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NEWS OF TOWN AND 9 COUHTI CONDENSED Largest BankinMadisonCoutt,! WHAT IT MEANS M,t' y t u; ' .!o mil know what a t;uiVs Capifal is '"nr. hi- i !.in'l'(.iiiv in-IV.c.Ml a h;nU i)l little i,.r I'm ji'l - ') w i;!) lit i v ' cnital. A Bank's Capital Is .lie u;r-u thai .rot. it.- the i!.i"'sit'rsfYorti ls; then i'..i-o ;". i;,r.-r it is. tin jricat. i' not vet ion the lei- -r a. This !;.;! k has a "a, of $?r,HM(.(K -l-is Faiai t.f l.r,(.iO(.(M I Y..iivi-led Profits . 12.W0.0O Stoi-k'vMt fs Liability 75,(1110. (Ml A Total ?t $177,500.00 Tiiis means that we must lose .SI 77, 500. 00 before our (lop i-ltors ('!;! lose a cent. This protection is for YOU. Who:: yon think "Hank" think "First iNational." The First National Bank of Madison Matters of Genera! Interest As Giwr. Ls Personal. Eusinessand Social Items cf Town. Smoke tntenza Gears K-v W. H. Cutruwuy -if U.i' vii i :, ; l,e c it y 'IV Mti.y. t' Kim 1 'l(.n At Ty '' ' i,i'W M.t II. i- FruliUi. i-' ' f fli.-l.ili- II, M : .f.:. t! ' w Wa!k-'Hei' , m w. m. ; i niir alien I oi i- ill- t . -r ;(''' i ' ! 1 1 1 he -jo 1 i . I ii r t. in v ii s oi ( 'nt la. ,inl r.ato.l W aro; I'nt:. i;,. M a n .1 1 .t " 1 i I : i i i . I'.nivs v. Kir. that v.e !:,io ; "i .if " . : i i". i ,i ; ' ! io '! i i- I Fi.rwu liti.;. vim f M.Kur. f vi.t u !V.v I J uvt? it) t ri - vi'.v ; .t: 'n k. 'h!1icr o.riif, either .i tfriivcJ fur tnic i.l 'I is cl!e. Mibf Mary Mmi.e't of Cbti.-.v '" fcptut 'i'uoiin) lu tu'.vo. For frei-li iLciitf of ttu U itjdi-. In l 77. Ii. D. Dither. Mitt Mi.ry LuMud hi.s r eto ri..l fr. VlKll of ftVVIIi! IhV- tu ,.;. in.-?. Entenza Clears are eool J- P Entenza, manufacturer. A. Il Wii. ti-ul xipcln'l py Wat a. H' city m fi laiyt : in- wcrk. i .'. ur ill -t ut ' i.i will cure m.;. ; c . i.'f '.a,i,.p I.:: 1 Fr'.vr. l'r.ce. J.. .V.iiri- U'ii 'i.n.u !n. tj'U Ii uu! ; uii'iii.v t Mr. I).i'.' laiftc ii Ltc. I Ifiouwanta eooi 5 cent c!ea eet an Entenza I I :..i r. ti : Ir. in. J M;t A. livlt ii-t ! Jr., r-;t I ut !;. :',' n txt tuby rf.rl. For a g Doa 5 cent cipar try an E tenza I J. I. Huron uis.i -mi i f ult'.-y Art ! mint.; UK'. spfiAl'-j! MuLitav i'i t. ; citv. ! FiU SALiv Fif' j h i ts of -inf. ii. 1 1. Ilt:;!ir M .oi-oi . I ll It ii. v. What a Bank Account Will Do For You The riar, n-ho starts an account with his , . . ii a . ...Mi . no matter f."v sman nis start, win not on money ami inn-ease his credit, but will a!: force '!' cli.ti!Ul-r. in energy, in inspjv... to accom.lis!i what he sets out to do. in en money awl eomr.iand a place with the U comnumity. We invito yen to open an account with -, bo pleasei.l to extend to you all the couitei consistent with safe, sound banking. H"me hard. v accum-jk ;1 iir.dabiFt-l atltrs cf t f- Wert 'es and htr CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON, FLORIDA Ail business with us confidential ; a. u. m.v..;'..!, .? i i.J.VL SlltUI'llliy, j lit tl.'- lii.-r. ! F'ir a -l.iivr. i ii ut i: Ii. V I.::. ii .. 1!.,. loi i ' 1 1 1 1 i v . i ! . : ' a I -U-l SHELLIE P.VANN Telephone Exchange Building ; .. if u -uu t . i r tli:iH; i'ii .1.-11: -'. ';'..: ir '. ii. ti.'r Jrit. ; i tiiiin . i iii!vi;,-i. " 1- mo G. en V ( I i'i .i: ;;::nt. . . j rt. lLiu r .i r vt . iTvj r- ,IILI I UL iCVL IllCTI 11 II, u.ii. iff. ::c i.p.,. h ' f: mm A.;,;. I ii to t-tpt, lili. A j !! it".1 ', il !u ? ,f -vt't. JOB WORK To This Office 8 For The Benefit of Those Who h?i"r not called to see our line of goods !.:r;e decided to continue cur Great Stock IeiiUciijg Sale For Fifteen More Days REMEMBER The reduced prices will continue in force- Come and be convinced for your self. It will be to your advantage- Boston Bargain House I "1 -1 I Madison, Florida I Full LK Sr or, I llllliii , Mh :.,n.-.-i..j.. A l-;!y t- F. V. V'trr.... , Mill. it'..:. Fill. t-1 l-i'. ' T. F. liny. t!.i- i - r ;.hi' i :i-eci iji-.ii i, iv ut Mu-f,fi - t;,ri '. .ii, . i.y ut !;.- LOll,.. Ii" '.I" M ". L. .:. M.- i.-ijf Murr.i.v trie fi.iu H(.'..i!liiP. t.. wlit-rt tii be -,i vi-.'.ilc Mr-. ; IJiir.-i. ' !. I at In i.tukt cf )jt artivtil ii. ,-iy Min liiV nilil ,11, u ' plea-Jf.t v't.t' to Mrs. J. I'. McCu. . j Jim iU'i.i'.i.L- A !i.rfc' niijiy .,! y.Htt. F!i!.t tiillft Fi "J t Jiirt. II.- L: . Ifbt ot. the uiu: itt. !ljt!tv'i! Lll :u Stcrt. I'.-a.'.it. M,k- Afc'i'jte l'iirriiincre returned Ities j " ; day from .. pli-u-init vitit to Fai .tku unci Da tuiili Deuel i. where ehe him heeu fur tlie jibtt everlll wtt-ke, J!. D. Kuwe Iff I luet week for (.'Kin- homa on u visit tu hi- toil. He expects ' to i't- uy fur some tioie, and frieDU-, with for hi in h pitioutt visit. LOST: Between town and ScuUoard ; (iepor, WRtcb fob itb Klk cliaraj, "T. C. V." etiRtavtd thereon, Revnird if returntd to T. C. VniiD. , Mra. M. C, Lewie nod cbildreo htve returned to tbeir home io Wuycroef, Oa., Hfter k two weeks' visit to the fHm ily of tb former'! brother, Mr. W, L. TooUe, id lb city. FOR SALE CHEAP: Good gentle but (tint buggy mare; any womno chd Bfely drive ber. Alto nice top bnecv. For purtlculara ddre?, C. I. Bette MadisoD Pla. 8-4 it. t I" j Queen of Sea Routes' Merchants &Miners Trans.Ci" STEAMSHIP LINES JACKSONVILLE TO SAVANNAH. BALTIMORE and FHILaDELFH!; NORFOLK TO BOSTON A X D PKOVIDENu Steamers New, Fast and Elegant ACCOMMODATIONS AND CUISINE UNSl'RPASt Through tickets on gale to and from principal poiK Send for Booklet I. n .Tnvra Ao-t tl C AVFKV. Agt.. Seminole Hotel. Jacksonville. l Jacksonville, Florida. . ... fTint r,,K-M..-i Ti-in in the World. Jot rllsflcuringikineruptioni", gcrof. u)b. idtnpler, rashen, etc., are due to im pure blood , Burdock Blood Uittere ie a clean bid a blood tonic. Make vou cleir-eyd, clear -tralneU, clear-ekinoed. To the Ladies of Madison: . I take special and particj pains with Baby have styles especially sui for portraits. If you will l me with a call, I am su can please both you ana DH11ERSITY 6F FLORIDA GAINCSVILLK A Sucerlor But Inexpensive Institute for Florida Younr.Men Four colleiten. agricultural experinient nation ; University extension. 4U pro ftbsrn Dd asit8Dte. YM pet. increase in atteDdaDce laf. two yeara. Attractive builaiDKS and camptiB. For catalogue addrese A. A. MURPHKEE, Pmldent FLOBlDASTATECOLlIffi"' TALL' Collet of Artiwd sl School with K'rS Mueio. School of top FirBt el. eqpm ,t Tuition free- OwfJLi For Information ddr I( j 1 "