OCR Interpretation

The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, June 30, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047179/1911-06-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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vi'.w r.si kiu'iiim:, i..i.,m,
UIMHXIN It l.t "It 1)1. It, K.j.,:.!,,' ,-.
I OSSlH.IIl.V TM JimtA lims
Malison. Florila.
I ij.
- M i
'. IKIK.
:i i.- A
r. c. MewcHAfvr
- .. ii
.1 I
t I tl - II L'
should be exercised onlv in ex-' RUN-OVER LOCALS.
traotdinary cus.'s. Mr. Webster
regarded it .is an extraordinary
power, to be exercised only in
peculiar and married cases; that
it was vested in the President
doubtless as a guard against
hasty and incn!iiderate legisla
tion, and against any act in.rl
veiieut'y passed, vliich inula
seem to encroach on the jjst
authority ol other tranches
Talur et the Style Other; Follow
Misitltfeie Mcl.eoil. wtio hue beeo
tier" h the guest of Mn-e L'ii Tucker
fur the pat several iUP. returned to
her home in J i t iu it n Tuesday. Miee
Mi l.cal w hs iiuite n ndditioD t i ttie
social lift f Mwlieon during l.er tny
here. and tier friends trust tlml 6t;e will
return iigiiin t no distant iliitc.
'i'l.e attention of our reader ie called
In tlie advertisement f tlie Mtidisnri
of Motor Car Co. .which Rinieiirs el.e here
i in: i LKi'insh iih onui.u
M i.l. ..ii . K.'i.
J m. MERCHANT. 1993-1911
FltlKAV. .ll'NF. :io. Ivll.
1BJ5 .
The last session of theT-g!
..ituri! will be a notable .me, if
or rtj other reason, mi account
fif Hk many biii- vetoed by tlie
lotvrr.or. IVrliaps never ir. the
listory o: the Mate has t:;.
iin'.vi-r bt-.-n ex'-r.'ised Ireeiy
.is d.irlng tile st-slu;; C
the 'Government." As a ttrittcr
of history it has tee a exerc'sed
very littie in this tate. In
national atla.rs, ;t has uet n
made use of very sparingly. Not
until the administration of Pre
ident Jackson was there a free
use made ot this power. Mr.
Cleveland however vetoed a
?rat many bills, probably as
aia::y as three hur.drvd during
nis srst term, out tliese wvrei
ti!Ost,y private per
We m.iv 1; ,i v
i..rtb'.-r '.o s.iy o: :
m-.isjre v. to.i
i'.c:.rit. b j'. :'.r :
i:-. bi .
s. : si --1 i -1
.u :..
i ivr"
in thin iKsue. They wih HnvUmly ex
if. tiii)f to get h ur to se their line be
fore purchasing.
The unman of today wlio tins good
health. good temper, good eense, bright
eyes and a lovely complexion, the re
ult of correct living aud Bond Jige.
tijn, winii the aduiiratiun of the world,
f vour digestion ia faully, i haailjer
lain Stomach and Liver taMets will
e jrrect it. For ..ale by all Druggist.
Mim KmtnaU Mays la at liriT.'i Col
psi'. Gainesville, (.. for tin-i.nirnpr
fc-Jiof. nod I tukibtc ml vntieeii kanii
v.lee ftiluire Mia? Sara M'ivoi,i:
ti.er.i ali-o, ttieee to yom.g lhi:u- ale
.reallv lni.eii nil. I thfir hsV!'..'.'-! hi.-
- M
is . t
W".- I ' ' i ' '
:.i:.(i.ri.ei.'v.i. hi'.'; U ,
i;e rtmar : !i iv-v
.'. e ') ii' '. e ' r. t he v.-'.e
jti'i tliii:i; tua: it s ;i .-. lt ; tl Ir. ,...
' I i:; the ( ii .i i r. or. 1 ; li.t'.
pa!t r. in all ex.-c.:'. , ..tV.-e-s
.vi:.'t.e r l're',i.-".;. (i.iwrn .r
M.iyor. and wo have no .uhere
.rticis'n toofler.it p .!. t m.
'.lie e..-i'cise uf tiii, povvir bv
1 1 uwrr.ur dilchrist in the recent I
.neaMires which he h.i vetn. i).:
vVe regard this p!'(j Is nil I it OUI
aw as Demg piv eini:ie illy w
t :id one wl:icb i well
en to i. r e as ,i chicK ajain-t
nasty legislation, ami may often
iirf.ent the passage ,..f uncoil,
stifjtior.al acts. Most cf the
oills vetoed by the (.lovernor
were '.hose sent to him after the
adjournment of the Legislature.
The Constitution provides that
. I tlie (lovernor shall not return
within live days iSunday ex
cepted, I it bill which has been
properly sent to him. the same
shall become a law in like lean.
:ier as i? he had signed it. and
further provides that it the
Legislature, by its final adjourn,
ment. prevents such action,
such bill shall become a law un
less the Governor, within ten
days after adjournment, tiles
such bill, with his objections,
'.n the office ot the Secretary
of State, who shall lay thesarm
before the Legislature at its
next session, and if the same
shall receive two-thirds of the
otes present, it shall become a
'aw. As ffe have pointed out. a
great number of the bills vetoed
by the Governor were bills sent
: ' him after the adjournment of
the Legislature. Under the con
stitutional provision, these bills
i have to remain in the office
o' tiie Secretary of tate for
t'A'O vears. inoperative Would
it not be better to require the
Legislature to remain in ses
sion a certain number of days
alter it has finished its work,
for the purpose of corsideriui:
bills tha: may be vetoed by the
'.overnor: We see no pood reas
ou for holdtng up these matters
or a period of two years. The
lauit that we find with our
oresent system is that il serves,
not as a check, but us a com
plete nullification of the will ot
the people.asexpresscd Ihrouga
their chosen representatives.
Certainly this is too much power
to place in the hand of one
man, especially wh-u. as is the
case in this State, he is ineiigi
ble for a second term.
It is generally cousiuered by
those who have made a close
si;,dy of the veto power, that it
.u::.e....u ...w
wol.:n j:V.-' of til" t.!te r.ii". .. :v
r, th. tt ' '''' tl.e ( :'.i ct i
I ow -r. rcc '."ds tl,.- :;rs. . .. :. ,. ... ;, o'
, tl,-.- .-.-ii.. : . Til.-. 'A-- . .
::ot tr.if. O.: May .'..i t..-'
K-.terpr: .lt-c-.r i-r a r.:...:;aced
ti,.il it had reCer. e.l ,i c..f.i tl
. b.o i:ll il the urtlcr I. gr.'W !)
j i.y .1 :n .lernigan a". IVn-tta a ; d
s.-nt to tl by I'r.C.e ll.iVe ,-u'-
l'y. T i.e uivm wa in
'' -'!' May I: ti.e Wrdict
c..:. s..y i ii a t it. C'f. hi ii , ' H i 'ii ;
i w a lec.'iw-o ii-iur- '.''.it ')''...
!cul;it-I the.-, we wi i -:-;ic-: .11 v accoi'd,
J them tlie place. . t . : r . ie 1
not i.-i-iv
(III il
) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i r-
Ti.i-i ; !, m-,lii..it.e f t" '
i l-i. Hllil lie iP.Vn!i-. ill: .11 !
;-i. . v 'luniitf tin' eiimiiicr m.oi.ii
Ciia'nlie rlain". ' 'n'. ie, 'ImVrii t
i a Uou .'"ly I' ! iil'i,'.' i
i' r.ff li-il. It co-Is ,t ii
. all ir l X-t i.e m.-.i,! .' - )'
m nil I r Uii-t .
tingllie S lo.itaris andBovcis of
Promoies Digestionfhtf tfufl
ncss and Kestfontauisncimr
Opitmi.Morpaine norMneril.
Not Narcotic.
iir'f jforufcoftzzfma
fimptui ShJ'
Hi lortmctlissf
C'arftr-i Sttqm
Arjerferi Renwdv forfimsflita
boil, Sour Sion?-lt.Diitrrliuca
Worms ,fon'uis',oi!S.ri'l'criili
lu'ssaiiJ Loss of Sleep.
The WW
Always Boijj
Bears the
A jr.
Thirty Yea
Ii i.-lcr i.!i i i 1 t.i .l.. I,.
ui ! - .fee, luiue Lin'k hi. I
;tre a!l .ii!,jH(-t tu o.v rejil !
pei.f 1 1 uf u, poui-r i.f (1 , ,
l.ir.iiiii i.t It ;i ir,:inli.'.
ii'-f. I'l i " e J.V.TH.,., at ,1 -.
Snl,: Ijv all l"ri,fcv:ht..
i-'ili.llt !(,
I '-.k- Ml.j !
I S- I, 1
I .iii r--hut-1
. C '
UptW tIJaranlef d undtiieFooJM 1 M 4 1 1 II
Guarantee A
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
. I., (.'.iius ii' 'M i
-'i t. I fur li e t ifct 1 H an, I
V'H . a :.-;i,ii,w visit
1 u-c 1 , . Mr (Iii,. , i f
I.e I i.',r JIM Hit' I ..iri'l'i I
;i i-r .jrr n- ,
n't' In li'li!- ;
1 1 "iir i 1 1 v I
"I, t:,.t '
'I '.Villi I Irli-iM't t,v tf'.f
It 1 1 '.I fl JH-J yf tlie f. H.l
MinlV m.
Stop hi.'Kcj in-tetitly. i ,,r.-. pilri.
ez-im. cult rlieum. tetter. ,''.i.. hive.
t,erpc. we lOicf riuar.e (liijtiuei.t. At
ii cy ilnijj store.
COXr College d Conservat
::::::::::: v: -: : .. 4teiiw$&
-ili'T';'., j.r jaud IntibcLu
I ?: tu j.r.:i m all
Terms to
Suit You
Madison, Florida
Not let I OH I'I'ULIC'ATIoN.
t'i.it-J si.ites Uaa nic-e at i.alaavt:. ki.
May nil. Pll
N'o-lo,'-1 li'-rf-by r:vi n tlj:ii .lainesj si( nvn,
wh'V... p.isf n'lice a,i lri-. I- l.i-e. f iorlil.1. dl'l.
in ;U - Jim div .t ii.-ieli-i . mil, n;,. iu on.
in'.c sworn siati ii.i ia and Applleailnn. No.
"tV'.to iiur.-lia." ill" l.rt; l-'iiiir. Si-,-i.iii m.
To w si -iii ii ,' (..iutu nan.'f II l'u- . 'iaj.,iii
Mi. n il. iii. jnU ill" limb, r ilir.'O',. m.d.-r
Mil' .r,n l-i, II- "I 111" net ol .hllil' ;i. ,.ud
it'-diiiL'.'id ii.ii . kim v ti .i- ilii- "'liuibi-r ..,d
-l.iru. I nt sutii va 'if a- nil.'lii b- i xoi
bv jjiirdl.i,liiiiit. tuai. iiiirsnaiir iu .u.-li
ajipid .itn.n. On- luiiil iii i ilinli. i' iliri"in lnu
b,.ii aipriis..ii, in on.' Hiii.,).i.! Mov .i.ih
IKillars. i In- ttu.der eilintrl il im l. -anl t. ..
a' Yi iy p.'!' M . h:.i1 t". I, urt mm aol -lie
liu.,1 In- ii . l-tuict valuv "I f ."i.- I. r oirp.-ii
Ii,,-pi.ri .... - Ui, it s,il,l appiiL nil .vi!l , Hit
rliolpr nii In rmpiinrt .f 111.- minllrnv-iii anO
sworu i-tnti-tiH-iiT iu til.' l'..ili d iv ni .1 v. la, I.
b-fiv mi- cliik ill-Clioiit i ."in u Vaill
jii. l-luiiJa.
Any p.T- .n I nt ltlw'ty t" .i'it.-.i th;. pur
fill-.' Ii', ,it-1. hi iv . .ii iiiiiut.' .i enit.-.i ,it uii
1 1 1 lit- t t-1 if patent 1.. ii', hv nlit,.' ai uil.ti-ir.it.-d
am l.iv it lu tlil iilt.iv. aik-,-tiz l.iiil -
uktl ' .ll.il iK-fe.il '. e'.tr.
liENiivs. i iifitn
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
New Discovery
M1H r-uuuns an. non,
u" WOLDS trial 8ott! Frtt
1- -J tirWj,
'a-iv Khali'
f Amcri.i t
I,.fi.(.v.,.-i ;: I i :inu A.T.eL
E..r,.poan ur.ivo'-iiti.-i rrt'
largest en.
!:rt o:' :;,r-.c: L ):i '.iicE-,;.
'.v " 1 .,u..c-,..i in .i- v.-.-; .'ji dci--
;." :r-.. i -r. 1 -.rcr.,1 itif r matio-.t
-j :::!:e?.v.t3?.y. c-. p.rk,t
Notice To All Automobile Owner!
ate now locat.e.1 on the east sMe of tl.o (.'unit House, ri-rht on tlie UvAm
Itifrht here ami now is tin oririortimity to have your oar iniule new. We will be at
your service at all hours, day ami uisrhr. We are eiuiiie.l to till ull your require
m merits ati'l
m Don't he blind to your own interests. Ask I'S al-out the lubrication of vour mb
i7i !.. tl, ii i- i . . i t .ii- .. ... ...
.m jitiiuit; ti.e I'iiriytrr, asue anu incessant u on v t tore is in n i Hip iu an
. - BS . D
.iV. . : t n 1 1 . . i ,,i. ...
m "1'-mi ii.tii in tin yui car. i. oinrasit rins wit i a coinpniptir. me im nf r.iiimtin2 I
m iresn. clean supply -iicectiy into your car in ab-out a minute. Also our Portable Pump-
w iwj i n:t on four-wheel truck is verv hiin.h un, nnivpnipnt Tt nrwt-u vnn nothiiii u
', r1- .V0llt' tires pumped.
r - s. l . iv m ii tic' t in' m (i it- iirrii. ii nn
c -
ainl away with a Smilo t .Satisfaction.
a ea ,si .-1-, i'l,itr''i.t..,1. '.2'.r.i
(Formerly McNair & Son.)
Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacicsonville.Fla.
auiiJiii-tiia maae to anv pirt ol tbe .tafe. Uur atoutt la male from the bert timoer in Florida, ii " msn
fo;u red and carefully trailed, and our facilities for tilling orders for carlond lote ere exceptionally Kod.

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