Newspaper Page Text
UN-OVER LOCALS New Spring Pants At Tnylor". Os'-'Br Hamilton of Plaetta ! ttraoug those visiting in lon Swluiday. Walk-Over Shoes at V. M. Taylor'Hj T ('.. Perry of SainimU a Hnintm Ihos vi.-iting Mad icon Saturday. If It Is New. Taylor Has It. W.P. Thompson of the Snni.alH h'c Uuu wua among those in town Siitur day. Mlsfca Lottie aiul I.oIh Lawler. two attractive young ladies from ISarUiw. uro visiting Dr. and Mra. E. C. UhiJbuq. Extra Clean anl Best of Quality Seed Peas, for Sale. Address, H p. Townsend Co , Quitman, Ca S. R Rogers of West Lake whs h initor to Madison Wednesday, making k pleasant call at this office and renew ing his BUbscriptioa for another vear. Fora mild, easy ae'lnij of tt,e bowele a slotrle dose of Vaunt i:gii!eta t f nnouah Treatment cures habitual constipation. 2- cents a bo. Ask your druggist for them. Theodore) Leslie hn been lit 1'iM'ttu t;,;B week, where he lias t,een Btlt-mllng (In' beJsule dI ins lather, win; ,'iiti The putleat is reti'irtt'ii hut easier. Hltlwui-li t::i in .1 4 r -, 1 U-1 condition. nioKXix sili; Hush- nv.g . mi - quarter ye;ir. W guar u:',- ', ml f.:r pair of PHOKSIX s:LK U si : wear three montlm it hoi. t .1 : t 1 om don't, have to send it,- t" f. (, tiictorv to be replaced. We i,lu, M-ni here, witu new one. W. U. MuDANTl I. ,. i) A. S. Thornton of Tamp. r.nel-ng 'r the Kumford Uikii.g IVwI-r -.vac In Madison Saturday an,! S.ii,,iny. M.-. Thornton recently eangiit a Ui ym -,a the culf weighing I2."i pound- m.d i-.ieaftiring 1 feet 1 inch in In..'':.. STRAY F.D IlOlWK: A -i :: .,! nnnv mure with while I""" . "cot. llranded the letter A . mi ,.fr ilil,h. HleuM stop lier iiad until .lie. ami oblig". Hen William-. i :i 1 -It Kilivil,,- I'm. S. Alex Smith and Waiter IWr.t left Wednesday fr Atlaii'.n wlitre they will be absent for some Line. Ilnth geulVmen hav been in pnor health of !;ite. and tlielr host uf friend tru-t Unit they will be greatly impnvf! uv 1, '..heir ret urn Heavy', tiliiur- i,ini'l 11 nW 1 muddy, idmple compleM"! . Iimuiuc'i-. n i,- a imliu'estioil 'i'Mn I "'I marX loll eak, pale, slehh . H'ird"ck H, "id Hit tere. inakee thf , -' id. I hnd restore put fret 1,1 ml h There is no h'ir-e ilii in-,,' r.- -f-fectlvt tor animal fMi "' M-tV Snow I.ininnnt, nor i tnere any inn remedy f'r tli- I n m body only, thai i l'-r 'i more elllcaeluua in teaei.o'. It the sores or wounds of man nr., I lifat Price 2Sc, OOe.und $1.0" Pr hoitle Sola by Bll Druggist. iiin 1 h tmhv through the teething period by giving MeOee's llaby Elixir 1, ,. a haulthtul. whclesome remedy, well Bdapted to baby's delicate stomach. It contains no opium, or morphine or injurious drug of any Lir.d. Uabtes thrive under Us excellent stom ach lind bowel correcting Influence. Pries 25c. and 50c per buttle. So!d by all Druggist. arrivaland departure TRAINS. Publshed tor the Information of the General Pubic (SEAIIOAUK Alii LINK) PusienmM' Trains West liuund hive for tiieenville. Tallahassee, Pensacola and all mtei mediate points 1 1 a. ra. and 10:10 p. m. Pasi-euiier Tt'iins going Iv'st to Live Oak, I-aWe City, Ja-ksniiville, and bll Intcrm-iiate points leave "t r.:Sfl a m. and );l2 P. tfl. Triiitm ut'i iNt live wiiiuttM In fore their depui tnie in both of the alii.Vf schedulcH. ii:min;lA I I.miU'V lt.UI.WA) IW'llgei lid" ''"S N",U' Ih:.vb for Yuldi sta-Augiietii d all intermediate point ' '" Sl"1 C;00 p. m. Trains arrive at Madi8cn 1 1:15 a. in. and 810 p. rn. 1; --VvW-J-N-to.;;SjN;.X 'At II b 1 hoes For Men who Waet WEAR, STYLE AND COMFORT When Walk-Over's (iocs on Trouble Goes off. Our Stock of Men's and Women's Low Shoes is I complete. All sizes and all 4 prices. WILLIAM M. TAYLOR Children's Low Shoes in every kind of leather and any size: you are invited to come in, Ladies, and look them over. WILLIAM M TAYLOR Hosiery that won't wear out. Stockings that won't tear RVRRY PAIR GUARANTEED l " " 1 See Taylor Fur Everything to ear a PaVis JeWelri) Slore A Full Line of New Hat Pins Newest Styles. V I I, 1, ,11 I,; r' .1 ' I !,.! '. ,lv I, .: 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ' - 'In 'i'li- I: !. I I ,. ,, , ' .,'ln' ' .1 I ,, ,i . I .i, 1 1. 1,,, , , i. I. ', - .11 r-1 j 1- .1- A 11,! 1 '! 1 I 1.1 i- tv, t.-r. ,J. . -i-i , ,',,) 1 Ml I ' "I l 11 W 1 1 t-l, t I II ! ,1 ,i m ,11 -' " m ,1.. ki,i . m.k v I, ::: .1. it. ru !.!: A II1.IM-' 1 1' ..K.I!- I'" Anvthin' voa can call for in , . pwe rv. atone.-. LIuCKS Iqr. w. f. parrmore.'iiknii:v m -KINN:N i ; , 1 ! 1 ni ii - 1 i n if , .. t 1 j.. ;ill, IVITV. - l-M'IMlil MADISON FLORIDA . Ojrdal Parlors Over 1 Davis' Drug Store. ill I'l-m It' II lilt llll.' II II, I Sfilf III I I"" IM Silver! Noveltitv. Spi-ftucies and Birth- ' dav Presci;t.s. Pearl Ring's. 1 I-'INE WATCH REPAIRING. JKWKLRY REPAIRING! AND ENUlt W!N'- lONE Don't Forget that I Sell ; Spectacles at iialf price and I am not a Fake that na to run oer to other towns in order to do business.-? vhire I am not known. 100 per cent, of traveling Spec tacle men are take. -:- -: Mill, I-. I.I.I 1 t- ;, . 1; , it I,- II,. n. .l.lllll .1 .! I iv nil 1, .11 Or ). , v,,t, . r. ,,' ,, ir , .,;.nj .ire .1: In- I, ,11 r, ,l 1, l)i, ,1 n w aiii'wi,,, J : v :,.i 11,1- n,,. ;.i, 1 .v ..t .1 1,. w . T: l i, i- h.- II ' i-.i:. . In , .1 I . M . l I., I ll HI', ii bm (or a Goofl House :: !! t, ship y.nii' Fruits '.'. :: -xr. I V.'.r 'lal'l.'s t"V 1 oiv on t!;e best ,' niark.'t. Write for sU'iieil ' and ma!'k't report to-day. F. G. HEWITT CO. W . .., J ' '. V II 1 New York (if;, h k; In Conwav Uuildina CobxitiJS P. Smith las. Fl. Kelley SMITH & KELLEY ATTORNEYS AT.UW Wiil frmlii'i-111 Stills i.'i I Vi. iV. (mil Ot'blCE: W'mIi'U liuUiuij R. Bavis, JEYSELER. a. ,iV ''O' U. D. C. i-:.t- jciuU ioMlWy tuwling of the Klizalifcth Umtii Clmi-tcr f I'liited Daughter, uf the Conffd vracy will l)e heM Wcibiesduy after noon ai Ulf tt tour o clock at tho resilience of Mr. J. V: UritMM All m.mhiirs are uri?ot to bo present. To The AutomobilePublic .5.. The Weather. For the week I'DiUnu Tiiesdnv TKMI'I uatckk: Menu niii!muin. ... . Main minimum. Hiirlit. Sui.ilny Hl-d M"lil .owf-t. Wnli.cHdiiy Knil Ttiur-u Jun i" . '.I51 .; ::i (i We are now installed in our fine new building ready to take care of all your needs- Send us your tires and -jp-inner tubes- Our steam Vulcanizing plant is the finest in JNorth Florida. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Did you see those three snappy PRICES RIGHT V. Picnic At Blue Springs. ; .y?. There will '' " l'ic"'c' "l HI"H I ... - I.. v- .Ink- t'.l . Kv- I 1 : iiign "ii 1 j,.,ii- i i'i t li illV inviti'il to he MU-hrhtiiiHl Idii' lHiik"l Imnket-. 1! tl.r.. will he ' I'h'l't.V i't mimie Detroits? .I nr 11 il,cf "t of 1 Mils i i' ' t' ill rui hi, y l'ni.'e, 'J"u. rHllini:.'r;U. f'll r pr.mel or rn j-ruve.l h,r mile il tlii. id'.he. . : CASTOR I A X Oi XUlAUwa The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th N.i ,1 ,1 l i "i; ,)( villi .III' I c,l II. 'I i'l" 1-iiMMIr i...--.i-y I ,1.. ,!-,-1 ,( I l"l n.N',.11'1 .1 ,1 M ,v : 1.1,1. ! .r I.... I'I VI ,,.'. Ci-Ui, I--1 - -' : ; .. n,r u .....rlcT.I iilli-i-'-l.-l i..,.t imiin-"" .IHIt-rll l"). ,.. ilr.l .1 lli.l'i'.',. ill IIMI. , !, , i...f .' .. ,. ti , 1,11,1 il 1,,-lny in ..m;lh l- q,i n'l'' "I .1 li.ilf ,! ,'ilti w I r ,,f Ni-iti,,:, Nine 1'.". ,,,...r "I M.n.'i, Come in and look them over. They will stand tne mosx careful inspection- We will be glad to demonstrate to you what a comfortable car they are. and how fine they pull. The Co Motor Car Company fladison, Florida .1 .,.,t ! 1 I tl !mii!i, K.nw C. M. Kcnnv W. I-'. Iiirriiinory II. W, W 1-itneU Coninii-ii-innfr- iJif Next to Monroe il Hams' freaertti Store- KeDairs large and small solicited. They will be right if we fix them. 'U'n is, I'S l.v u