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i NEWS OF TOWN fcKD i 1 N-v , i'uylur H.i- I:. !v .,; M a-! on. ii .. .: .re "k-' . .i . v i' ' i.i i '! " . . i V - ; , rr .Si.viv ill W. M. laylori ir i .i --if " ..f ' 'h. i." CARELESS PEOPLE CARRY CASH COUNTY CONDENSED i r. I'rre, 2V-. . .! I A;- ... .; Y i. ,. f. 4 ! '1 0'..i' C "r' ..t.-1 . - 'I .1 " 1 '.! . i.) k-iini that .i ' niiiv i ;i .-;if'ir 'i'j'-i'. , . t,,r a.'.'i. 11 ;f:i ; III W !):r ! ;i l' ; , ,;. :,!y t. i "j-t I if '' I.I 1 , - v ;r, ;il ' .f 11 T l'.. ,!,,. i hi- .; ii unity . i'li'1 lr' )'i :illll'i-t ,i II !: I.'.H, It.-- i. .. 1 I . if l. IU' f !'. I if', b ii.;;,.. ;i: S :5.;jV 1 t :i . I. " ' " " -f -vr.irj:iiirv p.-.r: it riiri- J' At (ircTar.ou.t ho. .n- wubt ' , ;n.lBty, rke 'M .imrrlk-. .,.! ' Coo motion o r'.a.n go I b..r v n. j u, .I.rJr.-a stomach. l''.;-e until "Muye " r.ea-i V I.fli-r. ., -, wt,. s,.m i,v ml l 1 'Ir.. O U Smith. It I. 4 rV vniiontB win nnppcn, not -ne it TVlHiam Coto,- , is.k1J home -,tf.ili-l Umilx kwp Dr. Tln'iun-' n( xif! from A 'Jnot , .vliere on Mod i. -r- 0:1 r,.rm.,-h n)Tfc--c ?!. It jiV f.. tvji rr from tlie Atltu-.t.. ,t'..';j.' 'jf l)"nt-;.y. Ki:.r,lti x f 1 1 . 1 ; .. r;- it ;!,tt ur.f to til- ;i .!.'... A . 'i.: 1 .tau't -t .'r...-..' -,ni r)i.'-' a:.: r.vtiL:.) '. :i a :,y v. t i.i' v 1 o !:.(. . i, ,1 I i ,,i. h".'. II ll t" II Ii. .i -' f ,. . -I .. ! -sp- ,.-.1. ' ii; i ;s i;;:r m vi. i; M'K: ;: .; ;:,i;,!.'-. I . .v.. . i . r- .1 -.-., ': - .!. i: - . ' vi; .r.. if ii.-! i )'..'. ; - i M .i, ly l ..l fr-::i M .1 " :'. I 'A'i:..'. ,-;,'(. N IV. '. I er, :. ' ,.! 1 i :i;:r.- j ; ;. , :tc -( 'I.P i t !-t -e vln.'. .I . S'vle (".! r- Fo,;,i.s !i.l.ib. - '. rrubin .if :.' ) i -;-'.-r K-' h. r A-1 '..rt' ln.-t liifivly :".''Miim' i if fli'' lViuli-li fi-;i- . .t ilii'liiink wouM 1. 1'.'.ik. Thinlc of tlio milli.ip- n) millions .if ilollar-in luniks every lay u.l uihr ;tnl the loss hy the break itig of a bank U no ,,r,,i .lollar in a luinhvl niiUions. lon try to be y...;i' own liiinker, You may regret it CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON MADISON, FLORIDA J . o ; I . f I ((( lew..!.. I " ; I ' fi vvvwwvvI Tie Floriaa Grower ; '-' r ; ..!, i:, i.i ki,f.w m . ,)) ... '. OiJiSk ir.gst !&!: .i li. ! ,ij . tn t!..ihiii t!.o fi:c v : i-. J' lay . Oi 'lit! u.!: :' r t t- :run jp.v.-1-i ...I.I I. .. .,- 1.1 , . . I- V if ... ...... " S-ir: i.. .!!)! . V!,.J it T l ..1 :!! !l !. II. S IIU.,. Ul lahl. I ll'HIl 4 ""TV"T" jT, l I Or ate L. j m ' THE FLORIDA GROWER 8 THE" LUDDEK d BATES CO. . . '' nit - ' ..ll'l'.'i '!). 'V . ,.'., , i i 1 1' i !i '; ic-r IF YOU VSANT A FIANO The Improve! MONITOR Mik Irori g E-y .V.J A ?tVw ( P--n..'.Kv i ' I1' V- r i' l!,.-" ,y ,v, r .I. 'W,n;rfi.-.t . TO' Ki OliiiiST:.. 0!l I it i um-tv TaU'r iHr. Kvhani1. ' ' , , 'I- i ' i ,t i-' '.; - . , -) ! '! '.-:,,...... i , ., - 1 i I.! ,,'uv 1 Tar.ii i. VjbsaA. T!:e Monitor Si Iro. .S', ! rlll JUli J ' We Viil Trq to GiVe OUr Friends 'Value received" in return for the business clone with us: at the same time we w tnt them to know that we appreciate their patronage. Out' policy is sound, liberal and just- WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS The Farrjiers paijk LEE, FLA. 'Yil.I.lAV U". .1. (iEKR. riv Vict .?r:,-: ; il . M. !'KK'iK!, i'.i-i:i,.r F. D LANSFORD, i : Her L'ltit Joke. ,1 ' rt.!j 1 1.0 w.i f .")': 1 t!:c- : its: "tir; !I...v ,M t;:0 J '..,-. II .I.i "t ! uv i t!i:c; rlt-.n1"-c: . t r;:.:r: V- -.'.cr. ;4 f t--jr -a -cn'-tiKiuB?" ; 'X'.'i . s!.i- . -.w n-.-:tos eight r.;-i cr, n f..e . p;'jior U-t'--t t n( '.' V:i.'-:n;tca Star JjtiS'd It by Himif. T.v.-.kir."- Why i en a !.n fre- t-i r.'5.'.? r.. Te;j'.i-r!(.a'i'.y ilon't know' A L'-n !, i-x't tiny ':;'or IU t ." Tr-.ti--.rlT t. YOU TRY To Select A F ;in For Your a-iiig He quires To Select A B.-.:,i-; .Vr.-ic vour Saving? u'll! . i . t , Sense G t) d Sense il -1 --'lean. i -.eop. We :. ri-'prnni'lt'l out-' :. t'.J I .. at.- ,.f et r; iiv-.-M':v.. : Ola Sanders AG EN ' FOR International Harvester Company Binders, Mowers, Halts The First National Bank of Madison i m i i IIS i.r' JVi J TIE ORLD - M A full line of repairs on hand at all times also binder twine. :- -:- Alilre all Inquire to Ola Sander. Agt. Iiitertistiotial Harvester Company MA DISC N, FLORIDA L 1, 4 ttir.utuiCATAtfti' .-I J , ( r.a lav gA J -1 . c -1 uixjt r, ' The Bl oodpTTS. We Know -BLOODINE- Will Help Ycu To n.ejA!n Yea Strength and Energy Report cf t!ia Ks&.d PKyU!-ri in Leading New York Hospital on the Cur of Ctanh, "A for y.fs acta we ecnsiJ'."' i ivc were 3i.;rg if we cur. I'tiit. of ti e cas.- of catairh I ' :- to us, but sinoe the introd-c .- -i w 'B'.ooJihc" into our hospital we tur D'.orc 90 per cent, of alltl.e cnstl c.ftutarriiin Its various'..l tous. Cattirrli of tlio Ilencl. C'.ra cf the Eua, Catarrh of the B.aJaer iiml rretin, Catarrh of the m tcstincs, Catarrh of the Larynx. l'e.MO i alarm, Catarrh of the itircar.. u I'atarrli of the Stomach are qui'1 curt.1 with "Bloodiue." It buiNisiitv tissups, gives new enerpy, nev new blood atid st rength to any part0 the body aitackcd by the Cs.tarrlH germs." Bloodine is powerful tonic, cpurj lsiiinr food medicine, cotupoJ oi valuable tonlo stiiuufaiiti obtamM from vegetable drugs. "Bloodme cxmralns no narcotic or other dar.ger ous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent, relief or cure the cause of your dwf: "Bloodine is a powerful body builder and blood maker; It is the best remedy FREE . To proTO the wonderftj riu of BLOOD1NB we will ni lMTg sample bottle for 10 osata u w or tumps for postagt AJdrs, Tar ?aVddjb Cobpohatios, Boeton, Hm