bil." t . t ... . I-,,. ,", i n .. i, I" I'll 111" 'Hi MO f.,r . I1' H '"" Knnii tl.'i '..i t it i.y I.. 1 I'Hir. il tl'.-it 'I-., hiii.ii i, in , .. i II).' lii;l...iii.' .li i. nr ,'j ;., ,,:i!, It M- .1 ti, I... imIIi .1 ).. ,, r,iit,., !lll' I'M l If. t'lir f... ,i , ' in t it), -I,,. ,,,,.,. il,,, , ( , i,,, I . ttilli :ni;)i.'r!:l, t,. iv; : . ai-i.,., 'in tl,., i'iil,t..i't Til'' iri.lll S tllllt II, i,: ;,..( :l:'l",,', an.l .1. vt ru 1 1-. , ,,f .,ir;,n ti,nl;i.l. r i-.'. ins in h;, ,. , I tiiirii il j, s, 1'iir,. f. . .r -lit'l'l "ti tl." T i. i"" . .'ii-1, v I,. r.. Mi.' ill T''l."lii.M f II I n v.. In-, .);, n i, it !n t-.v. "f'l "f Hi- It: ..jt!... jty tl.o l.nvt H'.r. . y. ..l i, I', it ;:'.. -I j,(,,; f, 'if " '; l"''.'l. ii li, . in I ho r'r '" ' ! ! I I,, ni.- .f..o.i.oi llto I'lr. rl-lv f v.,!.,,. v ;,l,.y vpifl'd ""ne ! r- . f t . tnwi m .l t... ,T....l , "!;.., , f .1 . .Ij. ...j,.,, HI tl'.'lt I'. ill '1 ). t'l u.":" . ., r: t ,1,: , ;i rllv I' s i n'n, v. .1 f. !,;". ;it, (ns " ,.) n t.i i-ro'st .1 .iilrr.-i.i by V VI'. " n I;-,;;-;. : i.-l! nit nil. I, l-:t.-r n. It .). n u.;i:i, (.,. "'' '' ''"' llttl.T With tin. ,), ;,y ' li,!'. I 'i.-n I' is i t ly tin-.-:, T!it.. r. f.nrl.n'-lo i"'" .1 H"l; tl'.-it )i.. i!.:i!;i.y has ,.t il it'll.!" its ;i.'i..-,-ir-,..,. .,, ,)tir 1 l-Mtt'll III Al'li'.t'i' s.-;l r's. Tills ' i'in w.-il !U;-.. n. nn-l tho piihl!" ! 1 n'tli v, rvt,.,. , w'li.'.i ..- ),.-,) t-'i irti-u at V:i.-'litu t ,n I h.i ht.l for I !-""t ' ""iM-l.-i.- Linn f t nMlHal 'tl ,t :.;:; , , , I i.n i ii:, ri'i-ia-v. i :'-iii" 'is. -imnitit,, ,.f prn'n nnl otl,.-r ru-r.-lt-n.-lls,- a,-,. ,-.,,,.,,.iy t,. Itit; pMnp.-it from i-Vn !-v .,,-i. ...' nril 'I'hiT I'nrliic mart it-i- to tl.. KitKt. ' UntM nr- o't.--u ti-.,i; :;,,,,-...i j,)-, ,.,.), . Ii.i-ri'l.iiinliM-., j.,, in, I tti'tii-y j.ais, n- .tk, hi.l.i.'ti In until; s-i. ;!, or Mltor-l Wf'' l-.'l "II-' '11- tV.i , p!:.J.lo..;t.', .)(,. I "I"''""" .i"li-."iv.l 111 Xi-vv York j' iiiiii iiio t'l--i r.'i ; . si nunlil 1. liln ly poiiti to hay.- nn . j , i . 1 . tn I . on .n it till- - lie first 'Aani'ii; f t;,,, rut. hrrali l,i-ltc afTurd. .1 hy t',. flrnllrij: of I: ti;.. r itith.-rs of ,,",,1 ,.,! ,tvlrir nt nl. i-it Hi- w'mry.-s -iril in tho Ptro.-tR. I n llul.t tl .' Illlsrhi.-f, f H onr-r. gt r-t.irt- ! n N"W Yoi-lt, the mtiiih-ipjihty vi. nl I ! ,. ohlir. il in wiiki. a war of I X'.rmi nation aualnst ruts. This wmih i.i in ni- ali.-nliltily IMlle "h,,.,l tin- shin i vii.v to the t. er. us n malar! iiiii'mln' i 1 "i ii-inally? It s, n ii'.it.v'.-i'ti - ihat ori' of a In iuiii is a i.uzt'.l.'. '1 li" same thii.L; mil tin hni terinl iira.-ii'-s l ev lever illlil lh l,;:iie. lln-y lire cliit-ely r, lat, ,1 t !:' Iiroihioo l-elnic hhi h'll iii.hinly i vi r saw i 1.1 lie lit" u.-niis of me;..' I,. t.i of that rati-'i. yel It 1- thii'ii'ht . the syiii tniiis i' hat similar, ''!.! of til. -111. h s ami scarlet 'itiiilo its to he In a IiIrIi l ower nT- a re mure hie mi- I iy ..r in ir. oily I.-' . the Aln, - in it- - . .1:1. 'i I'tiiiiitainiiv In In 1.1 pnrasit.' of ; ' j'i;i;c i, h:,. nhi'-h il.,. ,!rea.!.., ts.-tKe hy ia it ma tl).- s,:ii:-i,,ii, as is all. i. .1 1 i I. un. nil hi-!lu:s. Sm.llallv lil' own roiMit ' y, tho liialn;.,alit ; lin. v hleli allliet s l;t;r,.! . ih- of tl m. Is of i .-u,l - in t.o ,tii, hii-; h.-i r ' , " " ' "" 1 lev, r. th.y ni-e mi n ".-nn that li. r.-s ihiuitKli vs:l,... ,v.-n ml,.,' til,. f . . t ,1 -. 1. I t, ,F i I D ' k " I'l-o-eope. illli s'llle. s ahllsll. s ilself , hioi ilsiii her - ' " 1,1 ' 11,1,1 si mo way c . , . , , , , "t o.miliiittliis it was of i-pee ,n )ai- MH ,l il oi.leins ,, , t he :;nvei-;.ii,rl,t , , , ' , ,,,, ,,, ... . . pnrtiui.-o from t,,. vn-wpd hit of the i . i ti J j authiirif. ,s ii, m tiif.-. As soon ii.s i .. 1 , , , , , ,1 war ih ii-i'tiiii-iit, h.'i nils" it win of ei,e is solvi i! ; tl i-r unit; up- -as, for ; , ., ' . , ., iusia,,,,,,,, th.. eas,. ,,vs,erio,,Hi ': ,,,h,;;'n:' ,n, ".' . s,,o,,l .y,r," v,,i,-h has l..n ,nuk- ; ' ' " ' , ". -M'l..-.v '..,l' nuo,." mm-h tr.Mil.1.. in Zli? K ' , r"n"."l, n.oinn,i,,s iv,:inf , Montana ...!, 'I ,1C ' 'Tit " h,,""!- I.-i. ' i.l lioelty M,,i;,i,, states. It ' " ' '''T 1 ' ''' is ,i ei th-eiy ..w ...n.iptai,,,, ,,., ,.x. ' ;'' " "''"1 '.s ,.,,'h ns oh- -n-imly ), fr ,', ,.vorv flvo r 5, 1 ' "'" "1""t """" P.'fi nns nitni lo il l,v 1, in ,.,.' hitter i ' . ' f;i1 ' ,",s' ':.ys n.s, , . vnll, y (,,1, ,-e i, n-smos Its - pf ' 71 ' '"' '"'' l .....-t virul.t-t for,,.. ,v luoailyi'' ' T ":' 1,rill,y """' tin- sh k he,) , the hrvl,;8 ' , To,,e!!t th' ,1,(",r-' r"""n 'Mm...!. A .-h.nrai't, .'-.ti- is .' " n""1"-' "f vi.lm.leer- i.'i -rnpti,,,, ,,f pimply p nl spots all tho l-uriimnj rH,onso t.i an -,or tl" Volv i "r I'I'I' ri I to the bit, s of 1 'l'UltlWlt of this species which hill llivesl'ic.itio'i hi.s piovnl that this alreaily h,t,.n ,,,,. ,u.h ,,, K,.0 .It- use is line to a "f-nn" of soin- , Twenty or thirtv of t, ,,,.t.' M.:'t-p,',.s',i,,-,hy a hnitehtiin, hnt io - l,ai-h,-, fr( n the h-l o'-itnrv iii.tpil.. as not to Vo visible nn.h-r the wro first liherat, ,,n,let' ti e' ,,s i' Itomo... -whirl, is tarri.-,l hy n 'unto Imr of a i-np-M,-k -W-t In r, rtali: tp.,-l, s of wooil tick. Thcro ; or.l.T that thev tiiiirht ait.ok h i,, an,! It no on. stiun of th" iircoimtahility of : hin-omo lnfeet.,1 nn ' a lew Innir the t i. l. frr the n.alaily has h. en sue hu.-r, tin y were rcnii.vnl . ,., ,,).,. ro..sf.,,ly transiniti,,!, n i -xporl- ! he,K at 1, ,,o ,os(,it.. 1, I w. il inoital way, ,lt,e, t),o m.nlhni, of ; man, J every snrl, i. .,; ,,' ' ,.,,. Its hi!.., from en I p.. a lite to pnlm-a pfc. ! inly was Piicrrssf,,iv ,-. i- i .," i from tue nicy to, y ami rv.-n I ns a r. suit .li..,B..,.' ,-,., ." fr.'i, hii'imn .. Inu t.. htm.:..,, h-ltm Un I troatoU In the wlirilrt nl- ,'.-;,; ',v tw.i ivolnnt.eri immnro,,. Pome of I pltaln. no fear of ,,,-,-:,, tlto Ins.ctH wer.. hin,t,h, , Washine- .,,ai,,, ,, , '; J, ;u ',' , " ' , " '" l:l-v ITovontoil from a..,A .. ,,, n,, .-,-, . wore ,i,y !:;,'!,, ,,y , ,r s s; l,, or. and tht:S eT,lri,li: ,,! ,,, ,,; It .I-, i,r.t appmr that nvro than a for distribution am,. , . r , . ,7" very smai ti.liioriiv of n,.,., in . .' - 1 r !'"1,1'-'- Mine f nntui-e. a,-,; inforto,,;- Tin-so j ,t tlii. pre t',' ;..a"."!,"i 'Meptlomil In.livi.Jtials piohahlv no- ! ,ltv fL,, , i , ',' :"';'!" 'imre th.-ir h,,,.,-,,,,,, v bltlm: fmne J ' ' ''7- ' hnt animal that Is. nobody knows. .,-,. , t,,,,',!,,, V;!, i. S",Vh,,f "f t'r n Ins peoplo fast, r eurv ,v .'; never to ho any h-k of then,, where ,.y,-,y , i,-l,l wnni.,, rhkshav.. to he run in the xperimen. r.f f,,r,v, ore , , ,.' till s'l.ily of .lis, as. s. It I 111,. .10. . .. 1 " ' r how ..,,dly the malady may ho. has never he, n dim.. '. , .," Iln-ro are itlw.nvs n,.n r,..,,iv .. .. ... 1 1 '"ash s. it is so t!,;V as ,n Shrewd Sclieine Stopped Run. Man .tears in:i. 111 const 'ticn- a ri-i);;i,. r, ia j ,,),-, 1 ln-j was 11 s, vere ru ' on 11 hni.k in Sonili Wales, ill,- sni'ili inriiii is josilij ( ai-h o'lier in ro v, ils to ill -aw out their 1,10,1 I h i-irs w 1 ,-e , apiilly miin Inun :d lo nin-.-i, when the hunk inananer, in a lil of il-ji-n ,-itioti, suddenly I '1 c-.uht him ri an 1 xp. 1II -11I. lly hit (III i'i tin us a il. i ll. hatlnii ln-atpil soma sevi r. iui.s in a I'rj inn pan, Inild tln-m imr , lu- ,0 an nnxlutis nppil' ii.,.,. "Why, they're (piite hot!" sail Un- hitter ,u- he took tij,.. 1, up, "uf .",!.'(." iiiii the reply; "what el; could you t-xtii-ci? 'i'hey are onlyi just o it 1. 1 the Mold. We are coining them hy hundreds ns last as wo can." ' nii.iiii; lin n,!" Ihoupht the slniph) Hi-': leiiliurisis; "then th.-ie Is no fenr 0: tiio money r, inning short!" With this tlnir i-onliiienco revived, tho pan ic abated, and tho hank was enabled lo weather the storm. The Enemies. Apropos of the imiiity, now happily burled, that us .1 t.i exist between X, iniirnpnlls and St Paul, S 'uator ( h.pp said in a .hnuer in th-- former it.v "I r Ini'L: n.f inhi m: that .,1 I ,1.1 ''.'!.y.' v. i'i -- of this st. r.iui !- "i ts , ; , A hitler i ii ii. I. rni; '. ' '.. '1, M a ss 1 11 ,'ireless iid ill .Minue- i -alii r In tV on.- inliiibltiint e 1 ii!, i.t in tho -in t!'e 1 n't ei m -!', nr of thu It said." Just Like .1 Girl. "-..I ii;-M !,. o h;ii, its are a nl of l,;li, r to inc." w now ?" 'fl.e nlwa-.s warts nto to tast tlm '-'' "'i"' the aulotuohllo Isn't wnri.ii.L' ,',:-l,t." "I !. o.l "Hi. i ... , . . . ' I .11. f mil turn o, inan-y roll r.iui i uf dollars niurh money beltiR , r.-.rii-e.l not roly for the wholesale i t r.-ir-pinn nml pni: milni; of ,,.P anlmnls, j lit also lor the ratprooflnc of sewers I lions, s .mid piu'i'i'iihirly hnlldlncs used' 1 for ,he Horn;.. f (,., supplies. I l-erienc has shown that the only way j to c..t. rid of such vermin la to do. prive then, of food an.) hidin places. tributioii ninoni; human heiiK; n two ributton umoiic hum-in h'eni; on two 1 nnhimls tho rat and the flea. it ! serves very strikingly to llhn.trie I what mlsht ho called tho mnd-rn ?i oh glcal aspect of diseases. The work. li,K Inlioratory of tl.o public health service In Washington Is today. In- j d' oil, a Burt of statin, 1 for natural his. I lory rosi arch, and an official zoologist, ! Dr Charles W. miles. Is In charge of I one of Its most Important depart, m ntR. I ' Nowail.'.yu, when tho study of n dis- tlu-ir lives In their hands fur surh tuir. puses', oftm ivtthout reward. Sin h was tho oaso when n call was Isstn d lu Cuba, In 1!UH for snhlh-rs willing to expose tlienisri to the bites c.f ,i'os,iUi10(.1J carrying the Infection of yellow l'ev(r. It was the rase nicain ror. ntly, when ('apt. Charles V. Cnilg of the army medical corps, wanted men in the Ililllpplno f, practical test, of his theory that ih IU-., r "" fever, j,s dist'rlhu (lot, to a ninftnuito of unnilier hp, ,.(.. the night flying rulox lai Ig ins. an In sect already positively known V. he the carrier of the p;,,-a-jtr- thr, -ij. worm which causes 1 li phai-tlasis ' ' lierev. r on,, looks, in , iliiieases, one finds ii'.Jninls o kinds acting as t,. ,.a-ri,.r g.-ruis which make the mis- euro as yet has made only a p. ginning l this sort of Inv. stigativ... work The Anoi-hcles nios.iulto Is known to ho the sole convoor nlja distributor of . I M.SCOpic. I'l-.i,;,!,v ;,. "lie ur n.ore , ,1,,, p,tt,.,. , l-'-ietlco lit the in-,. 1. im 1 I,. , . i.i ii i:ir-r.-:ii 1.) solving , Mice have 1,,., . likewise, mit i), to have h. . n ,n; it g 1 brai II: ,1 lUiZles T. Mm-. St. a.iily ti.ellt.- In nf treat. !:!)' Is kiil .:i'. flut of iss the ,',gO r In all ll e gem, i H.lit, liku lev.r and h" ulira-ml ' nn i. d by ils, and iig-igod PRESSED HARD. Coffee's Welcjht on Old Aae. Win u 1 romln, -in ,11, n realize the In jurious rlY.-i 's. f ,-, e and the chang- In In Mill that l'u. ... ., ,,-, lVnS, th y i'.p L-lnd to lend their ic-sUmoay for ll." 1.. :. "lil of t,i:i, :s. A mp. rlnti inl.-pt of public schools l a South-Hi mate says: "My moth "'. Mm-,, li. r early chihlhood. was an mv",r;" !i:.);.t, had been i". .1 ! -d wit!, her In i.n for a numb, r -'" .s vl ' of ,iKlt "weait " ' ' ' i'i'l sick (jiomacb. " ' '- I iitaltlng an cf- ; :t i" a (li-i:mt pan of tho - 1 il i 1,1. dim,, r with one of 1 1-Hi's of Tli.. pnice. I noticed '""I "''iiiir lluvor of the cot mi .-il Ii!, coiicernins it. lie ihat It was rosnim. I was to "H il, niter the meal was J"1'-' '': 1 ackage to carry 11 ''. - ami had wife nr.- I.- ial f pi: -, par. w -tt, a en o! the , .(,. -'"IS' '1. II, t. ),, .r appro ,, i. ... '1" I" 11 Su'illi -: " "'!' tlio Si, ,,,, ,,,,., a i-.miile one. wen- k,., ,i,,, ( ; ' r of a euro for ram. , ,- yy'0,il,l ', "w, h ug 1 ostpon, d. '. I. v 111 "lllll 1 ' , . ii 1; ilillop l'.i-:;:i '. I 1 e Ml! - sum '.- fan i'linr .-I'," I ::! . it, v.,. , He ..iy nf uriotis .:' t1... "I. Safety Valve of Memory who forgets mitliit.B I, o-i u I' i; ai-.l heromcs a I'ouj-bon Uy all pluck from ,!;, u y d l snrrow that el,,- ,,, ' and cast It Into fo, i;,.,, ,,,,,,.,., ';nf;""""" Mf Vaske, of ob H!" ra"' t th" wrilten rubes of , ,.,,,in. yoiir r Is th, vory saiuy aV8 of iuut lueuiory. m V- ,1, a,: iiea.!:,cli, i - r tn !i:-l 'ho n.-:t. meal; tliu '- d It so well that tvs "!"'.' mid used Postum I.-' lj-'. n nt tlmea very "'i'1- my mother's con t'd that niter using t time, the felt so she (lid nrlor to Its ' tioublo with her s" li stomach; that thu '!'.' Hot so tl'ennont an.l (-' " il inndiilon much Improved. i"- ".iiiiiiii. il ,n ,ht, wn, M wcl '"'ll " :,!,'v tho rest, of .,. 1 1. 1 10 iv i'i ..',m l,.,s lnIlf.(Uod my. , "'" ,!,!'i' menhors ofthefanr i a more marked degree In case of HIV tnnlk... -- . . ,.,,, .. , "." 1, as sue was t.'lini ol lor,,. Ktanding" 11, -ti.