Locals and Personals. p. R (Prickly Ah, Poke Root and Pounium) Prompt Powerful Permanent ts -.. i, i. f. f...:,. ...,. ,., . w u.-...l')f -!! I" I'. I', f. ., " fell U UH.kly l.l.pnu r. ,. i. j ,, . . ... t u .-n-.1 p. p. p. M.il:n riHH rit ?,orn M.u,t .1 .- . , ... . .. ., .... ,.,, .nanus llle fiiliru system clear the bram bttcn;i!ie!i dlgotioa urt mrv.-.. A iwsitjve specific lor Blood Poison and skin Ji...usw. Drivel out Rheumatism and Stop the Pain; ends Malaria is a wonderful tonic and body-buildcr. Thousands endorse it' F. V. UPPMAN, SAVANNAH, GA. For sale by D, C, Smith Carload os- Kentucky Horses and Mules Just Received FAMILY HOUSES SADDLE HORDES Tome and see us and buy a goad. fresh Kentucky Hos or Mule. TUCKER & PALMER The Only Way TO SAVE PORK in this cliiyiatp, without liavinir more or less of it spoil is to put the meat in COLD STORAGE We are now ready to handlo your roe at: to keep it properly cooled Regardless of the Weather. w hile the salt is getting in its work, ami to de liver it hack to yon, ready, for the final smoking- ' Sound and Sweet- Your hops have cleaned up the. pindr patch, and are now yoinfr' hack instead of graining weight unless you are feeding t hem a lot ol corn: and if you feed most of your com to them now it will lie a r'tise of hnyiiiff coi'n at n hih price next "unitncr for your mule. Why wait lunger? Kill them now. and save your corn. Briny tin' uii-at to us and save it ami mi have next suin iner. when -niuney i rarce and prices high, plenty of corn fur your mule, and hug ami hom iny for yourself. ("old Storage Open From December 1st on. t t i IMii IIM'IM lion, illl'l il f ( "Mil .UI If, I'lJII t 0 my for yourself. f a fold Storage Open From December 1st on. $ Madison Electric Powsr'Co. $ MELONS, COTTON, IRISH POTATOES Send for our free books on Melons. Cotton ami Ii isIj Potatoes. Tbey uive complete information on these subjects from selection of soil to sliippiry;, iu-ciading- economical control of insect and disuse tvou. oIls. They are important helps to success. We sell Choice Seed Iriwh lNitaloe- - WKITK I- I I'KICi:s Wilson & Toomer Fertilizer Co. Mniiuf.ictiiriT of IDEAL FERTILIZERS Jacksonville. - riorida, V lino lit .1.1 ! .' i' I ,1 :,... ii S-i'miiIh tin .1 ,i'K ..im I ll.-, Ill f Si. nil, el n J, .Ml t. Htivt-ii hiul will i-il M v.. I I'il.C Hi--u it n I Al.i-IH Oiry fl li-L.lr. Mr. .) W. M Kii.iioii, i f M ul -.iii. Wim tll TM .Miill.lllV tllll.ljHIflWN. Mr. !. Klhiinn ia Iji Intf "imUfii of mm h 1'iit iJi I ill- fur Slnli-'a Atinrrvy nnl Hiiraof a Ure vntn if lit nitwit tlif rw;i Perry Hertd'J. ll.fNorili KlorM.i Ileal I'.oinie (...) Ii-in iniruliHWil i'.t Bcr-H of litml, known ;ib tlic 11 id'lf i luii'l, fnmi I'ruf. W li. Ca v. nnt (if tli Uockv Ford ronil. itm I will lutHr euAliv:J; it nnJ cell it rll'. Mr '. II. Sinitli ipfnt Kriilny In Jni:ltFunvilli, 'vlirw hIi wrnr on Nhliori viitit, Mm. W .11 1 1 in IInf 'triii lil'lit ton, Ki'in Mo. of t'nulfin. On . uncut Motnlin I ilfHiiu(lj in the city, Urn toicxt of MrH. I!. II. I .-, Mm .'. I,. I!. I'liltHrs'in will liiiw Siitiiriliiy fur I er liimio ii. OiJoph, hI r-i llHV lll -pl'llt pun t I i 111 H lHV MHilitu; Mr'. A, h. THlli'Vpim. S. Alex Snilh him rereuily licnuhl Jds ii.ri-d tit tli (,'Hiicnile iriirly two ihiliM i)Ulh ot inwn. .Mr W, X. Cunnley Ijtte purchapcd tlif lit.rKt uf I.'. I.. Morrow in the Madi son I 'ouniy Aljsinict t'oinpiiny Hnd li:i in iy?J tlm reuordu iluu lo Iiih ulliw ui the First. NHtionul Bunk liuiklinir, Tii(iilhfr mt-mb'-ri of lht cr.inpuny urt' .' K livin,U. It. I!).ve mid Mib. ('. II. Hhly. Peanuts for Sale. 1,0'KI liushn's i if li0tt((l HP(1 Pc- iiutH, st SI nil per liurUi.'l f. o. h,. Inw Hi, Flu. l.DOO Bu4ielof itound nntiuivi) vhIvmI, Iji'iirj seJ at t.l.ni pur Ijimhcl f. o. h., Lowell, Flu. I!, n. Hiid T. P. HAYSOR, Royal !ia- no sulstitutc for mak nr dc'icitiu ':nfr-'-7-.--kl f-....l KES T A IJ It AJN 11 'i'' . I am now tocatea in me dhhuihk vi- '. -v posite Vann Bros.' Racket Store and '',' Yam nrunaniil trt ITl'vO mV PUStOmei'S ' J'he very best that can be had f, ilea'jj at alt hours . Prompt, Courteous Treatment "l..- ' . nn cim tr nail nnH sfft mp STEPHE1TSOIT J. VV, McKiuuoii (pent TufMiny in Jdcksonvillc, Httending the uieelibn of the Stum I leinnf ratic Ivxecutivti Com. Dlit'OK. A. 'J'. Dor nc in linviiitc K riw intt mill built jiikt west of tlix building Aliicli hs in itl pretfnt ooenpyinu. W. li. Ivi Ifft Momlny for Jm'kun vil.H to Httwrnl ibo inffiinu of tin- Flor ida l.ifw ItjH jrnni'tf 'n. CLiif, I)itv -ipiiI '1'iifHilav io J .cliBuuvi.lc. atlccdinK tl . - iio-Htinn nf thesitiitH liHiiiocntiii Fxfcn'ivM (.'otn- Ulillt.ii. Sopt (',, W. T.iIJ.i- i,od lr. J. P. jKiiiSHy, uf I'liifttA. Inft M .ndiiy for I J ii'ltHoh ill', to hMmihI I Ii iiicftiiijE of . Hit liriiiid l.odi- of M is.if. in thHt I . 1 1 V . 1 t M r. S. 'I'. I in i's fm:!y have ioovh.I jflolll lllilJbOII I1I...I M'rt l.'TA piellrulll l ! .ir;i'. i) ,rj tlin fit v. t .1. ii, Cobb, nf i'lin'tlii, loin uirivnd in 1 1 1i i i i t v nod bun .'i'"ifiiil h '0-llioii in ' tin., yrui'i-ry b;o' of li, V. hi ii. i .Lie llioeb'. of Live (Ink, i .1 utitor to 1 Lc city Sundiiy . H. L. Tnjlor, of Oivem il !, Hpnnt Siituliiy 111 Miiilioon Mlh fri'..i li-. W. M Corry, of tb Florida Tobc;u 'oiuniiHsion Co. , of Qui inn , wn a vIh. 1 1 1 1 r to 1 1 1 city Miimliiy 011 li'i.liiftB ')'. P. Cjtw, of g h vi-itor to town .Mondiiy. A. II. Marsb, of AuifiiiitN. Ii , whs in ti e uity Monday , In lHvioi coihh on ljoin-e-it 'or.rjB.;le. who lbs Hortoij West Com puny. .1. P. Morrow bn rt-ti r;Uisrifil Ido po Bitiou with tli Nten-biints Ilotpl, 1111. 1 hup soi-epteil htn former position 'itb llobt I.. Millinor, at F.IUvill. 1. IL How ppf:nt TiiMiJity it. Jio '.r imnvill nttfinlintf tl. nieetma of the State PeinoiTHlle Kx'cutive Ccnimit tee, b biini tbt memliiT of the Com niillf'ti frm ibis i-ounty. Musical Course. Several months ao, Prof. Gate contracted for a course of three hifih grade musical attractions to be giv en this winter and spring. This course was secured at a very low figure considering the ability of the musicians and tickets for the three entertainments will be sold for $1.00. Single admissions will be 50c. The first of these concerts will be given Tuesday night, Jan. 23rd. The others will follow at intervals of three weeks. v Dates will not conflict with the Lyceum course of the Woman's Club and it is not intended that this Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE The onlv Bakin? Powder rn.-ule ) from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar (M course shall interfere at all with the other. The Woman's Club have two fine numbers yet on their course uikI every one in town should attend them. first rnsctKT. In the first eoneert will appear Miss Edna May Tilton, soprano anil Mrs. C. W. Best, hnrpisve. Both are artists. The San Diego, California, Sun says of Miss Tilton: Miss Edna May Tilton has, with out an exception, one of the best voices ever heard in this city. She sings without the slightest effort, and wisely chose several old fav orites. The Houston, Texas, Chronicle notes that she cliarined lieriiiidicneo with her sweet voice and her per sonal attractions. In a recent fire, Mrs. Best's harp, together with all of licr nnisiires.s notices, etc., were burned. She now has, however, a beauti ful new harp which everyone will enjoy. Mrs. Best studied wild Madame Kosini, harpisie of the Pittsburg. Orchestra. She Hlso studied in London, Eng land, with John Thomas, who was formerly Court Harpist to Queen Victoria, and later, also, to KiniJ Edward. Mrs. Best has played in many cities with great success in both, concert rind church work. m 1 "The Leading Fire Insurance I Company of America." fj! Aetna Insurance Co. I HARTFORD, - - CONN. I 38 ll Cash Capital Cash Assets Total Liabilities Net Surplus Surplus as to Policy bidders S .".(KHI.DIIII.OU 21. (12:1,1 t.T 17 R.(;."l..-,20.:3 7.:i('0 01(1.12 12.:l0:i.(il(i.12 1 Losses paid in ninety-two years ex- tk' ceeds One Hundred and Twenty -three $ Millions. $ M. D; WILLIAMS, Agent I Lee. The Bii Jacksonville House For Better Service In Supplying Your Wants Fine Stationery Engraving and Die Stamping Books Artists', Surveyors' and Draftsmen's Materials Kodaks-Sporting Goods. Souvenirs, etc. Everything for the office Printing, Binding, Lithographing 45-19 W. Bay Street Jacksonville, Florida