OCR Interpretation

The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, January 19, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047179/1912-01-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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y Heads hut Wanted
Too (Iiiiwtilly ( nhl-
red "f
1 liiUil-oc"1" i11""" iiv
in eiiiiil t'Dsoce wmi one
... 1 1. l.e-itthv head (if heir
biii J
suW I aid iff is too generally ac
ted as an Indication of age.
iv large corporations have estsb-
. i - .
l in ace nam, mm reuse 10
Ben over 35 years of age as
'robably 05 per cent, of bald.
Li people may regain a too l
, of lie iltliy uair if they will iol
our advice and accept our offer.
Lave a remedy that e positive.
Luarnnli'c to grow imir on any
! unli"- the roots of the bail- are
rely di'iid, their follicles closed
lbs scalp biM.'oine glizeil ami
Vc want people, to try tliis
,jy ut our risk, with the nig.
I uniUrsitiiidinu! 'but unless it
(Xfily what we claim it will,
gives satisfnctiu in every ret
ctii.ill make no clnirge fur
roiBcly iijcl during the. tiia'.
hVc kiiov '.x..c!ly nlmt we aiv
abiu', and with id's offer
cur slalemtnts no one should
;!, (K,ulit our word, or hesitate to
our remedy to an actual test.
hVc want everyone lu M ulison
it suffering from any scalp or
trouble, dandiuff, fulling hair,
.ililness to try our Kexull "93 '
Tonic, We want them to use
eg u I arly say until three bottles
e been used and if it docs not
Mate dandruff, cleanse and re.
b tbe scalp, tighten the hair in
roots, and grow now hair, we
II return every cent paid us for
mere asking. Thero is no for-
lily expected, and we esaet no
ligation from the user whatever.
Ve are established right here in
Vliion, and make this offer with
II understanding that our bus).
litucoess entirely depends upon
sort of treatment we accord our
itomers, and we would not da.e
ike the above offer unless we
rt positively certain that wu
Id substantiate it in every par-
alar. Ketneinber you can obuin
"II Remedies- in this community
jit tbe Madison Drug Co.
Throw Out the Line.
Give the Kidneys Help and Many
People Will Be Happier.
"Throw Outr.be LiU Laos'
The Kidneys need he'p.
icevre overworked-ao't ;et toe'
poison Ultered out of th. blood. J
They're nutting worse tvery milutl,i j
iu vou Help them?
1'okd's Kidney mi, hBVe i,roUllbt
thoutsnds 0f Kidney sufferers back
from the verge of dt-spalr.
Head this caw:
Mrs. C. A Markey, of ferrc, FIs ,
: About twoyears aBo I need Dunn's
Kidney Pills and I obitH oeter forget
hnwBrHtlv they benerittid me at that
time. I IihiI consi.lerahle trouble from
my kidneys and I eultVed from u lame
and uclilnir oaek. I could not rest well
and the secretions tium ruy kidneys
were in bud shape. Sines I tot.k louu'.
Kidney PI. Is, I havt not been troubled
by iiiv kidneys iind my buck tut not
bothered nit. Other iumber of my
fumily have it'io used this remedy and
consider It it beueihial one fur kidney
IVr sale l.v .Icier., Pre ."0
cents. l''oht.'r-M;ilmrn IV., X. Y,
sole averts for the United Ivnte.
Keini iiiljer the name--Doin "c and
loke r.o other.
The Weather.
For tl.e week ending Tuesday, Jan. pi.
Ili!i Low
Tern. 'XV m I.ainfuil
Wednesday 57. j5 00
I'biirsdav 33 411 .00
Friday.. ....60 in .21
Saturday .44 . HO f. . .10
"undiiv. 3! 9 00
Mocday. 52... . 2S 00
Tuesday.... 44... ..21 00
Total 21
C U O.
We'll Stop That
Itching for 25 Cents.
Dyal-Upchurch Building- JacKsonrille-Fla.
.SiiVoienlB made to auy pari of the sute. Our to.:U U tuiHe from tlio beet Im.oer in Florida. well umu
fautur! and carfullv rM. aud ourfacillt.es for lilliua orders for carload 't.rs are neeplionally (food.
met wsm
j far backache, rheumatism, kidne or bladder troubli
m Foler Kidnev Pills are tonic in aetinn. nnirl In
found inure relief from their u-e ttnm
from any oilier kidney meilieine. anil
I'vs tried liliniwt till kil.dn. I can elieei
fully recninnieiid lliein to all snlT. reif
for U.dm v mi. (i biuddrr trouble."
lr M .,
!.,! J :
I:: ' I"
mi I uilv f in 'i.t I i
i.il I irniit ot Miiml i
Krnn. K III,
Vov iiivlimV r, ,i ill,
I Nnhii M N 4i - It, oi.U Hi
M .ni;li, I' .iiUpiMM I..:. n.'i.
I In mit.,ir In till l"ll "f
coir.iM.inil t.Ii Ik ii il. 111:141111 in l'l IMf .iDni1
inlill.-il ..11 ir 1 .( .- tlic5lllU.iv Hi Kl-
rii..,y , a. l..
'111.; t'(iitt''ni.' -ltil-'t lrl" iy lu-riil'V il. xii.'iL.l, .1
il tilt; llutVSl.T lit u In. Ii tilts mUi-r sll ill lL l'lll
hstifil oi:cc a wi-ik tur i llit collect nine wivl..
Witii... i:iv Ji iikI ilril nvil of oWc' tills tin. l'.li
Juv ol NonBl'.ir, A. I. 'nil.
(Niit) V. .. MAUTIN,
Ck-rk ..I kuuI fi.iirt.
When Kivtn Me w . x ( i hm the ernii
rmiirli aiearn I .'itainhei 'Iain's Cont'd
Itemed' Will nurd "If HL lillnek of
i v iii arid prevent all ilmikjer hil l eau.e
of niiMt 'y. 'J'lt. imaede .f moliierii ne
It Hi r'l'Psfiilit . S n;l '.: ,'t;! tl. n!er.
POIND. la a rnliuble family medicine. Give It
to your children, aud take It vouraelt
when vou fe.-l a cold cominn on. It
cheeks aod cures coughs and 'cold and
ercup and prevents bronchitis and
pneumonia. .
U. D. C.
iemk'rs of Elizabeth Harris
;Pter are reminded of the enter-
pment to the United Confederate
eransatthe Woman's Club on
IStli inst. Every member should
ttm it a pleasure and privilege
Catarrh Cannot Be Cure!
loc.il ni.ii!ntion, u they ennnot
11 ''" of tl.e dlnense. Catarrh
""lurniiiistitntlonal dipense, and
"'r tii cine it ij rnust lake Inter
rmie.ll,... u,di' Catarrh Cure in
'""' 1 i n, I iicts direetly cut
lul ai:,l iiiiiuuoiiS vurt.ces. Hall's
"iliC'ure Ih not a a, tick uiedlc ne.
iTe-ctiiied by one of the ben
I' iHnu in tl,ig country for years anil
I regular prei iptiuu. It la onm
''I "f llic hent tonics known, com
'd 'iih the beat blood purifiers, set
I ""ell) on the mueous surface.
Perfect einnbiiiatlop of the two In
"ItentK I, what produces such won
; ""'lit iu curing; Catarrh. Send
jtUiiiunh.U free.
.CIIBXBV&CO, Props.,
,, , Toledo, O.
"'J by druusiHts T5o.
rlalf, .inily p,ia for Constipa-
Are you troubled
fiilDB tAne .tl k I-...- ..v.... . I !'l,rov1
bleed? If so, come into cur store
sml get a special 25o treatment of
the one sure, quick relief and posi
tive cure you've been loking for.
Z1LMO is the guaranteed remedy
that has relieved t ouxands of skin
sufferers. A. delightful, efficient and
germ-destroying nntiseplic wash that
soothes and heals fin inflamed and
irritated skin just as readily as it
cures Eizeinn. Pimples, I'sshes,
Psoriasis and other stubborn forms
of skin discaNes,
ZEMO is worth its weight in gold
to skin sufferer" aud we urge you to
try this tiial treatment. I. G.
Votlro Is Hereby iven to all tecates and ills
tributes, that hU inmitbs (rotn the dnte bete
or, I wtll preai tit to tbe l otiiuy J uciirtt or mkUI
bod I'diluty, H'.rl hi, my vouchers and make
... . I UiJ llllttl ICllllUQ OS AUIUIUIQVI HI..JI ui me ivniuto
it.u i'.wxiiiui i im Kaacy r.iviri& . atnoun, uetieaeen, biiu upuu
i a;,iroval ot sal I return will :,k to bo 01.
cDarea iiuiLl(ituor nr earn est h to
MiUlsoa, I n uUKt i4tb, ml.
1. .' '(inns
Af'a.lrilntralor of the Kalitto ot
:il.v tlvira i.ajaouu,aecviiMU.
p5"-Ku m-cnrxrctrrxtri
mi for a Good House F
to ship yJur Fruits H
V and Veiretablea to? H
Ierf is one on the best
iarket- Write for stencil 13
"a market report to-day. q
W"hlnirloH1imK),Su, Cj
New York
Nonet: OK DtSSOl t'TIO.V.
Xatlcc- Is Ili i'itj-Klvcn that llic-or,) ai t !n' r
siupiieret"it'ire exUttti; !ty ami between a!
tire 5lilM'iiiel, w. M luvl.it utirt It M lay
,.r .lr. under tbe firm nnuie et W. c McD ni
Id 4 t'o. In iluudii' UHS iin-tl by umttul eon-
sent. V.iltei' (.'. McDuiilel will c .hdurt the
bu lnt'SH at tlie mine pi..ce and lieu iiy us-
sinai'ii allllablllilt of sulil llnit ttnd vv 1,1
li C'l all ui'iMiiiitt due iii.il owlui; said ni'ul.
.Modltion, Kla., Jan. n, in..
v C. Mo flu tile I.
V M. laymr.
II. l. T ilo:- Jr.
Mr. Ja. MfCirlery, Miir. of ihe
Sel lltz Hotel, Omaha, Neb., reeoni
mer.ds Ki I"'b Ilntiey uu I T ir Com
pound, beeaUfS il cores in every case.
"I Ii ive used It myself and I lave rec
ommended il to many o'.heri who have
lhc tcld me of its ureal curative pow
er in diseases o( ths throat mid lnrj)fe."
For all cout'hs and oolda it is spneJily
Nonce u hrrt-hy flvua to nil (rante "tat ttiMlrili.
ute. that mi iti'Mitti. fnitti the il-ite hereof, I Wil
nreMt.t to Ut Cuuntv JuUYuol M idin Cminly
Flit., my voiKtiSrn nd innkc mv So il return in
AdinniHitr.iUJr ot lli estate of Geo. L. tilu, ilc
i'SAsSd, and itKin nitprov.tl of hind returt. will
dak to be uWhnritJd ne adintiittrator of laid es
tate., Maiilioii. V . if.;. Sth, HUi.
HOIII'. L. Alll.UNnlt,
I Adnnniitralor ot tile EittUr of
Gee. I. Gltea, (leceitKed
C'linries Durham, Lovinftton, l!l , hae
succeeded in finding a positive cure for
tied wett ion. ' My little boy wet the
bed every n'.ht cleir thro' on the fl .-.
I tr.eJ sever d kind -i of kidney in.-d
Mine And I was in the druii store looking
for frroethintr dljlereut to help hitn
wtiet, I heurd of Foley Kidney I'iHs
After he hud taken them totlayue
could see a change and wheu he hud
taken two-Uiirdn of a bottle he w i s
ciirrf-l. That Is about six w'eekea.o
dud Lie Iihs not wet III tbn bed sine,'."
NOTU'h )KSIIKItll'.s SAM:.
N fit Ii f Is liereby ulvon that nv vliiu,' t sa
e.v. eiiiloM for Ibe limn ot iWW.nr l-.-iod cut ol
llet t lr. ult t'oui't, Ii J. tidlclalt Iru.ih, Hi a,.,l
r,ir Maillv.T. County, l l'i i,ia. In a s'UI v !i, re
lu 'l 7. Mnrt .ii wan iiiiliii lir and I . It' ll
v.':u dt-iotid int, and Jud.-iuont f'ir tin- nii ivi
s.'tin was entered In anlil mart, and levy i.ti
lite Iinipetiy liert iiltt'i' lUin.d vn- ,M. U ti
on, I shall pt'iK'ctd In "ll to th'i bt:ln v. awl
U"isi Uldd t for eaili, 0,1 th-i tti'-d. Mni-day m
February, I'.H'J, tl.irlllX til I leal U'ltlraot s.l e,
:itt eu.Fl M'ldi; th,' fit lrji'k ,if jood ,,t v. r
lli.lt In tho Hto e uf .mlia wmidiva d, cumlM
lint it Hy It'iod, ivnlons, Ui-ucoit,,", b.i
i.bwa, baidaro a:iJ alore (ljtnire..
V'omcn of te Ligbcst type,
women of superior education nr.l
refinement, wLose ( iliscernnent
and judgment jive weight ar.a
force to their opinions, hijh!y
praise tlie wonderful corrective
and curative properties of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Throughout the many stages
of woman's life, from girlhood,
through the ordeals of mother
hood to the declining years, there
is no safer or more reliable med
icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are
sold everywhere at 25c a box.
5JT -
Low caii-ti.l y h
Kert nlwnyM In
,i j;iit.'aia'f ( i
1 Merit Win lltV'T
i hut n, lruiM t r
th" I'T.i.'n is
ri'"i.'t;.i trvat
t' r t.i .i cut,
oilier Injury to
lit-m'-.r t,t' the
Ljy-J i a truly. l!i U'l,' ni" tltt-Btt
Eji woun'l.v nr" tfati tn irr'.iter
fiA ci-rtu nty tlint fn y v 111 lio.il
LtJ without much p.iln or lnia ot
ii time. It la ciu illy irt:tln that
fa the t'irturo of rli.umutiFin.
neuraltda and rr-latlea, lame
bark, BtlfT neck n-td lutnhaBO
will lie o:neil. and th dineai-e
RPoerilly driven out rtf the t.udv.
If v"H have It on hand the
Buffering U rbort and tt.v cure
U buccdy and complete
rrlce 33e, BOe mu4 Sl.OD pT
JsmstF.Ballsrd.Prep. Ct.Louie.Mo.
ttphins Eye Salv Curst Sera
ocoAwe Rtco-CNocttO-r I
A Girl's Will Mldnlcht Fide
To warn people ,f a fearful forevt fire
In the Catakills a younif (fill rode horse
back at nndnl(jlit and saved many lives
Her (lord wan ulnrious hut lives are of
ten saved by lir. Kinn'h New Discovery
In curing lung tnuib'e, r.otii;ha aid
...1. ...I.1..1. .I..I.I in
... , ill.'. UUIU-, W Ill Kill. III,.' UII1IT-M 111 LlfU-
ment freelv sotlseehow' qu'ckly U uives , " ,
. . f sumtitloD or iineuinonia. 'It cured me
of a dreadful eiiuuli and lutm disease,"
writes W. I! Patterson, Wellinuron,
Tex., '-after four iu our family had died
will, eciiifnuiit bin, and I gained H7
pound.'. Nolbintf mi sine nnd for all
throat an ! luu troubieb. l'riue utic and
Ct.OS. Ti inl hnt tie free. Guaranteed
by all JruiaU.
Do vou know that fully nine out of
every ten c,mtof rheumatism are sim
ply rheumatism of the mueclee tlus to
cold or dnnip, or chronic rheumatism,
and require no internal treatment
whatever? Apply Chamberlain's Mm-
relief. For sals by alt dealers.
Attorn, c ys-at-La tv
Madison and Perry, - Florida
U 111 I'liii tli e
,n all rt
unit r'ederitl I'mirle
OrT'CF: In
First National Dank Buildir,?
'oiii-tipatinn it tb" i", fie if ninny
uliie't.ti' and ditto H.-rs tint' in, -It'' life j
iit-i-r il,!". T ili I "tii.iiil.i-.' biin V Si. n I
i-h ' ml l.iv-r T.i'il i'i-', tin. join- leuv
le remilar ittnl y;i ti ill nvnid tl,e-e d
im. l''or le h,' id i o 1 r.
Medleinea that nid nature nr,' alw ..i
miiBt. etTeetnal. Chainberlaiti' ('oU(.'
Heineily acts on thin plin. j, allavslb,
ciiimh, relieves t lit linn(R, opene tne h
eret'ous anil aula nature la leaiiirtn,;
the fyitem to a healthy "ondl'it '.
ThotmanilH have ttalilb'tl t it- s ;.c
i lor excellent!. S ld It? .Ii l-il-r-i.
otlce la herol.y l'Ivuii t iti li-Jro us and d1 .
tr tinted, tuataiK iiioutU ,ruai tliuU.ile Unre,
1 will preM'iil t,i titu cimniv lu.ltf ,n M
C'liinitv, H lurid i, tnv vniii'lirm nii.l in ik. mi
retiiini. im A.liniDiKtr itor ,f Hie K-' ,t '.. . .
i.vi, ilecct-eil. 4ud itiiO.i .iiii,r,,v.t, i r t
turlNwdl nkt D,.' tilrt'hditfeil ii. .1.1 niiilxlr.ifir ut
.aid esiutif.
M idluia, Kl., J ut. Alh, ll'l'.'.
Adiiiini 'tniierOf die Kuliitt
of . I'. O.iVli. rce.nil
always (ttvs satisfaulion because they
.lwi do the work. . 1. Sbelnut,
Bremen, Gti., says: "1 bays uatd Foley ties and my la grippe was cured." Gat
THE DAN'iErt Off I. A Oltlr'PB.
Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To
cure yonr liiitrippecomchstnke Fo!ev'r
Honey and T r Compound R. K
Kieehcr, Waehlnitton, Kas , any: 'l
whs troubled with a revere attack of la
grippe that threatened pneumonia A
friend xdvi'ed Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound and I (jot relief after taking
tbe first few doses. I took three but-
IX3CM Kldusy Pjllst with great satisfaction aod tbe genuine, iu tue yellow package.
'ihe Bimttleat, liebtest runninff, font-
e:t cutting saw mill "ver bnilt a mill
tlmt you can buy at the ri-ht price and
with which you can make big money.
It's all in ths Taylor Feed
Every mill fitted with trirecaU (fries,
art -out sttnebments and adjustable
idler. Improved rarrlsRe-backing de
vice Is 7uift afiv.j and a timt saver.
Made in all sizes, portable and sta
tionary. We manufacture Engines, Boilers,
Shingle Machines, Cut-Off Baws.Wood
Splitters, etc., and do Foundry Work.
WrtK for Information null prices oo soyibliis
roti Boed.
Mallary & Taylor Iron Work
ssacc-N, ca.
Folsy Kidney Pills
Give prompt relief from BACKACHE,
BLADDER end c.!! ar.nayirs UP.INARY
IRr.ETtULARITIEj. A positive bcon to
W. A. r.'tvl, fi"7 Vll-t,l;i,;l,.n St., r-)t,cni vi!lr,
fri I., t.s l'i M-h .i It y.'i.r. J,i v i ii, i th s "i J.aia
':.L'-iv n.lli'KMl niia'i iiniii a,.v Iw'lin; snnU bl.i.l.
a v niii'lnni;reURk n.!i,..,iii,(t mi l,l.Jie -act ion
wbi ti,' lr,"i etit, c:m-li r :..,) ti 1., o ruu, li t-lei'n
hi tiitfl t, and iun.y ti'.td.l'.r tt,tr n-ascoutitiii.t
pti'ti. 1 ttM.lt Kol.'V K tibii'v J'nln fur 8i,uitf time,
,ti(l afn now fre uf ull tri.tililn and 'iKainehie to
Ke tin atifl arniiiii. IVri-y liiJi diy tlir twv- tut
UaiiiMt rwanueuilaliuie''
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Caught
Bears the
Signature of
Frightful Polar Winds
Mow with terriHc fotee st 'he far nnr'h
nid plav hiivoo witu the ektn, eausing
'8 I, rotigli ir rora t,(iittiad tarda end
litia.ih it use I IJuoUie ' Arnlea Salve
I 'o he,l th, m I' m ken the eUi,, r-oft
! , nd etno ilti Unrlvale'i for ro'd ,
'.leu burn-, boils, mire, nl'-e'-, -ule.
, I'Ulai'H nil, I pdlS. Old leiCrllt, .il. hit
all (1'uirnistB
Don't, n ae hi. rah phvaius. Ihe I c no
tion weakens the ' osmis, le 'tl't t
ithrntilo uoustipation. lint Jb'iu't d
ulela. Thev operate eamly, tone the
stuoiHib, cure coustipatio i.
OO ii

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