Newspaper Page Text
' w... t ' , ... Iff l&nw$nt-mtttmf . VOL XI-NO. Iff" MADISON. FLA., FRIDAY. JANUARY 5. 19 2 $1 A "XE.-R WE SHOULD ALL STRIVE TO MAKE THE YEAR 1912 THE VERY BEST WE HAVE SO FAR SPENT. LH5nn Votes for Piirr.hasfi I UUIWW.. - of Plant by Decisive Majority. .noial olnrtinn whirh wna A nn loot Tnuoo tn. AXAa. (f not the town should buy the plant of the Madison Electric Power Co. Went overwhelmingly in favor of purchase, the vote being 95 for and 15 jgainst There were two questions being voted on; 1st, for or against jdlTCnase uuu fcu., iui ui oiuai uuuuc tu uuuiuuuve vote uu unc question necessarily called for an affirmative on the other, however, and I negative lisewise. The conditions of the purchase are that the town shall pay $30,000 for the plant, and shall issue bonds bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent hie niirnncp Aftpr the bonds hnv btnn nHvprt icpl thpv will hp Ikw u Fu,fv"" - wv.-v, ...., ..... jold to the highest bidder, the Power Company having already agreed to 1- .1 - J 4.1 l . ! .1 111 take tne Donas ai yur, pruviuu mere is no nigner duiuit. School Boys' Corn Club. The Closing Year. irmniiements have been made to organize a School Boys' Corn Club in Madison county, tor the past I three or four years a great deal of od has been done in the South by these Clubs. The Department of Agriculture at Washington furnishes without cost to the boys bulletins, tc., which teach the boys how to grow more corn to the acre. As an incentive to do better work a num hor of valuable prizes are offered. 1 The following have already joined the Club for this county. Do, Aner, M..uion. Willi " Elbert Blnir, M Willi Burnett, " A. J. Coffee. Jr., Le. Lewit Caraway, Madiaoo. Pul Calhoun, " RuU Corbatt, Pinetta. Runeell Collin, Lovatt. rUymood Cownrt, Mdlaon. Sunton " " Leonard Due. " AIodj Fulford, Ebb. Burtou Griffin, Pinetta. Wiilhrd " Hardy (Jul, Study Groe. Robert " C yd Howard, Maoiaon. Ello Hailden " William Henderson " RjUrt " S ady Grove. Willi Henderson, " Mirri H miruock, Pinetta. blmrp Hendry, E'ib. Crl-y Johrmin, MidiRon. W.jey " " Shelli " David I.npcr, " DuunUte Loier, " JeM-e Le " "' K i-Fcll Unler, II. I), MuCiill. Jr., " l):ii)intn MhJc, Jr., " T mi Mnrtin, Jr., " S -lil-y Mickiar, l.-e- A C. P.nd.T, " Ji S. Pullmn-, M idison. Unw..rd Terry, K'ib. WW i Uiwell, " Cd It mi l-Oii h, Madison. J'jhn St-ilirD, Eub. I. U Slaughter, " O n ftmler, Jr., M-iiIiuon. Cnre Trry, " V i lie Willi'inm, 14 W..I. Williau.1, Lt. L. 11. Welch. " Any boy wishing to join may send his name to the County Su DerintendenL A list of valuable prizes is now being arranged and will be published soon. The first prize will be not less than $25.00. Those wishing to give prizes will please communicate with Prof. W. B. Cate, Madison, Fla, or the under igned. G. W. Tedder. 1 County Superintendent (FumiheJ to in through the courtesy of Mrs. W. B. Rye. ol Madison.) Notice. Th annual shareholders' meet ing of The First National Bank of Madison, Fla. will be held ,at I . ' .a AV- A its banking house on Jan. s, t 7 p. m. for the purpose of e- ecting a board of directors iw the ensuinar year. The nresence of all sharehold- ft U requested. J, W, Wadswortn, Cashier. Tis midnight's holy hour, and si lence now is brooding like a gentle spirit o'er the still and pulseless world. Hark! On the winds the bell's deep tones are swelling. Tis the knell of the departed year. No fun eral train is sweeping past, yet on the stream and road with melan choly licht. the moonbeams rest like a pale, spotless 6hroud. The air is1 stirred as by a mourner's sigh; and on yon cloud that floats so placidly through the heavens, the spirits of the seasons 6eem to stand. Young sDrini. briiiht summer, autumn with its solemn form, and winter with its 8ied forelocks, breathe in mourn ful cadences that come abroad, like the far windharp's wild and touch ing wail gone from the earth lor ever. Tis a time for memory and for tears. Within the deep, still chambers of the heart, a spectre dim (heard from the tomb of ages) points its cold and solemn hand to the beautiful and holy visions, that have passed away, and left no shad ow of their loveliness upon the dead waste of life. That spectre lifts the coffin lid of hope, and joy. and love: and bending mournfully above the pale sweet forms that slumber there, scatters dead flowers o'er what has passed to nothingness. The year has gone! And witn it mnnv a Clorious throng of happy Hronms. Its mark is on each brow. its shadow in each heart In its swift course it waed it's sceptre o'er the beautiful, and they are not ir luid its Dallii har.d on the strong man, and the haughty form is fallen. nnd the flashing eye is dim. It trod the hall of revelry where thronged! the bright and joyous; and the wail of stricken ones is heard, where erst the song and shout resounded. It passed o'er the baitle plain wnere sword and spear, and shield flashed in the light of midday and the strength of serrid hopes is shivered, and the grass, green from the soil of carnage, waves above tne crusnea and smouldering skeleton. Remorse less time! What pwer can stay Kim in liU silent course or melt his iron heart to pity? The proud bird. .h rnnHor of the Andes, that can soar through the heavens or brave the fury of the northern hurricane. or bathe his plumage in me tnun der's home, furls his broad wings at nightfall, and sinks down to rest r.i mountain crag. But time time, the tomb builder holds his fierce career, dark, stern, all pitiless! and pauses not. amid the mighty wrecks that strew his path to sit and muse, like other conquerors o'er the fearful ruin he has wrought selected. Thomas Edwin Blalock. Seldom has there been more sor row seen than on the 22nd ult, the wires flashed the sad news that Thomas Edwin Blalock was dead. jThe news came like a clap of thun der in a clear noonday sky. Its un expected suddenness made it all the sadder, for those of us who knew Edwin and loved him. Many tears have been shed over the untimely death of this dear boy who had lived most of his life in our midst He was the eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Blalock, whose ancestors had lived in this county for several 'ieneraiions. Edwin was born in Belleville. Fla.. on Dec. 31. 1867. He grew up in a pious home, and 'lis narentid training was manifest Farlv in life he ioined the Metho dist church, and one of the remem brances that comforts the stricken hearts of his parents is the many occasions that they knelt at the altar nnrl tnriV th Holv Sacrament to- Sether. After Edwin graduated here in tha High School, he attended tm- ory College for three years. He was very capable and he has tilled positions of trust in leading banks in Georgia and Florida At the time of his death he held a lucrative po sition in the Atlantic-National Bank In Jacksonville, and its officers bear testimony to his efficiency. For some wise purpose of his own God in his inscrutable providence has taken him at the very thresn nlrl nf a nromisini career. He was i .-j a fine character warm nearieu, genial and gentle. He was loyal to his friends with many attractive traits that made him lovable and he counted his friends by the score His body was brought here by lov in! hands and placed In the soil that he loved where he will sleep until that great day. From the depot to the cemetery he was followed by a large concourse of people, some of whom ere his father's friends, while others were friends of his grandfather: but all of Cherry Lake News. Mrs. Sally Brooks arrived last Friday from Greenwood. S. C to spend the winter hereVith relatives. Prof. H. B. Harrell. principal ol the High School atHampton. spent part of the holidays with his par ents. Messrs. Paul and Edward Christ mas and their sister. Miss Thelrna are visiting friends and relatives in IViiiitlno nnd Hazlehurst. Ga.. tint week. Prof. Corbett assistant teurher at Pinetta, sient several days with his cousin. Mr. Coody. this week. Miss Mary Burnett pent h-t Tuesday in Vald'tsta. Mr. and Mrs. L L Knight and and their pretty daughter, Elizabeth. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burnett the latter part of last week. Prof.W. D. Gray returned Wednes day to resume his duty as teacher, after spending the holiday8ith his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Gray, in Mad- isoa Miss Essie Sale, assistant teacher at Hampton, spent last week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sale'and child ren returned Monday after a pleas ant visit to the former's sister, Mrs. Shiver, of Quitman, Sunday. Messrs. Walter and Clifford Christ mas and Carlos Clyatt, of Jackson ville, spent the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Burnett moved to Voldosta Friday. The love and affection of their many friends here will follow them to their new home. Mr. J. H. Sale and family spent a.ivpral Havs with Mr. and Mr?. Yates, near Quitman. Mr. Ben Sale, of Hamburg, spent last week here with reladves. Mrs. Claudia Davis. After many weeks of intense suf 'erinji.borne with fortitude, the spirit )f Mrs. Claudia Cromartie Davis en ured the higher life on the 22nd of last month, age 42 years. Mrs. Davis was descended irom in honorable Scotch ancestry, and ,'rom them inherited many sterling jharacteristics. She leaves an aged mother, brother and sisters, who ax-re with her during her illness and leath and did much to comfort her. Ueiiig deprived of her husband. Mrs. Davis felt keenly the responsibility .f caring for housel.uM. but she met udversity bravely, .md her earnest toil war, an evidence of her f jiitifuliies in the discli.ire of her duties. She was loyul and faithful in all the relations of life, and in her home she was pre-eminently a mo'Jier. She was a consistent mem ber of the Presbyterian church and was strong in her convictions and brave in her path of duty. To the bereaved family and child ren we extend sincere sympatny. reminding them that their loved one sleeps in hope, anticipating a glorious resurrectioa Ries-Pueschel. At thotuimp nf Mr nnd Mrs. Chas. i 1 1'. 1 1' v4 o - i " --" -- - them were friends of Edwin's who J j;oegle on last Thursday eveninf1, sorrowed at his going away. The . Mr. Louis Ries and Miss Lillie V. rnii ijn-f.r w.-re the chosen f.iends, Piirtifl were hannilv unit. 'd in l of his youth. marriage. Rev. A. P. Boyd, of the , He leaves his aged Grandparents Presbyterian church, performing the : and Lis own parents to mourn him. 'ceremony. Mrs. Ri--s is a sht-r of ; For nary a year his broilers and Mrs. Xoegle, and Mr. Pies has Len e bakery . dear little sister will miss sorely: and there h still another the business him :M! r itv errlcged in tl Dwelling Burned at Hanson. On last Sunday night the home of Mr. T. J. Townsend at Hanson was burned and with the exception of a Dart of the furniture and bedding. everything else in the house also. It Is supposed that the fire caught from some ashes which had been taken out of the stove Mr. G. EL Blair, who reported the fire to us, says that the loss was six or seven hundred dollars. There was no in surance. Friends of Mr. Townsend will sympathize with him in his loss. To Add Wholesale De partment. M. A. Williams has sold a half interest in his mercantile business to P. J. Parramore, and the firm in fjturo will be known as M. A. Wil- 1 liams L Ci. In addition t the busi ness wbWi they have been carrying i - - IT- on, Messrs. wimins ana rurrumore will have a wliolesal; grocery de nartmenr. unl will do a jobbing buiiaets in this 'Aw. with Mr. No''.'-;le for some dear one to whom he had piijhted time. bis troth. She, too, will mourn him ! 3But Gois thoughts are not as our X. M. KCnilGy & CO. SC 11. thoughts, His ways not as our wsys. je grocery business oi C. M. and before such a providence we1 ennev & Co.. was on last Men can only stand in mute submission jay SQ to . Bradley, a to a higher wisdom, believing that! partner ;n the old firm: Mr 'tJ J oil things wpll " V cha!! I n 1, hnn-Cfer uwlu ci" uin.fc,-' " i ,rauicy uocs iiui. ,iv - v., love to think of Edwin Blalock, and t0 reiinnuish his traveling posi- t 1 !Ut liia tncmr'tt U.'a! . 1 .1 .1 - t. ...... ... rtin bu rturDd tohii u. .lilon to Ttx tltt h- rhprkhin! his memory we shall recall the pleasant days now done forever. The flowers that cover his Ded are exquisitely beautiful, and they remind us that the soul of Edwin has been carried to the land of per- petual sunshine, where the sweet ness of the rose hangs over the air and where in God's own good time we shall meet him in the sweet fields beyond the sw elling flood?. Wbltcomb-Jimisoi. At th home of tb bride'i Bnrit, Mr. lod Mrt. J. A. Joiioo 10 flol C it, Mr. R. II. Whlu-omb of this cur and VioU Jtoloii wr uoiusl ?o tha h(jl bond ot malrlmoor Aftr tha teremoav, Mr. od Mrt Wbitcoo b rauirocd to JUd.ion, wbr Ur r aikiDthir home ltb tha formar mother. Tbair manj frleodt tJUand bttrtlMt ooacratuUtlOM. tion and the business here will be in charge of Walter Martin. In conversation with the editor, Mr. Kenney said he intended to make a trio through South Flor ida with the prospect of locating. Notice. Notice is hereby riven that th5 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of M.idison will be held at its Banking House in Madison. Tlx. on Tuesday. January 16th, A. D., 1912, at the hour of 4 P. lil, for the purpose of elecung a Board of Directors for the ensuii year and for the transacting of sud other business as may come befd the meedng. C. L Morrow, Cashier. Harrell-Blanton. At the home of the bride's father. Hon. Lee Harrell, Dec 24. 1911. Miss Eudora Harrell, one of the belles of Cherry Lake, was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Blanton. a young man of sterling worth irom the neighborhood of Lee, Rev. T. C Bradford, of Madisoa officiating. After a sumptuous dinner and an hour of social enjoyment the popu lar vountf courie left for their Home accompanied by the best wishes of their many friends. Ho Name Sigtul A irfin'irUI fcrticia -' t Into ua from ;iv f d kc'i, nod ll.a vr- on ritiod tb fm bd fouottvo to iijn buor ber OHm". Ilia tti larsriiibla rult of Drapart I'd lo publih oom muoicatiooi uola th 'ithr'a oama ii iluoa ! Tha name of courie dot Dot pper i'i prliit, but tbe aJitor bM to unow from whoro t'ua communlctioo la. If H e writer of lb urilcla will kindly iflv u bia or b.r onair, we H! Uka I1 atura io publtebioK tt t mncuriaU Peanuts for Sale- l.CCO Buabela cf lectd ead Pea nut. l tl 00 par bubel f. o. b., Lo .U, F . 1,000 Bdfbalaof rouod matured talrai rtraoaamtat 13.00 par buabal f. O. b.. Lowall, Fte. B. E. tad T. P. RAY SOB,