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' ,;-i!a.'t'a:.t.-:u1.iu... . , . .. ' "" " ; c. t 1 i of 4m rtf"yi ft 1 : . i' any Eircnss to Be C-i-i-tir"!. Vc-al: Stoin V7sr.!:Eiv!u?7c3, WcakL'.voroil, Hi'x'.a T?.&&, Til In o v i- :. ..I III. I' I I .13 2 '. t-v." t '; I ' I f' i v. t r .:' c : i.' i ' j ll-H ! .1 ., , I I, ..I- t j m; ! s' : In" ' ;f w ! ! v i-i r r (irii". i i J a; ! rni;i Ml.! I'M' It KIDNEY TROUBLE Safffii Ten Yidif KefuDsJ in 7'krn MchIis Thanks to PE-KV-XA. I;.HZH.R, Mt. Sterling, Ky.tdynt hav guttered wltk kidney and tJtdder trouble tor ten yean part. 'IjHt .March I cnmmvnced tilting I'erun and c.mtlBued fof three monthi. I liuve not ued It lnce.nor hv I tclk ii ruiif." y ANY HOLIDAY Presents are 4ifi 3 merely pretty, others merely useful. You, perhaps, know how difficult it is to select one that is both pret ty and useful. The difficulty is solved By selecting a boxbr two oidlii in Christmas boxes; , Every pair warranted. I . M- Tavior IS.TJ, of Madisoi Covers the County thoroughly, and is therefore an excellent advertising" medium. Is full of live local news. We do fine job work, and can turn the same out promptly. : Subscribe for the Enterprise-Recorder. Advertise in the Enterprise-Recorder. Bring your Job Work to the Enterprise-Recorder. 4 $iooi:KVAnD.iC". The rcnltT nf Iliis J r will 'c j'lriiticl toltiiin tlml tliirc- is at least on;' ilic.nUil ilistiiise t.-iiiice luts litcn ulilo to cure in nil jte btagfc, ninl that in Catani'. MM' Cu tmib Cure is tbe only icuitive cur now known to tic uiudicttl frslernity. Cutiirrli hfing a consiitulUinal ilisiip, nuiip a coiistitutioiiftl irtuiiiiiTit. Hall's Cuturrali Cure i- taken iuttrmilly, acting directiy iilioii the tilocid auil muc us sui faces i i ilif cysti-in, thereby l..'3lroyli'g ii f foundations of tlie disease, and giving lie patient strength by build- in).' up the constitulioi) an. assisting imtuie In doing its work. The pro piietors have so much fnith in ita t ut alive poweis that they offer One Hundred Dollais for any case that it fails to cure. Send for lit-t of testimonial. V. J. Cheney t Cr., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall" Family Pills for con. all pat ion. , A DREAPFUL SIGHT. f - lo H . J. Barnum, of Freevillf. N. Y., wh the fever sore that had plagued bia life for year In spile of many remedies ' he tried. At last he need Bftcklen's ArolcaSalve and wrote: ' itlna ntirelv Lealed with carcelvaear left." Heala Bwnr, Boil. Eceema, Cute, Bruisea, ' SwWJingii, Corn and Fllei like aaglo. Only 20c t All Druggists. BLOCKADED Every Household In Madison Should Know How to Resist It. The bHc' Hche bec-ante tht Uiiliieyn ri' hlackiiJcJ. Help tlia kidney! wilU their woi k. The buck will ndie no more. Lots of proof trmt Doan'fc Kl'lii'y lVIUd i tin. It'h the best proof, for it comes from tliia vk'lnlt.v. Mrs. A. K. Holland, 213 I'urcli lev St.. LlveOuk. Kl., Buy. "It is ,,e8gure for me to recommend DounV Kidnev Pilla In view ot ilia benefit I luive received from them. I linve tul en this remedy off and on durlnti the past three yeara for kidney complaint nd bsckauhe imd it has (tiveo rue. more relief and benefit than any other medi cine I have ever used. A few moDihs npo when my DAtk wsi bothering me, I tot a supply of Doiin's Kidney Pilleand they quickly brought me relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, iole agenta for tbe United States. Remember the name Doan'e- and tske no other. , DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION. It la not tbe quantity ot food taken but tbe amount digested and assimilat ed that Rivea strength nod vitality to tbe system. Chamberlain's Stomach and liver tablets invigorate the stomaoh and liver and enable tbem to perform their functions naturally. For sale by All Dealers ' 3000 totes for eubsoription, e or renewal, to tbe Eaterprlse-Recorder wi .mJT US .r;'t' Columbus B. Smith Jas. R. K llcj SMITH & KELLEY ATTORNEYS AT-UW Will iriiclice id StBte sint Kleri t'i nil OFFICE: Vmehy 1iniMlnj The Florida Grower 'nr trui'kers end h int gnmprx. Fur nlkH wlio nam tn know. ii bout HnridR. Woikljr H (Ml per ytui'; monthly. 4Ac. Ki ndlocMr a teu-maiic trml nbtrliithni, tn.y. Hrlnht. rtrnn THE FLORIDA GROWER WO Florida Avenue, Tarupa, I in. w. PARRAMORE, Dontlat MADISON FLORIDA K- j Dental Parlors Over 37 Davis' Drug Store. CASTOR I A - Tor Infinite and Children. Tki (Clod You HaYS Alwajrs Bought Bears the ptgnatnre of r'7 i i4 V iM fl a $ ASHES ROACH PEPPER f- W NTAIMS.iij;' MAS NO KHIft Knftftin. Ants.. Vnaa, IVdfiuo: !lrum Stoiit Hrepk Mum t6 ,Sthr4d olir uuiir). au iniia till coetjotf. Htp wr lib awa ftom t orn And Mi hi t JiM tot, Crnu Bu imi Jrjfcr will jtd0r t- )ou mi ir, wriuii-ttie lftig(i't tirr mi pj. roiit i'ii ii ounce 'A KnH Pt-ppt-r or mi lliNihrCrv.o( t-ihi vud.c yl Knsult Uu tm r m tigi ' I'Wt hntt 'it KjiiJuIi, or m oik- it ione u( WnothMPfxr (fir fc Oii Then ad Jliiiinnittd If noi ttmtaciory, money refundiJ A8Hi D'BINFf CTANT CO , TAMPA, f LA VSllIK'H ItATHAlUr mIIh HiHii, Mif iii'l cuiuniro ilitm M itlmoi " nlor. 'I'ltCy Ir.tif tlir Ituililiii Uii air nml w ill -ad dtf ul-"l lticc?AtlVt lh. For fnlo at JlnAi'i t)mg Store. ysixx xz rccri.r: z r : 'en i :: : t u ' B jLooVinor for a M TTfinsR h 1 - v vv y A T-v a, i r u snip yjur rruits li . J and Vegetables to? : j Here is one on the best '- market. Write for stencil ; J and market report to-day. j F. G. HEWITT CO. H New York j HENDRY-'ft McKINXCN Attorney s-at-La w Madison and Perry, - Florida Will rnrtif ell Mtate aa4 Ke4ral I'eerte- 0?FICE: In Conway Buildino: 3 4 f 3 I I t