OCR Interpretation

The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, January 19, 1912, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047179/1912-01-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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My Lady of
the North
By Randall ParrisK
CTTrTi:r. t
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i't! .ir"iy ui 'i rtrlcnJ
'I V .ir. lii it. I
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..p ur.d u : tt-p.1 1'.t e t.i
f of t! hrn-'n s'v-
; ,'-t r.i!n ii- ii-1
- .Ilij ii.l..- ti t.oi.i;
My l.n.ly i-f tl.n NorUi
nr a l .. kj- fa n.
fur i i. M
tlir.MK'i w"!i 1
irvi. i.- h
m l. fi hi i.t- i
rtlAI'TKH Vt.-TIm CVmf.-.1.-rte .-fflfer
nii.l iliv l'nli-n ibrvait I ho in:ii of
i'.i- ii-.1 Ho illp mm-ii a Imioly hilt,
111,1 rnti'i lr.fi l( in tla il.na h tiiiito n.Hii
It "Ka K I, in. lii (jlil l:oit the t-rul
lit Ir. (In-.f.
fltAT'TrR VII -T1. owner t !' Vit.
h Jr,t t'.lil'.f 4'. A-pi-UIN n,t l-o nnit lilt
ir.i il i-m-min wliv-nie. Sui1-
t'.iilx' ft rurty of Non-onim are oii-ril
ccilnc iluwu t). toa.l.
CtlATTKR Vlll-TI.r am !.t b a
aian flniiaip- ii hu lUit liwri. who
er.ti : Mil li-ir-.A y to rI tl-.m fiv,l,
anil 1 -r 1 i.il-uml t ,t a i;l,'.o. The
wonmn ,t;i,'rr iVo mun lo bo a tt
B'lUcil In pan,, i, aitiii-Va Intrui'.ur and
tii-tc 1e k ii. i.ortti tn e lee.
CUM Ti.'K IX -The .l'.eirjt.l Vn-l-r
finn , to I- Mii-r l-rrr,n.n, a Vd-ral
rfiti'i-r i -n thf l"nl.-n uirl rroiini-.
j!i orli-m tl-.o nrrrpt of Vvno in a -y.
-Ibo n'-t i r. -Tooro Miit aitya aha will Hi-pnal
n lioi-.i-rnl 8' --rUan.
iirrrn x vrr. i 'i.1 pri, .,r in
a i-.M-i-". ' f,i- of ("oaf. .Ir-iiti-i- t-iM
1.'i r. i t nl u iV.n- r., o An. I I r -m that
'iaii I'M .-,,u-.1 t!.i- tl..'.ii!.
? r-:
XI -T!
. : ii'
.:,. ,i
1 1, '
to 111
1 1
i t. ..
v. .'.
.1 1 h,
,- :y pre ;.
:s;..u-i.J. ,
ic-..'.: iv.e
I'lirr.iU. U .
":.c i', nl. I
a r aa !.e is
to piisc!.; to
Cif i Ml ll.i.'.i
I bii.cvc, is r
a so! ..er.
to hi." al-ii.tit
i ii'S tUi!
6 ..Me a
. Lo h.
ou.; '.iiv-
t't '
,i I ss.lly l-e I'Vd. j
V'-'i M.r...r. i.''or,e'.. It a r.ifi.e Vir
g'.uia-.i. wlo !s rftiot under protest,
fc ir -t ir
your,; c
raeiu ."
I row,
eyei ; .v
i. capture some I
thus we.'.kcn the 1
V'-Ch the r,.!t.
v,r. .n t.i.-n,-n-.e ar.d not
aorry t.i c,-ape the Mijor'a 1n.-.uisl-ttTcr.ess,
or.o.- bogc.d for the re
lcafrior of ihe a!ti The request
was laughingly grafted, and tn auoth
r moment wa were tireading our way
amid the numerous coap'rs upon the
floor. F!ie proved so delightful a
sneer 1a sin.rly yielded myself
op to full enjoyment of the measure,
and convera:tcn lapsed nrtll a scd
len cessation of the music teft os
stranded so clrse to th fin place that
tie ery aight of It brounht a vivid
realltatlon of my perilous position. It
It bad not, my ccmpsnlcs'a cbaac
remark most assuredly wou!d.
Ttfir essltr you walti!" she salr1
sthiilstlca!!y. her sparkling eye
m4 flusbed cbeeVs testifying to he.
tea joysst. "So si way ftnd mt
mcnrt to kao ate wtlk that I fcave
fceooaa lWfal t Ttartnf npoo Us
floor wltfl stranger Mowrf I.
loll always be glad rive rrp a !
clisrscter to snr of ruy friend "
T elncerely think yon." I retun.i:
In the am spirit, "and I can ' ,
tnlnly return the compliment nine'
brut Illy II Is so l'i 'uc 1 1
privileged to dain-n with a lady thai j
! confess to having felt decidedly J
awkward at the stnrt, but your sten I
proved acenmttiiMlnttng that I be
came nt on at Lorn, and enjoyed
the waits Immensely I (all to d
I'mrr any seats In lb room, nr I
should endeavor lo find one vacant
tor 'uu."
Oh. I am not In the least tire,
i?he was looking at me wlin so uenp i
an eiirfln f l-iterest In her i
thHt I dimly wondered at It. j
"Ild I understand rlnbtly." she
sskod. playing idly with her fan.
. - I
that Mb tr Monsoon Introduced you
to me im Colonel Cumin of (Jeuoriil
lluIKi k's Mall : '
Wl.ut (! donee am t up against
lion ? I thought, nnd my hoart beat
q li. Kly Yi t re'iv.n nn lii'pof siliUv
ntiil I :it ti"l v ;i ;
il r.nv
U hltl in i
"I utii. trust a
l,-.!!v C.'!"i-.ol ''.:;'
I .III "
"I'l'iUll ( ll.io?"
Tl Is :is i oi lal'.'.y roinirc
er mi
i yr::i'.'aii
Ii.:. k (.!:.! . til
,1 I'l'Vlit.l of S'.l
n::i I hio'r or.c
tV.o tlrVe l-ii o. Ii
nil-ion. nii'ti-l; ovliir-v-t
onnr of ooimnaiiilitit:
- lii tliin-m from that
i'. :i I'.'liii' ll.'
"I Ii
ii tin I'
Hi ri !
S' ,
Vi i imi-i vr.r.li ii mo, Coloni'l. frr
sn iairir ii i 1 1 ' 1 1 v . -t-i-iiK, ni'il nor
yon spa-liKi! wlHi iliMiiil'e tnl-u'lllof.
Yi t I rannot miitp iimli-i-suitiil. I v an
'. fi-lioul In Conni'i-tli i;t tilth a Miss)
I'l.vran !'ose fatluT waa im ufflcer of !
aitlllory from Ohio, ntid, naturally, I
at ur.i'p tlirmcht of her when the
Major proninini-oil your unme; yet It
i-'tta'.nly riinrnt be you you are al-ticitl-.er
too young, for Myrtle muat
Iv rlghteen."
I iHiipheil. declrlfilly lei' ved from
what I foared inlpht rfove a most
A wk iv anl situation.
"Well, yea. Mlf Minor. I am In-di-ed
aoniewhat youthful to be Myrtle's
ftttlitT," I aald at a venture, "but I
might serve as her brother, you
know, and not stretch the point of age
Phe rlnsped her hands on my arm
with a gos'ure of delight.
"Oh, 1 ara so glad; 1 knew Myrtle
had a brother, but never heard be also
wr in the army. Did you know.
Colouel, she was lntcndlrjt to come
down here with me when I returned
fouth, at the close of our school
year, but from some muse was dis
appointed. How dellclltod she would
have beeu to roeei you! I shall cer
talnly writ and toll bar what a
splendidly romantic time we had to-
aether. Yo.i look no uiui h like Myrtle
I woiii'i.r 1 failed lo rocognlre you at
Pi-e "a rati'.l! s on without afford
U:c t:-e ho f'.lnhtc! opportunity to
lip in a word eplar.;iti'--y, when tier
(!.ir..v c'.ian.-ed to fall upon some one
!.! .i ,ippio;K'lntig us through the
th.M i'R
iiV. '. t'. way. ro!'-v.ol, tVere !s
ar. i-f ?:riV
; r .-o tr. to n'stit a
j'.d M-liooiiiutc j
ti'.osi ic.lmate
w:;o wouia i.ever lor-,
peniii-t.'il ycu to go
k l;.i.-;,'.y
woi.i.iu uii was
r,'. ll'.. v.iit Just a '.'..o
i is tY'.i-n.-l I'unar.
1 .-oii t r. you know.
Mr... l'!-:, nan."
r n'i
Tlie Vr crran I Loved.
cr.io.al r.a-iv.cr.: ",:ad arr"
1 t!ii:ik
i,M heart actually stop.
. i '.o..:::-g as i t.-cd g.u.i.s Uelploss
: Into l.cr face. I sr.rv !.cr ,?s
o; er. wie in asteciSued rivogLitlon.
,.:.J ;Uia a Jeep f'.ush sv.-pi over
: ,o..t nn.l ihetk For ti e Instant t
l. lii .-.1 el-. vi-: t.l -.,t ct.Alr rr thnl
si.ii woi t.t i: 0 RaT tn lior oxclfon.onf
n i v.nrav rvervt-.'.nc. I durst c'.vo
r.ii signal of warniug. for there ex
i-nd ro tie between us to warrant
l.-.y expecting any consideration from
) tr Ii was an Instant so tense that
l.cr silence seemed like a blow. Yel
! was only an Instant. Then her
eyes sml'.ej into mine most frankiy.
:.r.d her hand was xtended.
I am more than delighted to meet
ycu. Cotonel Curran." she said calmly.
although I could feel her Hps tremble
to the words, while the fingers I held
wer like tee. "Myrtle waa one o'
my dearest friends, and the chanced
to bt tn my mind even at we met
That waa why." the added, turning
toward Miss Minor, aa though she felt
her momentary agitation had cot
passed unobserved. "I aa to tur
lCur'ran-T,U '
Colonel curran.
1 eenfest to havtng fett f trangely
myself," returned the other, archly,
'although I believe I concealed uiy
feeling's far better than you did. Edith.
Really, I thought yon were going to
taint It must be titat Cotooal Curran
exercises soma string ocewlt tfl-
eace over the veeaktr aey prkaf
bo U the seventh ton of serenta
on: ere ynu. Colonel However,
dour. I am safe for the present from 1
hi mysterious spelt, and jou will be;
ompHlod to fare the denger alone. a j
l.ere comes Lieutenant Hammersmith
to rlaim the dsnc I't promlhed i
him "
Tti'fore Vri Ttrennan "fluid Inter
fore th tnurhlng girl had placed her
hand n the IJeittensnt'a blue sleeve,
and wl'h a mocking goodbye flung
bmkaard over hep shoulder. vnnlshd
In the crowd, leaving ui standing
there alone
The lade waited In much apparent In
difference, gently tapping the floor
wnn nor r.enny i"".
"Would you be exceedingly angry
if rrr. to ask you to danco?" t
questioned, stealing surreptitiously a
R:tnre at her proudly averted fare.
..L ft I ..... ft
Angry? Mot assuivdly col. In
at paront mirprl:, ' Vot I trust you
will not nsk me. I have hiin upon
the lloor only otuv loniclii. I am
not at all hi tlif mood "
"If llicrc n-ro iliiilri h'Te I sliould
i i-.ture to ak even a pi enter lavi r
! tlint voj wo-,;'.! riv,-.ir' In lt oat tl:! 3
not wltU tiie."
si-o tiiim-il s'li-l.i'.y, lifiril hor ever
iii.i:::: 'Itiisly to unite. t;d hrr fu"0
IUi;!. la d
N-i ilenlii wo u.it-'lit ili.-rover .-tt'-s
iii.i-ut il i f f:n:1 ' y In the iHili-rnoni,"
fl-i- iii.- .M rrii. irii atlnp the diroot'en
I'i a uliin f. ' Tin io do r.ol iipi-iai- to
hi' many Vino'-a' at till1 ball, one! the
fi wlin tin nro r.it i-n-wi'oil."
VI. i? " rrtmont ooiitalnoil. n.-
j-ropliofU'il. I1'!! f i nronpr.nts, n;u! t
ci-n.lurtocl lier to tlic farihcr oral of
Ii. vl-.orp ; foi:rJ it ccnU'oit,.'.'!?
dian ami no irouh.e-ninie nolfliliors.
A 1 glanrpft nt l)i-r now, I marl.oil
dtli-.ct rlinupe In her face. Tl.e
old Indifference, so well as,-uii'.i:u
while we were In the jirearnce of
others, had utterly vanished us by
manic, nnd she (t looklnn at me In
anxious yet Impetuous questioning.
"Captain Wayne," she exclnlmed,
her eyes never once leaving my fuce,
"what does this mean? this tnfiiier
ade? this wearing of the Federal uni
form? this tHklng of another's name?
this being here at all? '
"If I should y that I came hoping
to see you again," I answered, scarce
knowing how best to proceed or how
tar to put confidence In her., "what
would you think?"
"If that Is true, that you were ex
tremely foollxli to take such a risk for
so small a reward," she returned calm
ly. "Nor, under these circumstances,
would I remain here so much an a
moment to encourage you. Hut It Is
not true. This It no light set: your
vory life must He tn the balance, or
you could never assume such risk."
"I would trust you gladly with my
life or my honor," t replied soberly,
'if I had less faith in yon I should
I not he here now. t understand that
i am condemned to be shot a a py
I at daybreak."
"Shot? On what- authority? Who
told you?"
"On the order of Central flietirtan,
My Informant was Lieutenant i itioii,
of his staff."
"?l,o(? Aa a spy? Why. It -le'.y
i-'r.nuot bo! Frank said Tat tain
Way no. believe me. 1 knew absolute,
v nothiic of alt tW. Do vmi H-h-lt
si,,,..m pv fc,Ve rrs-ed if I !..-.d
jrf3ri;efl that you were hc'.J tr.dcr so
I i;-.!fo a cltarge? I pvotulsej you I
- would see Gcteral SUcridan on year
be'.mlf. Frar.k-" she bit her lip !.
p ..'! r.t'.y' I 'it tv!J. '.'...".t Is. 1 wr.i
!; ! i,- !ii-li.- e t!.a' you were been
i si r.t N, t-h as a rr!cr-r of war late
t'.V.t. tl'!.o:-.:?.? I f!'t'l have
, irs'stot '.tp.t; . -: c: yoa ; !eai
i --- j vo'T i,i-:'s v. t!.e Ci r.f "a' !:i-..;.
! self. The usajor and 1 b:eakf.-.s-v.1 with
; '.:-.-.. tl.!.- r.orri-.sg. t .: yrur r.ar.;e w;is
! not r f.tirned. for I belitvoj
She c.M r.st a:".".v f re.ii.'.e, ffl
dee? was her present Indignation and
:'-.. hit my ha rot had found n rrti
leg place u-c her ow n.
"You n-.-:c- e!'.-vy n:e. Captain
Wayne; I could not Pear to have y mi
feel that I could rrove such an In
' grate"
"You need never suppose I shoulii
- think that." 1 ivplieu, with tin e.irnesi
r.fss of manner that caused her to
glance at me in surprise. "I eon-
tidcntly expected to hear from you alt
day. and finally when no word eanio
1 became convinced some such mis
conception as you have mentioned
must have occurred. Then it becunm
; my turn trt not my n
' lf j would pre,prve my Wf. nrVl.p
fnr cnc momt hav , AnM ,..,
or tne .!nf(,rllJ. of T01ir pIoi, ' ,
j Sn, wt.(1 Qttley whlIe )(
ftttti ui ,n(1 lought Mats nesr)r
. door.
, .-T'e) n,0 ,ho ,Btlr itHry .. ,,
! A, oul.k,T ,, ,
M"ent nt-Vhleh had cenrrnd
nw, 0(1(. iA nMJptlnf without deny.
Ing the presence of Major llreniinn
during my atonny meoilng with den.
erat Pherldan, I did not dwell upon It,
! nor mention tbo emoiml uffrny that
J had occurred hot w eon tia. Kven hint
I not supposed th man to be her
- tL.kand I should never have taken
atjitga o( Ma (rHehaix lq advano
AVc5eiaMe Prrpjnllonrar.U
sinulaiiirfi irarFbodant(Rrfura
Promotes Di'slionCIiffrriir
tii'ss und Ri'M.Conliins rtcittwr
Opiimi.Morpiwnc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
JixSi Mia o
; . Md
Iiv if r.-
'l I
lion.binirSlniiiacIi.lliJrri'.i)' Vi'or it's .Ci'iiMilsiuiis.l''' li i J.
racSu Siflnaiurf cf
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
IN eaCH TOWN and
it n imv
nansar" iicy -ie luruiuea ny us. iiur oi.iit-fcvcr wucre are mak-jif
no ssonKT hbquircd until ou recvlie and annreve uf yrar
inu,. ir. nr iiiiijiiii,iiFuii niii'i-in ini- u . U'linewr tl nt ttpnu
In Advaiiee..MAifi. and allow TUN BAYS' PIIII TRIAL cluriu,
wuleb lime yon mor ride theliicyclesnd ;ut It to any test. ou wu,h.
If you are thou not perfectly .atufled or lo not wish to Un tbt
Mrj ole shin It luck to us Bt our expense and r" mil it ! ce.
FACTORY PB1CES v-'ri fural'll the LUrhest grailo biaycln it b
s nwsvni s suws mliile to ninke at one smutl pn-iit stmvs
sctuol factory cost. You .ave 110 tt tS mlildlemen'n prollts by buy
lugdirixtiiMiiid hnve lie maiiufaclorei'. ciiDrantoe behind your
licvi'le. DO NOT BUT a lilt-vi-loni, a r,u i rt iim. f.m ,
rr until j-oo rwoive our
r'xrr Him rtmanenit fffi'jf tyrri I't natr Iffllll.
At' i b ir m
it a wj
' itiM If'ir DritTt A Mil msxlrsi
7 . P -,i eta Mil oat
THi 11,,it f tit iT rT tTrl.
J SCCONONAolO BieveLIS. TTs rtr rt
m Ml
COASTER'BRAKES. lnsliiMl..ioionMrolla.alMlna a4 Wa.rts.lrp'.r.ul
- . n via.
tnm Hedgethoro
fiO.OO pvr fjif. ;jr int4ut fc
-fr Ttrr,H t Jf (?rfri ar.lrrfi 35,
MAILS. Tsk,trOUM,tll not lt thtrut.
DCSCntPTIOH, '',' i-- it
riii.i'ir. Vi ry durr' !. nnd lan d lu.-id" wPb
a sin o.iil imality c t t . r. w.i'ch never In-.
come liotoiis 6 ail yi:.' ) cloven 11:1 j.-t::!l
rnn.tnn with evt tllon i:i s t lie a Ir turnein..
we 1. iv. Iu.:,iriu t f l- r,. r(ro:u smi-fint eutoa!-r
it.i'i. c Hi at fii ir ti; 1 1. a i m" .y Ik-. ii.iia:iied uu o-.-o
ortn.'-o m n wiu'lr n. 'I in-v wi'.iii no n-,. lettum
n orii'i.:.i vt,r.. in. i-.oivt.ir. ii -istiiiu'iiiiuiiti. t-r.tg
Iiv. nli ti ral iy rs n( 1:1,-, . oiallv pn j.nn 3
i, ' -'' c ' ' 1 1' c tr. ..(1. T! i.-.-.i'i.r tI.-onr H-. -a ii,...a
l It.i.i. r I :.!r. but f i-lho. lil ln.: imi hom
n sp. .-.ui r.i.'iji v i :l to t.i.' i-i-n.r of
t! iv 1,
Lin- .
. r l-i I
" 1 1 " , ' ' i . I i . 1 ' v ii D
I 1 .... , . .. ,i.i.: j
ll lii' l..fl ll llll
n t'.r-.i. . ut OL'rt ,
n-. I ' y "1 tn
I mi-,
, r ,i- 1 I,.
'I -ill
" 'i i "t. .1 il iy : - y, r . ft.ii- , tf ' i,
n-.v oWii caiis,- An I i'iitiii.,,'t;if (In ro
was n tear p.listonlng on Iht loti;;
l.itlics. but h!: aeomod uii, iiiisclniH
of It, and made nn utK-np, to U.tsli
ll away.
"You have not told i-.o ,r,l," s!;e
cotiiiMKiiloii ipiiotly. "itu! I can under-i-t.uiil
.ir.d iv -,-.;;! reason fur
your lallci.i e i l.n. v lr: nk'st Inipct-i.
osity, nn.i .- j.. p. (-a, lam
V.'amo, to sp f my feeUi,, -, but you
miiHt. nol remain here; evi unaent
of ilolay increases your rn Slier
iiliiu u tl it Ihiv-e of his st: . would
surely recognize you expected
hack before 'this, nni . .1 aupear at
any moment yet how can you get
away? how Is It possible for me to
assist you?"
Thero waa an eager anxiety tn her
face that plipied me. Like most lovers
I chosj to pive tt a wrong tnterpre.
tutlon 1
"Yon nre anions to bt rid of niiT'
I asked, ashamed of the words even
as I uttered them. j
"That remark ta unworthy of you,"
nnd she arena to her feet almost
haughtily, "My solo thought In thla
Is the terrlbl risk you incur lu re
maining hare.''
"Your Interest, than ta personal to
ism, taay I beHaver"
I" A
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
VHt aianu aaaioujv, acw as snv.
ol-trlrt torldcsml evhitilt a snninlo Lstet Mcx4
caUilopuei and leurn our nuheord t turn
cut trila var V. m rn.lt ll . a. ii.e . r-. I. y.u. t.
bujcV tudryuuroa fiapiiiuubui tar trios
www r
lrqrbrHifftii band hlrylw, lwtri! Ut
i hiuiwbi rviij imc rtfuar win n. 'h
Puncture-Proof s f J
Wotiee the thick ruttar-i4
"A"nd puncture si rips' B"
and "D"alss rim strip "H"
to erevent rim cutlinc. This
i J 5 a! tire will eutlst ny tme
w rn u EASf RIDING,
only SOtvrn-j'r. All or,-., r. .-t-h
.t.l-i.V.I X , . i , , r., .
"i H i ,i mr,
('. sstv-r
k j... tK , t.n rr-:. rirl!iii;
ikii ii.c.!t:i n. '. , iwtV- t v t
- ii imw vi r Un-j i f ritn mi.
j'-j yii u j ji-rurr.
DO KOTTHINK oreuvmoaHfTtt.or.;. rr
i i.i-i i wu st a- l :,..:i .1, evr .:v r-.-m
' I at'.', a loyal woman," j:oi illy.
".mil wo-.ilj do noth'ng whattv, r to
tmjieril i!ie cause jf by comitry;
b-.u your con lemuatlon ia urj' st, and
I am, in a measure, retpoc.-,!b!e for It.
I assist yuu, Captitn Wayne, for your
011 mke, and in restn;i;sj to my io-
dividual sens,? of honor."
"liavv yoi fonuuiiited any plan?
the asked iUlck!y, and hir rising culor
tiiuc'e nie icel t'-at she had deciphered
my struggle is my eyes.
"Only to wr.lk out under pro-'00
lion of this uniform, and when once
fa'o In the open to trust that same
good fortune which has thus far os-
frliiKiod me."
Kite shook her head doubtfully, art
stood a moment in silence, looklnl
thoughtfully at the moving figa-es l
the room beyond. 1
"I fear it cannot be dene without
arousing suspicion," she aald at la,l
slowly. -J chance to know there art
unusual precautions being tskea to
night, and ih entire camp ao"""
patrolled. Even this house has
cordon ot guards about it. ut '
wtiat reason I have not WArned.
she spoke decisively, "ther U no 0
r way. Captain Wayne. I IWJ0!1.
l &V!P-iiii-t.A . J
To be cootiaued.)

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