Newspaper Page Text
1 a 5 i : In PRINKS IN HISTORY .1PORTANT PARTS PLAYED BY GOBLETS OF LIQUOR. ir philip Sidney and the Dying Sol d,erTr.iglc Part of Cup of Wine in Murder of Edward the V Martyr. j-,,. lanpusal of the Dutch to erect i, i, ..ii a Klatue to Sir l'hilip Sid- ,,.,alin to n I.niidon writer tlm , ,',1,1 auiieil episode of the ilyliiK ml- i ii!i whii h his death Is insep-j ',liiv leiin'otid. It occurred when i ', V I'.'din. on September 22, K.S!, ... , i. i i, ii,.. ,. i, (I I. IS lie.llll -....u - .v, ,11b cl Zntphen. l'lirchcd with i,t l.e called for n drink. Ae ho p.itlim; the bottle to his mouth V.y'in t'11 "I'"1 n' l'sperately "uiiiied FoHller. who, lis he was being I paiM, threw li i ill loiiitig plan '. I,,, h i-Mr Philip perceived, took p.iiilc Ironi his Hp befor" ho ,'..,;;, an I ilelivercd to the poor man 'i,, .... woids: 'Thy ueccshity is ,,. r il,. mine.' " I, i Miiier of Kdward the Mar r' a cup of wine played a, I W'eai-ied with his hunt-j-,,,.. monarch "as persuaded .'J ,'; ! !. shu i nt nt I'o'-fe castle, , . , . he. the ahod .' of his ste. .. , ; , widowed tiaeeli l-.lfrid i. 'J , ., ,.v ,,'i'.,ni't' i-he proetoil him .j,., i Ka . i. ml then. IIH he r- slv'i d , ,.' :, a in ilisinoiint, lirouKht ., , , :. t),. a uidilet of wine. Kve i, .... ' lis. il his gulile. one lit :: : d i'W his iillS1' !' l.lld, ,' ; ...i , m, plniiiied it into Lis , ii ivM r-na.iF"i!vnt fit Fun -,s, whic h was under llio ,.; .-ir .lolin Hi.wK!: ; . van j.v plnmst ov. rwli i iiK : ., lo- w,nl ami ileeil iil.1 lb.) ; i .,)-, his iiion. and oneo !; ti.-.'im-a to hk. iia ; : 1. toll llilll fill' ' lX'lT. : .n;;,i in liiiii In n Kilvr i, , i v I u-h lie ilrtuili to Ids 'liu.r il " unian-m stand liy !, l:Su' nu n." Scarce hud ,1 i;i;,.vlit und hold tli wl.i 'i it was struck by a ball . i! (. Milliards' ships and ,. a ' I'!" ii ,'i ,r V ;'. i, : c - jw.y j. .... i).- (juafut old town of :....!.! ..:i,: :.nit by a roFtumo, v ' ., j s by the mime of ;..;. i. v-l ,i,',." tin- laiplity font of a. ,' I' .',, , I in U, I'.'inr '.VliO. ill 1CU, . ! . ., !rn:ii ilosiru. I ion. In t ,; y, i: .' . ,;ks foil b- Tore tlm , j r. ' Tilly, who nt tlm .. ..,) i.f t :. -(' s i nifi-i'd tin1 van ;, i . : '. . i :e a! the town hall i.,. e:. . :! fur Uie execution of ; :., , , , ..: ' rati s. llc;f uri', how ir :.- - 1 .1 l.ion wire let! forth ., i ,. ..:.! !, tho litircmnislor'8 : : i . :rod horsolf. boarinc an . .' t. ; ii oi vine, out of which i.:i . i- :-t drank and luisiseil it a.l t !-..- .inioord. All :.. U .1 their thirst, mill yet ;.! fi-.s- only but half omiity. '. i 'nt; ii: ill' fair Hobo remarked 1 a oil.. ..1 tln councillors present was alii' Li empty the Btimji at a Ii sia-li be the cane," cried J illy, I U k '.o the condemned mug- iH'iai. -. i .mii pardon you an lor tna diiiil,. i t f,ii;i' Till ilm ilatfon to tut) Hi;,-. , - h no, nnd then one of the city's i;, ! iiatcs, stepping forward, il t' v sel, raised it to lit lipn. lied ! . : linw breath nor not It down 'ii '1 In1 had quaffed its content to ti, I.: ilmp. Then only did ho rvere u,.. r.anon In proof that tho feat la. a I., a accoinpllshed. Tilly kept I s m 1. 1, and every year, In cone na.iiioi ii.i a hi' their deliverance, do tin in,. .. ..f Itotlielibui't? enact over S'ijh ti.'. :.i!,,iu even: in their town' Liste-y. ' Hard Fate. Tlictp i' i'o one fd miserable, in the yi!d i.- i!,c unprepared man, the uu snipped la.m. The Reproof. V w.. 'i the midst of the football fc'-as' r. ai d the students of l'rofos- l-'i iluieis eh'iH wlt nu'iim timf ti.e.r Pf- ui had been neglected, were pi' r e. .. i or reproof, but not for lust tin v.; i in which It came. A' uu ot tne r.our he slammed (lev i. s book on the desk nnd ex- cliinac I "Well that's the worsl rt-cltntlnn 1 tv-i listened to! Why, I've actually iw.L. miie-tenths of It myself!" Would Be of Rcn.m The Jesuit fathom u'n Itrii In contact with ih in,oire ir, inna In their primitive condition, knew of ever .00 varieties of plants which ttley were accustomed to eat. It Is a P-'nt rlty that the list was not pre-erve-1 for the benefit and adrnoultlon f civilized man to follow. iPlscrlmlnatlon Against Woman. flno ., .1.. . . . u mo nraers to Bt. Uiuls rct car conductors la not to reply tO ft nnmnn .v u - "ujii dub is nngry. ims Bine tM.,l, t . ... ior peace, nut it will prove evero blow to the woman who Ii liven to irlvinir on... fc . r. o -" j iu uvi ivuiyvr. y-hattmooKa Time. OUT CF THE QUESTION. J rrel l hear (.eurpe and his who never quarrel now. Maud No, yon F they're one now, and It ta".- i - n in , e.v,. ., n,,, FOR THE SKIri AND SCALP Ihrauso of lt delicate, emollient, ini.utlve, niitisoptic pnipcrties derived from Cutlcum Oiinrnent, united Wi;h tho purest of elounsinR inpreiilenta nml ir.o..t refrishie:; of f.0-.i,.r odcrs, ("uticura Soap In unriva'.id fur preserv ing piiilfyinp and lieaullfyliig tho fckln. Bcalp. lialr nnd hands, and, ns flttid by Ciiiicira Oiii'inent, for dis ladiiliR itel.ilip li-iiallon mid Jn llaninia'lnn mid previiuii.p clopptni; of the pen.,, the t-iu.-e of many d ? lirlns fadal erap iun.s. All who de lipht. la a clear i.hin, F.,ft, whi' Il clean, whole.'-on.n tc: !p uad live, -"-y illi!r. v':" Und that Cutlciira Soap and C':;ier.ra ointment reall- every exp. i-atlmi. fmlear lloni' dies are udd throaithoat tln warld. l'olti r lu'iii; A; Chi in. Corp.. mhi pio I'l'lotor?, l.o '.on, Mai s. S. . , ,;., for the lat'.-t Cu'irara p., , lj, au. tliorlty on lie- l,c..t care f li e tk'.n, eca'.p, hair sad baiid.;. It 1.; n. ailed frte on r-'it:i i-t. WANTS NO MODERMiZED Ei 3LE King Jamss Version the Best of All, Says Writer In Success Mi-gazine. Wo are Jest old fa.-l.ioneil run :;:h to take no Mo.-k In the mod. rnlzeil jahle which is Fiionly !n ai p. ar. ' In every day lai'pai.i.'.', with .!. .ih t.j Ms '"'el 1 hi a a ' iiiaiiia'ed." The Kii:p James i'.l!ie ,.s dime moie to pl'es, -v.- . -end I '-1 Sav: II words and n;.h . h aie ,h,.. . t r.;,(.;;i,,h 't has ,.., .(;;. ,.,) ij, anytiiii.i; 1 In-t'. ad oi a liar, eineiit. la p. t us a.vay that liianoiis, simple, el:o (' style, l ud in the ini, r i st ( 1 c-'aiii, -liini; tie hie i t I.!' r.n y ideals post- ihle M a pel j.j,. de-li;.ed to i.-e the curiie. l.y P: id al.i. Ii the Imp ll'h lain-' '.ae lias la .. lac. H Mould be more si n.'iiile lo Hewn iipen ail efforts to in, trove on 'he Kir:' . I. lines Ihhh' It Is ihe pi. most treasure, he spiral an I toai h- r of pi oil I'.npll.-h thai we pi.--ses-.-S. i . ess Magazine. Hierp's Appetite. T. V. Moif.ui, jjf., was alwiiys a pood ti'eiioheniian In his you'll and l.e has as pood an nil''"'1' today as lie ever had. nut only lor corned le-ef nnd eahhape-his favorite d-sh hut for other loods. If th" Moip'in, who dazzled the Teiiuuis with his n.athe inatlcs when h" was a (erniaii ulil vorsity post p: adnate adeiit, imd ac ci pte.l t' .' chair of li.atheniat i s of fered in him by Ibdilell,.. rp, instead of Us Yankee corneil beef anil i abbag" it. mipht have Peon Hanliiarteio und eatie! Kraut NViv York I'ri ss. True Independence. You will always !!nd tl lose W ll 0 duty sy in ra Id's i Ih e an in think tiny know what is better than ni know it. It the world to live after tp, opinion; It Is easy in noun Bill T our own: but il: pre; bo who, In tho mid-t : tl keeps, j;1i .erfei t -m . ; in dependence of soiitude - Km ur lo t, t m i r. -. II.. IU I 11 wd, in- Could Wait. I -Why didn't yon stay to nscertalr. how badly tin? mini was liijund?" do I miimled the Judno- "Why," explalii-ed the chauffeur. "I ! knew 1 could llnd out from the dally j papers." 11 AMI III II.I) I I' TIIV-. SViTFM , rh the o:,l hl.ili'l.iel 1. Id A K - I I IH.I-..-S (1111. 1. ri'Ml', I' ll know wliiit Tun uri. laha.. rim I'.ruiu.a In t'"ti" V l" III"l '" .'V.-T On. nl.i.wli it I L III siiiii 'v lii'llul"' '"l l'"n i" a '-"- )..iib f..rin 'i ll.' Onlri lie ilnv, i out Hie ! Briil Hi" Iron lnil-iln in Hi" yieu.. boal ly uii ilmiiert or on yii. "" -"- Wood In a High Grade Violin. In a hlKh-Brade violin there are 65 pieces of wood of three or more kinds. Mr. Wltilow' Foothlnif Pynip for Chllitren teethlnir, softens the irumn, e Inlliimmtt tlon, Blls rln' cures wlml cube, Sie u Uiltlo. A heart unspotted Is not easily daunted. Shakespeare. Becauao of those t . . i . j ' TT-r-nrT, , i i n i. mj i i i i m .m-K'.'l 'U f t K MVJ';TW'V"V..rm,'m' "A'tol n f ' y , -i ... wr-iwiww. ACT PROMPTLY. Kidney troubles are ton danc'-rous ' to neglect. I.lttlo (llsorden.) prow mi- 1 rlous and the Knffeier is toon In the ' crasp of diabetes, dropsy or i.ital r.riuht's (IIsphbo.I 1 loan's K dtiey I'iHn euro all distressinp kidney ills. They make Flolc kidneys w ell, w eak kiduoj s btl'olip 1 II A. Townsoinl, 11 Knox St., llansville. ' N. Y , niys: "I am filtlslleil I would not I be allvo worn it not lor I.)'s Kid- ney I'ills. I iMidur. d naony that no' tointne can esci alio. Iioetors did tlndr lie-t but coahl not In-lp me. -Joan's Kidmy l'illn rettorod me to health and strength." Henii'inber the namn rioan's. For . sal" hv all dealers, no cents a box. 1'oster Milburn Co., lluffalo. N. V. j She Took No Chances. A happily wed, p, matron ii the principal of tin odd incident, which one of be,- ",, f,,.is r. lutes. j lVfore the matron's i imap. inel.t to lur present husband was i-.iinouiic( d, 1 sho met her "ih ar" frh ml on the i etiaei. 'pi,,. ,PW niiuroTi was hurryitip ! toward one ,.,r t);,. jliri... j,.u, jry s ,,r, 3 j of the i-hy. "John ii-hi. ii." an iiaap. iie-n! r'ne." si'" (Aplaiin v itlio.n u (hado-.v of i emhairasMueiit. "nnd 1 am r ing do n j to n . how iirieh It nst. Y'.u k , I I pot. tho Jewel. !'; name off the box," ami she le.irn , ,., I Th" same li . ml s ,ld tha' am i! ,-r ; j bit of Inf..; is a i (mi th" leat.-en pot was j X'A",1 st,il:d:t:p of th" pli r- I" olive Ini,. liai d. v. lo.-h tu,.- H eure.l by paylm; for a s; .-, i , p,,: i f.-,.u , 11 (til I I 111' -1 lil I ,'p"le y. I Ccnfusirg. Ciaip raid!'-, a' a d,v. r !n N.-w- i ! I.nrt, w as iP -erihi!,.; the clu'iipi!.-; ! cuna on n,e j i,:a s ,t,,tm..n lip lit at lo no. "l-iipht to four and a half on Jef. fries-- nine to sif th" oilier way alu -it three, to one and iiaai-te" 's ra'hei- eoiif ... it :;, Isn't It '.'" he niid. "In fact, It's alino-d as eeiifusiiip a.. I li" t wo k:i is' talk about a Recr t. " '.Mini .' said Hi.- lir.M l-e'l, Mold Ire that you 1,.-,1 nOl her ti,at s(.,-it 1 to'd you lea to te'l her ' j " Tlm I a tint p.' ! fi n o- phl. '! to! I ., r in t to t. :; m.,-j I i.., l I lor' i " 'W. ".' s ,;,i (;,, fe... ,. ,) ,o', ' I "f I " l-lMl. l tell J ., -he ,. hi i... ' so d .a'! t. her 1 ,; :.' " ire the Dog! - .1 l, in 1 li-.' !) to a " v atid ". "re ti hi that i a ' to ,'i- A f"'i 'h -uhltliill I la y ihonhl the piciu:-. ' lit ! irht S'. !l ..V h" !.'.. :t t ih that w a" !... sab- in H o J, the lo i:i'.., a i h r. who w a. ;i 1 1 - i wat d t !-.. p. u'hh'uui.i; ilm; lan ; i Uiaa. Snot t:y w is ''ii'. i . d hy 1 In: ru 1 :irs who made a o nj haul, whii" the bli; P n - lept. Ti," loan went to . tlm ili i: fan. ier and told him about 't. "Veil, ut you no. d now." said the ! iliur nnu'i-iiaiil, "is a le.-l!e doi; in vahe j i iil Hie hie, ih,.; -Kveryb" ly's. i i Remeinbering Each Other. i lie sat oti ihe satal at Ailantic City ( In a bathit sur Ahout ten loot ! i away idje was d'-awii i.' pi. tiir's in tiie j snml with a s 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 blown t'"l' IniK'-r. ' ! lie nntiei d her i oi. a!, nun. her curves ' and the pliti' m i-ohl m In r holr II" I wanted to i-. ah. and ;.. t - rinally he I Minimum t loiaa-',.' anil walked ovi r ! to her j "liidu'l I talk witli on for aboit , I five minute- i siiiiui eis i a'!" In- ' ! Iislied. i I "Two year.-' ami." f.. said ilp'timiiy j ! "Two i-.sii-s u:;o 'el n,e see did 1 w t 'iir blue tiii st oi kins '.'" Tai-en nt His Word. "s:tir" eu aie -o busy today," Fat! -ho nihaii" 1ournal.-t, "will you kindly tell ui" v. he. i and v li.-i e I can lie , von for an int. rvl"W ?" "(hi to Id "i s"' . '''Oi'ied the Irate t plllitieiiill. "Tliaiihs, I'll .!or It an appoint ment. Bermuda Onion Seed. HI reel l i otii Teiierilfe. e are head iuiirti-rs. Write lor pi iei s. John A. Falzel" Seed Co., I. a Cross", Wis. She. Was a Big Fighter. Mrs. isenham-Ho yu remember when I hud m" eomlne, out? Heiibam No, but It must have been like the hiunchini? of a baitlshlp. I'.ir OOL1IS mill ;icif IIIcVh' C.M'l I'ISK Is tli- li.'Kt ri ni".lv- re llev.' (lie ii.'lilin mi. I fevct'lsii n.--i ..iii-i H tin1 lelil mi. I,...s iiiii'iiiilI i-iiiiu It lonw. il's li. I ii t .1 -cnVols iuiuiedliilli'. Pi'., 'Joo.. ini'I Uie. At Ul'Ufe! hlores. No man can justify censure or con demn another, because, Indeed, no man truly knows another Sir Thomas flrowne. ugly, grizzly, gray hairs U80 LA it A Handicapped Official. ' "You let some of the swifist nuto fcoioIk is pet by without a wonl'.'" " I know It," replied tlm vilhipe con stable. "My fiascos don't salt my cy, s l!lo they used to, and I can't lo a li 1 1 ill; v v.iih an auto that ain't poin' slow elno.e, jr u lo i a 1 tho l.UII. her." Distinction. M Hly- Is this picture likn "our fe th- i '.' Tidy (if course not, hilly! It Is lik" latlnr when ho hud his plclere tak'-li. Turk. I'ol- III- tlMOSIC H.'li Cll'l HIM' U ,.- : .-en, i '.u, , Meiu.-i.-l, -li-.. n, I ,,, ell.,.. re. v. i It ' e'l-'l-l a,, e-iiil in Mm. u, in , ,.,a. I"' 'a i ."J II. 1 ' , ... ., ,,i i,U ( j . Moli-H. Tin- vaiid i, llov. ini; out of tho plass day and nlrlit, iiiyht mid day; bake It not. You have u work here. Uuu. oral ( kh'iIhi). If ymi liatl v-..,itivo tf.r.f that .1 certain remedy for female ills lir.J ma.b riui-iy i".d;i,uk.iblu curuf, wcmld yiu r.ut fuel l:l;c tiying it? If c!nivT th j Ia..t th:rt year . v, c hive not suco -"led i:i convincing every f-ir-inii' ., , wnninn that Lydia 1'.. Ti;.!. hain's Veg.-tahlo Compovr;', has cored thouswids and thou sand . of women of the ill., j (.. .;1 i. r to th.ur sex, tin n we long for opportunity I do ! hy diivet corre.-pondenre. HT 11 l.i r i. jue.anwi.iie 1 ' :a ice I- .ov i to be genviue and tr.;!l::a!. !f;t'i si.'i, 'Mi!.). " T 'liff 'vil r..r a Icn tlm-. fvoo.i n '.vent, th-s'i, Intliin.-iisitii.'.. !::.:. 'nl ! .: . i " icli n .,i,tii a:nl s-irosM on. I liait Ui i ! ' i-.ii'.1 ii:i'! r- oi .. iouiio.urv r. ii t, In n n lric-nf :n'vi-.'i Itle fe J::k i.-.-l : I'.. I'io'i ill's ;;o! a .,!.' ' -i:t. JiOM. !. I l':l so, i ;i 1 v. I'df i- v ..; tor u! i ice. I Ii.i '. I . . i( li I' I y I'll !('l "i . nl.T (lil'ol'tilHIS Hi .'I !,, Kl't. I' tills ill if l I'll,! tl w In t e': if t'i" e,, ;;i!;li. ! 'mi ) poiin. I. li !i.i . e ory- ri-i'Min f'l.cliovo I am Ii 'tv! I Ha nitiift. 1 ;; oit I't.! ; jii . DiKsiiiii to use mi- ( ...i i moni.ii." Mis. I.. , . t';ir;ilo.-i'.;, iimi ...n, t.'li; . If. V. kKt 7. "I Ft. Koti's (-.v,,s s:o I mil 1 1. ,1 I I J,--' ." nmt it V'.;:! I 1 . ,J V. I'lifo t i ll i k hum's V':."(!il ! liaily '.ay t'i '",i fi liK'dK alio aiii i . Jl"itT lor . 'cri'i ot. u: 1 female di.-eases. We po.-ses enough to convince th':.' mos-t I or ftO ye:,.-s T.y.lfa V.. TMnVImri's V'-e1i;-ple, f'StflP ompourirt tint been ilici renn'rv t'-.r V'i v1 ( leni!ile ii! i. Nr. vjek voitinn 'iocs jti.'li-e In ('ft V liorsell nLoviili not try ll.i. I'lttiuii'i iii.'.i!-.:,.... l Ijn-v -'.r A!.-tIe f;Mlir--' oly frma runts ...... imiHMUii. r.o CI1ri.j m (.j-. ,,u P7Vr.s. r;-:kiam fnvit-s till p.cV vont'n vril her f-r nrt.ioo. In.; CUidua f !io'.".-:n.?i fo Ii,.,lth ti.c nf 'tiar'. Ailil.' os Sirs. i'iiiUIii.i.i, t.yini, idans. mmmsmms X ?7 x TO ji , i- ! PAY r : 3 hi rH.' , Vr 1 17 MSTEMPEE : re aiifl J'.imI tl pn ra V 3fo ' , .".';; "-S"'-"'-o..n.ll ,.;l...y t "On II. I'. .,,,1-' , , ,. . ...1..,. I VAx'vVW.O ii'l i - u fln.. I. Lin., v r.'ii.. I v . :.., ,i ,:,,.'.. e ,.. . ... nll,i ,,, ., ... , ,.,,.,, ... ,' '..'., .',''; I . i-.'i. an.l I .i ri-n. ' h,., , :.. 1 SPCHN MEDICAL C3 CFItOf E HAIR RESTORER. PRICE, SI.OO, retail. A pii'l who hits nnd wat's f ir a inn to jr.. posh must fool a pood d. ui ilk H cat that Is wniehiiip a rathol 7. L. DOUGLAS MIN' B'li.OO, i-2.50, $3.00, H-3.60, M.00, M.O WOMEN 8oO.S3,3.0.l Ei.YS's2.O0.?3 50 &,3.00 THE STANDARD f FOR 30 YEARS I "i- fcdt Th.-v nre .i!snhiti Iv the U7? "i. VA jn'l 'ii in i .iini U' 'Si .. ji'iiB i ' l"i t lie price In Ameriia. I Vf?' 1 tic v .-in t iu1 !c.i lers ovci v- ..'-,.'.(,. v.hen- hi'i-auMi tln-y hold Tj -.-."i. V' '" t ''t bttr, .- -: .' V luck Vttcr and wear Ion- JV ft than oth.r ir. ikoi. x. lli-y nie po-iiivi-ly t!ie Lli!.' . VV.H?uia ctone. niiiiil Htiucs inr you to buy. W. L. Iyoii.,I,mnan-it. and t tie re-l.-il priie nr.; atiimpei cn tin?'im v:ila -i:.'ir,intcf d. TAKE NO SUUSTITUTE ! K y,,jr (ti lw eaailut nii; lv yu wnlu lor Mail Onfci &iuluf. W. L. DCUCLAS, ttoklou, m.m. W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 33-1910. letter-, which v.e ruavantec I'.-oN. , v. Vv.-o T-it r .nr' T wm ;, Ik t iUi tuiiiv lioi! '.i-', niontti, l.n.t froii tun .i three ,iad,i. 1 t '.., i i, ,. ;,,i, tool, ' Ihi'inl.-. ('.iii.tiniinil in ilrv I'm n-. 1 urn it f (,. oin'cl. i IninU lo your jr.iiid i it-.', leu i'i' i.S' :il V p,K,,. ( ..fin rs." 31.,-i. J. 11. T'.is j ill is, jn. , There is ;-h,,o!ii!o!y no doubt rdvuit the ability tf th:.-; grand old remedy, made from the roots ru.l herbs of our fud.K to cure volumes of proof oi this fact. i-keptical. aixl hnlis, ai 'l I VI V V y.' Cldcstand nest Tonic; for Malaria and Ddiility. it: in- M lii'f r'.'ifcrr t. IJnllk" i i .nc, it I t e T ikf r o Blit' In t. ( cV l t uiii.'lei Pf -i t t j aty .iiiJi f at. if.fil' H I'F I.H Ai'l., fii 1 U.n'i, Vv S ft r ffnlt ry, Tpl olic .Vhipijiti Yv r t liafurlujl I ivcr fii'l V nit' rr ii"' hi "i i 'i n mv lii" rp liir .' ' '" ' ; l' llil'i-J"'. IM li i. ut. '-On I. i,.,or. .v., li In m.ii 1. .1 AhJ!..V.7. CCCIO. IND., U. S. A. AXLE OBEASE Kpoj s the spintlle lrit;ht and Ine frrun Rrit. Try a box. Sold hy dealers evoty where. STANDARD OIL CO. Tucuri.uriitt.ill . 3 H Ml