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N O Til C E "No'Kt is iK ifby jiivcn tlmV iU.lnll. ipu - -h.t ..-.! m..U iti ! "M ' pul.'.H nurtiu'i on the 7ib day Jt .igu-1, I'JU. at tU Court lion- in Hit conaty ot Malison, or so Hindi Uieivol s um.v ti unvrtmy t lay He oiiit due f..r taxi's bfitm f:i '.iosi'' 'o Uw name, :n'ir uli rest ft Bw:t h and U'lviTtiMntf. DWVtll S.f..i.r Wlm'.v. . K,t. t ill Ml.m,l.. , Ks I lllJ ItlllllMl A W . "I'.li k' il"'" K I (' .i n1 Hi !. ,)H . Kst . 1 .piil ltn' mi' , J..h. I Iv.l 1 I- .1. r Ivt. C I I . I ' S Mi V. Hi. I. I ' i J II.. , II.. I Id. M Hi l)lr.i MI'IION' K I.AM . VI nt M .. W' SI, . . . Kl-Ti l M . ..( hU ..... . . . ' ...ISK'4 . w ' , h n , , . I .in.,. M. i '. VI'.', ...M ', . . " ..I V I !! M , . W ' i'l M " ' ' (! t:. . . ..I I.' . . I I . I V .. ' . M ' , . I Vl 1 . .' V . I - , , V , ' I ' V If I! - V . .1'. I ' - I 1 1 I . ,,,. : . I M. ' ' M. It. ' (I I I I I IM Hi ' WHO WILL WIN THIS s. .i. i:lum, T;i ( o'.lcTti.r Madison Co:.:nty, I'toricl.i. '--nrii'fiAihi' Gave Up Hope if " suffered five years, with awful fains, due to woman ly troubles," writes Mrs. M. L. AU I-'lxrson. from Cfud- bourn, N. C. "They t-'rew worse, til) ! would often faint. P i to.iM not walk at all, iincl 1 had an awli.! Ih.rlii.n in my Side ; also a headache and a b:;.kad:e. I cave up and thought I wc.Ia die, bu my husband urt'i-d me to try Cardui, so, I Kan. and Hie first bottle liclped mc. Ky the time the Ihird 1 n ilk was us ed, 1 could do all my work. All the people au.uiid lure said 1 would die, but Cardui relieved me." TAKE Cardui The Woman'sTonic 1 r iff'- Vfty1' ..avSI? Is ' SI crate "r-'"'" '"mii e2 " . g7! --i ra Tw. " II I For more than T)0 years. Caruui has been relieving .5 woman's sufferings, and niakinc weak women strcne and S well. Di:rii:t this time, thousrr.ds ef women have written. 1,1 a M.. mm . u .i .i i . mc .ii-. .1.1.1 ni'iMiii, io mi t,i nil- icaiiy s.iiprisit.j; results they obtained by the use of this puit! vtyctatlc, tonic remeoy mr women. i Lamm strengthens, builds, restores, and iillcves or pre- Ig vents unnecessary pain and suffering Irom won:;nily troubles. M it you are a woman, begirt takiiij; Cardui today. M':fr to' tailiu' Ailvifrv Dept.. Cliatlinofioi MKluifi, f,, ri.if.Dr.r..n. t ti i Sftuol Imlrjiiunt. an J M-pmc buok, "Hume J nainu m ur u 011:11, . mu. uu'. J SCHEDULES 9i The Handsome Uplon Grand Piano now on Exhibition at Daniel G, Smith's Drug Store will be given away absolutely Id Georgia & Florida Railway i THE NEW SHORT LJ.NE ' A :.' anil Point.- i;i '!;, ':.i.i;:j,. Vrp.i) u. '': ' '. and ' K.lf." .1, t'llict, Via AuMil:i. It ' "ini' i li.'ii luii'lv !t .i. .''.; n l y Ti' c N . 7 v:iii 1 I'l:.. s ' ' .1 :.l) t Western Cm "! H.:i l.'nilwuy '.o ,;r.,i tiott t Spiny .Mi-.! 'snii l ,,f N'.i Oi unit i.uth ': litiii. A .1 .yi.jl.v ; : ii. t liif uji t ' J'iii- .' .mid ,f I in; M v. ' ' 11 1 1 . i!i;kt norTi; n;o.M ".bi'i'i'-'in und W. to A'.l;ua:i tm I ? -m : Vt ",n Jli..U-litiisi im, I vijutb.'i n lliiilwuj . olu ,iii(' Car Sci Ice li'.'w.fn .VA 1)1 SON uu i AUUl.'M'A u Tiaiiib N. 'i'l 7 ex '..pi uiriuy. Un Tiniiib Nos. J.I, M, uixl Vj SunilnyF. ,'I.N'I II M. i I l 1 Nil I' - Sin A M ,, M'lii 1,1 1 1: A M ii ..1 HI V a 1., M I J ;i, I f., 4 I.'. Ii I.'. a . '. (i ' , (!, J .l H M i. Ill . r A M 1:' i, ,, 1 HI I I'll :.' .'ii. in : i I.', A M v. 1'. V 1 ', -I T . ', A ! l h. v . ,. . Mi. m ,. . .. M ...1 r . " . .11,-1 ,!.. ', :i . . ,1 , ,., V!.ili . ..II..'. I. II 1 Iiui-l l ..I.1.I- . . Ik.,..,... U ,!1 in ., l, . x.i ik- . 1 .. i, i.. 1 I .v !A:i r V.! Am I I I J V II 41; 11. V,. ,1,: M.1,',1 likl'WKKN MFI.LKN. VIDAI.lA. HA.i I .! IL IJT .m 7 f.u , 7 (, ir - A M AND 1 1., I IHI I I" u .1, I.-, 1 .1 I' H f, IUI 11 an )!i 4" 8 III u '."J in art I" M I) , A A M III in ;'li 1 1 ml II in IJ 1.1 noun M A I I. N. I..' ' Mi... n ; I I:irli, 'il . I.V S'llliuiiri . . Ar J, I Ar .. .. I.v . ... Viil.ih.i .. Ar I!.iit liitT' t Ar Uouitliii- . I x- .Ar , i.v ! .I.v 1 .Ar 1 A l " H U"i ; a. 7 n rj .v. r. 6 I4i 4 W A M H IN, 7 Ti 7 .,:) ', IS I 4', Ii' In II :, :n ii ji, uu I, I' M (LAN ,p 111 O.iilv I M I t'.'. ! M BETWEEN DOIGLAS, i;R()XK)N AND IJAliKOWs BLUFF Nil. .15 1 N.. II' I No. , N. m I k f in I S. ':h S. t Inly Lx V ,1, A. .1 I I'M I AJNI I ', " a ar, "7 . .-. 45 i a in n if. V i.r i ! 7 in A M P M ' A M V M I 2i il 117 II 46 ! M NATIONS l-.x Nun L-. Un.y S. Onlv hx Sun. I' M A M I V M i H M Harrow,. Illufl . Ar . . . . ItnixToti Ar .,..lln,i:l.....Lv Ti Ii ill I' M u ir, !l Hi in ii-i A M I j a m Jl n an hi i', In :i.-i I' M ! A M Wiite ns for Folders, F'arts, Sleeping Car Ret-rvatioiin, or imy oilier nformatioc. , 0. Cahkoll, C. H. Gaitis, Agent, Madison, Fia. General Passenger Ag';nt T. K Harms, Com. Agt., V-Wosta, Ca Augujta, Ga to the per:-r,i receiving the largest . . - , f number of vote5 in the Great Popu-1 laritv Contest. HOW TO SECURE VOTES For every one cents cash purchase at Daniel G- Smith's j Drug Store, purchaser gets one vote- For every dollar's J subscription to the Enterprise-Recorder- new or renewal, y subscriber gets 3000 votes. For every one dollar job or advertising work done at the Enterprise. Recorder office, 100 votes will be issued. i A 25-vote coupon will appear in each issue of the 5 Enterprise-Recorder. 3D'aniel Gt SmitJa To the Ladies of Madison: I take special and particular pains with Baby Pictures, and have styles especially suitable for portraits. If you will favor me with a call, I am sure I can please both you and Baby Subscribe tor the Enterprise-Recorder Dde;,pl:Lwitb KILL MORE THAN WILD BEA The Dumber of po,!. kille'l wild beastt doesn't approach lb 1 i i.iitn.i uu .li.aucA cernl. life is tutu from their uttak ' Bre in air, wter, dus', eveD fx"l' BTHna proiei'iioo m """ : trie Hitter?, which destroy J ' J these dendly dlffcKe irernis rr; VBtera. ThBfa why chills. 'v";. aue, nil niHlHrml Kni mny "-"j M.;teM proini'tly 10 ib! blood pu rirtr-r. Try t hem. d 0JJLl Klorioua heallb and new it1' iiivou. Money buck If iot UM Onlv Uc aBll druiwist. Never can tell wben you'll "H HogKr. or iuffar a cut, brume, tcald. Ba prepared. Dr. Tbomu ti tio Oil inatantiy relieve lM quickly caret tb wound,