Newspaper Page Text
iMfiMr!a'iJPJiJ(.k..JlWinB""T"ii'S l . 1 I ,M to 1 .t. ... !; i.'ilivih !i .. n . Mvtt : . i.. . ... IS" Mil' ll '. "' Su.i"'. i .' l.o,sl .!.:. Never to Late to do Good 1 S SO I'lf: V ' - Hill:, !.l ' - it ti llllj. I'.' . I ill- Uf " unit 11 i'l 1 ' iii i rulr.v ' ' . - m i . .I. . . 1 ... i- 1 ! N . I . . . : :. li -,4. !. I v. 1 r. Hill Taylor says his stock of Clothing, Shoos and Gents Furnishings wore move complete and he can furnish you with any color and size. I want your business, I need your business and I will appreciate a look from you when you need anything to wear. See T A. YLOIi. ;! ",i if its stylish and good TAYLOR sells it. So see - tlmi'i. 1. 1:- . ; gi. ,11.111; 1 til r :..l ( i . 1 l!,. ; .1 I lll.t L " .: v cli.:!.".. .'! Spy..- I' i o 1, ! i ! I' .. I '. . j 1 i'i f 1 -rr. ' '. ; ,i' fi.,',.1. .! 1 n'i. Mr? '. I . . I ' . vtri. .t ; i l . . t : ae 1 I I I Me. .?.., 1 ..t ;.. - :. 11. ' ' '1 t.l'H ' :i - 1 . r ... i, a weni! 1 f :.. . . ,'i of till' t 1.. I" I, , . - . ...r. M '.1,1,1 r. Mi. - . . , Ml. W, . I I'., - 11 , .'-. In V.i.' i.. 1 !.:,.!' I, ; ,' : S"C l! i : . .! . 1 1. .1.1 'lif nail . . .. 1 v :i I ; , wlilc'li 11 s;. :i.! 1 f (:' ... i. uiu.t f tl.v '. :. 1 'i'i 1" : . ei.tior n . '''' 'toll '. ! I,. -.i. i.ii.. t .1 1. .n .rty wen M 1 . 1 ( ' K,i :'. .:. I . tiiis, jj.v.vii 1 ! ; I ' ; .. 1: " " ill. mi. 1 ! - ,r. If Pi;.!, gra.- :':... .): . i. it 111 : : I'lu.u t"i,:'ii. ;'..W' I I - .till. I'lOII. i. i.,, 1 1 : . 1 1 . 1 ' .. 'y . tli !:.;: s u- : ' 1, 1 1 ;"'-(. II., v,. .., ,i. . I. i . : ami I't' ' ijhv, 1: , ' 11 : . '.riu .lu'.i 11. t .1!i..i ' Ull.P ff li.''i II, iii. 1 i ' ' ;u k I. 'i. J. V I M : Mv'C. T..V.,. :! : . ! : 1 . . 1 : '. . i S ffoi li l'.f ' ' ':'. t ' i l ' .f I .V ." . II W I.:' ..ii: . .1 '. 1 . :i:!.:oil l.l I l.r !'i :..... ' I .-'.ti t'!j!l t I l j,vi: .. i tlje 1'n.tiit M.l (:'!.- . 'i.feiltn.i'y , mii 'Uis l '.'i 1 . 1 rn tcriHUc .t- l:Ct: , : li I '.. .. ' U Willi III-' '..Ml.ll lu il !!. tU Sllllt l! hint I'u . I-. 1 , ;-ur I'liucr l':,r. TIjomis::' '.: jui, l". I!, lime, 'lieu ditirc'J l- "iKi. ti.o I'uited '.'oiifi-'iteriite Vet, which a)w whs yivi'ii itii r-:ndy tactful t jli J.S 1 li i :iln i 'lit-.1. , .'li'.'l tl.ii met MiL im ' e recniin-'o from the l'OUil)i:ii.'ll.t l.'f tl.11 i:illl(', TlirO'loie li-ir .I. :l . M- F 1 !it ic riqiiflt. tile 1 nvilif of U ..atin the visiting Du'.iuht. 1-, vl.' ' ii i U !:! Willi li.ucU I Ula I'-. i I C'.' iVOil illl !lj' ,Vdi'..r r 1:1'.. lr('!i -.1 to tti'.ll I '!: .ri.C'l'I'Inl.C : II ' ' it'll I V ll) JI..l..;;.'U I in Mrn, it Mi-lT'-'l I'. I '.::! I :: 'I Nti 1 1 yllii U-l!v.f. ! - Particularly the Ladies. THE CLOWM'S FACE. 1 v. .i..iiM-r oi' iii'iiiziii.- (., 1 1 :;' I t".'i Hi;. ,.f u 11 :.; v. ' . :ii:..-:ii 1... 1.. 1.' ,11. .if" hi . . 'i. tllillllilk.'l. I -i.ii! I i . .Ml'llj litt.'l,ti..l li. I ..ti-- . Hi" j.H'i.l.-.-l 11-- .il.'l .-. l.-il -villi I l.i ll..- lili.c vl Louis Knt tinlv nWant an.-l rcfreshino to 0'.li'ie l"c oenl From Wh the taste, but gently el. insing anri sweet- ' ef B'ack Lin" SP' 1 to the tyrtem. Sirup of Fig and 1 ' "" i,,'vh,:"-' ri' ( C :. . ... II' 1.1 i il --T ill 1 .. I lllli ;i-i. L.IIAII 4i cillia 13 '.1111111. ny auMvj ( to ladiei and children, and beneficial in f ' all casc in which a wholcwnie, strengtli- f.iing and effective lavitive liould le ,. used. It i perfectly wfc at all tiniei and ' ,. di-pel colds, liodaili. and the j-iin caused by indig'-stion ii'i.l constipation so ' 1 firomptly and effectively that it i the one t perfect familv laxative given wti 11 faction to all and is recommended by 1 v n.illions of families who have used it imd 1 ' who have personal knoit'cdgc of it ex- v I cellencc. ! 1 Its wonderful populnit;. , however, lias j i !cj u'iscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act um.itU.icioiily. There-1 1 I lore, when buvine. In wl its beneficial - efferl, alwa note the full name of the t - Lompany laulornia I ig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuiue 5mp of Figs 1 1 1 r-. r o . y!'l' ana uixir or oenna. Tor sale by all leadicrf urudtji.-t. Price 50 cents per bculc. 0 Uet 1 ."our i.ljlo of 1 ho 3 :l- n . li- :i I, Hi).. II- :.,i. I I- fn-r . ,li....f 111. :. .-town. tl. 1 1 1' 'I.' '... n k'10 .1 u :i. 'I'm i.iiMi.uiii.". who li"M -s lh 1 li" It. 10 Piivmi l.y lir. it. i" III:. ml. Tin! ".oiii! - 0I.1I I 1 ' III ' 1 run.. In v. it.- v. : ' H. .till iMlill.ll l.l I. . i. ii llio .'l:ol.'ilL' :! i ii.n li-..1. tli:lt h'-wnl of C" liitlr - 111 I.ii i:i I h" 'I. ,KO :i;l .mill, 'li 1. .-: 1 1 1 rloiir. iImiih- f I lav- ."f r. Iii.i..i. iiu'iirnor-. h N fn. . 1.1 Cnilol' tl.o liiii-.l..ii li-. sorrow I," iv:i Ml IV. .. Hi- iHl.l I "II '. h .i-oro .-.'i.iii ioll.'it ( Ills U 1 1 . 1 I Gave Up Hope "I si, fie' e.l five years, with awful pains, due to u-' .Man ly tiviiiliies." writes Mrs. M D. McPhcrsoii, from 0:?d- bourn. N. C. "They s,'rcv: worse, till I would often I cuiihl i;.'t v.-tik .it ;tiiil I had an awful hutting in ny side; aN'i ;t inacbiche and a backache. I v jve up and ibetiulit l would dt, but my htitl-and urtfi'd tr..' t.. try Cankii, :;, I bepan, and the firs-r bntile I helivil i:i.j. By the time the third bottle was used. I c uIJ do all i; v v. mk. All the pcdple around lice said I '. 0'iM die, but CarJui relieved me." ' in his p.'i ft'i'Miun , unit In 'ir M in it j l.l.. I'omi'iiiiion ."1 uol M.. ol.l'T ('.' Hi., smyo I'll lilni nhli n i". ..muling t u- '. 'I u NT V!. 'i'lulU i" i ).i L'e U-liiin1 i lui'i tiiti U:!i ll .1:11 '. u r.r:. 1. .- .' .'. c. ui :Ji fi- c! : 1 '.IT, USiail". IUic wtnl ,. . 1 :!, iir'ot.i. iii' if ii"ii- wrt lill u.itiiv for l;i:cklcuV ' .Siiin , Lui 1.1,1 t.i of v.oi. -(.. cur' Iki I r,,v..,l tlifin ti 1. 1'. a. t . e.-; n lierf it U ; 11 ki.r.wn nto :.; on f"i'tl. 1 .1 Oun. I'oiir. i- ci.ip.!, i-i'ra'u.t, .:! I.,'-, fvcn.ii. 1 li tcnle. fr.i'i- hii'J !:'' 1. n : j .'"'. at Ml I'iu.; ?! tie Qtiilat DOMESTIC Now A MONTH s&T fr-A-. ' rm.-i H"Mnr.i L If ? B : Vr . uMiu m v huH XMz V ill Talid Vonr Old Machine y.TZi. Tolstcy Huti Doctori. "J'bo Imo fount Tltov ..ndiud pfi.r :i!iitis," tiiiil lit n J unor in Waliiiik- 1 ton a Uussliiu illpl.'iuiil. "Vou reninubei' hem 'i'niitoy rliii cult'U physicians lu 'Wnr and HcacV Well, I beard Li 1 tit rl'Jkuli! throe ot lUcm to their faCi'S ui'tT n ve:ttnr!!..n fliiiner ut Yatiimyn I'oiyanu. " 'riiysictuns.' lie .-aM Littcrly. Kli ln up from u pinto of loiitlls "mny lie divided luto two ilasse tlic rait leu In, who kill you, nnd tli loiiJkrvativon, m ho let you dio.' " Bully. All Irloliuinii lui'i U I'.iii!ii. frlwij wcro out iJooti!ig. Tln-y l:iul been very uni.-.os'.fiil nnd wore re fii'iiiui; ilowulienrt.-.l wiion tlio) m A linre dart out of the tutltfi- Mike, lu !iiuiicuo.Til. ii.ln '1 to Minor. Hud t tic Unio tseup"d. Why didn't job l.cot li':" ii'iici the ni.nlishmaD. "Slmro." wiid Mike, "I didn't rfe I: till ll ivns ui of igiit." Iindva llll'H. J .'h:ii.i. of li'i i'iiitiii"iiliil tr.oitil.'y :r 'I (!(. i.liy pnili e:ii.".l lir.w ' 1 1 i ' I ; 1 1 1 1 ' 1 " to w.'iii, As !";.. 1 si.,,: int. I ll'"', 11 ol 0; lii- V'.ljil... l';:"o : ll!" II--1- " t ttil n Colli' ..' tl-'H I !) n't ' di" 1. o.-o: -l unit tii'iifli.'il i' -'it Into ,i lorlon. And ev'T s'li'.'ft t'o-ii "ivry j 1: lin. Muck tine. 011 lies 1 1 1 it ' ..'. 1 ; , fa. o. 1 j M.i.'ii nr.' tlic- W11. I. Ll 1 Hi" ; fn. .. of tho Hf lor that lh" iroM' ttr f jki... t'"t ..f'-C'ini'iti'i Jril'iiiio. J Dicksns a a Reporte-. j 1 1. ok.ii' oiir-e d-wriln-.i ti;- ouiil ' ii' .n ilnder li l'.icll lie pm .iir.1 ill'- .'lll!- li,.' . ;' it roporief - coiiilllioiis ho wi'd. j of Mhli li his mrvMaor coiilil have no I iido.piiu.i ld"ii. "D ono o'.va d.Mi la triinnaitiod his sliorthaml notei of Ini ' j.ortarit eiei'tion Hi echen, he ks:1, on I .1 U. I..- tl.A 1 Ul J'U.U. I'l 1119 IIUU1, O.. .1" v dark hmleru, iu a petttchalso and four Kiilloplne flii'oncli n wild eountiy at the doaa of nipltt of the thou nmvrts Ini; rate of tUt -en luilox uu hour. H once, In the cnstle yard at T.xrtor, look an elation npe..'U of I.urd RilMsell in tbo ruiiisi of 0 liver? Unlit. -Wr-Mnlator lioxelt. TAKE URDU The Woman'sTonic I".t nt.:e than 50 year?, Cardti has been relieving WiitiuuiV s;i.:ferintfs. and making weak women and well. li.inL' this time, thousands of women have written, like M.--. McPlicr-on. to tell i'f the really surprisinft re-ults they .-...: ..oi by the use of this purely vegetable, ionic remciy t"r v.-'.rr.on. Caiditi strintfthens, builds, restore.. and relieves -i pre vents hi. necessary puin a;'.d suffering froai wunianly tri"ibns. If you ire a woman, begin taking Card ni, today. V.'fi,,.fi l.iui.V Aslvtorv Her riutlinaHCi Ci Home 1 rejunco' lor M onuu. nniiaiinocn rnn , ktnllrc: I 1 Pur Reading Mattar. i.mio of tl.o fiinnlect requests I ovr i-.t." the n.r.-urtlslnB niuniiyer told n "mi from n lo'.ul dry g:U mwliaai no said, '1 want this iid.orilscmi ni ut In a piirt f iho pnpr whoro wf-jn-mi will ho ir:n to rend IV "'li n-iit S.otf, uian!' 1 said 'I'.n'l ,..ii know t'l'it whou v iinv.; Kituo .iiro ri-:i.iri! nintter thai we'tj 10 on Mire to H'O wo put I' roNr lo 11 dry uoodx lntv-rtUeirii'.T " ( to. . i:mi I'liiin iK'itler. "I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do ou r:.ilii' u is Ivtt.-r to bnr afe than sorry, th.) -'t is the hr policy ti lock the srinie dorir before, the hors is fo,ea. Dr. MiW Heart Reracdy cured M's. C. C. Goky, of. a stub born c'i-rC ot hear: diseie, such ai thousand are no .jfierirv with. Read what site t-v,: "Bt-fora t begin Hirrf Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy t ti.t b iufennj fiom h'art treubl I x over fire years. I bad grown m wtak thai it- impossiuie tor x to ao uiirtr 1 , to da thlrtr mlnutea work ill a wtiola day. I scStreil Inteu pains in my left aid and under the lett shoulder blade. 1 coul.l n it sleep i tb left stii, and ( should never lt at.l to take a full was so short of broatfi Chat I thouvlit 'u..T,'"..?v:.,'.!r,'i" i.l.l...:t'9lUl l.l'TK Ul1 DOMESTIC The oencn m;winK ,"....--- - inw AU.UC O"1"' Rlisinin.-t, . I'J11".' " .,i.. ,. N i.) 1 1 1 ' I'. I'O UONUIK'I.UI -llir N,,li:t- la lur.'liy nlvu tl.nt U'.irs h oi 1 of the Town of, I'l -'.l i. N '. 20, 'or W hi Uli. lieiirinir p, .. , 'i 1-f IJkH), 'i l.'f ' '" I 'in I' ynt .I''. M;i I'M . lo n,c ,.n. Co nii'il of .H.t Toil f I-,, I' lorl l ... Si'd Loud n ' ' v lot nii't culled iu fo pnyment HCi i-rd- ,,-l,,hW- B....ciRirnv. I'l'vasuif r t "0" An Ox Kid. '1 h.iuiu.." fa Id Hit pi'Ol'esKOl ( l.tipii In tfif jur.lor . tans In theirA'try, "uiouliou i.n oxide.'' I.eiitlKf." rcpllou Thomas. "Vv'but I lciitlul iim oxide of!' fu!il I lie prof'hsor. "Au 4ldo ft t.'f.'' iiiiHwerd tb tirtubi youassli-r.-Chi. ,'kio wt. Called Her Bluff. MYt.ii me iho flint mnn 1 e?er permH- ed t Mh me." 'Anil ymi lire tlie first girl I Tr titsHeit. Will y.u marry trier "I wouldn't marry n llnr." "I iv.iii'i).' -Huti' ton I'oai. breath ajriu. Th latwt eicitement woul l linnj on the nvwt ilntreiMnj antaiion. i tu t soaroeir taaea a Iwttlr of (he Hurt Remedy be fore 1 could s...r a marked change In my cmtiiiou. I biffo lo sleep well, had a 5 od apuati'e, and im pnwed so tar,idljr that wliea 1 hail talo n sia boitt-( I o-aa completely cured. M KS. C. C. GOK.B V. Northfield, Vt. If you have any of the symptoms Mr. (Jokey mentions, it is your duty to protect yourwlf. Dr. Mile Hrt Remedy. ia what you need. If the first bot tle fails to benefit, four money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILK. MIOICAU CO, llkhart, Insk PaVis JeWelrj Slore A Full line of New Hat Pins Newest Styles. Anvthintr you can call fi'f Jewelry, Watches, Clockt, Silver Novelties, Siectacles and bi day Presents. Pearl Ririt. FINE WATCH REPAIRING, .!iELM REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING PROMPTLY. :- ';' Don't Forget that I ifcB Speetaelts at half price ar.d I arc not a Fae that has to rim over to other town? in order to business where I am not 100 per aent. of travelh .u l)ec' tacle men are Fakes. '' R. Davis. JEWELER. Plank's Chill Tonic t cuarnr.teMl to cure malaria., chill ever, co'd iimI U u'iprn Pi ice iV iird IEIctrgc fitters (Succeed when -vcnrthing ' In nervou prattration and weakneaae they art the upr" remedy, aa thouaanda hav test enn uinurv llCO AnB Irwn niiiifaitfaf - tf STOMACMTROOBl-lv,. i it v,, -..i;nj ever 3eruggilcour' I GO. pr buttle. .W ou; druiat. ..litT..."! il.ll.n64.. ,.