Newspaper Page Text
rrr : HcaJacKcs. CA. X i lS ,,,111.- i ! rmeu quit an j, . ' , uigcMjin, ,u. ,x . :, .um . uu:J hi lutij out rains, Constipation, Sour Stomach, ! it ii kiiui or iii . i v-.-.. 1 . i ru-i""-- , . : : aitiiiicsar II VOU are not themnl ,-,.ni,l .r. i-i iiiiUBilal fur much . ' " m mo.i ,rV,.n im- !- !'' hHi!.tT iitpy nective, prompt and pleasant "-" ' T'". 1 r. , mel of gating rij of them is to il.,.1 l I ' " " " " I""1 Nirai .!.. . '" . . I. r-. nnw Affi-1 Ifr,... - .1 . . "" ' ! ul the ever refreshing and imtu L. ii-i..!-r liiun ucuiiiUirT l f-i I . "V r- ... ,. im'.iiiiii mviiU hare beeo freai 'I'll iii'il""'"! stnicmeni ji t'l'ii"'"" 'ImM loile t i.t ."ily !!) iliv h en Ih ki nil ii iiiio very mm ,i- ii w iiu iiie inum or oil. r li .i irmiy. foi-r u mi q tio- nml ilf -t throw It out or lin , ; 'he "Hut baud. Tliack ,." h hi- "Itai ilt'llutti' cuciim si - 1 "lib lorccniiMt. while tin reter" u "salmon. t ntt. pens. ,il Im'i'".: I'llUIIIII'H, H I'lNU StlilllJ. unrulier, ii lender iliii l.l.iiu- HTl'. I'"'" ll,, ll"' licit pvi mi ii i ' 1 1 . r i l.i' lii'ia't or i l.o I. id t'IiitI'". who tvna never with iKnn'!,"" "ii i""i inraM mruic tvliecis. In' iit-i::i of w III' h the UU ew umber could Lib moved and exposed in me r ii if bent of tun, wniic in miner nicy were idrann nnd rhiced uudor the pro- ,o of f r;i iiil's g'nacd with mirror v.: CUCUMBER." Cre.i It and a Rayal Way a It. :.: ii .' -. of the foods ef in- riitfii quit in ARE YOU FREE PrlnfOpc Typcwri-t&r beneficial laxative remedy Syrup 1 of Figs and Oxir of Senna. It is! well known throughout the world as the best of family laxative reme dies, because it acts so gently and strengthens naturally without irri tating the system in any way. To get its beneficial effects it ii always necessary to buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., bearing the name of the Comnanv. nlainlv minted I I t . i' ' r . ' ' me iront ol every package. tiro or ihiw cHiuurliH 110 the ::ible wiiu looln.i at UK,lckiuilj colli an J triMClicroud.-LuiitloD FEAR OF LIGHTNING. Hardly Juttifiid by th Numbar of Deaths It Causaa. fc; art so Diun.v people, nrave ua- bll otber clrcuiustiiucL'9, no ileatLlf lid of tbnudcr ond llgbtnlDgV Ii not because lightning la to dan- Lut. for It Isn't balf ao dtiDgerouH VolDff out of the Lome on an Icy flint, TolUIng down the cellar or hundred other things we kprr dtir without a thoiiirlit of fsol bariu. More people are killed ?fr by fulling btiiliilni; ninterlal, 0J from rnjbt than ore killed L'litning. 1'he census bureuu nliow ICS people killed by lightning In eattro country daring a elven Md only thirty of these people killed In the cities, lleiit and fud killed TC3 during the tiaine 3 died from cold uud free.lng iX& were drowned. Ilfou will find It quite a waste of doritiR a thunderstorm to try to ui lenr of a ntrson who is JS by telling blni or her that the or being killed by Huutulng ifsi than two la a million: tlioy remalu Just on frlghteiiL'd for un I mortuary knowledge. And uftor ' '.olm bus passed nnd nerves are H the woman who was so I racd u few minutes before wiil j getting supper ou the gas stove, ! S IbrouKh her te-tir that the. r his nil passed nnd only I;hiku i Jou vetituro tlio remark that niany people are killed by pas s us by Uglitnlug. Country Life aerlea. "Dr. Miles' Nervin Raised Me Fromi the GraVe"-Mr.. Taylor This is a strong statement to make, but it is exactly what Sirs. Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, said In c.prcsbing her opinion ol this remedy. "Dr, Miles' Re: torn:: tM NKniac r.tlscd r.-s trim Hie ; an:l I hav muuh roniiiltnce in it I can never if ycnoufili (nryourgninii medicine. If anyone had offered me$ioc.oo for the second bottle of Nervine that I wed 1 would have mid 'no imleed.,H MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, Blum, Tex. Nervous exhaustion i a com mon occurence of modern life. The wear and tear on the nervous system is greater now than at any time since the world began. For sleeplessness, poor appetite and that run down" feeling, norhing is so good as Dr. Miles' Nervine Your nerves are your life and lack of vital energy nukes existence a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will tone up your nervous system. Alk any druggist. If tht first boltta fails to benefit, your money ii returned, MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Liarned Hit Own Valua. bnsband nud wife combination In rule, will) (ho husband ns ttie r and the wife as the real at- w. Worked for Low Fields in f Ills summer shows, The two tery popular nnd got much news- luce; also thoy bad $l,0UO c Oue day the husband, puffed "but the newspapers said tihout !fin of hia wife, went In to see Fields." ho said. "It Is S1.500 a from now on for as or we quit hero." fife limning merest. s' s.r, .1,200 n week or wa milt :1 ("it on the bia time In the ' circuit." tunny." wild fipM. t thtni y lot (,f iVur wifu's work, but ' think s!ie u worth M.1T5 a to me." Sjiriiril.-iT Fvpnliiff Post . eh''" Fields asked, Th;orv rvn-f Pmrllr. f I' coml Slorv from rha pnllar. "'eniiaii aeliuol Inspector. pl'lls were l.eiiu eitamlned on the ft of r-r-i,:1:. hyg,.,n. A boy Mllift, "Wli-n Imps -,.n in iln In to lU'l'U i,M' iMulh Hint an1 ..Iv '"1'" 'n the prompt pile:) o'tslit you to clean "Mol'llilm. Iliwin nml nln-ht" I nre thev in i. ,.i...,.,.i in," t'loiliLnwh." "Very good. !u n toniMiniKu';" -Xo, sir," "'ir fin',,,, v ua your un, i,, i.i..,.okV , " ' U IWLUUIUDIII '!!:, f I..,.- i i" uu U KUUW 'IS of toullllilMiuhoa?" "Wa sin, sir. "t to Da In. 1,1 Jour nl.nee of himlnoKH wiintM to borrow money In. .'.nis,. f V()l nr9 ,n you wII) 'I. hw: lit. h I you nee out von will be "aw Answer. Stand F'lnK to do. something to lova to bona for.-halmara, I A1bU?mtJMVIL!J!IVUKw Nothing has ever equalled it. 1 Nothing can ever surpass Jt. Br. King's I ma mi yss r fWWMPTl'J!! ivi i ii ukt uua Frlre SOc 4 tl.CO A.rerfect For All Throat and Cure : I.ung Troubles. Wonov back if it !'. Colcir-i;5. bH4uo.T.eaaitS s'Ksaomx u ass i Mat ins nunua muflti I'm' ii'in'ki'i'N nml trull growers. K r filks wiiu wan' to know nbo'it Hor 'In. we my l on per yenr; muni lily. SV) si'iid uie lor ;l t.cll-,siie I roll ultiMTlpMon. I. Ill luhl. I'll-HII THE FLORIDA GROWER 800 Florida Avenue, i ompa, Un. t--:::frnrr": i a.. ni: DR. J. J. CONWAY, Dentist, Residence Phone 31. nR. W. F. PARRAMORE, Dontist MADISON FLORIDA j Dental Parlors in First 1 National Bank Bnildlnjr The Only Wrltlne Machine in the World That Success lull TYPEWRITES PHtNT -17 Cents a Day? Tie Print? Oliver Tyrwwritar, luoli h crowded ten yem 0f ty. writer progrwa into tie spuee of nionth'a, la tow unVred t. t, pLhiiv fur 17 tiita a I)n) ! OtTertJnt the chidr price nr un ordinary t,erltr-pB)iible in pun II it-K! The ciinmoniling importance of I'rin type is evry'Vher conceiloil. l''or who doea not sen what it ineiiin to iimke the world's v: at vcuinot type, wrilton m .tter nis rend ihl- aabooka hdi! miigsJius! The Piintype Oliver Typf wrller is , quipped wish benutiful Hook IT) re, Midi na is us'd on tha world printing presses, j lrii.t pi is di.tingulFlied by iimrwl I oi e nnd bt-suty. Il does an I with all vtmin on eyeaight which lli j ol.l-st vlo out line t.vpo iinpoes. Prn. ,pe put life and st nnd ihiiructei into typewrllten coi respomlenc. Ii unil,es every letter, every nunierii!, tviry eiinriicter ' as plain ns print.' I The eonii lote Bti.ry ef I'rlnlylC bB n. vei b.foiw liei u told. Here it is: The Real Story of Printype I l t Idea from which "Prlutype ' iaprni'g leml'eil from tile success cd jour type fi-,t m Mjuipping a type I writer usi il in our mllees to wrbe. j The Olivrr T ewi iter" In our fam I '.us triiiic-iniitk type just n ir name uppniis on the outsiii of ihe uiiu hnie ami ill hI! tlllvt-r pllljllelty, I Ihe beautiful iippesr nee nnd the iioirvelous iloetneas of ti e production oi r 'vIiihiv" I rude-miirlt t) v , iliRehmei. lln- posilillities of ecpiipiilnr; The Oliver lypewiiter t.) rile the em u Englifh largUHge in Khmleil letters! V oikil for yonrtfin the plnn nnd fiiiMlly Mticceedul in proilucliie;, for ex elUfiva uie on Hie Oliver Typewriter, the woidi rlul abaileit lettem . nuil iiiiiiimiiIs knnwu to the world us "Print vp".'1 ! The Public's Verdict j I'liiit sieve is (i',hiw helinintly m j favur of Printj e is in jin-fHivelv slumn ; by tliifi frti-t : A Iranily over To per cent of our enliic iiiifput of Oliver T pew riiwH lire I 'I'rintypes." '.'.'lie ul l:n le (leinnniiir" pe :i j (Mf'Mi'liC- lo Hie iihl.i-l le type. I S' itliin h i'iir, nl the pres-ei.t raV, 1 '.HI per en I. of our lotiil s;ih' w: l. I -I'r.nt M'hs." : I I u Tl v Dlwr Tvpewrit'T. whii li ' ril-t sinvi -sfiillv iiitroilui'H'l visible ' i ii i'-j, hi nc n in In ilm fure will, mi. otl.t-r rfViiiu' iini.iry in pi iioinei,t ; Hi in! p . the I j " I ha l priiil pru.t ! j To Corporations : I lie UilVll I I pi writer IS used lle,. aively by irreiil i ncrrs in n I s-elioio: of tlie win Id Uur "7 ('eJiH-n l)ay" I' is ilf gn. eilto lielp Hint lai geche-N o lypew I iter llnit sei ve the iT -at OorporationH, hut prefer the easy simeiii of purchase. 'I'ue masses want The Oliver J'ypi wn'er bee.iufe it the test of the largest curt'or iitiuti" . Meet "Print p" You', 1 KiKe lis books, Ask for Specimen Letter o i: I "17. Cenlg-a-O '.v'' Plan. MiiltBthe acquaint nice of Pi iniype, the reigning favorite of typewrltenloai. Ailt for a letter written nr. The Prin type Oliver Typewriter, which will In troducs you In this beautiful new tyn. ft will also lie plen'ed to f u w.iril the ' 17-l'euts-n-l)ay" Flan on mpie-t. Address Sales Department. The OiMVDEt Typewriter Coin pn 113 Oliver Typewriter llullillng. ('Iiii-nicn Agencies Kverywnere When buying a cough mediuit e for children bear lu nilud thai Chamber. iBin'a Cough Remedy is meat tffeotual for colda, croup and whooping cough and that It contains do harmful drug. For sale ov all dealers. Georgia & Florida Railway. THE DJ.HECT LINE TO Ili.lelinrst, Vuhipe, SwMlnsh'.rf,, V ill, n, Auf n -"i , I's io Ho Cr. olnms, Virgiiiin, Wasliintoti.Nuw Yolk miM Ktsteiii Chins Vrt Ai;';i.w. C'liiso connections mule at. IlaxHniist, wltli Sniithein Railway for Helena, Macon, Allatun, Cll.itliii.ooi:i nml points Xoc h n' I Wist. LEEPIXti CAU KLh'VIt H On trains Nis, 0 ami 7 beiwn Auguftin, Vnl loHtu ami V i'llsnn. No 7 I i . I V f M ini" In an ji in un I si i Si I Ml i ir, r ki II Ml T .H H :1 u K, in In :4 II l.i A M Nn. 5 llnlv A M tl J III IO III 4ll II 07 IHI IK KI I III I III i :ii il un a ii 4 tKl 5 IS a n .' M ! I.v., Lv. I.v., Ar Ar.. Iv., Ar.. l.t.. Ar.. I.v , I.v. Ar., Ar.. C'KXTUAI. I'lMK A,i:ii.iii , Kl-hIIu Mi. link- . . .S'v.,l,i..i .... VVc-lev lil.illil Vi.IiiIi.i 1 1 liiimi II .'.Minna llonyllll I'ii'kI.ii .... , Will.ieiHiilH'i' ,,. N olnilli- VilliltMii ,(, V.itlliM.1 M ulioii .Ar j .Ar ! Ar ' .Ar I .I.v I .l.i i ..Ar I ..I.v Ar . Ar l.i , ..I.v I ..Ar ; ..I.v I No. I I'm!) I' M " S :M i us i in 5 oS I tit li 12 r.r, n in II 411 In : In -,'. II Hl S III 7 io 7 to UKiAVKKN MILLKN AM) V1DA I IA. .A No. e ll.nlv A M " S III HI 4 rm II h" at s L I 41'. li t 11 (HI v uu U IKl I i -.1 ii no n in 4 III M I f M V. il li.ulv I w ' tl III it as 1 n 1 io 1" M ... tl lliilv A M v a. , " II III II II I:' oo H !' I'll INS I 1. 1 . I.v. I Ar. .r. ... Mill, ii , .. si I I II- IVm. ,..,.i I T'i-2 i YKK n Hl"iI v.,. n -. ,!l K it III tl ' II HI II 13 A ' V.i. K K Pun A M I 'in as ; 11 ;n 1 12:13 1 ! M Dull I Him I' !. I A M i I M .. .. .Ir p aft it Ar I 7 SO ; I f.'t ......I.v .11 I '' un i.v . 11 2X 1 ' ....... M I' V4 A. l!l.tiM)N aNL) llUliMS li,l r'l' s... s.,. :U t.-1'i. s. (lulv I .1 I . m SIMMONS 27 'Ar., iAr,, . ..III. ..Viol,. II l,,-f II I.. l ll iS a i.t I :li .'In. S K.lllv 1' M iifi 11 11 1 IN 7 .r, p For C . KI IJ ill. A M " m 10 HI 111 1a 11 fin A M I A .... Ar.... Ar.... Ar.... M'AIIOVS .. Ntt-h III. .. .. SpitllH .. Ail. I .. .. M..i,l!'.. .. ja ,lv M . . I .v I . 1-V ..I.v. 11, 7 -.' i 7 ) r .11 AM :i I'. 2 -' II I. r M fl 01 4 2 '. I II. a: I'M t'ol'leis, Passenger Fares i.u- any oilier hfnnnuiioii aildri s: . C. Cauimli., 0. II. Cum, Aycnt, .Madison, Fin, Oi neiul 1'assenyer Ay nl . E. llAnms, Com. Agt.. VaMosia. Ca Anijiistn, Ou. "Queen of Sea Routes'' Merchants &fi1inersTrans.Go. STEAMSHIP LINES JACKSONVILLE TO SAVANNAH, BALTIMORE and PIIlLADELriHA NORFOLK TO BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE Steamers New, Fast and Elegant ACCOMMODATIONS AND CUISINE UNSURPASSED Through tickets on sale to and Trom principiil points Send for Lckl t L. D. .Ionics. Cmri. Atf.. I!, C. Avi:::v, AKt, Somiridlo Hotel, .I:icl;?'in illv, Pin. Jaeksonvilli?. I'lorida. "Finest Cnastwisc Trip.-, in wu Wt,il'I." I a I 11 mm t4aj-"u,'- ,ii i'.aria-i aw Be Happy ! Happy the girl, cr woman, who never sufrered from any of the diseases of womanhood! Or, if she lias been a sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful benefits of Carduf, the woman's tonic! Cardui is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women's ailments. It is a natural medicine safe, harmless, purely vegetable. It lias been in successful use for more thai 50 years. It has cured thousands. It should do the same for you. TAKE WomarfsTohic Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Tenn., says, "I think there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. 1 used it with the very best results. I liad backache and nearly everything a woman could suffer with, until I took Cardui. Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall always recommend Cardui to other suffering women. I can't praise It too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui Is safe and reliable. Try it, to'day. Write lo: Ladlca' Advisory Dept., ChaltmootaMcdicina Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ' for Sptcliil Instructions, and 64-pasc buc, "Home Treatment for Womvn," aeut free, J 56 4 Kverybodv is Habit to "catch cold" but those who ulve n cold proper atten tion never hsve serious lutu dis.'asea. It la neulect that makes them serious, Prudent persons use BALLARD'S HORKHOUXD SYRUP as soonaB the trouble appears and the cold la cured at once. Price 2So, 60o, and fl.00 per bottle. Hold by all druggieta. 1'iforisy pains are located just below the short ribs. Luuibiyo hll'eels the saiuo reiuii but toward the baulc. IIALLAUD'S SNOW LINIMKNT is His remedy in either case. If rubbed in thoroughly it cases pain, relaxes the musi'les and tbe patient can move about freely anil comfortably, Prloo2oc, 50o and 11 00 per bottle. Sold by all druggist.