Iff ntnnnBtMttnthtt
kl-NO. i?
$1 A YEAR.
ty Commission-
rs Met in monin
Iy Session.
1st Drawn- ACiion on riuu-
int Firm ueiciitu'
Wl to Florida Pine Com-
lany otner ousinsas
Madison. Fla.. Jan. 2. 1912.
Board of County Commis-
met this day for the purpose
ding the requiredjiumber of
from the registration a boons
ke as jurors for the year, as
w directs, and to transact any
business properly coming be-
members being present, Board
lolled to order by its Chairman.
lading of minutes of last meet
as dispensed with.
registration books were pro-
fl and the Board proceeded to
tlierefrom the names of good
awful men to serve as jurors
lie year.
pauper list was revised,and it
Wedded to let same remain as
by the Board during last year
the exceptions of Nancy and
Popped and Jane Edingfield,
were dropped from the list
ke following road commissioners
appointed for the year 1912,
hi. G. W.Moore. L. A. beols
fjtim Rutherford.
il T. H. Hudson. F. M. Hen-
and L M. Leslie.
. 3. Council Burnett,
ana and J. C. Dukes.
4. W. L Henderson,
kr and Jno. S. Pickles.
5. Geo. Harrell, J. B.
ilaries of County officers were
for the year 1912 as follows:
lerk and County Auditor, T. Z,
bin, $000.00.
Bunty Attorney, Chas. E. Davis,
Iiinervisor of Registration. J. W.
a, $175.00.
lids for the hire of County con-
for the year 1912 were opened
considered, and upon considera
te of Florida Pine Company
$28.53 each for all county con-
was on motion accepted, and
was ordered that they be wired to
p present and enter contract and
mi fur said convicts on Wednes
h next.
There being no further business,
fcard adjourned to meet again in
pillar &ssion Wednesday morning
,at9 o'clock.
T. Z. Martin, Clerk.
All Roads Lead to Madison.
The Secretary of the Board of Trade has turned over to the
Enterprise-Recorder a cut of a map of the State, which we repro
duce herewith, and" we will in
turn print this map on all en
velopes printed by us, for
those who desire them, with'
out extra charge. Don't for
get next time you have en
velopes printed, to have the
All Roads Lead to Madison
map printed on them. It will
cost you no more to have this
done and for our part we will
be glad of the opportunity to
advertise the town in this
""" "" vr
k. 'It L
All Koada jta&
lo Mailison
Special services at the Presby
terian church Sunday ninht for
your.g men. Subject: "A fast
young man, once rich, but"
T. L
W. H
f Madison, Fla., Jan. 3rd., 1912.
The Board of County Commis
sioners met this day in regular ses-
pm, with all members present
Board was called to order by its
piairman, and minutes of last two
petings were read and approved.
Commissioner Taylor, who was
Ppointed at the December meeting
committee of one to investigate
ie workings of poor farms in other
"unties, and to report at this meet
's, reported to the Board that he
4 communicated with several
oatds of County . Commissioners
'Wl managers of poor farms in sev
:rl counties in which poor farms
F maintained, and recommended
ftot thi Board defer action in re-
Ntotlie establishment of a poor
ami for this county for one year
vm this date; which was concurred
P&y the Board.
I Tke following bills tare ordered
wwii; if
Itriiriu, D. J . A .iii.l:..,.
J. C. Hrf rell, a1ry for Dec. lO'l.OO
X. C. (ilbeon, iiM 50.00
T. W. Arline, earn 60.00
Kobt. L. Milhnor, mud work unci
lumber . 27.72
A. L. Ry., freight od feed 11.38
Smith & boaa Mfg. Co., repairs
od wlinel scraper (J.23
w. L. Tooke, beitliiig oil by J. C.
HnrrKll 50
Keller Lumber Co., lumber for
bridge ":X
CliHttnaoOKH Sewer Pip Co., terra
cott 4 15
A. I. Stnnton, BttrodioK meet
ings of Bourd, mi 32.00
A. D. Suntoo, wood, beduioK
nrid commUmoni 25.80
A. D. Sum ton, ffpd of prisoners
for December 122.00
.1. W. Vunn, enlnry for December 11 02
S. J. EllUon, on ool. tiixe 1911 2O0.00
T. A. Punk, repair at jull 0.00
Ci. W. FHulkcer, iloctorini; muli 1 55
luivl WbiUnll, eulury u
Count v Attorney. 101 1 100.00
W. J. Hurrell, lumber to: rod 10.01
E. C. Ulmitoo, biiullna tor rond 3.00
I" n ited U ror.ery Co., I) hv CI S'J
Miuiltoo Electric Power Com''.,
liulits for December 'lf
R. L. Power, repmnnjt lnnce 1.00
Town of Greenville, freight Hr.d
tiHuIinjr terra cottt ;!2 00
T. Z. Murlln, Clerk, ciisli on hu-
ditinn, poBtlige, etc.. 1!11 ."20.7S
A. P. Stnnton, ensts in Will bur
ton Imbeua corpus cute 2 '5
A. I. S'anlon, vzfU ! County
.luiljxc's cour 2 1 10
County JudgB'6 bills niproveil H.'.Xi
W iyie-ses Co. Jude- court i 00
,T. C. Hiirrul'. roll cm. rcn l
for Deceiuber 010,'JO
IVuini-uliir Niivul Stores C'oui'y.
feed M nil' f',:-t'0
Town of (Jreecvili"", i roaJ iitjJ
bridge tux, T'U m.T'i
J. W. Uuvie, County Tieiisurer,
recHiiitx mid disbureifmeiila 2207
Slierlll" coBts In John L'rown c use- o SO
S. J. Ellison, tax collector, pre
sented report of taxes collected for
the month of December, as follows:
A Reception.
On Monday afternoon Mrs.
Charles C. Morrow entertained as a
pretty compliment to her sister, Mrs.
Dunn, of Tallahassee, the charming
wife of the Hon. Royal C. Dunn,
who is a favorite here, where she is
so well known. The two sisters
made a pretty picture as they stood
receiving their many guests who
called to pay their Tespects contin
uously during the two hours. Mrs.
Morrow wore a becoming gown of
white cloth trimmed in white satin
and fringe. Mrs. Dunn's gown -of
white Marquisite was attractively
trimmed. For the first hour the
coffee was poured by Mrs. Charles
E. Davis, arid the next hour it was
served by Mrs. Alex Smith. Choc
olate was poured first by Mrs. Ida
Whitlock and later by Mrs. B. B.
McCall. From a beautifully deco
rated table in the Library, small
cakes and confections were served
by Mrs. Claude Morrow, who wore a
gown of white and black, striped
with silk. She was assisted by Mrs.
Vans Pandell, whose dress of lav-
endar crepe de chine was vastly be
coming. A bevy of pretty young
ladies added beauty to the scene as
they passed to and fro among the
guests serving the refreshments.
Booklets Are Attracting
That the booklets recently issued
by the Board of Trade are causing
people to turn their thoughts Madi
sonward is abundantly proved by
the number of commendatory let
ters coming in at the Jofnceof ithe
Secretary of the B;ard.
Hon. B. E. McLin, State Commis
sioner of Agriculture, writes Mr.
Conoloy. the Secretary, as follows:
Tallahassee, Fla.. Dec. 27. 1911.
Mr. V. N. CotK'li'y, Swretury
MadWon Bo nd of Trade,
Madison, Flu.
Dear Sir:
We are in rereii( of your letter of
the 23rd inst. with broklet descript
ive of the resources of Madison
county. We have examined it and
consider it a splendid little pam
phlet, well executed and well ar
ranged, and it will undoubtedly be
of great service in attracting Inter
ested persons to your section. It
is the best thing we have seen re
lating to any of the northern Flor
ida counties.
If you can let us have a thousand
copies to start with, we will take
pleasure in distributing them for
your Board of Trade free of any
cost to you exceot its delivery here.
We can place them to your advan
tage within the next sixty days.
With compliments of the season
Yours very truly,
B. E. McLin.
Commissioner of Agriculture.
Mr. J. A. Pride, General Industrial
Adent for the Se&board. wntes as
Norfolk, Va., Dec. 30, 1911.
Mr. W. N. Conoley, Secretary
Madison Board of Trade,
Madison, Fla,
Dear Sir:
Uciicr.i! Itevcmie
It.Md .Hid Ilil'U'e
I'n.ii unil Forfi-ituri',.
Couiiiy nnj
HI 11
ti n no
M hi
Ml .'II
IK) 111
At the home of the b'-ide's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Clemons. Miss RowiLee Clemons
was married to Mr. Delbert Dc
Laney last Wednesday at G:S0 in
the evening.
Rev. A. N. Woodard was the
officiating' minister, and the at
tendants were Miss Bertha
Woodard, Mr. Perry Warren,
T.J. Vann Passed Away
On last Saturday afternoon at
half past five o'clock, after having
ben in ill health for several months,
Mr. Thomas Jeremiah Vann, one of
Madison's oldest residents, passed
away at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. D. H. Yates, in this city.
The deceased was born on June
20. 1S11. in Abbeville. S.C., the
next to the youngest son of Mr. and
Mr. Ed-.vrJ Vann In 18-15 he re
moved wiih his parents to Madison
cfii:iiy. where he passed the ro
iiuiiiider of his life. He enlisted in
tV Confederate army at the outbreak-.
f the great struggle between
the States, and was a gallant sol
dier in ihe oth Florida regiment.
He was in the principal buttles of
the wur, experienced service at Get
tysburg, and before the close of hos
tilities was commissioned First
Lieutenant of Company E. After
the war he returned to Madison
county and engaged in fanning.
In 1867 he was married to Miss
Ellen Hammerly, of Hamburg, who
died in 1897, and ofthe uniona large
number of children were born. He
leaves to mourn his loss three sons;
Robt. E. Vann, of Dunnellon, W. N.
Vann, of Jacksonville, and T. W..
Vann, of Jacksonville; six daugh
ters; Mrs. D. H. Yates of this city,
Mrs. A. R ChappelLof Sanford. Mrs.
M. G. Rowe, of DeLand, and Mrs. R.
S. Nicholson, Mrs. J. P. Bryant and
Mrs. J. P. Bryant and Mrs. A. H
Fowler, of Jacksonville; also one
brother. John W. Vann, of this city;
a number of grandchildren, besides
other relatives and a host of friends.
The deceased had been in poor
I health for a year or more, and while
the immediate cause of his death
was heart failure, this was due to
Miss Maggie DeLaney, liarley vejoprRcnt win, h, my opinion, be
Prother, Miss tuthbert, Mr, y Yours truly.
Willie Welch, Miss Mattie Rich- j A. pride,
Referring to your letter of the 19th
inst, 1 wisn to congratulate yuu mn; infirrili,ies of he ,)eing 7l)
only on the attractive get-up of your , M ,im. The deceased
DOOKiet, out also on uie vciiumm
data find statistics contained
throughout its paes There will be 1
no reason why your section will not
be greatly benefitted from the (lis- j
tribution of the UrK-t and I an
sure you will bejiirt to feel the ef-.
fects of the publU i'.y 'as soon assuf-,
ficient time has tslirsd to get the J
booklet in the bunds of interested I
parties. You huve a splendid torrl- j
lory, the climate is ideal and the :
lands capuble of a high stale of
cultivation and as soon as ther:e ,
facts become known throughout the
various parts of the country the dt-
wu3 a devout member of the Meth-
e, ist church, an unriii it Gentleman.
i r
i ana an esieenieu citizen in me
I town, where he spent so much of
j his l!'i career. The funeral ser
i vices were held at the cemetery
Monthly morning, the Rev. Dr. Htid
j ton, the pastor of the deceased, of
! rci:.ri,:i.
in AlcDaniel
Tt.il Cillntli"'"
which was ordered properly credited
find filed.
County Judge presented report of
occupational licenses issued lor
December, which shows amounts
collected therefor: for State, $33.00;
for County, $19.00; which was order
ed filed.
The Florida Pine Co. presented
bond for $1000.00 for the faithful
compliance of their contract with
Madison County in the taking, work
ind and care of oil the convicts for
the year 1912, and duplicate con
tracts were signed Dy saw ni
Pine Co. and the Board, and each
party hereto retained a copy of
same, and said bond was accepted
and filed by the Board.
ardson and Mr. Asker Clemons.
The bride was beautifully attired
in a white silk gown, while the
parlor was beautifully decorated
with evergreens and cedar. Af
ter the ceremony a bountiful
supper was engagedin by all, and
then music and singing.
The bride is one of Macedonia's
most amiable young ladies, and
the groom is well liked by all
who know him. We extend to
them our best wishes.
This is the season of the year
to look after your stock. I have
just received a large supply of
Pratt's Stock Food, Stock Pow
der Animal Regulator, Poultry
Powders, Cow Tonic, Hog Chol
era Specific, Rock Salt and Chlo-ro-Naptholeum
for Hogs. We
also have a supply of Smokit for
curing meat. B. F. M seley.
General Industrial Agt.
S. A. L. Ry.
Commendatory letters have also
been received from Mr. W. B. Pow
ell, the secretary of the Tampa
Board of Trade, and from Mr. H. H.
Richardson, Secretary of the Jack
sonville Board. Mr. CD. Tomlin-
son received a letter from a friend
in Douglas, Ga.. the other day in
which he said that the booklet
caused him to want to come to
There is no doubt but that the
booklets will prove of inestimable
value to the county, and will be
many times worth their cost
The Enterprise-Recorder also has
in its office a cut of the "All Roads
Lead to Madison" map, furnished to
us by the Secretary, and we will be
glad to run this cut without extra
charge on all envelopes printed by
As wili be seen by notice else
where in this paper, W. C. Mc
iMriel has bought out the inter
ests of W. M. Taylor and H- M.
Taylor, Jr., in the firm of W. C
McDaniel & Co., and will con
tmue the business under the
name of W. C. McDaniel. This
firm has been more than ordi
narily successful since its organ
ization, and there is no doubt
but that Mr. Mc. will continue to
enjoy the same liberal patronage
that was accorded the old fiim.
Harrell. Johnson & Co..
to Build.
The firm of Harrell, Johnson
& Co. have bought the piece of
land, 60x200 feet, in the rear of
Hardee & Co., H. M. Taylor,
Smith Mercantile Co., and A. L.
Vann, from the Smith
Estate, and will begin shortly
the erection of a brick building
there, which they intend to use
as a sale stable. The sale was
I made by Daniel G. Smith, and
the purchase price was $4,000.
(ccstir.tiM) oet week.)
J .