Newspaper Page Text
Items from Lee. Rain, Rain, do you have any over your way? John Adamson of Day was a visitor to our town last week Our town is gradually im proving as there are severa families to move into our midst this week. Leon Frier returned to Colum bia College Monday after upend ing the holidays at home. The Farmers Bank held t heir first annual meeting on the bth, and declared a small dividend Dr. York is at his post aain after spending sometime at Day and Live UaK. Some of our enterprising citi zens are now enjoying the "Hello" system, as it has re tentlv been extended here from Madison. We presume that the balance of us could enjoy it also if w e had the price. Owing to the inability of get ting building material, and the scarcity of labor, our building boom is somewhat on tV de cline. Mr. Emory Turlington, vvho for more than two years has been an employee in the mercan tile establishment of Brown & Davis, has resigned his position and left Sunday afternoon for Columbia College to take a busi ness course. Judging from the number of weddings reported from all di rections there will be but few girls left to take advantages of the opportunities that Leap Year ofTersthem. FOR AGED PEOPLE OIJ Folks Should lie Cartful ui Tinlr Selection of lli'giilniivi! Medicine. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You llavti Always Ioi."!.t, find which been eM ...... .... mj ww n.r vvt jenrs, lias borno the Kiuuturo ol , ir- n-'l liiia bira i.uulo under his per C&Lrffitt ' -W" --i i !:' Its Infancy. '6c- Allow no one t tic. . Ivcyouln till. All Onimrfrit, 7ntit;iUo-i4 r.-:l ".)tir:t-aft-t;iMKr' nr lint KxHrInvnt fl at fr! y.M'a :A . n.!aiiS.r tho Ii.-itlth of Infants and ChUdrcu-Kx'H ricn..e tigalndt ExiMruu..nt. What is CASTORIA Cnwforla in a hirml.-K nnbhttf ute- for Castor Oil, Pare goric, IriH m;d hoothinn, Syrups. It I I'lt'itxunt. It .tontuln it!. r Opium, MoroMne, nor other Nuwotle nul4:inrf. It .1(r. U (h guarantee. It tleMtroy Worm and ftUajH lVverlHhtii'KH. Jt -uri Diarrhoea 'uml Wind Colic. It rclk ves TuotMntf Troubles, cured C'oustlnutiou nnl l l:t(.il. ii v, it B lii.ilated the Food, n j! ulat.-H the KtonoM h nnd J:cls Klvl:: healthy nnd natural slcrp. 'J im hildrnj's i;i..uc u -Tho .Mother' friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature SI The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fcr Over 30 Years tt CtNTtuH WIIWW, TT l)Mt ITKttT. NCW TOK Cm. THE UNITED SPECIALISTS 9th Visit to Madison lly dointf Rood. condwitiuus work, curing; the euiuble tnd rcifu-ind tit ii-'ut the fium-able, lie United Spn.'iuli8t have established a reputation lietc In the surrounding count, y that iciurs them tlie tiume practice in the future that ihcy have hd in the part. Their visiis will continue every four weeks. Free Consultation And Examination In Their Private Parlors. AT THE Merchants Hotel MADISON. FLA. Wednesday, January 17 WILL KKYURN IN i WKKKS 1 ttJ " 'IWSSB We Iiuvh !i nifr, uml ulloffi tluT n un' ly li::it is pu;- ticulai! y adupw-,, t.j Un; I'n iin r.u H ni wiio mi'j.-i- nun) Wi'lK i Vi.;l! c liiin lit.' it w i ! i in.' i Vi- ) 'ir i" . '-1 ; '., i -. i ; li .. Ui-ii!:ii I ;, i in !r li"ii. in .) i ny ui' i.ilii : III. IN"' '' u' inn v tl '.i.'.i I.M, 1,1111 u.' ::1 I, "! I'M! Mi 'I.I' I "For State's Attorney. To t,h volurs of the Tbinl .Indicia! f Circuit of Flcriilu: 1 lirljy miQounca I!-, it I nm h I'Hii'li- nnrn m m unnrr ..m .lute for tli ollk'i of Stte' Atturnry DAD CJT w rrrtP for tiiiH Jmliclnl CirL'cIl. nubi.-nt t tha ttn"'lW mVXUitt notion or IIib Ueniocrutia prlnmiios t J A PIMPLES nxt. vear. It is mf piirpusn to iic- I f.Jfl Cured quickly. Takt bo luVtlllula. iinint evtry v ttr in ihr. Circuit with JT JJf wh,.tvumi-!ll..i,lllB . M.v tw?WZ'bL,iZmmm'' for t ho ol.'i.ja to wlilcli I fiiin.' hii1 to p!:h:h ifur. ev.-rv hH 1 1 1 uvi- Sold in Madison by I). G. Smith, ilim Iwiiinj mini ili.t ii ii't'oii of in v Wi: NKVKR 1K Till: KNIFE tl.e to employ Reliable, Honorable . aid Capable Thnso turee are eg. wntlal elements in tlu mnkpup of itimn. One who KisC88e them nnd Iihh (ii'nionm rated it ir. the community his a pure foundation laid for future success. A doc. In, above oil others, win lias proven Ms wnrtu and is Reliable, Honorable and Capa ble i entitled to tiic ivspect of the people and tlie pntronnae of the sick. Our Visiting S ;iait is fimi, a one. Hit large practice in thin nt'Plinn proven that, ho posKtsscj thi ll named -. V'ni can depend Iin..,i- f .r Ihu'. n!ii Tli t''rt(' i' i't Ifi' K,inMiini.,Hinii!t iA f c: tho vufrrt 'inli'i- :li it, 1 will Sc n Vet; in 11 i .! . 1 I I'ihi i 1 1 . i i : i. '. i- rii . i hi .1' I.,-. I ) I I ' ' i . I ' ' 'li'i . 'ii; . n - ::.,k,';, 'In Hot . iiinj, i;ot i hi i tll'MI' 1 , I .. ' I .III--. I i I . rv o:i-r : u l I L fmmiim DORSE DOMESTIC jg0 V- iirntil.icfth ' In-: JKT n- el, i, n ,), MEM ";" "i, f 1 ' U'V ll ("Hil.l-'j y ' , .' fnylns ' a montli, , i. i oy a vary ptcol pi.ct iniel to von ..r fiu.n '.r i tr'.'jj'.s.'.-11'"'-1"1 '- WelVHl TahcYo" Old MacUne i;,,',;' i .' , li.ils and Ig, tlicri'liy iiiion liiir. . The IJoct'T 0 jrra.lintu of on of tlit best known Institu liana in the United State. He made a special study of tho diseases he ticnts in the great liogpitnls and together with hi years of spctlul pr ictice, m ike him the foremost specialist til' the day. HE TREATS Catarrh, Ringing in ears. Deafness. Diseases of the Eye. Ear, Xose, Throat. Ltings, Stom urli. Heart, Liver, Kidney, Bowels and Bladder. Nervous Diseases, Epilepsy (fits), Rheumatism. Blood and Skin Trouble and all Female Diseases, Men-Young,Middle-Age and Old Men suffering from nervousness, dizziness, eon fusion of ideas, aversion to society, defective mem ory, nervous debility, sleeplessness, weakness and exhaustion treated by the latest, and best methods and t'liied. ALL CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DISEASES TREATED Consultation Private and Confidential. titcd m.d i-yiiipt'jin liltmlc on up. Coi'ri-yp.indnici I'lic'iiion. A lhc-s United Specialists,;:;; Luna Sliei't. isuiivillr, Fl'i. . 1 I !''- liM.V. :. I-'. I'.'i:. Of M'H J llil',1 i ivt Ms-tits- I fj y i'lv mi. Tl.e ijufn-ui- H i ill, ill1 . i : ri- I lief. ' i I' it Slil i I I ( isi:;ht. m i Ui,'!' uiid.'bil tliic Tlivy ii i,' ii V ! V HI. I hut ; iifiim up'di the oiguii wit'i they coin ; in contact, :i j i s j i ' , - ,!' !' 4 ,vu uji"'; ,l""' "fb.mormyab.lit.v. lcl Ui n-1 u!:if -j:il of ill ' In i',M I , I thus ij Vc I c lining wi nliiiH.i, -nut ,.,,. illjf til HlolC 1 1 . C llljA-'jn I , 111., vitoi'oin iiu 1 healthy jil,v:t', Tlirce, 1-Jt, a.'ie. ii l ."!) Sold only .it tin; l'u (.' . . l.-i f-l li.'O'l. '.' .' K ' rrtu' .if I'l ,i ,-li, : .. ,i .'iiuum:- to , -i-.i' ii iMtnliil ill. A Horn, y fop Ui ! Tliinl .lildi- ti.l Circiiii ;' l''ioriil i, uojcct. to U.x I i -fin ni;i:i' ;ii!i.iiriii i.h s ! t In I he I pri. criiiLh.'i i'oin.tipiiut Mini Circuit .ii 3 !)!.!, nu. I Knlicil the Fiiiiporl of t In i ii niocriit 1 1! voti-n of Circuit. It cli'ctc l it, hliiill t tuy purioF to ' iinch,ii" ihe iluli'kvf ullluw to llic' It'ppi-ctfuily, ' I)", .1. H. ilUI'iiKS. ! 1 i on -lock ntttch nd chin rtMci's , tflil. 1 1 Sit 1,111. l.-ll I...U1-' .11 K f-ilh..!.,. ii r ;.r .. in , et,-., oiit'lc Jrr ' ).:ry .'kv Jm. Tt.iul 1 ' ' ' ' o o,i.' " 'mii:. I, r . rtrvptvaa. Foi-J not (a1 i i;t . I SEND PON BOOK. PNfc'ti, T'i.- iru;t Ab . it ''J ti :..r.;i u. rirn BM 1 r1' ' ,M. (1,11..1 f.,1-,1,1, n 1 ,.,., t L-l 1 1 ) I 'V )". " . r :i'i.iucvio'.vvvut,ro ijv niui,i,.g ; . '. :! cnJ ii. A .1.3 U...'l '.ill I-.. ,,., n,,,l .nW,nA Ti vru, 1 1 - lid l-V I.. M' v Kid' 'liiu t .vhrfi u hbvt. it,. (etit J.d sjt . y , 1 r-- """ " 1 i J) ny m. luii j i..d r. c l.iO n.ti.rt Wdl vol. n v f(J it Si W, tilstit J'.svof t,, 41 J.Utrr. !., Jipt lh0 -iMt ' I tl I I ', ri ' e t mi S; '--,1:ia.:-d HV 'ii Hl.Vl, &f ; llei ry Uiur. of Ouiucy, win h to tl.fcitv i Blunt, K'hilH Kiiiiiliiv. v i - i I or JIOO Per Plate was paid a' ii banquet to llnry l'.'n ,;n Ne v Jr!o on In 1MJ. Miijlity cos' ly i.,r tho-p wiii htninai'ii trouble or imrt," lion. Tod'iy if.ipie -vry v.-licro um Dr. KiiiiTH Nmw Lif 1'ilin i,i,. tioutj cs j ai-H (,s Hivr, k.dncv uml bowel dl-or'i.!i. K.vy, nit, u.v, ,.. W 2"i C. ii ill! ,l:u.-'0(N. j I..HI C JDVIV M,'W.I,Nri!.Il-.X I' Oil I'HT hen ro.n),U 'I t.i jjivc u; Ms,hI w irk ..ii .luuuii.t of timtiitui'it ill lie.iiih, I tin-J Ul :l hill. ill u :ll;o tw.i ..II,'R fr.-lll M.lili. ,.,n Ii,,p!iiu ll'tte'iy tnrttfiin my IrmMi. Sly b' mtli lt Vititf Iwtil re'r,tr,r.,l m.iiiy fri.'niU now Uri: i'i li uiinuliiuc iny. lf :i c.iii,liil;ttc (,.f thi' ufli. e i)f S.iu,Tiitt,inl"Tlt ,,l ScIkkiK fur the Cuii-ity uf Muilisoii, .iri,l ul titti r,-,j)l, Nt I liuri'lly .nil U'x-i inv r;in,li,l;tcv l.-r tl,: .tl.ov ollull vU j, , I. 10 tin iu'tiotl of 111..' t-.Cn. l; di'imu-rutic (,ri "iy. II iturlcl, I Oi.ill iiKl,a,.,i in f iillitnllv mi,l ln.;lllilUv itii;h:iif,' llic tl.ilio t.f llic , ,111,0 In 111, I I )( my nh,l Iv. Hrunl..!l. , W. H )v..y. to ship yjur Fruibs and Vegetables to Here is one on the be.t market. Write for sieiK-il and market report to-day. F. G. HEWITT CO ; -i i i it ' ' ll.irris.jti New Yonic ; ,i I,. ., . .;,..'. 'J' '" ' i'.'iinr rrnl tiffin If v. I i ' I ,1 .,',Tf ? ''''v,'1",nr',il iitlttoiin.vw.voii wlvh. i V,,, ' i L1 P"'f'''''lv Milt-ll-il or i, not wlh to li ll Uis Ihitlml rJtSCSS " f.".i'i tlwhlst irrnilo lii.-vcl. It is i n.'ttiiil fii.i,,,., v.1.. ... n,.:,l0 it ono small prollt tilmva I liillic tr.f i i ,, ii,. v i-i f "'' miililli'inpirs nroiimliyliny-f!i.l..-. ,. DO NOT Buv i S .ni ""''nuiaivi irimrnntra Ih-IiIimI yuiir Win, , it ToT! n?TivU3;,? r,: .':."r r,?'r of " from .. et .iwu Kill dc ASTOHiSnliD '"" " r",i"'iri-..itiriio.iir.n H.".prv. w.,.,n ru.bu.'.u M,,.."."'i:i'!;l.0j:l'"l,Tl,'''1.",.'h'' "'""''.' ir-m,.ii.' umn.iiy ollirr l.,.nr. Vnir.J.'.i . r .'.I'L" ii,' i UH'Ki"" I'T A .u! l '" - " -lv. ' "".jiiih uuur uurua BMiwytotoMtlualil our jinai. " i ""-ll W'iiumutoliiii;,Vr.., .T: r.ntin. nl rd.l,trti,miilrianl " -vi mm pt st w iifriuuiiinrn iiiiiiMnHA x. h vu u ii 1 V-!fI',ir.T:-,-9 .t'MDir rn.r Ar"1 ruiM intrvdurt ivti 4 HEXIUIY & McKIXXCN . -11 torn cijH-a t-Luio Madison and Perry, . Florida .i A'"""ln d"'OiiMiiiUiralisw)l, I i"- " . lv3. nrsnrnD-rimu. Mmi,, in mi x, I tAwiaWLii.:iS.l' , 'j Tilling yrry jljmw, 'iiiu-ij Will Fin. M m,Vf 1'" MnH Wo h.iv,-)iu,i,li',.dof Itl'rii fVm Biri ;n..,'f J,?'!'"'0' io, an oiillnaiytli-e. thn liniiol iwrp.UUntf minim Mnn aennon tlie tpr-nd. "'j-ha rra i ZZXVlKJP r 353E5 Turn Over a New Leaf By subscribing for THIS PAPER ZJ Clinrlfij Durham, Uovinnton, 111 , has micOHidciJ in Jimlinu a piwiUva cunt for bed wrtliiij;. ''.My lit tit boy wi-t tli, bed every iiiijht clcir thro' on tha Moor. I tr'.ed kind' of liiduoy lui-di- uine and I wus in llm dru stors lookin f.r noiimthiim illll'rnt to hilp him when I hrrd of Folwy Kidnay Pill. Afl-T ha hud tnkeo them two days we could aiw a chaoiie and when ha lind Itakeo two-thirds of a bottle ba whs F 1 n,Ln, I , . : , iiifcu. lum io uuvu, ii. weetia a.i;0 and be bus not wet in tha bad since." Will I'lacfi.i. n all M r n I unit Ki ili'inl uin ia 0?ficf: In First National Bank Euildinp KltllM 1LI.I LL..1 u.. tt :"-"'. " w inisininnriiKra A"rd punctur atrip "B'' and "0" also rim atrip "M" to oravant rim uiin. Thia tir will outlast any ether .Mvillcines thai aid KHtureare always mot fffectiinl. (.'hamborlHiii's Couuh Keiimdy acta on thia dIhd.. It nllauaik. ooiiith, rliiva th lunga, opena tha st- crt:onn snd alda natura iu reatorin tha (ystem to a healthy i-omliiinn Thousands bay testified lo it supe rior cxeellence. Sold by all dealer. 1 . ,,.r linir, hi,t f.,Po, w,;V.lMiL, II nK'F"'r, CLASTIC and tX- 1w,vf V "i'l" v ,"o tf" ro"'l80r'-r.'. All oraoraBhtrnvilsiima Lv i; i'i '"" "Ti.'.!." r, .f, do not pay a ceut until yon li .,', ...I. i. . , . ,. . . " liit l"fi (Jrr nT),( I, .. .....IVS ''".I"''1"-- tlPM.y wlllUnJ 11,., ,1,.,wlil -"-"'luaiMiH. v airf) prrnijf reiiauw h t! T 5"" wMI fln'1 tlmt th,,p w,tl rkld or ttMin tit -1117 prifv . . . .) ' ) : r i i ri , j J,m ""r imtrnr iiiTn rural i ,,s ..... . , " '", '".l''rni,r Dlff Tiltl im.ii.i . ... . " ".nna.ri1 triUlilt thlna-laJ I.Mr,Llii.,lP J fJlJT WAS JTP"trHu!.T)tI1.., mmivmmmLw I efr d, AH .) n. nuu " nu WoQ.lrriilllrrfww.-n,-klBT. ait UEilWHSUl Iklat Whn niveo n siwn as thpr.,i.u coua-li appear Chamlierlaiir u08D Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all (lnnrr ml ,.u of anxiety. 'J hauennda of ruotber il suiceisfully, Sold by all dealers. Conslipntlon is .th causa of many ailment and dioroW that muka life miserable. Trika ClXmberlaln Stem nch and I. ivrr T,iM.,i, V.on ...k. ! rouular and you iivold these die- .HSts. For sale by i, Vjra. I