We never have any of these.
Because Every Day We Sell It For Less.
Special Seduced Prices in all Lines of Goods
We Sell the W. B. Corsets
Ask the Ladies.
'ma. I
Another shipment of Shoes will arrive this
week. Come and inspect for yourself.
More goods
for same money
1.1. Ml
Same goods
for less money
The Original Department Store.
W7 )
In Honor Miss Maude
L.i-! i vi iii'ii nt K o'clock, ill the
i.,t' ' I. r iMici.iN Mr. iiu.l Mrs.
!. B. Tl i'i-:n -Hi in Springfield. Mir
.!;.,;. , ,. ;':.tn: t !iu named her
I !
c! .
!' : vy drc-SS dar.ee in
.i !:.; lit .!( y.nvl.
'..!, (if Madison. H,i.
vc;v adorned vit!i
rri s a:vl holly:
; .Uiiiv nii'.aigcd.
V,i IT draped Villi
ov!K r of the mil!
! t-.iu.l n.ri.-t-
terlng urn;!-
A progressive gain; of pareheesi
was enjoyed by the children mil
panii ipaiing in The dam e.
During an in.er'iiision daiury re-
j Tin' costiin,' vi.ru last evening
i were exceedingly pr tty. Those who
icnj'iyed Hie ( v . were us follows:
w. .!. tW in :'
m... ',! !;(; v il
I ;;: : - .!.;L-iV
i :( ;us.
Duria ilie evening an informal
ranee w.. enjoyed. A pretty Ger
man figure was danced under the
!:ivciioii of Miss Kathleen RoUrt
;;.in, and this ended in a Maypole.
A huge red box was suspended from
the c handelier, and the boys and
girls marched round and round,
holding the red ribbon streamers.
At a j-'iven signal the ribbons were
pulled, and each guest secured u
pretty souvenir of the pleasant oc
casion. The favors for the boys were
kmjo-shaped boxes filled with candy
hearts, and the girls were given
tambourine-shaped boxes contain
ing powder puffs.
During the program, fancy dances
v.ere introduced by Miss Gladys
Thornton, the hostess, and Miss Hat
tie Hendricks. Miss Thornton danc
ing the Spunirh dance, and Miss
Heinii'ii Ivs iLc tambourine dunce.
Little Catherine Tiiorntun, the
sister of the hostess, delightfully
6ang a number of selections. She
has a wonderfully sweet voice for a
child and responded to many en
cores. Punch was served in the dining
room, the table being covered with
red crepe paper, draped with trail
ing vines.
Gl i.lv- Tkor
Golden V.'e-t.
V -de Vati :
Helen Jo.'lil
Marjcrie M.i
Girl of the
i i, y Queen.
i!. J.ii.Mnese Maiden.
.-.;l. y. butterfly.
(irace Worfley. S; ;.nih Dancer.
Helen Hare. Mary Jane.
Martina Bell. Dorothy Dainty.
Loleita Cramer. .Japanese Maiden.
Hattie Hundrh ks Spanish Dancer.
Katlieryn T!i-:)Vm. Little Indian
Gladys Yates, of Madison, repre
sented Night.
Margaret Gerald and Leslie Gold
en. Indians.
Helen Boswr'.l Puritan.
Elizabeth Richards, Tambourine
Frank Thornton Gypsy.
D. Addington. Cow Boy.
Frank Pomeroy. Cow Boy.
Harris Chapman, Toreadore.
Robert Ellerby. Gypsy.
Roger Addington, Buster Brown.
T. Dunk, Indian.
Herbert Dunk. Gypsy.
Matt Thornton. Scout.
Ronald Bouie, Scotch Highlander.
Those who assisted in entertain
ing were: Mesdanies Charles Thorn
ton, E. F. Pomeroy, Tom Bouie, H.
Cramer, Miss Kathleen Robertson
and Messrs. C. S. Thornton and T
H. Thornton. Times-Union.
Unit we ha ve never Ind I'Xpi'ri.ier
Willi any reimily thai jjuve icli
jfrtat ntUfuction to our Mii,oiiri
!i .! ltixll Or.I rlif-s. This IV -cly
is not like any oilier luxVi'. '.:
rut hnitie. It c.i,)fiins ml i v . i i
l.-iiUIK K of ullii I' l:i x-i'j .
of their fiuiHs.
i iiir own fuitli in ! xo! i 'i v. -
U Ml HtrnlliJ tlillt e titfrr t!n
yi'it with otir "Mi liiL-itivc n ..- ,..
u uiuititf. thnt il ih, il -, a"' ', '
(nni'Uly sciti-fy vnii. ymi i.e. i ;;
u atvl we i:m,i ), .;, ,, , ,, ;
every penny yon ni l i fm i!
TVierefiire, ill trying tin in upon ...o
lei'ollllllenilillinl) yoll t ilic Do :,
UeXiill Ordi'llieit t:wle like mi '.
I'litcii like euiidy. . Tln-y ilo le
yripe, caikk imttKva, i xc's-'ivt- ),.,.,..
ness. or any other Hiuiovmiee. J I,,.
Het so t'.mi'y that thny )n:,y . i.,,,,,
tu niiy time, dny or nij-lit. Tliev
art' purlieu Mily good tor chi! h, i,.
or delicute persons. Jlry
put up in convenient tablets in three
mx.es of pnckiigcit. I'tici'D pi i, :n.
and 5ilc.
Utiliumher liexull lieiueiii
be olittiinul In ihia eomiiiuni'v
at the M.iilison Dmj; Coinpiui v
MMwaBiMaMiiiiiiiiii iiiiii mini
-s ' -s
Pf 3
The Effective Laxaitve
Taste Like and is Kitten Liku
Jn our experience in the handling
of drugs nnd medicinef , we believe
.iv i
looking for a per
fect one horse
p!ov; that is light
in weight and
draft tr.i thorough
ly adjustable, durable and economical
and especially designed for cotton oil
tivation and truck farming comeii
and see the Oliver Goober. In1
plow you are looking for.
The Farmers' Store
Madison, Fla.
Georgia & Florida
i has the distinction of being the first "
I '""a"1 in tnritory to M-rure its
As is srii;ni,
tne oilidal circu- cured in o minutes witIi
Changes Systems. ;!;'rs th".;;";;uly ,!'ri,,( f PAR-A-SIT-I-CIDC
-M-h! n il. a: of i l,,.,i
The executive co.nmiitee ufUihii-.y. Tu ryMf;m dimragei
the Georgia and ITori.la Rail- red tape and t.-auruges a nian to
"i ia meeting in man contact. I
in Augusta Saturday night adorned that the numbe,
wh'it a ltfiun na V-l . I i i . . .
'V u . u; "K ""lessysienii'ieaseu wineli iSimended to abolish
of organization from its originator, I the practice of huviii-J dork, I!
Mator Chnrles H
H Cured oulckly. Tl,5.
. . . X"1 ur. h- m. juai v -
v ill tie observed uM or u imm drunUU.
WWiii in-L, ... n r..M
&om in Aiautson oy i-
engineer and railway expert
The system which was first in
stalled on the Union Pacific-Southern
Pacific (Harriman Lines) some
three years ago is being copied by
various railwavs thromiim,.f ,r,
country. The Georgia and Florida Fratt ' JS SALE-S", A. K.
My of numerous officials is
fned by giving th,m n.ore compre
hensive titles than heretoforeAu
gusta Chronicle.
$100 Per Plate
nt . l.-nnilPf tl) llnr'
New Orlenn Id 184.'. MiKr)
thone with tora:i.:li Iroubtt
lion. Todny people "very .
Dr. Ki.ig'i Nvr Lif P''"
tionblM m wall ver
bowet dlsordeni. Easy, j