Newspaper Page Text
if FUN-OVEK LOCALS. Lu FOR SALE AT , ,i in of POIiaiH"',-"" I V, J' till ' . . , in theulty. ,, II Mvs lias returned from JaJvV w,it to herald hoo.alT. Vote for vour favorite In Piano .1 nt J)QT ) " .. i h U.V W II ll . fnr arh curctiase of 30juvoi Wednesday k,00 in our --Smithi . .. ..... 1.., ,. ta..;l .SafciaV'"00 for the full rale. . . K B. u:-Ivjp lii'S opened- up a new ,nMt m:i)!-t ill tua iroqi.ui l-Ttje twckcf Sluton l ' I, I', lUWUBTlill, lirebr."'. iv p K,i i.t !" returned from "." ... 1 1. t..v Vol., wl..r- !.f vm mi w? '"' ,l,fl,; :,!..! miter trade. Mih, !'.. I i.ivif ut"l iliiKlitHr.. Xltw .. . ,i,,n some time in Soinl. dr. I " relatives. lijvMi IS r -. iv.-iv-tl -cur load of wS..t( Ho i v. hi.jli tby will pUoe ,jl tli n-i.r-t jr saw. .. . l'i! irui.M. r-turi-MiMlyffn ,,, ,.f a f..v weeirt W."J'.: uncle, tv B. 8n,itl',l llHiiii'tojit'Ht-r1-...,- m.. i I Atk.niiMi al.'J- son JiobrtrM Ruj lUondWliceler U tg rcltirobil to Lib borue in Ohio, ufler speiidirifftlio mm tner teaching at Macedonia fchonl. Mies Caroline Webb returned to Hip city qJhv and has resumed her pisi- linn ns operator m me telegr tph orrn.e. Mer. K. J. HfVl.ii h rid A. V.. Inlm eon, of Madison, flu. , were Htnonjf tl.e visitors to vocUiela I' uy. ViildiiBt i Times. PaV UI). N'uW is 1 1 it tin, t.i t,.v your subscription to the, Knterpiiee- Kecomer, irna get :iwm votes Tor vinii favorite in the .mno content. $5 00 Reward fr return of i,ii-k and tan round pup, seven ttiontl.H olil named "liiy, rtrn.v'il or stoien from Madisou. Al Vann. Mr. n iid Mo. T. C. Smith and clnld rn left Wednfuduv bv HiittinmUllo fur i tdei.fmU yiiiil In AtlantH au'l points in Ufor'lu. SAI,hWlAM WAMr.ll: I liKVc a' rmtkinit iTopocition ) otfer tn :i wUlo awnke nirjjittii' younir imm Addres at mii. J. A. ('.inili'n Jive Oak, Fin. b-l-'f Mr. mid Mir. t)li !ji vr m,d lnii retiirnpd M it''.iy frum Atiuntn. whrr Hi 3 tw.o luttiT hid Iii'imi 'Htm,' f ir Mull till!. I l, y I, ml iuli'ud.Jd t' iinl to I'oints In N.'iili t'lrulimi. !,it the baby's 1 1 li.t-H i,.-V"iil.l ',1, mi l Iwni" tliclr return. Ir. K. i . lli:.i o: re!;.ri:id fimn ii few W'Kt' v I tn 1'i-r.n !.-,-e S:it urtlay and l.IJ li i- iCiiul ,r sn ii'f-i ii' the Mi-thrdi.-t eliiiri'ii Si.nduy Mrs. Hudson hiiaiint returned hp vet. Init will ren,. sniiiH time ). t-r in 'JVn in6e mid V:.rifiiiiii. Don't nllow tli "Ctilll Bemn" nd you wM a Twpit Uvtr, Dltordered 8imcii or wim rated Doweta. It li Juit tha cjIUv)u lu wUWU the rnalirlal ee'rm thrlver HERBIHE Puts the Liver, Stomach and BmfJ i Fine Vigorous Condition. It Is ii liver medlcln first of all. 1U effect upon , Torpid l truly romarkablD. Old clironla cae. of lonff smnams, Involving tlie kWnej-i) anl blood, ylold promptly ti l'i po-virfut cleani.tnB nna rcstor.ativo effect. It U a trength?ntnar tinn f.r tlia dl wrdeied Btomach. gtlmulate dletiiti and h"lp tlia najimilatlon of f ion. Ill tho bowels It oxerclnoa a helpful lntluonc, tliit U fir reacl.lnif anl effective. Every rartlcU of formctitei tnitter cr Impurity in cupelled, leaving tin bowsl cool, cloin an! regulatwl. If chills have already rimm?ned. Herblna ti tin only tlilnff needed; it U a posltlvo oatl-perloJIo rneJIctn i tint dMtroyn the dlaoaini germi uad drive them ou- of tha bljol. Try It tUU yaar. Price 50c per Bott!. 1 JAMES F. BJU1AR9 PMJMtC'OI It LMt. 11. Stepheo' Era '- a Safe aa eelt gi.iiLdKlfJ ALL DRUGGISTS J M-. W. A. I'Mle, ir , f V. I' III , n- ii v V:! r ! ! 'or i Wcdi.e!!.y.--lV-rv Hn.iJ. !!. I;r. s I, i k :ii. i" I i ;-Vi tt i Ni.Iici.iiI l::irk l-"!i ''-'' 1'i -t l'Vi e Ti I iii l ' e i al i c l ' i ii,. ve y i-i , " ' ' I !:.' f- 'f 1 lii'il, Mr, lHVic ti, d t:.- I'm ' t l-e fnii.i- billli!' L'.' I ... i . ...... pi, n. ( X, t v. . -j.-i-.i 1 i immi.i " ihi-t k , It I 'i! h,iiei.i;.l 'lie li'.'p (;.) I tr .ii M'.r.r.s i'Aiiv r.M;u:;-f(- l'il-t ii.i,! ... I , t v.e llier. i!l:'t. 1-M-r ' " 1,1,1 iir,t-'ii.i .h. V h .'t'.ni'.i'l.. ! , ll - i ,,v , If. mid li.'li I "Hi n.' i Ii , ;.; ,! vj i,l t.' i,l I .tei i' ml I" i, , Pi.-r- -"ii: ".f i. per boltle All llrurfCiR'n USE FENOLE. To cxtei minute !.!0t!lii;.s looclit. moths, i'nts, inoqui t.iios, fleas, tiics, siiU-rs. and all classes t.if vol iiiin. To kill ;tud pic vont, t'l(.'n.M, 'lico iitiJ niitos fin fowls. T'i kill i'tnl i.rovi'iit, ticks, tk'ns, lico, nn.l flios on Mnimals. To prevent tliy siro:il of cont.ifiio'.is lis ciisos. To disinfect stali'e a.uv! low I liotisos. Ui insiirG yoiMsclf iierfc-cti'iii of Konole vill not. injure or stain Llio (iiiot, mil most ilflitvitfl f: lilies Insects ilf.stioveil by Fenti'iC w ill not. oion house pels or rliickcns. Feii'ile is uscil wifli a sprayer. Qk h 1-2 Oil. $1.:V. CSal. '2."A ;ir.iyois ..',. .Not- titeciKMp pst, I, tit. the lesl. Miimifae hue, only ly The Fenolo ,(.'he:iiic,'! 1'iniipaiiy, r.nnp.i, 'i r. ri t nt i-iH i saij: liV THirTiN am LESLIE. eel ji. Sn;il C'.e:,K'it uu'ideut Insararu'P-Wr. Tmin i.t' I'. l-i-ii-' OH. .Stpv't-"" I"i" ntiUlienl II"' wound. Ali'dlBKilifU nil it. ' J U. Urii.H.r., ,lr., M'eut r'uudr.y m tl. city with hi puieht', coining oyer from Moiiticll '. wliere n is elided d Jiii.; tl'C niniiner. I'Or! S.I.KiV!t'rj0' hre Mutit ' Ihwk. ! W.ifb. . at Ho (nne t""l oo lialf fttitf i. Write for epeotal offer. Box .Ti. si. AiiHUKtir.e, H. Tbe 'JiO miff if land in Ibe nortli wcl art i t the county which was sold at the ionmilriotierB' s tle Monday wai bought bi M. TooUe at l,2tij. IV. t;iilili.i( returned Suudnyfioai Jiiw Vi.'lt, wlure he wtMit (.ome time ro to l u) totd lor tbe Bottou Hur ulii lii ,!-o for the fall aud -wioiei trade. " v i wor'd of in(.'lii,m- berli.iuV CoukIi Uemedy for I have used it with p-itn-t i-ut'oeea," -wrliia Mia M, I. llHi-fni-.', Pooleeville, Md. lot taU- by Ail Deidtrs. 6:a sih iIitb hud A. E. Kraleljli Ut Tueedr,y I y iiutomobile for Atlunle. Wl.un m Atianta Mr. Fraleish I e w hut eucouragement the White dwih-re wi'l ;lvc Idtu tuwards enterlnB hi' l ew or m the (Jlidden tour. ii-'.om r always more or ter-i 1 levii! r.l durii.g September, Be prt paitd fir It. ChainberlHin'a I'clir, Cboieiii m il Diarrhoea Remedy ifc Droiuiit ai.d effective. It can always bt liepeinbd upon and is flei.euDt to time. l urei'Wby All UrunKl-W-Mr. Alice llnyer. who has been et tfodttiK Mis. J. P. Towurtend, It ft WedncSviiy for a visit to her home in Girenvi.le. Friends will be tl id t know ti nt Mr. To iieend's condition ' otelJcaVly improved. Mr. and Mrs. A. Livingston, Jr., and family left Tuesday by automobile for Luke Cilv. where Mra T.lviniTPlOn SDO h:l 'ren vill visit fur the next thras ' wtek Mr. Livn (jston drove tbe car t'Hck ami left on Wednesday fur a busi ness trip lu .New York, A iii-iully treated, a sprained an 1 I disib.e a in ii n fur three or four week, lint byapp'ylnrf ClnmUrhiu's T.inuiieut freely ue oon us the ir jiry i rcehed, andi,l)!ii rviiiij the directions witli eui'h bottle, a uurecnii be etl'ected Hi f ! .in I wo t'j four day I'm Bale l A.. I'. i ui-. Our Home Life Home Office: eiaok m ZU mi':; n in V1 n B-I CCLIECE Or ACRICULTIRE L'NIVEPSITY OF FLORIDA. j .Oder m AilouUui(! A 4-ysar tourse; a 3-year course; a l-ytur eourse; a 1-uiootb cours; a 4-week Parmer's course; 11 correspondence oournes, a iMittfse fur every nid. You t . ha eiluc.ition t-noiifli to nier one of thesa courses. Find ou' vbioh one ' by writiig to w j. j. Vf.ftftOrli : -' Jllne of AriL'ulfjreH tiaiueeville F'orUv. T jition . V A brief interview with one of our representatives, or a careful examination of our polices will convince you that you CAN NOT make a mistake by insuring With Our Home Life Insurance Company Our policies, while giving a LO WER GUARANTEED COST than any other, PARTICIPATE ANNUALLY in the SURPLUS EARNINGS of the Company. AH policies are ENDOWMENT at age of Seventy five or prior death of the insured. See us Before Insuring General Assent Florida 1 f i; i 1 1 ! t ' I 1 ' IS