Get tour Money Back.
If Tbi Medici, e Do Not Sa'lhftu.
ton iv (' 1 ton.
Prrtlcin uh sii i na uu.kiiii a
lslty of stomach troubles are
ieslly responsible 'or lluJ formula
fym which Rexall Dysiiepsia Tab
ltu arc made. We ,,live "imply lif
ted by ttce experience of experts.
Ourtxpericnce with Kexall Dys.
pepsia 'ialileta leads ua to believe
tbem to be ao excellent remedy foi
the relief of acute. Indigestion ami
ironic dyspepsia. TUetr ingre
dient are soqtblng "" healing to
(be Inflamed membranes or the
...uacb. Tteyare rich in Peisin,
one of tbe greate8t ifvesiive aid
known to medicine. The relief they
jfj i almost Immediate. Tlieii
use Willi persistency and reguhnit)
for s short time helps lo liring about
.cessation ot the paiLS caused by
,tumach disorders
Bcxnll Dyspepsia Tablets aid to
kiure healthy nj'.elilc, aut diges
tion, and promote nutrition" Asev
Idi nee " f our sincere falib iu Ktxull
Djepcpsi'i Tablets, we nsk you t(
crv tlniii tit our risk. If they d.
not give J on entire satisfaction, w
will r -turn you the tnotey you pain
m fur them, without question oi
formality. They come in thtei
sites, prices 25c, 50o and $1.00. U.-.
uftnber, you can obtain them onlj
ittbc Madison Drug Co.
The Weather.
for the week ending Tuesday, Jan. 0.
IllKh Low
Tern. Tern Rainfall
TTtdoesdHV B9 47 OH
Thursday M 37 (Hi
ftidny 49 29 00
Siturday 50 32.... .0U
nfndav 40 40.... .33
Sbcday "C 8.5 71
hesday 40 23 .00
Total 1 n
'J. It. o
Dandruff and
Itching Scalp
A 'lite trial size Is a special offer
(ur you to lest tills treat men t ami
w for yourself how quickly they
relieve an irritated skin or sculp a
well as eure dandruff and prevent
Mlinif hair.
'Out- shnmpoo with ZEMO SOAF
sod an application of ZEMO stop
the Itching Instantly, cleanses tin
scalp urn! rids It of all dandruff ami
Wc know that ZEMO and Zemo
np Imve no liviils for the promp
relief and jermanent cure of nil ikii
Mi! scalp iiff.ctions.
Fnij u'iitlv the trial puckajje. will
entirely rrdicatn a minor eae nt
itching ""idii or dandruff and is t.!
s tiilll-.-ii-nt to demonstrate tin
dilative powetsof ZlfiMOnnd Zenu
Sup fur every form of skin or seil
ernptiens . A twenty.tivu cent p ick
4i!4 will convince, you, D. G
Smith's Drug Store.
Dr. P. V lVu,u. Iha .iUi. (pnir.
Late Cliv, wa in the el'y on profes
sional Monday arid Tuee-
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
ith locrtl Applications, as they emuol
rtsch tbe neat of lha) dleesst). Catarrh
asbloed or cimstitutlonHl disease, sod
'"order to cure It yoj must lake Inter
l remedies-. Hall's Catsrrb Cure if
ken Interna 1 , and hcUi directly on
tbsbluid rdiI muououa surface. Hall's
tarrhCureUnot a quick medic ne.
"us prescribed by on of tba beri
"liysielana in this couotry for years and
raKulur prnccripUoa. It In com-
ol ihe beet tonics known, com-
""d with the beet blood purifiers, act-
C directly on the mucous surface.
h' Perfect combination of tht two In-
Prsdleati I. what produces each won
wliil results in curing Catarrli. Send
CHENEY 4 CU , Props.,
- ' - Toledo, O.
"M Hull'. d.ii. i n .n..
Mr. Raaans
Drowned Saturday.
Inforrnntion rpnKo fv,: ;-,.
the first of the wool- that a m
Ragans and son. who were mov
ing from near Clyattville, Ga.,
into the neighborhood of Pinetta,
were drowned at the Rocky Ford
bridge above Pinetta. It seems
that the current was vervRtmn fl
at the time; and the young man
missed the bridge. His father
went to his rescue, and they both
succeeded in reachinir a tree in
the water. Help was called, but
it seems that those present could
not swim and were afraid to
venture to the rescue, and after
holding to the tree for some time,
both fataer and son lost their
grasp and were drowned.
Throw Out the Line.
Give the Kidneys Help and Many
People Will Be Happier.
"Throw Out the I.ifn
Tn Kul neve nreil I c'p
They're overworked r-nn't get the
uoleon n.tero.l out of the UkoiI.
'I liey're ie',liin wcire evvrv minute.
Wl l vo l l.elp them?
Iioiii'm Kidney Pills hnve tiromtlil
ilH'UK.nds of Kidney mffi-rere bHek
Troiii the vitbb of dtspuit'.
He id this CHff.
Mrs. V. A. Mnrkey, of perry, Kla..
: About two yeMrhUKO 1 used Doho'
Kidney I'ilU and I sbull never foreet
how Brentlv hev beuetl'ed me nt ttmt
time. I hud considerable trouble from
my kidneys and I suffc ed from a lame
aud achiiiic back. I could not rest well
end the secretions from my kidneys
were in bud shape. Since I took boau't
Kidney PI. Is, I bave not been troubled
by mv kidneys and my buck bus out
bothered' Hi. Other members of my
family hnve aUo uved this remedy and
consider it a beneflulul one tor kidney
l'ur sale by all dealers. Price CO
cents. Foster Milhuro Co., N. V.,
sole agents for the United States.
Itcmeuiber the nitma Doan's acd
toke to other.
J. W. MuKinnon spent Sundny end
, 1 .. I t. . -I . ..: i.
.Hunu.ty iu erry uu n euorb vi.ii.
Mr. Ju. Mrf'.ifT.'ry, Mr. of the
Schlllz Hotel, Otuaba, Neb., reeom
inends Foley'e llouey nnd T..r C'om
IHitind, becaiife it cures in every cise.
"I h ive ined It Miyself and I have rec
ommended it to many others who hnve
duoc tcld me of its great curative pow
i-r in diseiieet of Ihe ihroitt mid limire."
for all cou?hs and eolds it Is speedily
Col. H. H It me ep-nt Sunony in
(;ii!ninn on a shorl visit.
always ive sutiaf action because (hey
.Iwiiys do the work. J. T. S'lelnnl,
lirmn'ii, (in., siiye: "1 have in-ed Foley
Kidney I j Hs with (treat tatibfuciion iiuil
tnuiid more relief from their u-m limn
mini ur.y ollvr kidney medicine, mul
I've tried iihnoHt nil kinds. I can cheer
,ul!y recommend them to all sufferer
f.jr kidney aud bladder trouble."
T. W. MdMnor of Fulmouth was h
visitor to the city Suuday
POUND. Usroliahl-" family medicine, (live it
to your children, and In"- It yourself
when von fe:-l a cold cmuiuu on. Ii
checka Bnd cures eoiiKhs and coldn nnd
;r?up ami preveuln hronchllis and
i. k...t... ..ivHii llint the undrrfiffilt'il will
p'.lv Wlh. linn. Allart W. Oilthrl... Governor
of lh. Slut, ol Klorlim, or ni .n.-....
TnllHhMM. MnrUU.nnthc !Ulh duy of Jimu
rv A. P. lUli!, tur Leiter. Pmiit lncnrirnuiiir
.. ..(..- ti....i...... (-AH.mir.v. under Ihv lot
lrfiiirDiiu.j ,
lnwmilliilrS"ra:r.lh,!,"i'I,n",nl whl' "
m . ik. k. . r.-lurv of Mlltif of
the on rie in mm d.h.wv. ...v...
SU.U, of Florida. . CI ,
l G. W. SO I I.KV.
A. E. KltAI.KICilF.
. . COMPANY. .
: . j i k. ...wl.t. fhcmfcelvtk to
Dyal-Upchurch Building, JacJcsonrille.Fla.
Shipments made to any part of the slate. Our stock Is made from the best tinnier in Florida, is well man-
fnotured and onrefuliy irra led, ayl
lor backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities.
Foley Kidney Pill are tonic In action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes.
of Fieri, I i, Willi a:i l HIKli rtK. MIctvlnlT nrnnnM d
h. irhi
All 1 KM-. I,
TIil I in,-- ,.t t i (.irt.r;ition 1 - 1 1 l-i- ihi
In. --i'l.-.-y II m;w lit l-iii-ip.niv," .iml It! !i.ii
il J!' i-icliul1. li' c im j'l.u c "f lt. .tiive in llir li'Wli
ul V.i ii.wii. ( ! .m'..., Aitli dr.intli Mliris in .Dili
ullul l.H-c-v in l-'l.illi ii. in .y In rc.ilu ' in iM.ili.
1 llC ui.Hl.ll ll.lll.t.(.l llie I'll-ilH1 f ill. II !H tn
liqairr, H:irln.f, I'1, iiWIi. 111:111: -, Mllil.tiiili
4tiU citi iy no i tri iii:i;il iiitri-iitillli- lii'iiii.i. i-insii-l
iiil lit- Wy nf liiiriSvnri-, iin..tiiiv.iri-, f.iinitmv.
U-rlilvci-s. f.irnui (f iniplinmlitM mul buililinjf ni.t rf'-il tiiilfi's( mid it .hull liuvt- the pnwt r tr
nil ami dijM m if ili Muni: ut w hnlt-iiiiU- or ri-tnil
lnr ur oti i rcllt, m.d to luM to or rt-p-urlhli
i. liK'h fn-ni timt to time. It i.h:ill liki wi.,, linvr
nuwtr to hny, ;(-'l. Iiln.t'. erctt, hi Id m.d nwti rent
I'Mnti und iMitldirg.i; to mnke cnntnulHuf un) klml
to further its niiruote und liuKinem., to liurruw
inont-y nd btriirulhe s:un bv notef, innrtKi-K-'"1
und ot!.i-rol!ig..,.iu-n. upon the prnpirty of the
corpora. on; to tuVf, ttrquiri, own und hold nuteH,
mortkruuiiii MitdlmiulF, nnd ifenwally to rxtrcifce
but h pon-vr. hk may hi iiiildcnt to the purpoht-i it
biid'ieK of the i-ornr.rnti-.n, or other hubinesk of
like huture, mid to have, extt.cbe und enjov nil the
rlghO, pnwer ntid ,riV,lef(ue lerlilent to corpora
tion oricmiixtd und enli.tin) under the l-.wft of llio
Sl.itc of i lorld...
The Cfiplt-.l ftnek of till corporation hall be
Ten 'rhuuwtnd lf..iiHte to he divided illtorne hun
dred -.hurei nf the , Miltie of one hundred dot
Iht euth, :.1J ciiiill il stock to oe puid in Uwful
muni) of the Unitvrl Stute, or in property lit a
jiirt valuuilim t" he uxid hy the Incorporators in
KUi'h inannir and in m ch In.tlillinelil u ntuy be
riquirei by the by-Uwe.
The term for which this corporation itiull exlel
bhull Be Slnctv ni" Vfure.
The business of litis corporation vbull be cnn
dtirtei hy a uri-Mdi-nl, vce.pniiident, eei-retury,
LruiikUler U'-U u ho.ird uf directorH to c m-ilbt of
iiit thiin three, nur more than live of it rtoi'k
iHilder. The ofTictb of president and trensurer
may t- held lv tl mine peron. The director.
.hull le elected annually on the ecoud VVeunvb.
day of July i f ei.cli ye ir, and the officer ah ill la
elected unaiially by the ilirectnrs u hnon afier tin
annnill election of tile director an may be pnictl
cable, t'nlil lhce elected at thu first annuiil
electl in si-all be H lalilied the busine' of till
corK.ration ih.lll be conducted by tile foll.iwinit
otlicer: Theodore L.-nlie, Presulllit ai.u Treiuui
e-;li. VV. Sutuy, Vice Piek'.Jcni; A. P.. FraleiBii,
Secretary, and Theodore I.tsl"., . W. Hmlry, A,
E. brikiuh and Cha. Ii. D.tvi. a. t. rectors,
AIM l 1. 1-. 6.
The highest umoiint ut Indehleilnef , or Ii il llity,
to which thi corporation c in at any nun u!ji-cl
j'.Fcif .-li-II be T-.Vviitv Thou.s.tnd Do'.lirs.
Tile n.i-.iesanil ie-ll. me.-1 f:i. -.- f nhscrilioic in
corpolaturs, to. titer w ith the am aitlt of tril.
.oilis, rlln-il for bv eiicli. ale us follo-vs:
'l ln 'i-'i.iie t.s.liv, Mil ii", Fit S.1 Mi ur
(i, W.MilU v, MinlifOii, I-In. Ho N! iiicn
A. H. I rl igli., b'.ii. -.r' Sliiliea B- Iavi-, Madison, I-1... 85 S'-.ali
0. W. KUll KV.
A.K. I UAi Kl'.ll.
I JIAi. Ii. i.(S'l
tat.- "1
Kl rl..n,
n t. utmly
tin tins .lav '-irs'inilL aj-pi-ire'l In file il.c
.(iiic: iiiilh-irl.. J to laho .iiknowiiiluiiKlin
.:eeil, Ihe ..lore l.islu-, . W. Mitlev, A. t.. lira
iclult and ch.ei. K. Davl, to mc well kimwii am.
Knuwi, to he the per.., who iiib-a-rihed 10 tin
foreoii,f charier, and severally :.i l.-.lm d
ihalthev l ilfned ll.eiaine lor ihe ue uml pur
,aii-K thetein e prtsuil.
In W lines Wliern t I have hereunto set in,
hand and .illiKtd my ollitial Mill, tn iwn av ui
December, ,. I. I 'll-
rl;l!j Notary Public.
Notice l hereby given 10 all legate and dislril.
.!... ... miMiths from the date hereof. I Wii
present to Ihe County Judiie of Madison County
..I.. H.u ....t.-iiAm cud make mv Hu ll returns a,
Administrator of tile estate of lien, I., (,1a., de
ceased, and upon approval nf uid return will
ak to be ducharx id ua admail.trulor l .uii
Madnon. V- Aty- Bib, mil.
AdniinlBtnUnr Of the Eiitate of
Geo. L OK, deceased,
In Miidla-ia (.louutv Circuit Court,
t-d Jiiilicial Circuit of eiurida,
In l.bancery.
Mary G. Hilton
v, v divorce
Francti K. Illtlon I Nnlice to Non-Reaident
l"o Prauci K. Hilton, VUtuilliL, PhlllippinuUlrnd,
v.... ... h.,l,w ivoulred Co aniNtar to the b-lloi
coiuplaiul tiled herein anSinat you I r, Ihe aboei
cntitleo cutoH', no or . .
ruary, A. II. IMS.
The Enterpriae-Rrciwtler" I hereby deiirnated
u the nuwpapr III which thi order hall be puis.
II .bed once week fur elht coneetutiva week.
WHnM m band and teal nf ofhee thi the SStb
day of Nooiabcr, A. I. Ull.
fSa.1) T. Z. MAHT N,
1 ' , Urk of .aid Court.
c .
our facilities for rJllinu orders for carlosd
Tak no chanorn xrith i, pain In tha chot
Ev:ry r:i.s.i n( rnu,-;iirprmn ln-fjin w(ti that
yriOtrfn. Ft.?:? it 'it v'fli
It U a Fins H3-imS tmtdy for
Sore Lungs, Coushs and
It tromptty ehcriie Inflammntlon. relatei tightness, clears tb
air paBa;ea, reetoroe tone ma eteength to the brnnehltil tubes.
Itellcves hoarsnaeas. Irrltntlmt coufflta, thkllno; renaatlona In tho
throat; removes cocmitetlon uttd epabtei the patient to breathe
easily and rest comfortably at nlnht.
Prlc 25c, 50c und $!.00 per Bottle.
Buy the I LOtt all?. It contain.. Ave timet as much
' ai the iie size, and you net with each bottle Dr.
Itcrrlck e Red reppc-r f orous rlaater for the chest
jakcs r. uumo pmrwrrm sr. uvn, mo.
funkna E sain la m ufe
Notice Ib hereby iflven to all legate and dla
ti lbuU'H, that six montba troin I lie date bere
ol. I will present to the louniy Judire nt Madi
soo County, Hurl. in, my vou.'beia end in alee
oi) llnal return aa Admlnlmralor of the Km ate
of Nancy Klvlra i alboun, deceased, and upon
approval of iM returna will nak to be dl
cliiiru'r l aa .iiuit.lttiuioroi halil catato
.Maint on, i in f uuum nt ii, inn.
1 . ..' .. HOIIN
.vf.rilnmuator of the rt:ite ff
ai:,-y Klvlra camouo.deccanca.
Notice It. hereby irlvca that by virtue of an
execution for the auto of SUM.; 17 tanucd cut ot
the I Ir.ult c'onrt, 3;.l. Juolclalctrnult, In and
for MadUon County, Flarnm, tu a suit, where
in'!'. Z. Martin was plaintiff and W. T. H ilt
was defendant, and judgment for the above
sum was entered la aald court, and levy on
the property hereafter n.iiud wua levied up
on, I ahull pronetd to fc'-li tu tlio hUhi-st and
best bltld r for cash, o.i lbs Kmt Monday nt
February, IiU-1, dirlnt tbn leiral hours or ua'e,
at Lee, I'l -jrldaj tbe eii'lrosincli af (fioiU ol A', I' In the atnieof John Wood tv aid, conMst
S if of dry ifiiod., bullous, (trccerlca, bam,
hoc, hardware and si ore rxtures.
A. !. s IAN ION, SUffliff.
Xott'je ! hereby ulvc.'i t. all left ea -iml .IK;c, linn -s, iu'im b- troiii l Ii" a .1 1.1 In iv-it.
. will pr. si :,l lo Uu- l.o. ill, v 111 i:,': l .U.,ii.,K,
-l-i ii Iv. l-iiit.U t. in,- . i -i n. is ,i. i ii. ii,., mv li.ii
retains as A :it.iUi:.n nor ol l,. i..i..l.- , t V i.
Divls, ,1, ,. ,, iiimI n. nil iMr-,,i , ,,
Lurlis u ,ii ... I. lu Ii.,. it u . , .i r-iin,!! :u .r nt
sa'-l I ill-. ... ' '
AI ,d ,.l,. na , J in. 'Ill, J-JIS. j
. . 1., IJ VIS.
,-i iiii-i, ii., i .if ii,, ):,!..(,
t v . I . I' li l .
Vomea of the highest type,
women of superior education trA
refinement, wLose discemmer.!
and judgment give weight acd
force to their opinions, hijhly
praise the wonderful corrective
and curative properties of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Throughout the many stages
of woman's life, from girlhood,
through the ordeals of mother
hood to the declining years, there ,
b nt) safer or more reliable med
icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are
sold everywhere at 25c a boi.
Ho von know that fully nine out. of
every ten oases of rheumatlam are sim
ply rheumatism of tbe musoies due to
cold or damp, or chronio rheumatism.
nd require no internal treatment
whatever Apply Chamberlain's Mnt-
nent freely and see how qu'okly It gives
lots are exr.eptionally eood.
aid aewedr remedy fee tore Bree.
A Girl's Will Midnlcht Ride
To warn people ot a fearful forest Sre
In the t;tsk!ll a young kiiI rode horse
back at midnight mid suved many lives
Her deed waa glorious but lives are of-,
ten saved by Dr. King'" New Diecovery
in curing lung troub'e, coughs and
oold-', which might, hnvtt ended in con
sumption or pneumonia. "It cured ma
nf a dreitdful enugli und lung disease,"
writes V. K. piitierson, Wellington,
Tex., "after four iu our family hud died
with consumption, find I gained 87
ionuilr. Nothing m ure and for ail
throat and lung troubles. I'riee 60e and
fl.OJ. Trial bcttle free. Ounrunteed
ly nil drmtKiats.
Fslay Kidnsy Pills
Civa pro-ript relief from BACKACHE,
KIDNEV3, INFLAMMATION of tbs ar.d nil anr.oyiii" URINARY
IRRLGULARITIES. A positive boon to
S. A. Paeis, C2T VN'n-liitidon PI., rntmprevllln,
int., ia i" his K'ah yi-iir, llo writes is. : "I have
i.tU'Iy sullcii'd niiicli fioni my l iiiuii- s nml lilaib
Ur I bui! score buck-ii-liei.n ad my l.iiinryHetioa
was tiK, Ire-j-'eot, crin-ij,'; nio u loi,e much lca-
st night, and in my Mm'nVr thorn waycoastntil
ouiu. I took- Foley h Mnoy Pllla for anoia lime,
uoii ata now free of all troublnand npnio able (a
be no anil around l'o'ey Kiiriuj Villi Lty.. o.f
ai4heai russ-umeudatiua.''
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bczgfit
Signature of
Frlehtfol Polar Winds
low with terrific force nt the far north
d play havoc with the, ekin, oauaing
e 1, rough or sore chapped hands and
pa, that need Hucklcn's Arnica Stive
i heal them It, m kea the skin soft
nd smooth Unnveied lor cold-soree,
Ian burns, boils, wore, uloers, cute,
i-ulaea end piles. ()nl 25 cents at nil
ill druggista.
relief. For sal by all dealers.
puhn a coriwriiiloe nd.r the lw of the Bute