OCR Interpretation

The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, January 19, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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$1 A YEAR.
br.M. F. Marvin Died
Sunday Night.
Dr. Marion Frazier Marvin,
well known resident of
adison. passed away at his
tome in this city Sunday night
fteran illness of two weeks
ith t iilioid fever.
Tlic deceased was born in
lonticello Aug. 4th. 1S73, the
Idcst chiM of Mr. and Mrs.
aiD0s Marvin, now of Jack-
ouville. He attended the lr-
iuia Millitary Institute at
.exing'on, Va. for three years
nd then entered the Louis
ille Medical College, gmduut-
therefrom as a physician.
Later, ho accepted a position
Cul ri us acting superintcii-
eut of the Las Animas Hospi
il, where he served for a j ear
rnioic. ne men returned to
lie United States, and was
oon aflcr appointed as Con-
act Surgeon in the army in
be Pliillipines.
He was married in 11)02 to
iss Virginia Denbamof Char-
eston. S. C, who died while
Dr. Marvin was in the Thilli-
Dr. Marvin also held posi-
ious in the army in Nebraska
Lid Rhode Island, after which
Ke practiced medicine in South
Carolina, and then came to
Madison, where he was cngag-
Money Judiciously Expended for Advertising Is the Best Investment a
Man Can Make.
B. E. & T. 1 RAVSOU
Lowell, Fla., Jan. 15, 1912.
Madison Enterprise-Recorder,
Madison, Fla.
Please continue our same advertisement in your paper until
advised, as we will nicely run it until March or April. Send us
bill, and we will send chest to cover.
We wish to thank you for the results cur advertisement in
your paper has brought us. We have sold ever 4,000 bushels of
Peanuts alone through this advertisecent, and as a farmer's ex
change we heartily reccmrr.end ycur columns as a Clearance mediur:,.
Very truly yours,
B. E. and T. P. P.aysor.
Tax Assessor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant
to law. that I will visit each pre
cinct in the county on dates named
below for the purpose of assessing
taxes for the year 1912. Let every
property owner comply with the
law, by meeting me and making re
turns of their property.
Store Burned at Ebb.
The building and clothing store
of S. T. Goza at Ebb was burned
last Saturday "night about 12
o'clock. Mr. Goza. in relating
the misfortune to the' reporter,
said that it was hia opinion that
the store was robbed and then
fired. The entire stock of goods
The Tax Collector will be with me was destroyed, Mr. Goza esti-
Biue Springs Notes.
JJlue Springs school oi iu'd
Monday, Janaury loth wit li
Miss Josephine Arline us teach
er. Quito a number of pupils
tire already enrolled.
Mr. C. IJ. Johnson and Roy
Rowc visited friends here Sun-
at Moseley Hall, Harmony and
Greenville to collect tax for 1911.
Look for me as follows:
tllaville, Monday, Jai. 2), In Forenoon,
l.ee, " " 29, in Afternoon,
Winquepin Tuesday, Jan. 30, Noon.
Macedonia, Wednesday, Jan. M, Forenoon.
Madion, " Jan. 31, Afternoon.
Oak Grove, Thursday, Feb 1st.
i ... . n ... ... Cherry Lake, Friday, " 2nd.
dwithRG. femith up until MoseIty HaM) Momluy . 5th.
he time of his late illness. Haimony, Tuesday, Feh. 6'li.
Greenville. Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
Hamburg, ThursJ:iy, Feb. ,1th.
Hixtoun. Friday, Feb. h
In 100(5 he was married to
iss Klla Johnson of Givhans,
C. who with three children,
Marion I.. John Donlan and
feinki Constance, survive
The deceased was a member
f the Presbyterian church and
: Mason. Although he had
;een in the city only about a
ear, he was well and favor-
ly known and made numbers
f friends w ho are grieved over
lis sudden passing away.
The body was taken to Jack-
onville Monday afternoon, the
atennent being made there
a the family burying ground.
Wis. Miirvin and the children
ill make their home in future
P South Carolina.-
Married, at the home of the
tie's uncle, Mr. R. H. Ham-
fock, on Sunday morning. Mr.
ewis H. Shirrer to Miss Mary
ingsworth. Rev. VV. II.
'heeler officiating. After the
remony the happy couple at-
nded services at Oak Grove,
ter which they returned to the
meoi the bride's uncle and
Wed a bountiful dinner.
The bride is one of Madison
"Ur.ty's most amiable young
'lies, and is loved by all w ho
TO her. The crrocm is one ol
payette County's popular
pung men, and numbers hit
ends by the score.
Thehappv pair left Monday
owning for Dell Station, where
laJ will make their future
we. May they have a long ano
PPP life. .
"r 8i4le: Shtotti nnl utlck. Ad
PC C Crroll,0. & fU. (ipkH
rW. tf.
This is the season of the year
to look after your stock. I have
just received a large supply of
Pratt's Stock Food, Stock Pow
der Animal Regulator. Poultry
Fowders, Cow Tonic, Hog Chol
era Specific, Rock Salt and Chlo-ro-Naptholeum
for Hogs. We
also have a supply of Smokit for
curing meat. E. F. M seley
Mr. J. D. Rooney Here.
Mr. J. I). Rooney. Industrial
Agent for the Seaboard, will
address the citizens in the
Court House tonight on mat
ters pertaining to the general
welfare and development of
Madison County and this sec
tion in general. A full at
tendance of the Hoard of Trade
is urged.
Primaries on April 30th
and Alay 28th.
The State Democratic Execu
tive Committee at its meeting in
Jacksonville Tuesday set April
30th, as the date for the first
primary and May 2Sth for the
second. This is somewhat earlier
than usual. Chairman Wm. H.
rtice did not resign his position,
although it had been reported
oefore the committee meeting
.hat he would.
An addition to the ballot this
umewill be the names of the
Democratic candidates for Presi
dent These will appear thereon,
md the voters will register their
hoice for the nomination, and
the Florida delegation will vote
accordingly in the convention at
Baltimore. ' .
mating its value at 1000 or 1100, a-v
dollars. It was insured for $500.
The building was owned by N.
W. Campbell, of Homestead.
Later on in the night, the
home of Will Stephens, just
across the Taylor County line,
was burned to the ground. This
is the second loss by fire that Mr.
Stephens has experienced within
the past few months.
Citizens is Very
At a meeting of the director.-?
of the Citizens Hank of
Madison, held at the bank on
Tuesday, Jan. iith, a dividend
of 10 per cent upon the capital
stock was declared, and checks
mailed to the stockholders.
This makes a total of (55 per
cent Gr$3-,fU0 which has been
paid to stockholders in divi
dends, and there is now a sur
plus and undivided profit ac
count of over $29,000. The
deposits of the bank aie ap
proximately $o00,000.
This is indeed an excellent
showing and the officers are
to lie commended and the
tockholders congratulated on
the phenomenal success of the
At a meeting of the Stock
holders held on the 10th. the
following Stockholders a n d
well known business men were
elected a lioard of Directors
for tho ensuing ycur; M. C.
Drew, T. W. Male, duo. I,.
Fonda, J.J. ilariell, E. O. Ilas
stdl, J. D. Shaw, A. Livingston,
Jr., and V. L. Morrow. Im
mediately filter the adjourn
ment of the Stockholders'
meeting, tho Directors elect
organized uud elected tho fol
lowing officers for thu ensuing
year. A. Livingston. Jr., Pres
ident; M. C. Drew, Vice Pres
ident; J. J. Uarrell, Vice-President
and O. L. Morrow,' Cashier.
i'rleitth or Mourov Wlil.tu'.
A. C. Richardson left Tues-
diiy for Madison, where he ex
pects to attend the Florida
Normal Institute.
W. M. Sinuous was In-re on
business lust week.
J. R. Henderson mid son
made a business trip to Jasper
Rev. J. Kills Ulanton was
here Sunday, filling his regular
appointment at Pdue Springs
The river has Iteen very much
swollen after the heavy ruins,
but is now returning again to
its regular condition.
Honorable W. J. Bryan
to Speak at Jasper.
Honorable William Jennings
Ihyan of Nebraska, three times
the candidate of tho Demo
cratic party for President of
the lii ite J States, will speak
at Jasper. Fla., next Tuesday
night at 7:00 o'clock.
Mr. Bryan is beyond doubt'
the greatest orator f the da,
and the people oi Madison
County should take advantage
of this (ipport unity to go and
hear him.
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Burnett, at Cherry
Lake, Miss Mary Alice Burnett and
Mr. Robert L Burch were married,
Rev. W. J. Gray officiating
Mr. Arthur H. Cherry presided
at the piano, playing Lohengrin'it
wedding march a? uV hrid-d party
entered the parlor.
Mrs VV. H. Hayes matron cf
honor, was beautifully at'.ired iu
lavender mescaline, en'broidere I
in pearls. She carried a h -go bou
quet of white carnation
Mi Vynema Burn"", filter of
i he II'M", irnid of i--wore a
vt-ry pretty brovn fui!f-' i -tiit and
carried a beautiful t.-)i,ipt' f i whi'.c
1 he bride was lic.;;!- ':: ! gewnrtl
in blue tailored travel- U suit, and
wore a beautiful 1 nui'e!'.
She carried a larjie ! u;et f
bride's roses.
Mr. G. L. Burch. br vie-- of thft
groom, was best man
Mr. R. L. Burch, the gr.-oni. is a
well known young man en iaged in
the sewing machine business. He
came to Madison about a y?:nr ajlo
from Hartford, Ala., and h'is made
a large circle of friends
The bride is one of Madiu
county's fair daughter?, and has a
host of friends.
The color scheme wa white and
green. The white carnations, pot
ted ferns and palms wr aiost ar
tistically arranged.
The couple were the recipients of
many handsome and valuable pre
Among the guests f.-ot'i a Mstanee.
were Mrs Sallie Brook.s. of Green
wood, S. C. Mrs. W. H Hayes, of
Boston. Ga., and Mr. G L Burch, nf
Hartford, Ala.
Mr. Eurch and Inidc itu on '.h
west bound S. A. L. train Sunday
evening, for points in Alabama, and
will be at home about Februx-y 1st.
Missionary Society.
The V ... -ty Society of the
Presbyterian church v. m entertained
at its annual meeting 1 y Mrs. D. G.
Smith who had beep Piesident
for four ytars. S.;- : .,n inier
estiag ietfiK u ,..ar's work.
Tie n ee'l erc . . j uie inimitable
rei-.iiation of little Miss Sarah Smith
and there we s some excellent mu
sic rendered. The officers for the
ensuing year are Mrs. Bishop for
Prcsideut, Mrs. Shaw, Vice-President,
Mrs. C. P. Ktdy, Treasurer,
and Miss Susie Ellison, Secretary.
Lovely refreshments were berved by
the hostess.
Servio a t the Precbyo riaii chore))
Suniixy. Subjtol of m irtiinff ferae n,
"S irusof ibe Uurpnot Lit ! t-vmiin.
aroion, "Would you like to Live jo r
lir over stfttlof
A Reception.
Mrs. S. Alex Smith opened the
doors of her handsome home on
Tuesday afternoon compliment
ary to Mrs. Frank HarrsII cf At
lanta- A3 this is the home of
her childhood, the many friends
of Mrs. Uarrell were pleased to
have the opportunity of paying
their respect to her. The hostess
and honoree received in the libra
ry which was adorned with bo-
Konias and t ill vases of narcissi.
Both of the ladies .vore elaborate
eveninjr gowns. The broad halls
were decorated with tall palms
and massive ferns. The punch
bowl reposed in a mound of pink
camelias and lovely pink blooms
of the cacti. The punch w'as
served graciously by Mrs. Autrey
and Miss Hassell- The color
motif w as carried out beautif ully
in the dining room, where the
mantle was banked witii maiden
hair ferns and pink blooms.
A table was covered with a
lace spread and on the center
was a candelabra containing
many lighted pink canules with
pink shades. At the ends of this
attractive table sat Mrs. George
Davis aad Mr3. T. C. Smith w ho
poured tea and coffee. A salad
course was served alu. budttt,
by Miss Wilna Smith who looked
charming in a gown of white
broad cloth, fashioned in a girl
ish style. About seventy five
ladies called during the two

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