Juylur eU the Style Otbars Follow
Frunk Parramore of Liv Oak spent
luiiJay iu tuetity with relative.
Col J. W. McICiouon has been an.
1 'k.I.cJ
W 1C7r"7-
I v v m. jvl. TAYLOR
LoliilcJ tru.'te m th Carter bankrupt-
u c ('orlj;n left SunJay ug, f,,r
B;iM"- 1,11 'i'r b l atteuiiiij to
t,ue liusiue.- mutters.
Mr. A r- M i of Valdosta ,rr.i
cjup'e of hours iu Madisco Sutdav.
i, Iiih way home from ThiIh!:
KeV. S. B. Cole spent Snndav n l,M
Lojoiii thi" L'lty. Oo Monday !.f !
Lr iWNliMUjwn .-pring?. where l-e i I
tl.. remainder nf hia vi.i uti .t- I isv
uj'v "
)1Ib l.uin Hurilee returned hr c.mUx
bona Jei'U'Hiui viu i rriml m ,
Luaiul Marietta. Ga. auJ Vili,, .
n: ,. I.M llur.U ,. Ml !.. .. i
flirc nut icite .il'.'Lilnv 0 J,
;jf aviMt of eei-eral weeks to fneud, IM
DSu !!'! Newport News ami fl
Led. V.i. and other poi-t I !''
S. y.c. u;ltb, Ki WaJe m:J J ,j )
k'girtiiiuj ef( MoDdity al'tertnmi u Hti-!
,mut.i It- lr At mute, where M: . ,V-!
liisD c",v;"t!' u,uj a car.
tut. mi. 1 urulse may be la-ile i l I
joul i;i.e :im J tl.e tune reij'.i.rei i,v ih)
lheltti.nl 'reatiLenl by HpplyitJ C lam- lb:
.riii' l..i:;i"i:t It it a a i.t,, t,..i II',
n. i nil':' ;
! I 111
1 ir
Everything to wear for the next Thirty
Days at and below Cost.
S..v..-n i., iiv7.-, b..- ....w
--" I T 1 u . u I t 17. 'in 1 on ,(( s ti. w I
f-'1'." 1 ,., ,, ;, i !...t i SWi uow .""
flvi Ni.S I!, .)..,,..! in i,r"' S,)'"' "w ;!-
" J !..!' Mint i lli'W
xl- " S'lit K.-'I'i.v.l in s.:i;i i.i i u;w j.imi
Straw Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Sox, Ladies' Stock
ings will all be included and must be sold for
Tae Osisli in 30 ZDas
luJrl.'e i'II-JU It juri to . -.).
Jut Hint i::' i on. Tl.i- lliui.iu : a.. . i
ifVW- i"i:piie iif the tuucclen ,t r- .i
See Tavlur Tn-dav for Harn'ains
y v
We beg to call your attention to our large and complete stock of
General Merchandise, and our many years of experience, which en
able us to serve the people to best advantage. Our buyer will make a
trip to New York and Eastern Markets about August loth, and by
September 10th, will have every department of our large store filled
with good things for cur euhiomeio. Will you be one of our customers?
On or before September 1st, w will receive Nine (9) Solid Carloads of
the following:-- -:- -: -:- -:- -'-
.) Carloads of Duckeye Wiru Fencing.
1 Carload of Stoves i Ranges (The I'rincess Guar
anteed Raiijje.)
1 Carload of the Famous Oliver Chilled Plows. We
have the Agency for the Oliver Plows in Madi
son, Hamilton and Taylor Counties.
1 Carload of Furniture.
1 Carload of Springs and Mattresses.
1 Carload of Flour (We handle the best and gua
autee it.)
1 Carload of Salt.
Tvj mitli Co'3r.
M ells
1 olid.
And last call for Summer Bargains. Until August 15th, we will offer
special bargains, in order to make room for our large Fall Stock on
Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Skirts, etc. We cordially solicit
a share of vour business.
Smith Mercantile
The People's Popular Department Store.
.Vi- ' ' !!--. . - II Mi
I t ' i i . l ' '' h i : .- , f , it
h im'.i - I i .' i . .. , ! , : . . .i
A- -'. i .
I': I., i . I: .. Si'' ly
' !r II. I ' : r : I; .' A i-1 - i I ;i- I'.mh
Vi-l..l.t,J! .! r.- t: I f- v '
-L N A '.. i i t , .v t 'in'
V r- 'i-ir y. ii" i . . -- ;. i ii 1 1.
h; f .'iN ; ' Kp iiv.iv !' ; :- p- : .
( ! imIii l i- ix i,i.'! :'.'.'." I'i"
i - r-1 I l f I ,, iV . ! III. i , v.nl
1 ii . 1 1 V . :.r:.;i i hi S . . i ,rS ; i.ifi .
'I :. I.a I A ': . l I M -- .1 ,' ) Mi
e' nf li ll.-ipt M 1 ut- 1 w ii.i-i-l
ri. i;,v uf 'i-.' 11. ;!. Mr. U . i ; i )i.
'.is. All 11.. i; u - i.i ; Ii
itVfH'.' .
I W ;i,!t:' 1; n.' i. 4 ha- r-' :ri..i.i f .'H..
J Atl.ttU. l.:- he 1. 111 "I'll f 1 In
Uealtl: fr tl.i- iu-' iii"::'.' . 1' .i-'iiln
will be 'si:.i t.i k'l'iw t-ia' -huI-I
sniiie iini t'lVeii.i'Lt iMii I.i- i:n'i"l, Mr
liuutinx 1 ut. K ;ti :'eiilM iie.!t:i.
! Can'j are d'H a'liiniiiii'init t'ie up
I I'ruarliu.jt ui ii'niifc'n nf M las M iti.i- I'.Hi
! 1 l'ateiiiu tu Mr. t.niiLelt 1. mhi .iiern
i tile ll.ipl'V nveiit will take plaui- at. th1"
' h ome of the brl le's parenH on tl. nf
! tnruoou of S11 111 1 iy. A'i)iiit l i'.li,
liuv il a'- Now in the tiiiie to buy
a bottle of Chamberlain' Coin.'. Choler
anil Iiarrlioe:i Itemedy. It ht alninHt
cerUiin to b Qeeilfd before (lie numiuer
lit over. Tbi. remedy ba uo eup'.'rior.
Kur atW by nil dialer.
F. M. Took? sold bid (arm containing
ovar liUt) acrea to J.J. Ilatrell aturday
tbe eoni-ideratlun beiuic JMOoo. Mr.
luoke also aold an nmouut of pi rioual
A well known lien Moiih'H woniatl af
ter eiitt'eriou nnaeraiily f'H' two day,'
from bowel complaint, was cut mi l
one dose of (.'uaiubei IninV Colli', ' hoi
it 1 and Diarrhoea leiui:dy. tor bale
by all de;l r.
Mm I. S. Co.'t'in an, I I ;.i.'!.ter,,
Mi. Ii'aiul ill VV ilk-r a:' I M C.aru,
1". S. .Ir,. tin. I M iry I. .: W.iker
I'liiir-'ia) foi ,t U'i --k' v - to
I I'm.ai'ea r-p: vit-.
An ordinary t-e "f i trr
I ... ,1 ,v 1, t. :.
' I V..I
1 i'
ii----" - " ; !:-: i"-
.. .'.In !, ,i .' . ' a pi Hi'- '',.1 .I' "'
I i.h) ut 11. a ''it' ii'-et ' ' i.h
lir .il.p". M '. 1'.. :ii;'.i. at il .n.pi'.u
'Spriti-. iH.-t Sui-.d.iy and cp'-nt H-vur.il
lumr- in Vtt, Minday. ami inane i
Herald "nke an BpprtciateJ call.
IVrrv l.i.ald.