Newspaper Page Text
7 WITH AN iliIN; i AM' M N X- NO. 43 MADISON. FLA.. FRIDAY, JUNE :0. 10.11 $1 A KAK 1 . n I acllftAiKU'flK r.minr.H Pn 1'nnal Summons. Tins Woman's Club .Madison. rioiida. of I'incf.ta Was. ,.ii"l ll.l'llll1'' , .) u ii' - I. til iiiil IP i li .-is.e. will- uf .1 . I '. i,iT linnit' In i!i rii , liti'ii in I'Ui. r Ik .u'ii or four .'in ti'l.s. a'- Ml mi- x- W I!. I ' ( II i, iPi' iii u it i.'auif jfc,Mi''.k- Ave M' Kl vy La-lie was horn a' J. ;'. oct. ... Jl'ln'lffiif " ll,!f '"''''-V l'"l J'1'""' - ... .,i.,..i i. frjltaiiiiiiK " ; . . i i . ..e t .... I'jtill til1' I'l'C SCIlOOItl VI !- til tin- Uinu of lur ili-' 'if-1 .ijl iliis jroft:ision she held a .raile ci-ri ilic:ite in tliat Suite, i wssa li'emry owl cultured wi ; 1 l.u'li I'ruin natural inonur.iuii j !." :i. .i n' M'l'l mi I -,.;.-.,',,,' !! il I. Ill 11 l I l. -4'; ) i;:.c-'i'.U t1 ht ' ! . -' M . It. ; ni.'l 11,1 iiii'.;..a t'l '.;,.' I I; lil.n.'.". iltrilCtj'lll!) !! ! !! J At tm iii". . AvI 'ill s', i lle'.cl to no;i: v .d . I and ' W.I I'' ' I ll.i l IIU' f '' .- 'I. Iftlllll-'l. .:- !i-!i'fli I ii;:i.i"' -.- will wiili liii'( ity N'l.v IV.S ill . II. II. Inn i-SCIltl-'l if aiiv hi. Ill'l' l( S.'tid i'-tililll hein;j nnil ask liim lo -'i-ov iniisc .i . . . . : . i ... : l i: li . i... ,m ulucaiioii. On October i - . 1 . ... ... i 'ii-iiiiii'ii. ijlli'ii flu' liiippiiV miiiieo in ft I ...lii. ninl fi.ur or tlVi' Veals dtliuy moved to Jiu-U-ou, vvun, 4 -hive since rt-sid."'. ftfceasi'd was u devoti d ninl cun Xnt member of the Piesl.yterian utiuii was jjri'b uf tl j its city, lakinjt ureal n ly-l III tilt" varied phases of church ior. At tht! time of lii'i' death, sin 'jiiHcn'tiiryof the Missionary 'jiy uf Unit fliiH'cb, and was ultrn a 'aJuliiT of tnu Lailie' An! Society. Ai... in mnurn her los: Ijtf f fill n itig xxr - nL.0'1. .1. I). l.nslii'ttliiciicliililriT. I.m v. g'l A ; a father a"" Jut-r. Mr. and Mrd. L Hoy Mt-- 3v of AtiapukfiH. Oa.; two lunlli- Frank and I'avton McKIvy, two sisters, Misses Winnie and .eMi'KIvy, nil of Att&imljjaf Flu- luil iwin'.' r-i;n'i mi ii-t-i-ivi d fiuii) tl.i- M:i'ii : Mii'li-.i. Kin.. .Iiipi-i'i. Kill. To the II noiaiile 'F'uvn 'onm-il of tlin F'iwii of Madifnii. riol'idii. ( li-lilli-liii'l): I I lu- tu alvi-u il'ii'. fi.l'j. i'l i to villi' niiiov.i I liiivc aj puii.ti 'l for Hi h "iiruini V-iir, to li Nijil Va'i iiii!i:i. Mr. .1. II. Di iisiiii ini'l In In- Janitor c.'f the LVnietery. Jl'. W. II. I!iit!i-r. tin: i-aiHiics to l- "ifli us ' your Ik- ly may arraiij lor. Very ri-f-'iC'ctfully. I II. UU'.VJ-:. Mayor. ) I'pon iiiotiuii taiin.- u i "'.ilk'd ly : tin-. C'l'iucil. I Tne follow !r.u bills atrninft th 'town wri' exainiti'd, fo'ind t.'orrn't I and ordi-n d I'lii l. I rri ..: i. I j:. ,.ir I, ill s 17 l.'.i 1 . 1 l III I II l, I. - I - - J i x I he funeral was heldat Oak Ui.liie j : "H'. '"I al o' 'i. ' in ; . . ' ; ii'l'liii'ii ' 'ltd ,t:i i ' i ' in'. ! - : !l '"Old!! J ' I ! ii' : i I h.' l,i w ; . J i ! -' III I III., j..t,. - of III" I i t . : i i i U'i iii ' s c:n!i ii, r ii, it.v . f 'I.. till ' I hi j iii lai, I i i ' ij i ' mum llii'li! ai i- I 'I' . an I ton li 'i'iiuii'J : ' tii-w !.. ..J - .'. ;.- .. k "I V:il li'l I luvU. I'li 'tl ami i'i- i I--. ' M" rial- ! I ly tl.- ' - i in i li -'.!' il uf c.11,'1 I ilini li tlii' wi-!. r lit M and lni" of I tmvn lieatity and liygiiin; in i'.i' It (liiVrcir. loialily. Tin; Mailismi Woman t'lu'o litis two di-tini't In aiirlii's under tin- one lu a l: urn' ln in for eivii: work, llii'te ImldiiiL' a nu i-tiiiir on lli e st i onil Wi'i I n" i iv ot i-in Ii inontli. ini'l In - inj" snli lv tor tin ini ii m' of tittriid iiiL' '-o siicli ul.jta-ls as tlii'y (-1 i -v- i i !!. ii.. i: i '', li- :t 1.0 ! I -li, lit ;r J . lav i lit m.'i' it ( li.-iiv l i tin- -In' i i i . lna'l'llill i-i all ,.'l-. M-. M .V rii" i j ' I.- IX, ' l,' i :- ., ir f '. !! II ', III -.1 Iii-, Win . til ' 'In III ' V Hi 'stdiulinq of ConJ(staiil: in Piano Conicsf .it- tin i.l W i'i lit',.' .1, 1 1 1' will u Id In. ami fiirtlii-1' tin- lu-tsl in-liTi-sts of Hie town. First ainonii tl.i-si- liave I i-cii ain ii'ly liej.nn n liluaiv lielonin to tin- i-lul, lint also with ei-ltaiu restrictions 1 1-iny at all tiim-ii ai-eebtsilile to tin- people of tin; town wltellier OK-mln-i t! of llie chili or not . A eln'n room, or rooms, opt n daily to tin- "itll.eririj' and plt-asiin- of tin1 ni-oiili- ih miotliitr movement I 'f ii ti tind Mrs. T. I and to lie put into iiiuni d'a'.i- ell'.tel. were visitn.ji l(ij.'(!tl,i r with variuus other move- nei-lc. iiientsall for the lenetjt ninl pei nia. nent iinnr') i nn-lit of the town. The I'lnli has also another feature, which is the litirarv. or self ciiltuie or improvement one. The inc-liiiL i ,.,iii.i' t fiom Wi sco'.t al ' i V d h- I'' I l-i-t wci k f r.'in ' ip''..k-i Al-i. in i- i ! - nil.- the jri.-itioli of 'ashler of the I liu i; l.i ie. Mi, Wi -ciitt is :i inina ! j man i f i M i-llelit lrilii' ss aliilliy .and iiii ets fr.eii U iii it iinol i Ii tisatit man ' Iii-1' . '1 In s.- Vain ;i I ih- assets i-cltai III) 'I speak well lur Ins success. I Ulle Mis Milt ii; I'.iiii-h return ed Inmie Stitiiiday from an etende l visit to I'-ltitiveo in l'avu. (!a. to the delight of her linns little frieinls S. T. ( iilheti and family Visited Mr. and Mis. ,. K. I'mns of mar llaii-on. last Sunday. I l,i-tiiany rieiid-of Mr. Moses Let lie will n-aret to learn thai, he emi linn h very ill : Lis t-oml.tioii at picsent ln-ilif tnch as to "iuse aiipn lleiisioli. Mi'ses 1-1 im-is and Nancy Mnilh, uttiai-livc little dailjlhteis of Mr I'i; I 'i'.i I 1-11! ,11" .ii.'iini I, nit). i P'.'iUII I s ao I I l-T."ii j.tlii Il of I lit i t tiian. sun'. elativi-s here All nniiiheis fr.'iii 1 to ITU. iii'l'i sive, other than those in tin- tli lie isti ;'0i0 Votes c ieh, Capt. Frank Touchton Dead. j On sitnid.iv afleitni"!'. as apt. j I-'rank '1'oiic!, tun, ciiidu -tor on the i n i o lit Oeornia and I'I hi train running into Madison, wa- staii'liny, jut the U'pot : Douglas, O.-i. preiar latury to iiiakinn his daily trip, lie ! was s,' rii ken with (en tils -its aflectinn Ins whoh riiil.t side and his In-art in-tiiii). I he attack was so severe thai thoi'ly nfti i wards ('apt. Fouch ton snci.'uiiilied to the stroke. I he di rcii-eil :is well known in 'his: city an I was universally i sU'citu-d Wateriiielo:i Miippinii si 'i -in s to In- nlniiit Hie only thiii'J of coiise tpienee ahowt I'inetta tln'S" days, cfveral . ut, li a v I n il " -'' " , , ,,:, ,IM,i tin' I ' List wick. tttteiy licre. Kev. Mr. Lonoley, asturof the l'resbyterian cburi''1. ifonninir the List suit I'io'P. I he .1 olK-i iii'p'H were iitiineroiis ami attesting the esteem in iili tin: decease ! was lu-ld. l'u the bereaved family, the F.- iiirist-lieitoriler, willi other fiiendc. tends sineerest sympaiby. .1 'iutifnl. Tu Mv Friends and Customers f have opened up a Oroeery and tl business in the store vacated bl RusMtll Vann, next door to tue IJlcpliom- dllli-e. I handle Staple fl Fancy Oroeeiieg ,m l Feed n 1- t:ill kinds As 1 am no strun-icr jMadisiiii, Iniving been born and riix-il I ire mid having done a "irL' bl-ini-ss here for nine vear. I now if you for some of your piitroiia-je. ;! i n tin. vnri' hestthat I call tor 'i at all tiMies. Vo'Jis very truly. J. A. Wiosson. lei-lh-I.ilii--helfer Cc. bill. S-'S.OH; W. II. liuller. salary. J.'; Jim lienson. salnrv. fOd i"'', 1!. II. Uow'. suKry. .'i'i.0h; Livingston .V Mor row, iiiMirnnee. fo.S-"'; P. ' rarra moif tl-'" , inttininec 2". ".: W. A. Hair. Hilary. $40.00: W. A. Dale, street work and mule board. ffJo.'-i: outherij Sewer J'ipe Coinpany, bill, 14'l G7: S, V. GrifFm. bntid and coupon paid, $i!iC.3!i: Madison Kl"-- tric Power Co.. lihtf. Madison I'Jectne Power (o.. water Cl ll l.i il I. Tola1. lfl-'!t''.17. I'pon motion the ihairuiKn of the Ordinance Committee was instructed to n-pare an Oidinain"-. reiniliny t,e pri'sint market Oidinanee as fai ns il ii-liites to Ih-" mamet huildinr'. On motion C'o'.tiH-il adi'Miined. . r.GUlr'HN. Clerk. for lliis takes place on the fust Wed- .,ilV m,,n- will In- shipped thi ! tins! of friends llil'ulliihollt this scctiot' nesday of each month liieelin"s some origina pared by the diU'creiil t lnb members appointed by the president , are rea l, j ,,,,,1 or suite standard selections ale studied mid discussed, or suiue mut ter of current interest is debated. Some of these sublets cover period of s.-veial month, while others meielv oteiiijy one afternoon, but eaeh one is purely for the improve- anil lit these I ...... .1 Tl .-i-.l. tin- i-riio is II llltl papers- pre-ij,, nip-urs of previous years the i.l ice. l i eeived IS colisideicl fairly Mrs-. Frank Christian and clulM-r.-nof Niiiikir. are s.,inii 11 ditvs with the former's parents'. Mr. and. Mrs. 1. D. PurviK. Hill 1 1- p-iiiH'd to leai ii of his pti-sini; '.way. .i I'li'll wnitk- WO.I.KiiON ST A It F iiftnr yon take lir. Kimt's New 1-ib" P'1H ment and ."nlighte.iin of the mem- and you'll .,..lek Jy " i I l.t,. ,u jiliiii lu nffnintr r ' tjvi una nn- v'ui- s n ir.Strain at'Court House Kimtoh: Will you please abnonnee in your liable paper that A. 1). Strain, F. of the L'nivei'salist Chureh, will cch in the courr house at Madi- 0" tbo nlijUts of the Clli and " tb July next. All are invited to (me out and bear this great divine plain what Universalis! teach and lievp. The preacher of the difler- t (lenominnlini.a fir t-sneciallv ill- ; jited to rome out on those two oe- 'sionn. There will b nocolleetionf. rviiei tu commence at 8 o'clock M. Voura truly, ,Iah. 1. Ma' tin- with a most lively interest, its aims die of the highest. The flub motto is from the winds of the immortal Shukespciie. bemn; "Sermons in (tones; li ioks. in the I mining brooks, aod good in every- HiiuL'.'' and the constitution ol me " 1 vunish and lin H.ietiV returns. They rulateH'imin h, liver and l,oelH and impart new btrenitth ami eneiaiy to the whole system. Try them. Only ut nil I JruuitiHtf . stun i) at Suiitlis ninl K"t a "'"" ..... ..f V .....I .I.MII .Slll'. 'Ill Li.iW mill moft ei iiii'iiiiii'id treatment . i .l. . .. Ill, 11,1a ,l,,.:il'Ml ion ! - I,,,r.,x.xx ilul.ilrult' Hli'l nil Cii u.iua t...... tri-iiin , ...,'. - - Fhe ot.iect of this club is for the di.ei.i. of iheekin and sealm ' ..... .,l,...! this. They will K've yn nuprovenieni o. ...t- cuw.iu.,.., ru,, Card Club. Mi-. A. V. Vann was tin1 pleas ant, hostess of the Card Club on Finn s lay afternoon. The cony home was made Very attractive by ferns and cut flowers. The :iine was good-naturedly contested for by the players at three tables. Fhe refresh incuts were dainty and njueefully served. 'File next meeting of lln Club will be with Mrs K. .1. Vann. Notice. The Ladies' Aid hlid Mi-siolialV Sneii ty of the liaptisl ('huii h will meet, with Mre. VV. 1!, 1 vt-y on Mm: day aflci liomi at four thirty. .All membeis tire iMS"d to tie present A DRKADFUL WOUND makntra iri,n t.n nil. rnalv llll. r'orkii, of any other nature demands rampt treatment with BucUleD'i Ami 'Salve to prevent blood potion or Utffr.n. . I. n Lab,! I ' " . it. tju lt.ivsiatt r-. t A t . . l f . . I "fiiiiura voiiDmw if" r-", ooim, nore, OKin jurupiioo rmi, Ubupped baodi, corn, or iIm. on .f .ii ..u.s lurnhHUO. unit grH mid Bnfhf. disease, fellow In merellHW ueceeb8iou. imni dkiw.i y.mrkidneyi. Help the kldneyi with the reliable Mi ) iafe remedy, ln ( Ki.luev Pill, wb'eb bab eured people riil.t in thia louiility. Thomai Wi Hio 117 Pen(H.;ola St., Tiilliihasiee, Fla W- "I Hm Plt,'tied ,0 'nil"r,e DoBU'i Kidney I'dh. and advs their xm i caee. of kldncv trouble. I had h m n-d. Inn buck aed was a.iM.yed hy tlie kidney eeoretions passiu too rre uuentlv.eBpiolHllyBt nilit. My back ...... Ir lme and acl""l coimtsntly. bout two month -an 1 "t "PI'"y ' Doan's Kidney Pill" ar.d their use brought me prompt relief." ForBuleby all dealer, rrice .o. Poster Milhi.rn Co., BiiH slo. New vork, ,ole agents for the Colted States. Jlenieuiber llie n--"w" take no other. r. I- ...r tliun neelebs to take any medieine Internally for museiilar or ohronle rtieumstism. aii mm .iei ,J la a free application of rhamber Uln'a Liniment, For (al. by all Drug gists. of those who have not, as yet, join ed the club, for altbongu visitors arc ,AS(JBK IN" I ' I. LA V .mprovenienv o. ...c - , - put )1)U 011 ,e r 1 . ... ' 1...1 ti.r nu.iit. of hninanilv : Self culture, , .. n ... Kidney Di-ea-eb Are loo uiinueroim ."-- ( ton . are. - Knr Matllfon People lo .M-Kiei.T. i ami cniigiueiiincui. I trrown persons. The Kr,t da.ter of kidnev trouble. I It is our anient hope that before in that, Ibey ttet, a firm hold before the but few meetings have been held, we sutferer recoil nim them, llea.tb is ala) ie UOmicilcd in our modest gmdiially uodermined. m,CK,lcrit' i (.i) rooms, and then we shall hope heHila.ttie, nervouenes, lameDesP (ore-, ' . . , uU,.M(ance inal troubles, urops-v, , - ,ugb visitors arc I .. ,Bed daD,)rulT and ecalp eui always welcome, we particularly dc- hlive ,riej BO Ur is that, they d sire to have our First club rooiuj gathering largely made up of those not belonging to the club. Althoimb a woman 's organization, and one that we hope to mold into those buldinn the van jzuard of Mad ison's bulwark, still we also have a place on our membership for honoi ary members, and men are as eligible for that roll as are women, ami we trust that our honorary membership may soon have various names or our masculine co-workers upon its lisle. . Gas in the stomach cornea from food which has fermented. Get rid of this badly digested food as quickly as pos Bible If you'ould avoid a billousattack ib the remedy you Dead. It cleanses .nd strenKtbens the Stomach liver and btwel(, and restores energy sod cheerfulness. Price 50c. Sold by all Druggists. A Hoeeful Message to Scalp Sufferers and Men Who's Hair is Tninninir .,u-IihIiI Inter. IliesHioe rttlimuw I,-- i. ir... uf ki-hIii diseaHe. In fact, bald la ..-..Iii dlM-a-e. The trouble with the ureasv salves and lotions, tl.e ures you lon't do anything but temporarily relieve the Itching; and cake the dandruff so it doesn't fall until it- dried ami nut atfmn. Nothim ran cure-really cure euch troubles hut a rel e!p medieine that will kill the Krnn eaiiBiiiii ilanilrutl ninl ar-itln ilisea-e I.erninit from leadirij fellow Jmii thrniiitboul America that they ban fr.ii ml h whit wind cure ror oaniiruii. eczema and all dlseBRes of the (kin ar.d -nuln iI.p Smith Pruir Store or pronnB to the lahofVHtories cnmpoiindiim the treatment that, it is the most, prominent ilruir store in this city eecured tht r.,p the remedy. This rt iuedv nf"! .... yp'-lll 1 1, clean, nuul iireiiarimoi thm. kllU the Berm of uuiesse and 7.K.MO xf iPm n-nah the ncsln or ekin clem and cleno of the dandruff or scale unU by its antiseptic qualities soothe am It aft 1 . sj,,m unit auaranteed by driiRgist everywhere and in Madifon by the aiuitti Drug store No Reason Tor Doubt. Statement of facts Hacked by a Strong Guarantee. We guaiaiitce complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where we lull wc will supply themadicine free. Kexall Orderlies are a "entle, eltective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, sl'engthcner and tonic. They re-establish nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not ause any inconvenience, irripin:: or nausea. They are so ph-aKinl to tuW' and wor' so easily that they may be taken by an) one at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. lti xall Orderlies are cnsui passable ind Ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can not too highly recommend them to all Huffcrcist h'om any form of con stipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10c, and i.'tv. Kemem ber. yon can obtain Kexall I.'emedies in this community only al our store The Uexall Store. The Madison Drug Company.