Newspaper Page Text
If (Prickly Ash, Poke Root tod Potaisium) Prompt Powerful Permanent Iti cf. Stubborn cx.ei Vnoi rcuit-i fire ts arc u uiUjr ViflJ to P. P. P. l.v.unc it mie lull very quuk'y when oilier nidi- yuu to .t;iy cured P. P. P. . ...Il.a VtV aensatlona In the o w nrmt Ina I iff CHILLS When ou hae a disordered stomach hblut'anrddtco;;ed."LoOKolT FOU KKli. in ou eel "do account. v "Have the Symptoms and If You Do Not Do Something You Have the SP" the Dlsease. I vu U E R B 11 SMI E f .!.-. s ri.-li red. ijiri! W, ,. id dean -c. the entire sy-utu 'ile.aa the br.i,a bUcnglhcns digestion und nerve;. A positive specific for Blood Poison anJ skin diseases. Drives out Rheumatism and Stops the Pain; cii'ls Malaria; is a wonderful tonic and body-builder. Thousandi endorse it. F. V. LIPPMAN, SAVANNAH, GA. Hickory Grove Items. We have had several ran.a latvlv. n L i i ' : were imuli IHcdol I 'lir !'. l -. Ml. W. II. Tirrv, who has bccl) KUendiiig lliaujjliau's liiixinrts Co! ivge in At!:int:i. made a pleasant vi--",t to llOIUI fi'llili ;.t week Mow n- lui iu ny to hi work at Has ' Mill. la. Ue are to -t il" li.M .Miv Nam. it: llcndelaon. who ha- been .'try Id for the I .net Week in sulll' -what vi I . All. II. P. II t,:ie!.-r '. .'ollliilh Seluilil . V i 1 1 I If I -il '-i.t-"a", ill day aii I S'lliday. ill.-. .1. l. Colli, of M;-.l who ..aihdii vitot i no the Iain ! i.'.l.". V'uh!.. itltiriii' I hum.: Moil lay. Mi. Irvic Sweat, n '.lianxjini! . utij; lady of Od'.ricii, I'l l. , w at. '. i.d.'i.j; hi r . M .- i ina lil.inl 'ii of I. o was the e' Mis-i Lei i.i and Iri '1'ei ry ltt. Week. .I- s lh ssie and H'i'wi 1 title.-, .a! -h a. Ma lirun, ware tin- attri.l it iie.-ts of thfir coti-i. . Mi." An. ale .Stel'hilit-. for two Wtcki Mosf. C. T. and M. II. routs wire fitiiient visitors dining i lit. Itvival litre. M.tseb Fauinc in; 1 C'oia llin-sej, of Clyattu villi1. wttc Uk' lUaiui ng guests of Missis Lillian and Lois I'ofl'ec lat week. Mr. .1. 1!. C'ohb of l'iiiO'.la was in our mi 1st Sunday. Mr. A. J. Ilendersm leiurn d aoiue Sunday after a plcasaut 1 1' i i t.j Savauuah. Mr. (?. H. Coffee aiuli? a luisinis triji to I'inetla Monday. Miss Lois Gibbs of Lee visited Miss SuM Coffee Wcdneadav :uid Thuis day. Wi :iie yl.i 1 to know Sha! Mi. wis Williams is luijuoui) aft' a iel'llHIS I '. Ill t Mr . T. liny u.-ia a visitor to M idiseii Saturday. Mi?. I.. M, Li slic of Hair-on malt a Wiik's vicil to hi'l' parent, Mi. Ht,il .Mis 'J. il. Coi!n Mi.- LviU T. ny waa iho ye o Mi Ar.!ic Stul.l.msS.::. hi-. A Pi: li flX 10 MS I'OC'KLr. Would show the box of nucklen's Ar nica that K. S. r.oii. a carpen ter, of Manila, N. W always curries ' I have never had a cut. wound, brume Dr sore it would not soon heal," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, boils, scald, chapped bands and Hps, (over sores skio-eruptions, ecverns. .corns ind piles, -oz at all druggists. Bulah Notes. Tu.' f huts sr.- vtv buv with their Imldel ir I ill iLf weatlaT ic el i' dis ijr-ealile. Mr. A'.ia Wel.h ot i.ennie Kla. - MM'.. ..4 Ii lends all I rela'iVi-.- h 'I'1'. Mi. I.i.:i' Wchl'. who has been vi.-ii ;ii: In 1 parents, his retiuneii llotlli' in eo!iia))li'd tiv hi'l i.Usiialid O. (.1. We! I'. We lie -.III to note that Mi. Loij ler-.' r, Mil) been ill foi t'.ie 1 a.-', lit, lay-, i- im, i'o in; l ip. "I I . D ii't '.' ,r.i-' 'ii" -sina' ' i" .! Si -to lay -:t i,( .t.ihiison A' el- in . I' 1 1 !;. 1 w :t!i fu!! bi-ei- M I'.'n ::i 1 1 'mi h I o! I. .- i- v !.. 1 .r-rt M:-. I.. Mi 1 e'. A ''i'jI III 1:11 oi the I lanr'ton in opii- atlilnled the hitiH'j: m-ie' a'. It .1 1 tli last Nilidav. M'.W.H McCail ma ( a i"i-iiii ? u p to rr-.v :i,e Moi.d i . 1 1111.. v 1: tli- 'i niiiii'iiiii:. 'I'l.l.-tJ Villi '1 K-,,.-iNt otl -1' "I it II ..v 1: -I ,t ,,f .1 ju.l U. ! st.ii. i " ' . ' I in" r In,- Anith-l--;ivi--..I , 1. a 1 ei,... n ft. ii k 1 1 U-1 WiifK It,. l-lileai'.' of I' .,! A rirr-. i 'ei; .1 .1. Mie'i , wlin wr;t.-i-: ) hiv-uhhI Dr. h'.iiif'. Niiv ):Beoven fur llilrtv v-ars imJ I:'- the lnt lauij;!. Co! cute I ever u-ed." OaCe 11 lhi'! 1 :n a lioin yin etin't , r v it ('.it. Mm 1 fumilii' liHve ti'l It fur 'i' ea:-. It the iieiit itifullilile llirnat mil in 1 n liie liciiK on eh r 111 , I'neipi to ed f r iHurippc, ii-tlinis, Imv-fever. cr-.-u . ipnn-.v or sjie lur.ifti. I'riee 'j'IC, I .X. IT. il lie free. ( itmruLteeu i)J till di'.Jfcvi-ls. A'.'.isL:'j.ii'.sn:Li'.;. K. E, CbHm'oHrlHin. of Clinton. !!e . boid.v uceu-es bii'.-k'.e t's Artitca Sihv jf st-a!la the fllntf from se.i'ds and jiift): tl.e pali, a Trum sores of all kim'it -'.he ills: lass frottt boils or pile. "It rob-cuts cori, I .'pruias and m nieeof their terror, be i.;ty.i. as a nen! viz remedy it equal doll' .lt." 'Jiiiv U'i: at to! .It Ufc,'let. IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED. ij in- ti r,maln?.'' aulnin" ;r P'.i anJ. liarougi, u,v adralr,! h 'n d'.irny lie- K-'i'"-; nr.- ,lflV"n "I ill.' .... , i.'lv.. . (T.-t of the m-.l a'ine. " 1 1 n t)n(f pnlnti It tnrp .1. und . ?!!,M:!1'?i:iL,r. , r.'n'titVnn In wl.leh "" rnaUr a 1 roil 111 its in. inpiyi..'..'," vio,i , Il.rh nu lr. I.IV.T r,"-"i" " , ... .nn.. . riri.'ll,'.! . i,,-. - - th.. ,1leSIIOn IS 'r' "i-'hills Hi tins- point. It l tnrp .1. and it a rwt't th,- It .ho malarial rrm thriven. f nder th- i;fl..i,.).,n'2 Im . l.aniii'.l of dls.-4'ie germ, hi., in.l imn..i.i.. JToWw'Kif1- W-J"wiV; strength and .hecrfuln.s. Price 50c per Bottle. JtMRa P. Btl.I.tnn " i nower la alaeaaea of Ik eye or erellJ. I heal oolcklf. Klrphraa Kya a remedy of r. i.nns mo. ALL DRUGGISTS Curo Grains of Life Free No linger any Excuse to Be Co:;5tipat?d, Weak Stom ached, WeakKidneyed, "A'eak Livered, Brain Tagged, Thin or Haggard. $2f VANTED-A RIDER AGENT It Rlfv I" EACH TOWN and ili-trlrt torlduaml evhlm'. n -..,.7lZxls Hangar" inci ele rurnlsiie.i nv int. itur ni.ait-ev. r . .vu, lt. : n.n, V fust . U'tif fr'fiHpinuuld'tlni ltttal"4" limit m NO MONEY REQUIRED until yon receive and auronv,. hlcy.'le, We Mill) to anynne anywhere In 1 h r - , In rid vi, nc.'. trrta,i,thi unit nllnw TEN OAYS' FREETRiAL win, h lime j.mi niuy ri.i the lileyclo and im' Imi ,-t t If .v. hi ore then tel. perfectly sa't-ll.-il eriij n-.- A'j-h to k- mm i w .,,'vel,'-t)it. il t.nek ro 11- atonrnviK'li-.. pr.'l y. i CltaTADV DDIfTC V.V fm-ni-h tl- hkh.v DOMESTIC )w A MONTH Too ruplif th1 laiaat flSOii"'. BT1Uin t) )Qei Ue, tha r ac oarn 1 J qunafi (I ivinti BUt.ii' your rm. fwn'nff m mffUi. auxl -n-ior l verv mokaA vHca rllrsyrt Wroti tr frm tr nusi Wtirr, A ffianJknt msj,ua- tuiMDiittQa offar. We Will Take Yonr DOMESTIC Tb ewlng mm-hine that ha alaaJ W all otW mtkm and ! today wle ISH avar. fw otacMnaa Meh an ahala mii.w Atnlabt ttmo- V ft I V ASHES ROAC H PEPPER -T- '( K'lin". jih W i(hx 1-ir.js (V.iig1 htfs ,Viiij!luY htp IhIis aril I Hf 1 1W1 Il im Moth h-Cp iMUCs fl NilrfirAfl -rif fiullfi all IpNetv "ff .'gflohlr. rep tt tils sMt firtm 1 i-n dfU ptfti-rtis Mofl thtH m I'Oli lir n liti'f 1 " tf tf ai- tt . 1 f- -mcc ot ti -vt o' 'i.i (rr.f f 1. net Rum ji' ' .1 ;i 1 t- (if dp-I- p. m nl iuairtptprcr. Of e'pt"'u".i:t "i Wa'Muli r-f $ I 1 t l.k ti(M OaftkC tKMH vl1 H)lloH ur M 01H lh afi 1.' Kojct'pipPe1, i- 0t Ike" 'ei.. ii.jtni-fj If lyi uti'p:''ry, moat. hIdhVJ ASHE 0i6'MFECTNt CO, TAMPA, LA VNHKS U VTSAl l.T lMfl.1 W l-ldCe'll-llhH'. lllflU lt'-'-W I tty Irlvf br by. I Imj f.,r si .ml m r.U-r Mi...lf I'ftir i tnt i,i rv.. : in For (-Hie at .Moseley's Urng Store. Tpffcpfca-iir-'cw- a r2 ' a anHBTM. TM INB r1 IVV"p rna ins iiw auwi uowu- m ntdVftla SFafii'l Lowlfn-a nd at OWLt ? aui Imm kv aajll iirMl atitrs s haaBasaiflt sjodvea pPWi tl, TKAK :UAHTEK. Hot thafiaccj on teuj awr amatiust, tV a LtrfJfwtU yi. rrsna, jamri (rk VJ . WOMEN Women of the highest tjpe, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment and judgment five weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to (he declining years, there is no safer or more reliable med icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a boi. 1' J " . a " s A n- ai ling It . iieclttlPe 1 1." -. '' it'.. iat inn of j our e i-g-H.L, i, ,y t.ein.' .IrieJ up. tlie nerve (..ree uli et radiate- through everv H'.iita .if year being in perching, The lirKiti n-'j tin tii-rve- require nouti-li. ,'iet.t ; r m mueli tit. the re.t of the oiniy . Te mart'ori'ry, t.'uro (drain .f Life, p'i'.j the tomach and bowels in I'tfec cocdition, restores your vitality nc4 renews your old time etrangth and vigor l-y giviog your nervous system tlw food it it craving. Rlieumatisu), ne.iralgia. headache, kiitney dhesee, iivr troubliis, catarrh ol the p-totnach cd bois, Ineomnia, and all weakened conditions of men and women quickly disappear, the bo'dows vanish, energy returns, and life is worth living once mure 1 he red oorpusclts in the blood nrf u'eroa.-i-d ar.l every thins; that pn-b-e li.t ..'!' 1 1-- i.l :g live tract ip turned . i I, !. :t!iy rt-sh. in-tea, i . g-e'n I hi. -I tit a-Minrtite.l . t . a tee Hie li'.;'h . f .'. ri tr.ul picliage ..f - f L.fe '.vp: Ije -eat y.iu by ,f i 'i'i e: n,p-i ' HtiiMtise a t ,vi -' L. C (r litis Co.. 2t'l I'...-:: - !it.i .ni.g. t'n.. ,g... 111., and j.'1: ii Jiaoilv be astounded at the ,ip I r p.: 1 -ul' ohtnine,l from the f'-fe ( -. .i ,.ie alone. 1 t.e fi.l! e ..' ;i.ickg of Curo Grain Hre .'ivy jo si t - u,j re Hold in M nli u rn In l)ur.ii ti. .'mith. La'..,i v,i ;';sr;(;tu"vu.-ni. an J 'suprov i-'f 1 '"" Mllur. 'i'i k., ... ' " ' 5'',ll(H,. i-i-ihM ,1'yr.i.t Vr.iisiiveflii t i fc.'.'i mLIOi. n- r - V,.., Inilirict "f ti-- p. et '".i,. Mm ni;iiiiif;i,;'nr' r. c-i -i.:-. ,! i i. ,i !'J -i.!i. DO NOT BUY a l,l,-v.-l,.i,. a i.ntr ,,f . ... .... a fif until you r. i-.'lve on, (vital.. i;ues titnl 1 a o .r ii ' n-'iTf , -i.ri ph., I .it... to rider aipit. ' ""'""i vou WILL BE astonished :r,?,i,;,:',::: ,;:r,''' -((, in'it pn.'i h we cat! rtiAke you thl yt-tir. Wh a i t'.w Ii gl..-r ; ra 'i.'l,v72t ninn y uianan- ntnor im'forr. meiir'iTitiii wita l .i t-r -i , iv-f,.-'.,.; BteveLC DCALt. .,i Vilu mi our iM-yclM uuduryuuruwo irui(:4i.'ioiuurirf- ir ! r ii.:"i t'm iInt rfi'lia. COnO HAND SiCVC Lit. WT ro no rfr)linf hn'"frnii hsnlti'" i , ' T i"r i.ainl LMKn tn trr) livntirf Inm.-n r.tii I sturu '1 .1.11 m. . .- mw fmntlnt froiT) 3hiU or 10. K" ribti ri!itn iuu maMlwtfnN. COASTERBRAKES. t"flS7&! a y!'1(',)il i;'r.'Uitrt.-atij f nS Hedeethorn Puncture-Proof l il INI Self-healinjTires?5fS.51S at i fT liT ii, i mi )m III i niMisiii i 1 1 i ait-ii - ' rTTjFk H ks-e- w U r .1 V- JM ty'f ittfriu id'n1 fare fir ft p" t ath uinn'dr't 5; NO MORETROUBLEFROM PUNCTURES MAtLS, Tache, r Olaaa will not lot the rout, A hundred tinv.i-.Jiid ,; ir sold ln1 Vt'ur. DESCRIPTION: l;n rliJImr. very duml.'" s:;d lined lnlil with a KiKi-ial ininllircir rtil,l..'r. uh'.-h never lie- ormps nnrous R n ,1 wli eli.-PM tin small puncture without a I lowing t ho s Ir to escape v Kotlo (hathieknibterM "A"and punctunrtna'T1 and "O" aiao m athiT ts aravant rim cutting W tira will outlaat any gr man.. SO FT, EUtTKa Er aiomo. VVe have hunareiis of lettet-s from satlsfleri cutompri Stat In? that their tires have only been pumped uw onc ortwire In a whole am son. They weigh itomnre than aaordinaiytire, the puncture r.skatiiigooalili.'S being rivotj l.y w vi-ral layers of thin, specially prepared ahrlcon the tread. The regular price of these tires Is 110.00 l.i-r pair, but . foradvert lltn nirnososwa are maklnu a special factory prl. e to the rider of only K Wper pair. All orierkshlpMiai day Utter Is received. Vie shin C. O. D. on approval. Vou do not pay a ccul uuul is have examined and found them strictly ti reinvented, w. wpiai: ..vaaiihSiaaount of f, per cat ( therein makjoa thpnpe4.saprplrl1f ymiiMiiruucal wnwKn nim pu.-ihim iuib u, rrtllui.lll. ion mo no rlRK IB HfUaillf UR IQ (inr Wl' irturneri t ouaeineni If fxranr m.oa y ar ut Mtlnractorr on aunnnao ,o. v, mii ami pniD-y lu'iit to u.l.iiuffll. Ina bank. If T.,u ontra bAlr of thuja tira. ways v'! fnl ti .1 tbri eafirr, mo fMr. ar tstt.r. Iat lonv.rani flar tbn an tlra you bavoaveruKM rrntlftr.a n kauw ii,Bi jou h in iw 01 en piraa nisi w ton T'.u vantja oicyci ru mil glva u y.Lr uiotf. staa w wnn iptirimmtinnT noica in imamanie lire oner. ISin.-tiiis. I -roof tirrM. on aopis.valana trial at tiiais ! Ictroaiw aai ou kaowU aaw aAawoadertiilorltfrvwtanailia on to iw-nn o- Trial ortr at ores? henoe ic Ynn NFFn nDr4Mi"i"tM"t',,tii;iiiiiiii4ppi'iitw " - - . . - w inn.-TiiPi. iToor iir.M.oaaopis,Tiana f rial at e;is ! itnwi pr1f quotwl ahorp; or a rite for our tt Tlra and Sundry (Jatalogua wbica aaaornwaal quota, aj mala Kiiiun hi iim., aonin nain neuHuaipnoaa. DO NOT VitlTM ""K uatwUltnhf. DO NOTTHII aaasaaa ttrva from aiiTnim unill ou kaowtha aai loaiyaoaruitoianiTrrrthiiii. WritattNow, J. L! MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CIUCA607ILL ii. t. ,.f i (r. lit, CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind You Hairs Always Bought Bears the gigaatare of PaVis JeWe)ri) Store A Full Line of New Hat Fins- Newest Styles. Anything you can call for itij Jewelry. Watches. Clocks, Silver Novelties, Spectacles and Birth day Presents. Pearl Rinjis. FINE WATCH REPAIRING, JEWELKV REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING DONE PROMPTLY. :- -:- Don't Forget that I Sell Spectacles at half price and I am not a Fake that has to run over to other towns in order to do business where I am not known. 100 per cent of traveling: Spec tacle men are Fakes. -:- -:- R. Davis, JEWELER. 25 "Votes. This coupon is good for 25 votes in the Piano Contest if cut out and presented at the store t)f Daniel G. Smith. AUGUST GIVE US YOUR NEXT ORDER FOR JOB WORK. f PHI. V, al y theo- W r Take WHat PlU? Why. av Dr. Miles', Anti-Pain PiU, of courie. Good for all kM pin. Use to relieve Nwji1'' Headache, NervouineM, Jneu matism, Sciatica, Kidney rami, Lumbago, Locomotor At Backache, Stomachache, rViM ical Pains of women, w na.'n ,'n .nu nlrf 1st the bOuV. in auir J, . -- - - , 1 "I have used Dr. Miles' mean . over I J years snd rind thtmeict lert. keep Dr. Miles' Antl-Pain Wls house all the time and would art tta of taking a ioumey withouj. them, s matti-r h"w short a diitmce Isn I cannot prsiae them en iujh. . Miss Lou M-CHi-acHiil. 6jHigh St,Psncoolt,P.- At all druoatsts. do 8'. . MILES MIOICAL CO.. ElKhsrt.-j Ol.alf'af hill TOnlC B lasa as- wa."- - .alarU. cBHf is guaranteed to cure aver, cold and la grippe. Pcio' Mcparboitla. A.n your dtoi" 2Tm) in!