. r. ,r tin- n.ii-i .. . ..... i . .1 t . 1""'" ' ' . . . . 1 ! ,i Oil li . - 1 '. f III- I i-(lHf-.PrttlJ .11 ll iIhIi (;,f miK ...-lull I tr. I' ' '", pi'"! ' ""miiil v '" ; rc"H 1'(H-' 'I '"''""' ' ""'V I"'"""'"' J f tllf I HIl-1" 'llll' I Imp".' mil t . t I cf.irn vtf vmiT hII inti cvi. J lieiir nil "P"" ' "1 "-tioo of m fl,ng, r.,r tl.a'. o!H.-f. tn Mir' e ' ln'H m'n'''"n-'l .' , ih volr untie.. ih..v t ..ill be ii n,i.iP 'in I m ink iliem ti'H i. imhei Cp their miii l isnoiwriiinit tn-tr dimce until I prneiilil "'' tuiH. I tu licit M" "l'P"rt ' HV't'V voir and -romi- Hun, 'feleoted, I will dlu-htitKe 'hei,!i..H of Ihl'linl IB HKOMl'TI.Y ,1111! t ,ii ll 11 A l.I.V without IKU! oi r.V.)K. I l'i..MfullV, I T.i Mi Jmli ii; S J A l AXT UtNI.V. i ...-re c fn iob. !, ym:. I'm-iiihthM" V .:iPof ft. i' llill.' ,1 iVtvuli f Fi'inii.i : i,.r.-l:)' iinnniini'.e my .ir it oiirio'il .tu dfSiiie Aii"iny fur in Thiiu .lud, cIhI Ciix'iiil nf l"iuiM i. sulijeut tu tin pfui .-nil ' i pilumrieH to lie held la ll iwr'il '.''Hit. no iiiiini Orung .t fi f ' . i . ii i i III l'.l.i "ll'l I'lfil "I UP.MII'I "I III- j-iMionil it: viter if ,fli Clru-.lll. j If le.-'e 1 it. .'mil be my pif!"i? ti il;ii-li '' dutj." of tile oil j '.) ' tr if ,iiy iibil fV. It -Bpctfii lv. .1 I. HO. i.K v M i.ilil i burned terril ly jUmt lt).n ' . nwU bi.iI client. 1 applied D.- 'I'liniuii' K ! ' lil. I'll iiln wiiwu j mill iln i'I lid n mk into n rc:fu! sleep. ' Urn. X in y M. ILuiauii, luburj , . : V. I tn r li Niv m i,i-.itiNn.sri:Ni ihi'l t '!' ' :v ". '-.i-' J ftjlkwh -...'.Hint uf ..Hlllle.ii.l itl lli:,illll, t I'llirit' . 1.,! Mii.dl t Mm ii yt'iir .ii o iaii imlf fr. -n Muli- , oil llilll'ir tl'I'iP'iJ tit'ifilli in !u-:i!l. i Mv b .iltli li.iv -i livrn rui.liir.il itiriny fr'i n.li j WW Uri:. i'li 10 .iiiiiolilni; lli -tif H . .ti'i'.i-l.lli-fm , Ihe otlli f "I S.ni(ii'H. n.l -:i! t S.-h.'til f-ir tin ; Countv nr M'l'lw.ifl. nmi it IN ir n.jlli l I ln-u f Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches, due to constipation. Best for men, women and children : young and old. To get its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company, California Fig SyrupCo. plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine lljj Ttk One y ) Pin Pill f thn.- C, TaK.II pn; ll' lt. Ill I' Blur v . If.:.. ,1.-!,. i 'I I .r ll- Mi- .li II -ii rue mi. .1. A f.n'v '.I I! III. BAD CASE OF GRIP Caused Sore Throat dud Ton siiitis. Restored by Pcruna. To (it th bait f BtcKach Cat Box of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Otharwift KacKtcba May fat tha best of you Kotliint; illiturb-: the huitun system more thjn jiain whether it be in the form of headache, backache, neiiriltfia, stomachache or the pa!n peou!iar to woimn. Dr. Miles' Aiiti-rkin l'il! art a Ftandiinl ri-niedy (ur pain, and arc praised by a t:cat army of men and women v.::j have u-ed .Urn fur yt.irs. "A frlir.d viz dmvn with I iCrlppe an'! nc:i'iy cta.xd wiiii amnil bui.k.i..:e. lprve I:it c.::e Ami 1'aiii I' ll mid 1 ft ani'tlmr I'T her ii taV. 'I'h'jf he'p-i ii-r o.v, and l.e tat tUt wid ntvtr i -.' w:i.mm t:HTi niiin." li. 11. S tail, An.stinljiirs.', ( . At till rlriii-jg'sig aofces 5 ceiti T-ILE3 MEDiCALCj., Elkhirt, ind. Mr. T. II Hou s 1 1 y, GrtenviUo, Tcniu.-.-ce, writes: "Five yp.iri ago I t oi k a colli which ' ,flK wiultci in A Jf& ! jnppe. 1 K vpr was 3 -oil v1 d i Nothing has I Nutl.ing cm ever tvi.r Cl'i:illed it. surpass it. Or. King's Kew Discovery ForC; nvntvi'iiov frkt '1 4, U jtriiawiiiiatfyiairiiiHWiiiri'iifr Mr. W. H. Housley. k bad oft, I was In b a nvoral weeks, and h'n I 3ij let up I had toniilFtis tntj o r a throat "I tried to cure this for eighteen ; months, but It gradually sot worm:. A doctor advised me to have my tonsils : out, but I did not lllto th Idea, j Another doctor examined me, and told ie the same thing. I finally got a bot lle of Peruna, and after I had taken j "if bottle my throat was better. I bought nnd UBed a dozen bottlec and) I WW I was going to get well, and I did." dk Mini- j lights1 f.,r ii in lVrnna : -VnieiM f..r ;i2. D0IVIES7EG! YoiiCii:,!-.. - nt.i.!-l. r (''n tit. I.Ih' f c . i " 'I I A rVrfc-ct For All Throat una Cure: Lung Troubles. Tie Florida Grower i ui- ii u. li.'i s mill fruit hi'iiim i'h. K i r )K i U'j an' tu kin"!' ii .i'ii i-iuritii. kiv l mi I'i'i' v. .ir: iii'Miiiilv. Ki nd me Mr ,i ii m- kpiih tr nl siitinTlpilini. inut. Hi'ltfli. Vli-nn THE FLORIDA GROWER no 11' vldA Avcii'i'', Tampa, Ha. OUVEF TypOrVri-t&r The Only Wrii!ne Machine in the World That Success fully TYPEWRITES PRINT -17 Cents a Day? The PrinMt Oliver Typewriter. ! wliicb ha crowded ten yenm of type. j writer proKi'e.i iuto ll apuce uf I ihuiiUi'h, la cow otlered to tlitt piihlir; : for 17 iits a Offcredjul tha aame pric ai nu 'irdiimrv typewriter pajHbla in pen iiihi,! The coiimiamliiin iiiipurtHin'o of I'rlfi type ia everyvher conceded. For who doea mil sen lint it ifienn to miike the wnrld'a viiat volnm of type j writ tun mutter h ri-dibt aabooka mid j miit" i ne ! The Print pn Oliver Typ- liter in eijuipped with beaulilul Uitnk ; Te. nuMi hr IK ufd mi t lie world a I prlnliiiK pre-i-cH. i j Pi it.t pe ii. Ulkliiiguiclit'd by iniirve!- 1,1 .-lull l.t.au.1 UnI l.bulllu It iloAB ntk'uv ! Iw it Ii nil ftriiiu on eyunlit whieli the uld-Hti le out Una Ivpe Imposes, Priti- ipe puts life and htjle imd iliatacter inlii typewritten correspondence. It tntiliea every letter, every nunieta!, every eiiHrncler ' a phin an print." The rfiiui lete story nf I'riiilyrc haa niAer brfiue been told, Here it it: The Real Story of Printype the Idea from which ''IVIntypa' prniijt lemlled l'roin the auueeB of our type expeita in t iulppinit tpu-Ariiern-iil in our elliiet to write. The (tliMr Ty cwiiter" lu our fain ntu ttade-iuiirk type jtist. an Me name ippeara on the oiitsiile of the mul tifile .mil In hi! Oliver publicity. I he beautiful Hppettr nee and the I inni veliiiis rleaitiefv of the prodnetioli i 'inr " nl.on v trcle romU tp,diaclnaei. I li e piiHtliiliiiea uf (finipplnc The Oliver j I'jprwiiler lo'w rite the enure KhuIikIi Unt'inie ai sliHdi-d l-tleret j We worked fur ara on the plmi and I Himlly mireeedsd in produi-lii(r, for ex- uIum a lite un the Oliver Typewriter, the Wiirderlul ahaded i-ttei mrl j niiitiei'iile known to the witl l i,n ! "t jut i .'' I The Public's Verdict . j Tinit t ie above i u erw l.eliniiu'l) in j faor nt I'rintji. i, in pn-fi-iM'ly ehii, ' l Hud f n t : Alremly over 7." cr eel. I. id I 'll' el, tin. output of I inr i' pi A I 1 1 1-1' live . 'I,iin,pi-e." III- U. I.e I" ilellilll ilil i; I'l l,' e : .I, f. ri le e : .i the oi !-t-l je I p,., illl lllli M I lr. ll' till- piv-i I I l;,lr. .!! per ' eljl i .f Oil I tl.'al i- ll' I A i i ; , "l'i;ntvn--." I i,n Ti i liii r I . piM ; ! i i . ini'ii lli-t -u i t' 1. 1 ! ;i,:ii'ilu.'. ii M-iiii.- i ii i'.j.', I-''ifiilr, In tlie fure with im . 1 1 I . l t i-i m! r in,;, i in jir ' .vt-ui'M ' i'i io p ihetj p.-1 ti.it i r,ii:i. pru t ! i To Corporations: j The h'.er T;. pi writer V unit etu. j finely ii t're it i-.'i'C-.li.e in ii I e-i'llopK I i,i the in el Our "IT-(. ei, th ii l lii" I'liiii is il'i;i. ' eilto help tliuf latKeeliive nl typewriter. I that feel ve the i relit i,rp, rnt limn. Put Pit fer tlie ! K.ve'eiii of pun lln-e. Tlie mii--es iiunt 'J be Oliver Tipi- w ritcr : ue it rt iU Je t I.e te.-t nf the l:ira"ef t:,rtifti nt if n a . Meet "I't nit pe" iiu'd LiK I'B Iuuke, i Aek for Specimen I.f'.tei iii.d '17-'CVnts-a l y" I'liiii. j Make the iii'ipniiiitmiee uf Printype, 1 t tic reinning favorite nf typewrlterdnm. I A.-k fur ii letter written on Ti e Prin j type Olier Typowriter. winch will li. ! trmliice ynu to this beautiful new type. We w ill m!v.i be pleip-ed to f.il wiiril the K-t'enlh-i-riiiy" Cl in on reipie-f. Aildie-i Snlea l.)-pin Iment. The LlVi:it Georgia & Florida Railway, THE W.RECT LINE TO II inlelmis', VubiliH, Swiiitisliiiro, Villi i), Aiijjualu nml points In tho Cnr- "Innis, Vititiniii, Wiisninyt New Y-it k und Kn-ti-rn l.'i i. Via Aiiu-.n. Close itoiiiieclionii inndc at Il i.h litnst with Souiheiii Kiiitwiiy for I lelenH. M.H'ou, Allan. , Cliattui.oou mid points Nonli and WchI. EffGCtlvo ToTTGm"bcr 12tii. 111 N.i I I e.l fK ii ; IlilllV p i r, im il :tl T :H H 17 , 1 in f III ' If II 1.1 A t N'n. t l):lllV A M III.'," HI 1 41 III fit 11 117 )'. mi 11 io 1 in I Hi I fi 3 :' it nil II 4'i 4 Till n n ii in P M KNTIIAI. I'IMK l.v I.v Lv l.v Ar Ar l.v , Ar I..'.. Ar l.v I.V Ar Ar l.v A llnlv A M . Aiiituslii . . Ki.i.ilk. ... . Muli Hie .. . s. .lin.li rn. , . . Wi-.lvv ... . Vnl.il . Vi.liili.i ... . II ,1. Ii ir.l... tliil.-liitrsl . Ar Ar I ....Ar ...l.v ...l.v ... r ...l.v . Ar llinlulili. l.i .. lUlML'lll Vi'I,u-,hn live .. Ni.I.mII, .. ,. ,lit.,.M .. ., '.liiit;i .. . . M.iclU.i.1, .. Ar Ai l. 4 ll- 5 . in 3 ii., I n; 13 .V, 13 .V. li HI II 4H In ;ii In '.' , e :i:i h Til ii ir, M II Hi Ii :t li l I !1 T 1 U ll f, in 4 Kl IIKIWI.KN MILL.KN AM) MOAIiA.oA N'i. II H.ulv P M .Mo il :m ITi 10 P M .Ne. II Iliilv A M II K i II III II I' 13 Kl II' 14,11 I I.I l.l ... Milv, . S I l.iv. I'. ...,,t,,. ..l.v ..l.v PlUV A M II L .1 A M .N. ,l ll.uiv I' M ;i :'fi HI2TWKK-N lM)i:5LAS, HUomn a. ItVltUOWs Hirvv Nn. 113 I Nu. a i S. Iliilv Ki Sun I A .il I AM I o 1 I lii :ir, II in I U N II 4D ! li ;f, A M P M No. : Pi.iv I'M ' il en XI l.v . ;Ar. :Ar. SIAIIIlNS .....li.ii "lI.i..,,. . ..lln,M,.ii Ii..,,,, 1 1 1 . . if , l Pv Si. IB i llnlv P M D .i " :t Ih 3 i'C l- M HKIAVKKX NAMIVILLK, si'AKKS. AOKl. AMI AHl 1. 1 uiK Iliilv P M S an " il i H 7 ft P M till I N Iliilv A M " 3.) M ill Ml I I II ,',li A M I.V . r.. Ar. Ar. M' I lllVU .. .Na-: lit. .. .. N.irl., . A.l.-I .. Mi, iili.lv .. .l.v t. I v ll, I. P M It Kl 4 I Pi t S I'M Tor Folder, I'asn -riojur Karei or any other l-ifoi in itiuii n l lii-: II. C. Mfl'ttlden, Truff. -M?r. AiiiMt, (;,. fj. p. l!.Un., C. Caukoi.1.. Aomt, Madison, Flu. Asm. Triff. Mjr, T. K. lUnHK, Com. At., Vuldostti, fia Auunstt. 2s? 1 I i) ! W V)) "Queen of Sea Routes'" Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. STEAMSHIP LINES JACKSONVLL E TO SAVANNAH. BALTIMORE .iv,.l rillLADKU HIA NORFOLK TO HOSTON AND rROVIUKNCK Steamers New, Fast and Elegant ACCOMMODATIONS AND CUISINE UNSURPASSED Thfinvjii tichots on stilo S.nil L. D. .!ur.s. Ci.ni'l. Ay Si minu ,1a.- lor iiri'I Iii.nl; Ci.ni'l. Hot. 1. M'lMViilf 'Fin l"-iii;i. ('.i:..-i.v. ;.-( "I '. C. AVK!.-, .!..i !:,. : i rip.- in r. ::it A -I. mi li I! ,ev ai..; r. : it r' Tin 'l i v " ying2 a month, ht.il i w i varv spacial illwrt toyo" nr from " J .nr. A rr-Hirmtii -!! itM'"1' " iiiunrtnui ofTr. We Will Take Your Old Machine "n.T.t vanuwufUu wcll prK nl DOMESTIC 2H5 F iSXfrlSiriBS& BSS'KS "vie far vmry-MJ ue ix,sv',feirt J m ji !2 u" i3 on w u --"i ''V :: DR. J. J. CONWAY, H jj Dentist, Hesidence Phone 34. jj TyM'wril'i Compniiy Ullver T p ' filer ICiillillnit. i lilctiui, Atfencii1'' Kvi'i-ynn"-!' 4 Dentist MADISON - FLORIDA l DeoUl Parlora ia First National Bank Bnildin tw4 I Ihl' r aaa J ' When buying a couli ineUiclne for children bear In uiind that Chamber lain'. Cough Remedy is moat effectual for colda, croup and whooping cough and that It oontaiD no harmful drug. For al or U df alra. il'..:..I,' '.-u "a I Young Women Read what Cardui did for Miss Myria F.n;;!cr, of Pnrlli.-inlt Minn. 5lif k.ivs ! " Lpt mi? ti?!l Vfi'J liow much cood Cardui has done nic. As a ymmz pjrl, I always had h to suffer so much with all kind of pain. Surnames, I was so weak that I could hardly stand on my feet. I got a bottle of Cardui, at the drug store, and as soon as I had F i . . i i .1.' taken a tew uoses, i Dcyan io teei Deiier. Today, I feel as well as anyone can." TAKE Tk 0 1 Woman'sTonic LARD Are you a woman? Then you are subject to a large number of troubles and irregularities, peculiar to women, which, in time, often lead to more serious trouble. A tonic is needed to help you over the hard places, to relieve weakness, headache, and other unnecessary pains, the signs of weak nerves and over-work. For a tonic, take Cardui. the woman's tonic You will never regret it, for it will certainly help you. P. Ask your druggist about it He knows. He sells it L ra-T1, ' inn, vi.tlrcc. Jot I T-.-idie A Jvlscnr Dcrt.. Ctiiftarocca Mfitlcinc Co . CiVinnofi, Tf nn.. nom i rcauncni iyr vuiiKa, Writs i lor Special Instruction, ana 64-pa: bonk. Kverboil is linblvi Io ' 'Tuti-h cu'.i'l" but thoer) who tfive fold proper inteii tiou never have aerious lun; din"-aea. Il l neuleet that makes them aeriout-. Prudent pei Riiu a use BALLARD'S IIOREIIorSI SVKl'P aa soon na the Pleurisy piuiiH nre loeiite 1 Ju-t .envv the ohorl rili". LmiihaKo HlVeeia the aauie reiun but toiMird the hitr.k. IIALLAHO'S SNOW LINIMKM" im Ih remedy In either case. If robbed in thoroughly It eafen pain, relaxes the ninaolea nnd the patient ran move about trouble appear and the o dd la eured i free.y anj uoinforUblv. PrlueiV, at once. , Price 23c, 50o, and fl.llO per i H0$ $i-0o per bottl. Sold by all drufr- boltla. Sold by all drugKieU, liji&ta. Mta.Tr'"--",-.(.'n.Bfiv. M ImHH