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4lf 1 WTO!! set IS NOT' AT ALL STliAXCK THAT MOST SnVESSFUL BITSIXESS MKX A HE TIIK (ilM-'ATHS'l A I KliTISKI-'S. IT OL XI-NO. 7 MADISON. FLA.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1911 $1 A YEAR klinutes of School Board.jThe Light and 'Fall Term of Madison, Fin., Oof. 4, 1011. Bo,r.1 uui promptly al 10 . m., full Boawl rresei.t. Minutes of !ut BtfiiDH read and approved. . )lr. M'Lei ' ar"1 tl,e llPt,' "'it'n (Irtiwcro miilioriseu.l to inspect Sir- mens srh..l louse wmn iw'i'm ,B,li(awi'ptcd to pay duo (,n inlll'1. On motion the ISonul decided Unit p0(,.,.,(,l bI.ouI.I use any suppl.- n,y ho. k ot me rieeni -iuic (J.y.i.'u ' "Tl ll P,,'"'issi("1 t,f Mid B'i'd. the Si'l" r'rtr"lL,, vrils !,,,,,K1,M" fi to lUVr 1"' inled 2000 lists ol' t,!(,ua U wiu. t.x twcis mm. the law yovHiiinv! said Plnf. W. ll- (-'llU! l'""1'1"1 ,!r:u t lor tl.e Ml ism lliyli slimi for a Win f 10 .V'al8 1,1 ,l f t. r nimne. inMii.ii v. ... , - o ii'lcd i.y Mr. S'.otiu .. .i ,;v"d and sijimd. Mr. Water Question. My Dear Editor: I, hx well us oili-.r citizens of our moik-rn Hnd npgtMvu city hoped tliiit in i lie lust issue of your paper Sou would ha intciestcd yourself in llie liylil mid water cpiestion of lit 3 I'ilv, liul nothing wassaifl. Evi dently you are pctrc;lly satisfied with i resent conditions of thing.. Ik Jiyiuwire a woman or even a tiKiinul inuii, you would see thttifjsl fiotn a verv ilificreiil view jioint. Now, Mr. Editor, it semis to me that llie citizens of Madison .lie pay ing enough money encti niontli into this vw oiat'oil to have all the lij. hi :.ud water iiccisnuy, and it is time somctt i i 1 1 g lie done to scent o w ater service along these lines, ll Is an ulioliliiial.le shame that we, 'citlens of no mi an pity." lioiild. In eutise Circuit Court Adjourned Saturday. The Utter part of the week of the Circuit Court wns i-oiisiiiiicd ft follows: $17 " full.' v SI I.,- I'' til1 1 '1 A had with the Ttfti-. e lie llll 111 I I 'I. fui i ii 1 1 1 ,. m, MeLE I - G. V,'. 'lEDDEU. !.. i. ii'ietury. VlXANi 1AL STATEMENT. October lili, 11 1 .?r.t. li.IV. Ttuilr.cxam. tees -i2.(' lX''r'. '. 'I ed!er. fie:eh'i Xir'- i.,ei.:r;0- " "' iSTW. li. Cute, tenchm T.VUU j.I'MJb liimii'iuk '- '9-00 laSISioliellHr " . '-tu 1M0W 1. Cray " 61 0(1 M l:,li 1-VaruMile " :i-i-nj aiLeiihalieteli ' "'Ul-' i . -'.alien ' " '''""I :r,n:- " i-'-wi ... - ; ;l it . . ,iU.r ' !' i;t'.l XauiiePilU - ;ir' uu 1350 W. X. BUir " lail Ell M. RoilRer " 35 W 1352 Nita Law " 350 XA i,r. K. W. Gray " 40-W KIM Hi.rnaulj.Mrrow " :13(l0 VS'i I.-i urn Aninioi.B ' IU-VO e,:.'il.. A. Kn kuey - 1 1.0 it. !; ',. v . " U '" lit K(.lliLi''i'n lnv(. cei.lKllllV, lie , forced to f-) . i n l our eveiiin:. s in tin 'ill-H 1.1. d oil oi;r Vi :;!: w !m ii' I v. j A I'" tile l.lte i,r )"C n . di'i.ei of tl.ilrs o..i- I i! i.i U.iti I i.l.d l'.e; t, coll ; any MltH I j. e, ( OOf or C.I..'. )' !'C! s r.,y till- lll.l (lii,ni io li.ohen down, ainl " i all Midi ''io eoiiM Ilt liifjau to in ike exeus'.','' Jl Keen's to he u llinif-y ex I ciise for eo.cIi a husec; -iiirp is' ( the I i ji h t p. n d wnterwoilisj o. in p a 1) y l o g i v e . i There i plenty of wood, coal and I liinehiiieiy in this coiinl: y, an I l!n-y j i hould s;c lo it, when Uiii ;js aie 1 1 voial le, to lay in an al uiiflant sup ply to meet jusi stlcli einetgeneies Hi thifce, which they Br now up against. The fact if, wo cam never ixpivt up-lo-ilate !'; ryic I i-nti i pi .".' ' e ti- i . hi- tita until tliib hlitiiic ,-r. i! d t.. ih. Till ItsUAV. State v?. II. If. IWns,c.hnry;ed with upsault with intent to commit mur der, I'. A. Harden mid Smith it Keliey for the Mate, lHvia A Whlt nell and .l.W. McKinnoii for the tie.; tried hy the foliowin,; J ay. S. 11. Wilson,.!. T. Stroud, Tilli l.anier, VV. I). Limh, W. C. Me U.irdel an i J. V. Molt. A si votaiice w as til anted in 1h ease of the S' ate against Will I'inlav- soq and Waller Katie, luealiiivf tun ftntciiiiir a liuildinir with ititetil to eoniinit a felony. alter Kane wa: a; laiucfl ai i ter.di l e'l p!e i f f llilty to luialiiiikS and cu'eiii'ir with intent . . ... i o c'i'diuii n ini-'ienu aie r, a'Cfjee i !.,- . St .t-. t'a: e :i 1 1 '. YVi'l I H i , -' ll. Hoi iro.;-e '. In c.-e . f Slav ajr-d! .! 1 . !J in.... i 'IV I lul lie 1 a K:el u .' I o. S.III.I.V. V.'. ('. M' Dalliel. 1'. :itil .11. I'll: O VV. !!,!,. V. W:illi! '. ijler, niur'ei in the In St ', (Kfi lelanl ten fiend Ua of guilty to iennsl.iu::h'ei . HL-eepted hv Slate. The C'oiii l. '.w open court and in the prcfciu-e of the Ch ik and Shcr- 111, 'III -V tli j'liy to MTVC, ill tile. next, tci in of court. TtiMii.-nid .pny pn.-eti'.ed (rut liil's asrains'. this following' Mate vs. t'ary Hill. Slate Vf. Mack Williams and Ho mer GuMc'i, murder in llie first de eive. l lie 'i and Jury aiironnc d that I linii-l.i d tl c.r lutiors e t!i' ir :.' e ii rial p " v,:.-.e, I V ' Council Proceedings. Mvlison, Fln (Kit. 3, 1911. j Council met In reuular m-asion Present: W. H. Davis, I). H.1iit. i C. Habsell ftlld Walter limiting. rim pr-fident of the (A. lived heii.e ahbeiit, W. '. I.)avi4 was ilecliu presideht pro tern. Ti e inluiites of lusl meet leg were und npprovid. Mi'scrs. J. F. Hurdee and J. E. Fonda nppcurnl bcf'.ra the Council re)nes( iitinu the Hoard of Trade :i,kinj; the Council to take fiction at once to have side walks laid to Sl; - board Air Line depot ami to Geo: "da .t Florida deot. On motion same was referred to the strut coin in if ec with ii.sti uetioim to rcpurt next r-jr-u!ar iiuc'tin-'. lhe following was received from the trustees ot the school: We the tri.stces of the school ivemiinieiid to the Town t!ial lliey take el. p. to improve Ui- jd,. wP; from .-el, ool t" t! ' in da ill o.' .1 it l.s ve'.v li l t !1 1 i' I .-'.v, ilia t'.iey I'M! 1 I,.. ,., ,,. ..,... i f v do' -1. i' !'-.', ! ie ot'liL' v. :t'.i ol f l'l"'. Ca' hiiil.l mi north side of ill" d ruii'oi'e lot. del. 2'l!h. 101 1. T. C. .Sun n, ,1. .T. Cix WAV. Chainuan. Secretary. On motion h-ihii win refer el to the, s' ret t commit tee. The following bills tinitist the town were examined found correct and ordered paid : W. II. Davis Biilaiy I). II. Yatea " E. C. HiiBneM " W aPer It tit inn " E. A. Krileiuh " Grand Jury rrcscr.tmcr.t In the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit ol Flotilla, iu and for M el v:,n County. Po the H'jiioral.le Ii n .1 . Cm U i, Ju ':.' s .id Ci-ur'i, mill i( siilin at this, The Fall Teim ... !., -.H. We, fie Oi.i.d .1 ir., I, ivinjr conn Ictcd our laiee ., r- il. thi" ir final r sentinel, t to th" Vm:t and asli thai the sani'! l-e puhlislie l in till' l'',,itelpihe.Re....,ider, lie.--&tr published in ti.o tt-.u ol Mad- ison Fioiid.i. We are y'a I to !' t'.r.' ( rlaie is iipparent ly on " . d'n." ..e in M'l'ii soii Com, i' .f ie ', I e 1 '' few cases I iron -j It to our r'.ti lit-.' u within the j l'l - kfoii .r the l.rai.fl Juiy, which eas,-: l.ave r :. eived our eirffilla'.tetitioii ; n t ie have r. t nl i i ! I'il's ill tin -i n.a'li i s tile- e tiie i v id' lice v .c 1 ;l 1 W 'll'l ' 'Jl.' O pi i.i I ' w S. v i:o t I- i: c I lei'V RlVO con: -en and '.li-i.MM: I ' ni the pres'ut corpomtton the light and waterworks plant. Let the city bond itself for the 5:10,000 wbitU is the purchasing iincf at 6 per cent, for -20 years to he paid on or bi fore. At the priseiit :a and l!..h. e ci'v V. Crilllii ..T p..-,.,. .. !. S00 I (10 800 (i (XI li 00 !7 ,"0 !"i c) ;. I : l ' ' . I .1 ', ' la a'ei ive ., . . f:ilf III Colin!) Coiimi ! 1'i'UH led ijUar'l 1:1 h ue of the Grn" I " .ui'l i:. is ipiia ; 11 i'i hardship to puv. e 1 1 : (li-aiifl .I:n v in ' h veil'. iialed rte :.' ' ' couliued. V e aio 1 the Court lluii.7 - ' - geweraijo eonin c ion, derst indili!.' t'f ' ' ' son litis a good se 'ei a without niHch expeiii' done, ami we bote another tfim if ' 1 hi . .! . tl e K;,.l f.e , 1 ; ' n el ;i: i ce al..' ial.f'r.- of It if 1 II V llll. .' Madi- V en: "'.d !':is co 11 hi b." t! . C.f' r: 11 ' lief, re ei, t'.ie ' 1 , 1 '. li Ve :l '! :., f.,r wa'ir Clll.iM. llaneU John-oii C vs. II. L. Taylor, ns-uiDpsit, plaintiff asked for a new trial, denied, gave notice of writ of error to Supreme Court. Str.l vs. John Mevin nd Frank S tn-1'S. 'i1, defendants plead guilty lo Bdi.ry.v h'i- cw.tac ; f.0.1 and know of no repairs needed Mii'liK.n r.hctrie Co. Iihts 227 ti." I " ' " WHter 12.T.)!H1 Total SIR HI 22 On motion council adjourned to meet Friday nio lit , Oct. Hli. in t' decree, ac :t 1 . i;. lioi.'.oi ::;id . J. ! . a- Malie l', Illit-liCi. ' .air, lei, iri ., brick !iii' 1 .i h, -Jteeorc'i-r. (i'ii'iV ;l' .Nil,:' ion.:, s '-1' 1 li-;.....'. '.ev.r-X no 1 ! t;. 1 r.i 1 1. 1 " I boM: V:.i : :' ; s s I'll s ' aeViy. J 1 f ( : I, I,'.' O. 1 ; -lllJ. 1.11 do 11. . , I... 11, 11, 1 id " " : -: . liudi r, hjui'K tc Inc. .i.l'J, 't . U.u'if. ireiisitier I.UJ. ' . Tcueer, ti.lary' I' l.r. Wtoil, llXliltf pilll'l) -'JJ WKI.K E.MIIV : iiiJJaijli, intenst, " I No 1 oJ tw 1.1. MeLeoil, lueidentnja ou 5 1.. J. Purler " 2.70 21 M. A. McDowell, Insurance 42.00 1:17 j: 1 IT. 1 .1 V'':, i Standing of Contestanls, in Piano Contest 1 ii rr.jfy that tl"" at ove r- t'ort ie t to ll. ! La l.r 107 95 17 1.7:1 s I ;t. 0.V1. .'. ei-. x ca tr..s u- b: our new p!an. Ve iv-ccy to huy, ct busM , ir.jirovc rt-r.! c"tc.1o or f rrii'l wliCi'O r'iZi -.n-'.--.:'. - :.:.:;;.-.I.' V.-.v". V.i-. hy..: Ini ; 8;ii;:.f, t: "''' ijmrrif-an Building C . Jacksonville, Fla. 1 11 1 i-.i 1 n 17-i I ii.) i;j.) l.'i in (...T. 1H, HUE n:l9(j503 VoIcb 272105.-. . 1751005 t 00-113 T'lPaiiM T'jJ-iS ' .) 1 I', 1 I 5. ....i.i 1 v; ) 4l.!75 iiJiidj 1 ;:;() i3.;:i:io .l;i;-.-..,n l.jiiO 43HIS0' S rL''V e. Wii-. - .-!, fa'i 01 ' ' ' John y.ev..-. ' Fian'v- - .' if'e. Court n'; j:m: ia !o! v j ,.1 f.r i;r . pt j-ell for rii" 4 y ';' f ' ' f f.:l..i.'. . I' NA'l KN ..E 15. i;r: i j ;:;: MM) ISDN, FEA. 'II at Ihis time. 'I he report of licenses ha been submitted tons by Hon. J. F. Mar thiCoiinty Jin'eof our ' otiiity mvl fun ud satitfai"." ". 1. i.a our o i' i'i I ol'li: I t' i ! : 1 :' w',11 l i.ilfi:, 1 an m1 ( M Observance of Week of Pravcr. Tie M : -i l , Tile 1 ill , y on !. i.d f r a i'OiV.Mi. g'on or will huy oiUivht when 1 think it iaa b-.ritin. W ill loan you money on approved Security free of chaise to you. Will colled your . tents and look after your property. Will write firiii'd I yoio ! p: t ,.. numbers from 1 to 176, Inclu oilier than those In the above I list, 9000 TOtei eoli.;. i. Plu'S- ly W p'ouifd. 'I Ie' .i: to be v.'i.v i'ltni dii , W I l" , I'll' .. -.'1,1 i'l.i. I r. ! 1 1 i : t 'Ti"' Ill's', a I I." I'i a' ii v; , 'Hl'.l'.'" i r V"i ' 1 old If ni' .'to: "A mi I a p:!' nl Mil fh V .tl!,' ,-ive 1. ' I. , III kill'a (d th i p '''iv- nil'. llll' I' :o Ivd ' 1 l'l ' i ' ;. ;i , ll - a,l'!.! V, ' . M'-tri'V H:. ir.CIl i I'e.'U 'i, : teii ion an i r, the proper an! ! Wo lutthcr Justices of t'1 eyinillitHilR n ' ilii! a f' f etui o,' iv niv. ?( it- Vi:-;.. : i a '.io: ,j pu! tt'er" for M i T i .t 1 1 County, tiie In -.1 place in ilie wuriil to liv. V. '. COX!-l. :r. i'V --'--.-,!l I in d of ih" .1. .: . Conn , We IX te ll i.:or foi I vurvoik. . The ladies of other denominrii ioii are coidially Invited to moet with u In any or 11 of the meetings. .i. p ca :','' i . : C il'lwud l'e ' I'i. Sji ii il y lor W'n 1." -Suieiu dfM r it Hiij of (rverul mtu'i' heieuufl in E ke Ci' v. The ltnih n f. liCneii to i lie in' a' It aril'. Building will lie Id charge ot Mr. Odell, '.. e A' il'Cy Hi il e. ,. (' 1 alio ,: e :;'. e 1 o t fully a- ll io Ii ' til Mil. K' ''. ' Mitch ml C, CI. r"'