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HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR HEAL I n Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally Caused Dy carelessness. Dandruff is a contagious dis eae' caused by a microbe w hich also produces baldness. Never use a comb or brush belonging to some one eke. No matter how cleanly the owner may be, these articles may be infected with mi crobes, which will infect your scalp. It is far easier to cat;h hair microbes than it is to pet rid of them, and a shingle stroke of an infected comb or brush may ffell lead to baldness. Never try on anybody else's hat. Many a hat-band is a resting place for microbes, If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, itchingscalp, fall ing hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these troubles. Wearesosure of this that we offer it to you with the under standing that it will cost you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the results we claim. This remedy is called Rexall Hair Tonic. We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for scalp and hair trou bles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effective ness, because of the results it has produced in thousands of cases, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is de vised to banish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by diseases, and make the hair naturally silky, soft and glossy. It does this because it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brings about a free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow- new hair. We want everybody who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that we think that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the b5t hair tonic and restorative in existence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims to I fair test, with the understand ing that they pay us nothing for the remedy if it does not give full and complete satisfaction in every particular. T wo sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, Rexall Remedies can be obtained in this commun ity only at our store -The Rexall Store. Madison Drug Company. Your Success. The Draughon Training will lake yon from the $1.00 ft day class of ge earners and step by step, i le tyou to the $10.00 a day class, t'jui the end of your jour J to SUCCESS. For catalogue. ddrm Draughon's Practical Busi Col'ese. Jackson villa or Allan. ' or Mobile or Montgomery. How's This? W offer One Hundred Dollar. Rard fol. any CMe of ctarrh that ClDBOt be enroll l,'.. r. i. ,j ..nits vnini i u ' F.J. CHENEY, A CO., To. TOO, U, We, IL'P UllHpralfrnrl I, b ,J fiull'i unit P. UU II J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, av mm per ectly honorable - oiisiuess h-nsactions and fi lially able to carry out any ob l'8tion8 ni!,de by bis Arm. W-Ul.-, Kimhan k Narvik, Wholesale Droggiat., T0edo. O. J",,ClrbCur ,, uken .n. "WW", acting directly upon the TUonhli ,ent free. .tiS'''orcoD. Perry Sauls Killed. On lust Friday niuri.iiii? !.. S.u.s was (hot an,! killed iu the 'igeorSanPein,n,y. The verdict JI IheconW, j,llv was tlml ileoawd c-ame to bin death fr,.m t;u n shot wounds ii rlxted by Marl; illiams. Sim Kvcrclt and Hem. r liiidi'h were inland in tho verdict as arc. so ! I efore tl fai t. Wil- hnra was Ln uyl.t to cjty Smi ! by Dim nty Henry Huvi-n n,i Weed a juil. Golden nnd Kvcri-u weiepincui m jsu Mundnv. Strife1 111 1 i vil..,l I .. I """'.til nit- two ni'.'n fi -r s'.tno lime, ai thi-y ); th uscd Uie edge of the l,:iy forr.uigit y thri, hOLx. The uiilcome of the (lifference between tln-ni a as "I,e ti agtdy uhovi recorded . 18 Til F. WORLD GKOWINU M:TTF.l;f Many things Ko to pave Hint It i. Tbe way thousand, are trying to help! "wrnrs is proof. Amona them is Mr. W. V. Uould. of Pittstietd, X. H. KinC ILK Rood health by tukinK Electric tTi., she now advisee ether cutru rers even where, to take them. 'Tor years I si.ll'ered wuli klmuacli hikI kidney '.routd-,'' she wntef. "Every Medicine I Usui fiiiV,! till I tt ok I- leetrle Hitters. Itut this great rmiedy ln-lled nic won i lei full j,'1 T; eyn ,p any -,,, They're He test tci.le nnd finest liver ami kldnry ion e ly tl.hfe made. Try them. ou'i:-ee :0o at i.ll driiKgUU. arm way riu.i, as in U.e city Sat-tii-duy mid Siaduj (nun Jucksm.viile, where he is i,ttei.,tiiij tLe Masary Bus: m3 College. GOOD NEWS. Many Madison Readers Have Feard it and Profited Thereby. 'Good news travels fast, nnd the thousands of had I aek sufferers in Madison are (rUd to learn that prompt relief Is wi'.bin tbeir reacb. Muny a lame, weak and acbing back is bad ro more, tbaukj to Duan' Kidney Tills. TluMisands upon ibousandsof- people are telling the! food news of tbeir experience with lie Old Quaker Ilemedy. Here is an example worth reading: J. V. Cohb, FaulliiK-r it Bny .s., I'erry Fia., snj: "Demi's Kiilmy Pills are not a new remedy to me by any means, as I Lave ued them on iliflVrctH cc;uUods for kidney complaint and backache. 1 first took this remedy when living in Madison and nt thai time I was convinced of its mails. Whenever I feci lameness in my Lack or have any otbir troil.Ic caused by my kidneys, I lake a few dost (if Duan's Kidixy Tills and the di-tress eeusc?. I will be pleased to give further in. foiinatlon about my cae to anyone who ivq it-sls i. I wou'd not be without a supply of Doan's Kidi.ey Pills on band, to matter what they cost." For aulo by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostvi'-Miiburu Co., BiiIVh'o, New Vork, o!e (eii! for th I'nited State. Remember the name 1ohu'- and Hike no otner. iT'ci KCt.'AL DON'T F.XIST. X" ui:e h: B f made a .dve, oint ne ut vt halm tn compare with Buck leL's Ai iiica feaive. It's the one per" feet healer of ( tits, Corn", Bump, iruic e. Siren. ci.U9. Hull-. Cicero, Eezemn, Salt Rheum. Kcr Sote Eyep, Cold So'e-, Chapped Hands or Sprains it's iiprciue. L'niiva'ed for I'ile'. Try t. Only 2c at all drusjrists. J. D. Laslie returned Sunday nitfht from a pleasant visit of a few days to Brunswick, Macun. Kaiuhrid.e and AttHpulgnf, Gn The Weather. For the week ending Tuesday, Oct. 10. Ulnh Low Tern. Tem Uulnfall Wednesday 07 7,1 .00 Thursday 98 73 OH Friday 97 73 00 Saturday OH 7 00 Suodar 01 73 00 Monday SO 72 00 Tuesday 02 71 00 Totil 0C C l o Here is a Remedy That Will Cure Skin and Scalp Affections ' AND WE CAN PROVE IT. The D. G. Smith Diug Store ssys to every person be it man, woman or child who has an irritated, tender, inflamed. Itching SKIS or SCALP. you need not buffer another day. We have a refined skin preparation that acla Instantly and will bring you swift and sure results." One warm bath with Z&MO SOAP and one application ot ZKMO and you will not suffer another moment and you will soon see a cure in sign'. ZICMO nnd ZEMO SOAr aie proven cures for every form of skin cr scalp affection. They are sold by one leading druwist in every city or town in America and in Madison by Daniel 6. Smith. nk. .n r w. M. Tavlor have 'moved to the Bewrs nsMsms opposite . ... . i-i GIVES AID TO &TRIKERS. Sometimes liver, kidneys and bowels eem to on a strike and refuf to work right Then you neel those pleasant little strike-breakers Dr. King's Xew Life Pills to give tbem naturel aid and tently compel proptr action. Excel'eut health soon follows. Tr them. 23c at all drug Ut. Cbas. H. Dickinson hss received tlii pleusbiK information from the office of the Florida Life that be was seventh out of eighty odd in the volume of in surance written for the conipnny dur ing September. C'bildien that are pal, sickly and ptevifh. with dark rings under the eyes. tii'Kle appetite. nd who appe ir to get no i.ourielimeut from the food tlity eat are Burely suffering fruiu worms, (jive them WHITE'!? CKEAM VEUMI Fl'OE and note the wonderful lin proveineut, 'ltey soon take on lle?b and are rosy, active and cheerful. Price 2v per bottle. Sold by all druggists. TO Tafcsi Pain Pill. 'gf theo . Tak Xft Eaay. Te Head-Off a Headache Nothing is Bettor thaa Dr. MSes' Anti-Pain Pill They Crr Relief without Bad After-EffecU. "For four years I was subject to almost constant headache. At times so severe I fcas unfitted for work. Through the advice of a friend I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills and the result has been that I have entirely eradicated my system of those continuous headaches that- followed a hard and continuous mental strain." O. L. Russell, AgtC.N.W.Ry,Earlr,Ia. For Sale by All Druoelsta. 25 Doses, 25 Cento. MILES MEDICAL CO., ElKhert, Ina. Sixth Visit To Madison Will Not Treat lacurable Diseases. SpeelalNi, nut r nL. to dH,.'c I 6 lim to the treat, iioir, d absolutely ir.iru I ihle .liHTne If lie ate no Imp.' fur y'H h ( wiil tell you lie wilrs to unp"es.s llii" fa.'.t hmvver. h iloc leit '"'' 14 -" inenrabl beoiiiee ii'.her pin si, Inns h:,ve f lilej. ft, ' io eft'ecling cures In , it kucIi ims.' I'lat' h t plaoeii hiai aiiuve the average epeoii!lf. If l;f e-inie.i c u-e vu I e will tell yu eo and send )nu lioiui; itii en.di a Ivl us hi ,y , ,,f v due H yjii, as he did in a miniher ot ch during hie h.t" i-ir. UNITED SivICI Al.TSlS MERCHANTS HOTEL TL J . n4 nr iiwisuay, uci.zo We Leave at 3 p m. Will Return in 4 WeeUe WE NEVER USE THE KNIFE OUR PHYSICIAN'S ARE EXPERTS io the disguise and treatment of Stomach, Bnwei imc) Liver Dieeases, s.ich h- Dystep eis.C'onstlpation. Piles, lirihni ,-i. ete. enred la the fhortest poe sibla time without tbe use of injurious ilruii. THROAT, T.UNG8 AND NASA I. DISEVSES. etdi us Ca tarrh, Bronchitie. CoiiBuiiiitio", An'.hin , nuoceesfully (rca'ed hv our own rpeeial method of treatment. HEVRT, BI.OO!) ANIDSKtN DISEASES, men a Sc-nfnh, Ulcern. Eizemn, Piinpl-f, ete. , eep el My cimo that have hallld tbe skill of other physie ai K. BRAIX, SPIXAL A XL) KKRVE DISEASES. su;i, pralv sis, Locomotor Ataxia, Ep.lepKy. fits, Ncura'glH. Scia'l.'a, Heail aehes, Sleepleannees, D'zzlneei, tiraict unit Nervous Exhaustion, etc.. successfully treated hy our original uiethuj. RHEUMATISM. Our cure for U'lenmatieai is the ii,oH six ceseful kcowr, VOUNG AND MIDKI.E AtiED M EX who suffer from (he cf facts of youthful iud scretious a".d ServoiiM pehliity ni'iycail will; csnttdence. M'E.iiES l- WOMEN. After years of experiei ce have found the greatest cure known for tlieeiiees peouiiar to the sex. Painful Menstruation, Sterility, B nn'onneas. lleucorrlKiea, Pun iee, Ovarian and Fibroid Tumors it. tbe eitrly glace, etc., positively cured bv our method. (ur trealinent is perfectly harmless and easily apt Med. No humiliHtingexposure on examination, 'l'rv it, and you will exclaim like huiioreds of other: "Oh, I fe like a dill'erer.t woman." RUPTl'RK AND VAIilCOCKLE penn ir.i.rly cured wiMiouf the one of tlie kuife, trues or KUbpeoMiry. BeurHnd consult ue befi re taknm trentment elrwhere. KIDNICV AND l:LADHi:U DlRVSRS. ItriabtV Dl-eise, Diahftes. 1 ut! animation of the ll ladder, Ku large, I Pr .state. Freifjei.t Urli a'.ion. It cen'u no mor to employ an i Xpert (ha,i to rib your life with an li.tX,erier:ced physician. STRICTUltE and all forme of diseases ef the ur?ilm nr.d prostate glamla c.ired by our Medical llougie, a met bod of treat ment without pain or detention from busings. HVl'lUUS OR DI.OOD POISON cured without the nee of In jurious ilrufcx where others fa'.l. Eik:;i prison applying for Aledieal tt-atmeiit shnuhl I rlt:g from tx. to four niiwi of urine, which vill reoeivs careful cl emna! ai d mist pfvupical examinatii u, ColrhIUUoii and ex ituiiialioo free anil siriith cor.rtJeuti.,1. UNITED SPECIALISTS 125 Laura Street Jacksonville. Florida r Rheumatism, Solatlex, Stiff Nock, Nauralguk nil Lama Back are painful ailments sad It Is desirable to (tot rid of them quickly. For prompt and aure relief, rul la Ballard's Snow Liniment It Is a WondarfcH Pain Cur and Ha!i!g Remedy. It peietratet the flesh to tuo bono, warms the Joints, relaxes the muscles, eases the pain end restores strength and 'comfort. For healing cuts, wounds, burns, sores and abrasions of the flesh it Is very effective. As a household remedy, for the accidents and ailments that are always occurring In tho family, It lias no superior. It should be kept on hand so that it caa ho used promptly. It begins the mending process as sooa as It is applied and In all minor injuries It not only cares quickly, but heals without a scar. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 pr Bottle. jamct r. MujtM mmcm t. uxat, m. Iltsksi Bye Salve Is a Mfe ! mtetr tor Son Ema. V. J TM1 Solo An o RteawwiNBiotj ALL DRUGGISTS LUMBER LATHS MOULDINCS SHINGLES i ' (Formerly McNair & Son.) . Dyal-Upchurcli Building. JaoffBonville.ria. ShipmenU mad to anf part ot tbe state, i Oar stock U stavie iron the) best ttmoer in Florida, is well man- faotured ana oarwuiiyjr'w-j -imwi-wi- yr- ;