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Which Costs Most, Horses Wagons? SCHEDULES ZJB L CC hwm & Florida Railway. 7 i i i i ! i ..-V.v' l'd:. .1 ?iall.! i"', o- co -rre. V . i r,.tr .! 1,1 VOilV i.'' t ' T! - ! , : ( '. '. 1 i """"J - - ,i a . I - '' Kg. !j : ?.? Hu.!lry rr-.n !.o h...-e a lifetime -i;Jv: , v to r-;ike caii.f nMi.irii. . .ci tetter veg(.ns. h. , ' ..:z. Just licv,." No elcu'ui about it. For the hone's, saAe, set a Steelmaker Fraleigh-Lines-Shelfer Co., wi5 Wagons, Buggies, Live Stock, Etc. I'larV s (.i-.ri TiX ; .,: I. M . .. i : '!. It,' t I I. ul . V. I '. it i . : Subscribe For the Enterprise-Recorder I .1 'I .Am": . .. ill. f : ' . r '. i .i V. ' : i .:. i ! .. M v! . M . It. A: ' '.. il I.' .1- A , ... 1 Ait I. r,i n.crv hi ! ... I) ,t.i.n. M i ...v .. .1:. t i.NM.l I Ii.).N .r l V ' 1 1 - J 1 1 . -!oiw.. !..r (' r.l ' vi w M i!r : lit II'.. Ji ui !:'. J . U' I.'. I.. ! !,-.. I, !! mi .V '!:r . A' l il':!. !.!;. W f,v 'l.m'f ( '..!.! ... I'. !.'.!. :,i ),.:,. M.i. .-.:. All .it' I1 I v,.' II 1 i I li rl'.ii-o. ;it , I ll.i i ;l! i . ll'-i DM, u ii ! ' I'lu'in K;iil. Mi i ."iiiV: lit I 1 1; in willi hr I! .ilr:i I W:ii in-, Hi iii" irli . ; nt Wii! ' Vi'.li A i:n" !'. i.'i,a'. .T ii I. . ii v . 1 ! r 1 1 1 ml 1';. .ri.) :i iioiut-: L:.i tor l,'iitmaii. 'i'iintiiri-x-iiif. IJitio ii.' i.. rn a- Fi'iri In li i lwuv fur Wiiitc ol 1 l..ii l'i f .. 1 1 j . t . ni.i. 'I i:t -ii. ( 'oiil.-li- Xf-t rn tor Mmiili ic, :.: nt I: ..! . i f..r '1 id !;ih Iiiv(r .1 1 1 1 1 t i r . n.Til of (.i.n'.'.n Iiti;!w:n- f..r Mich. c. ii. ; m ( Imi I iii'tr Agent AllUI-l'l . i t . 1 Vi.i li Vl. lit. I- li . I. r YOU TRY We Know -BLOODINE- WiU Help You To Regain Your Strength and Energy. Report of tha Hed Phyvlelkfi la Loading Nw York HoipltaJ on th Cur of Ct&rrh. "A few roars aco we considered that via were aumg if we curedteuper cent, of t),e casts of catarrh brought to us, but sint'i the iMroduction of 'Bloodine" into our huspital we euro mere thin Co jur cent, of all the cases (.1 Catarrh in it s various f:Tms brought to us. Catarrh of the lltad, Catarrh of thn Kyes, Catarrh tif the Bladder and Uretha, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh of the Larynx, Felvio C atarrh. Catarrh of t tie Throat,, and! Catarrh cf the Stomach are quietly cured with "liloodine." Itbuildsnew V J rew blood and Btrcnirth to any part of the body attacked by the catarrhal germs." Bloodine is a powerful tonic, cour ishinr food medicine, composed of valuable tonic stimulants obtained from vepetable drugs. "Blocidine" contains no narcotics or other danger ous drurs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent relief orourothecauseof your disease, ''liieodine iss powerful body buiidei and blood maker: it is the beet remedy known to the medical profession to eorich thin, watery blood and supply Hw, rich l td blood to the whole body. FREE . To prove the wonderful merits of BLOODINE we will maul s larpe sample bottle for j cents in sil ver or bUuips fur postage, Audriss, isr Er.of.T.ixK Cori'Owation, Boston, Mass. P. G-. SMITH. SDecial Agent. tflrtE nKTEST ffiivrf fcjl f mijti Aiwa fist. IV 1SBK - , SM sincTrr. rw 1 TV1 m waraMW- AH A A rt "i.iwib. .II A Handsome Woman Every woman may not be han.i ome, but every woman should keep with care the good points nature has given her. No woman need have sallow skin, duil eye, blotchy complexion, who pays proper attention to her health, where constipation, liverderange menU, blood impurities and other irregularities exist, good complex ion, bright eyes and sprightly movements cannot exist Internal derangements reveat themtelvet aoorier or later on the surface. Headache, dark nngs around the eyet, tallow skin, a con slant tired feelingmean that the liver and digeibve orgnns are needing help and correction. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets give this necessary help. Ther work in nature' own w.y. TKey do not merely fluth the bowel, but ton. up th. liver nd tomnch tc fultill their proper function. So mild and gentle do they Oct that on. hardly realises that they have taken medicine,'. Tablet, can be relied upon to reli.. bdtou.rteM, andir'ttion, constipation and dusiocss. dold tv .rvwfcvrc. Prut 2j ccnu. I'll OUI ! In II 'I y I. '' t- oi' '. ' F l..'.(. i;i " lil :. I II. . ' r, , ,. . . .., .. 1 ' ' I. I I II I. 1. . I '. : v . - i . . . A I Vt.. .. V .1 : :..y ii- v. v v i ., I . 'An il I' 1,1 "1 1 ! ..'. I.. .. .... 0 ' ! ' t I' i . I I 1 -.1 I f. e. . ., .-. . . I. . I! i II" I-I A'i ,,A. 1). IMI. i:r i "ii A t i -f Fl . : i.i i ion V .1 tl - , Hi '..ii. c :u . U.K. :. t J it- ol . I.. r. , 'l.'l "'I -.'..:- . I K.'r . ii, ..i ii i l ;., v. ...lT ...". ' . I '! .1 1 . v. 1 . r- V. . it. ,i .11. 1 I I" I I.i .,; ; .iv i ! ' , .'i,. (,.. , ' ., '. .! ." v"' lU )' . ."v"" ".-'.l'l' .....i.,:i:. , . ' : ;. '' ...'i-i i , "r , " 'I I.. 11 .1 ' .' v.. A " l-,rl,x( . " i ii . ... 1 1 i.. i , t , .. ,, . , " i ... (. ii ' I 1 i ,. Mi lor I , j .., , " ! ( i':;:i Jv:::"; :' , " ( ! ; '! 0. N . I, !,:. II in I I ... I . I ' ) .' I ' i N . ' ' , 1 . I. I oi .. i. . ii f-r m iii.'io I. " i i.iini i.iii.r mt I v ;" r ' I ! -' ' I.i-.' " ., -l... ..i M.. . 1 'I V. II.- ' l y I n .... i. i.- i" . , li. l'.:n. u. i.l, ..:....,! i I ' :, .' I. ,. ; v, h- i ,..,.;.i, nf 0. " I ' I'-' ! ..' o J ,, , j,, ,. , I, lilt. W! .Hi' :.,. ,, I,,: , I M,,IUn. 1 '. 'li. i.v .'-..I ... I M.i.l - i, Co .,r... I'l,. ;,i I.I" !: I ' I. "I M.i ,1; -i,l i, .,. 1. v u.i.i '.. : i ., n:. i v ,,, .. ii ii(. ,jh, . ., , " v'i. tii !-: i' :-.,,, .i,i, .,..( i,,,. i , i,,i(. of ... MHU liillll.T I I ' I;.' 1 1 J. !!,(! -HU .tl.J llllll 1 . , li' lliL' ii ,.'., i n, ty'.l M. il;.. ii. -iitil $,,. , 1 11 ii'l .'I l .. , .- -i ill. il ,... ,.,.t i,i i, i , U(. , ii. n:i ,. hi. r i: . i.i nw, . ib.. iioiiii ' : i-"-! .,11110 i : ti,,. -i .rn .-t ,i,,,it,,. k., ill j . ,i !,,. -,. ; ij.i't it ,,. fi,ui, . 'in ror w ... -f s I . . , ' ! -i : iii, -i ,,, , nmi in,. ' M'l.'lO I S"A '; :Ml U. ,,,, Ml, W.-t , i;.ii i-r 1. 1 i i... -ii. . i,.. .,, , , x i ,. N (r 'i "! l. - ' .'i. ii. I'gwi -l,h, iiM. ! ti'.rili ' I I '- -'-v. ,, ; , -t ,,1.(1 uil' iillillil,' ,( (' ui'i'-s. in-.. i . (,r i , I , M H; i I.i: i ! , . i i.kv, j ' oi,,,n.., . . i,:,!,, j MiijH, 1 1 "" . '"' ".inn,..,.. , ,, I.v l.. ,l, r ,.,i . r .1 . : ii. sut- I F,. r,.l.i. IX IK'-TIMo.w VVIIKIlhOK, I i i v l;er...ii.ti. Mt in v L.uiil .,n,l ., , II irt.ll S, .,,1 f ,h i.'I AL) -imv .l Klori,:.,, ,;i T,,j, i ' I J 'Iv, A. D. II. I LAV RAWKOIU), S(( rt !.,T ,.f M,,;,. tit' Ai' i ril. ..I.i I, it i.::i..,r ll,- .:.f Siutf 1 1 . f :lri . i. .1' . ill lllll I I. I'-, w '. 7, l, In, .! ..i i' 1 7. v. !, ,ii, 'I. !S Il.-riMoNV I'MM iij.' l V '' " M 1 '' ' ! ' 'if M AI.) i.v.' tin- On-.H , ,: . I x. .. ,. :.l T-.ll .1... :, . ..;..,! :!. i-vniv.mi.;i. in , I ..,. ,. '. A. II. lulu. II. CLAY C HA'.Vl lilill, ' ' ft '.. i ' I Mi.u-. r.iA n. t..l.t 11. Sl.s-rit Mill. l.l FOLEYSHONETIAR tops ta couh and heals tuns' J. J. CONWAY DC NT I ST. MADISON. - FLORIDA. Ofiioe Plume Xo. 101, Keidence No. 34. T. C. Mitchell, CIVIL ENGINEER. Ofncm; U3 N. OAO Sr., THOMASVILLE OA.