Newspaper Page Text
nummt-mtmwt MADISOX, FLA., FIJI DAY, JANUARY 2(S, $1 A YEA Li. WE SHOULD ALL STRIVE TO MAKE THE YEAR 1912 THE VERY BEST WE HAVE SO FAR SPENT. at School Board Meets. Madison. Fla.. Dec. 20, 1911. I Board met in called session on jjdayto inspect new building: i Rrwird present After inspecting building it was ,wm1 that same be accepted, and hen a few minor defects were cor- ,.tl the building committee were iidioiitt-u lonmke final st Ultniuit. n e ,,iifSiioii of insurance coming I :.... it- -ii')rrof I tlvit lp Oil IlllMR'Il ll nuj uiuviw uidi Die piwosiuon from Livingston ct Lrrov: t3 carry preiaiuni on fame LllJiiiy 1, 1012. for two per cent. oaiWiod end the taireruitcnu- Int was Instructed to have policy jken Jt at once. I There being no farther business, 1 . ! .,1 luara uiijouiik-u. ;. W. TeJdcr, Z. M. McLeod. Secretary. Ciiairman Madison. Fla., Jan. 3. 1912. Board met promptly nt 10 a. m. Fall Board present. Minutes read Lnd approved. Building Committee reported that Ihev had accepted the new building Iriih the exception of the cement floors and cement mortar for whii h hey had deducted $150.00 from inal payment, and now referred ihfc matter to the Board for ad justment with the contractor. Gn notion it was decided to accept the 'iKdi'isi as completed according to Mtiaci and to make finnl eettlc- nent thereon. The Superintendent was author- zed to order electrical and toilet httures for new building. Settlement was had with the treasurer and all bills paid. Board adjourned. ). W. Tedder, Z. M. McLeod. Secretary. dairman. HX.VVIAL STATEVIEN T. .Junimry :t, I'.'U. RKCFIPTrt. I 10, Kill S. .1. EWeon, Co. .evy t U3.00; Polls, JfSj.CO; tn. j4.00. lidO H.C. Harper, ihimiuij $ l.Vj U(l U57 M i TiiiBP-'ii, twtcl'ln 3.")'K) ljlr'8 M. I!. Dl.UHldsclD, " "0 00 'I'H Mr. MhUhI McMillan, tcllllif 40 K) 14C0 VV. L. Wilt. tHtlilCK 10 00 J401 I.. II. lloim'.or. " 2" 00 1'62 .1. II . Unimcin, Urd Mtm. 1:1 00 UC3 VV. I). Gr tfHulunir Ml 00 i UC1 L. A LPHHulH-y, pilotitiij I'D 50 MS It. M. WillifiiHt'ii'in, freight I hii1 dr viitfi - -"'-l 1" lift! W II , I...,- AT', flit ... i. . ii ic'iuiiiuk iG7 R H. MkKIhm. hiimloir U K UCS Mm. u. w. ury, te-.hln 40 10 HT0 Com SM.lmis, " 01 2 U"2 K. O. v lluon. " 2" 0ft UTS 3, T. Ua ny, putting up desk - - 4 "0 U74 J. U M or. UM chiuR 20 00 UiS .1. p, Wilson. inoliloDtula II 0 U70 It. II. H'ltmon, i e.iL'liin IS 7." 1477 H,-.t KI nv. fc, " 4 1 0 I47S J. VV. Wtli a tjs. putting up 'takit - 2H00 '470 T. It. Kuiii', .uttlru up derk . . - !)uC MM) S. II. s'm. iii, I.'i,h.-cI M-m. i'0 Hoi Wrt-d A. b'Kli'it., bnil':"K l,:t4.74 Hf-' P. I), oriel, uutiins up DHlfi ... rt 0u lK Mm. , . A. U ,tlr.Mr, tif v liinK M 00 1W T J l)..n,il .H...1 " " i i tyx." Mnl.-I r.mkeey " . 4(iu0 WW K. II. Warn ii ' 43 0 'K Mr. T. M i,i n. " 4'mh Ux itar Miiirw, " 10 u( HfO Um-Iim.- tw in ' 10 00 li'l .1-. T.'J. Ii .ott, ' anno Hoi M t, t;. c. .li.:UH..n " .'I.Ho UH2 il 1 ha tin llliaiun ' a 00 1433 Kv v c, t " 40 rt! H'J H. I', Ran, Couoly Line . 38 00 ll&.i P.,rii J h':'V, tHRohliiff 20 00 I4U6 Itib cr. i -mnde, 25 00 1407 Noi.Im h.!rri.ou " i5 00 litis (j v. T.Jd r, trelht, tx- prrt, uuu IMpMSMnn 11 '5 MKinpr,.,, - ..rdpr.P tg 21 25 MM . A. Zippvmr, EnN'oM 6 2 Tax Assessor's Notice. Notice is hereby dven. pursuant to law, that I will visit each pre cinct in the county on dates named below for the purpose of assessing taxes for the year 1912. Let every property owner comply with the law, by meeting mo and making re turns of their property. The Tax Collector wi',1 be with mc at Morcley Hall, Harmony and Grcci.ville to collect tax for 1011. Look for me us follows: i Hi-, M.n:i:ij, Jn. Z', in i nK'nniin. 'A' " " 2'', in Alioinonn. Wiii.jiii'pln '1:im!,is, J . ,. Noim. M:n I'dimi.i. Wi.ln,.. I. y. J.i'i. M.l'iiu'n. mi. Mudiwu, " Jan. 31 .Alti-MiiKin. Oak firoit, "1 l,i.i-,!.i). l'.l,. J.t. t'l-en y .. I'iiil.ij ,"i-v ll.i!!. MuV'i ?:l . 1 lil t 111 ! ;. , 'l'lK'nhj . I i Ilaml.ju, TIiiiimI. l-iiilay, I 'ili. li. R. J. Puterson, Tax Assesror. An Announcement. I am a candidate fr the office of Tax Collector of M;idi?oii County and earnestly solicit the support of the Democratic voters of the coun ty. As it is a matter of impossibil ity for me to see and solicit per sonally the aid of each voter I tale this method of doing 60. As to my qualifications for the of fice I have this to say. viz. I have with the exception of a few years been n citizen of the county for over forty years, and a life long democrat, I posess a fairly good education; having been Tax Asses sor und for two terms deputy Tax Collector for the late M. H. Waring. I am familiar with the work. My campaign wtil be conducted along clean lines. I shall have noth ing to say against nny candidate out for the same office or who may come out. Whether 1 win or lose I shall have the satisfaction of knowing that no one has any just cause for unkind feelings towards me. Kespectfully, W. Preston Thompson. Farmers! This is the season of the year to look after your stock. I have just received a large supply of Pratt's Stock Food, Stock Pow der Animal Regulator, Poultry Powders, Cow Tonic, Hog Chol era Specific, Rock Salt and Chlo-ro-Naptholeum for Hogs. We also have a supply of Smokit for curing meat. 15. F. M seley 1301 I 02 100:t WA 13)3 1300 13L-7 I30H 1.U.0 1310 1311 '312 1 31 a 1314 1.-13 1310 1317 1518 1310 1520 t'J 70 71 2e 20 W. P. Kii.il1', lnK"c!tinii 10 00 WW. B P.iiler, .,,. It.nilvr o HI l. U. S iiHh, pur. I, 2H23 1. .1, I'iriiiiii'irj & IV., Inx, DO 00 U A. ito,U. .nl 100 J.T. lilalr, " 100 U. W., t'XiiHiifvu 10 30 S. H.fcl-an ' 1 I T. A I'aelf, I'luinlnDiT l"Oii V.". N. Itiuir, t ':' ios -10 1 Z. T. T'rry, -t'lvn tl .f .'I I t V, n. Call', wcin UV liini'or 211ft I V, M MoU', M-m. 1100 S. H. KlDim, li.Kiwetilifc' iD'O (i. W TM-r.W'l'iry 100 J. W. DuvlR ireaaurnr I 0O U. H. Fi'iiif', pii'in.ic "P . -:T" 1 1 ii Imiii Jiirmuii, tH i'-lilntf l3 Wi E IPb AiriifP, " "o I A. ' 2'W. I,. ,J. IVr'fr. liiL'l.l.Tit-.N I f ' r. r. MuL o'i " 7"' U II Tojin vi:.! ' - 2u Ij. J I'o'-lnr. tuTili-r - 17 30 K C. Rfuins, incuItfOti.'H Ii Ttl .VMO'.i; I certify tiiat above report i tni" and correct to the best of my knowl edge uid belief. Attest: 'L M. McLeod, G. W. Tedder, Chairman Secretary. Gen. Lee's Anniversary. The Elizabeth Harris Chapter. U. D. C. entertained with a luncheon the members of the Colquitt Camp in honor of Gen. Lee's birthday and the refreshments were lavishly served iiy the ladies in the most gracious manner. After this, A. Livingston, Jr.. passed a box of fine cigars to each and every guest pres ent. By way of enteitainment, the lit tle daughter of T. C.Smith gave one of her inimitable recitations that pleased eveiy one. Comrade Wanton gave an ir. icrtsiing chapter from his txpt-ii-ence in the war, he having entered the service when a nit re youth and s.-rved t!irc? va:: Comrade Leslie alio gave u short addicss t?'.;:t was well received and Comrades Mirtin and Bradford pleased the guests with their graii ous speeches. The Commander of the Camp, Mr. Randell, e pressed the thanks ol bis comrades for ihe thoughtful kindness extended them by the members of the U. D. C. There were present 23 members of the Camp, which was organized in 1904 with forty members, after wards increisiag its number to 60. Since then a third of the number have passed ever the river. As the old soldiers filed in the room a looker on exclaimed what a host of memories this meetini, arouses; she recalled the days in tin early sixties when these men, now old and feeble, went forth as splen did specimens of physical manhood to battle for their homes. She re- inembered how enthusiastic they were inspired with true patriotisn and the South is grateful that the world has conceded that the Con federate soldier was the bravest ever known. These annual meetings where on ly a remnant of a grand army sur vive is pathetic und touching to those who remember the past Lvery day the church bell tolls telling of the passing away of u hero, who was oncp the hope und the pride of the South. They tire rapidly being mustered out by the Grim Sergeant Death and a fewflcet ing years and the last one of the heroes will have answered "here" and when that time comes. Will the U. I). C. survive? Time will show. Vet. News from Carabelle. Mr. Carl and Miss Annie Smith visited their brother, lit tle Joe, last Sunday. Joe is at tending the Bchool at Carabelle. Carabelle school will close Fri day. January 26th We are an ticipating an enjoyable occasion, as Jhree of Madiaon's bJUl speakers will be present wi Prof. V. A. Cate will su;U 01, Corn Clubs, Sapu G. VV. 'iedde on Education and Col. H. V. Whitnell on Temperance. Til. ocWadica will bring rich I ar. kcts of tooth.;onie goodie c-ike, pies, etc, which will add to the enjoyment of the av.i f ion. Mrs. Di'sy, wife of Dr. II. V. Harreil, at her home on Fn n.i.'' irorninir, Jan. 21st She wa-1 sick quite a long time, but was t'lought to be improving un til Wrdr scdpy, when she was ti ken bevtrely ill, from which ill ness sbe never recovered. She leavc3 two sisters, a mother, hu3bandand three children to mom n her loss. Good Words for Col. Hodges. Col. J. B. Hodges, one of Columbia county's most brilliant lights, has announced his candi dacy for state's attorney. Col. Hodges has been a prominent figure ir. stale political circles for a number of year.; and no bettor man could be foem! for thi posi tion. He i.-; highly rcgaitk'J in this feet ion of the t-tP.U? ar.d w a lvist i f friends who will do all in tlxir pT.'.vr to promote !;i.-; candidac;-. A., a !;iv,vr !., no equal and is splendidly ::-i'd-fied for th;' position to which 1"' aspires, (!. Hudvs ar.'.Lv.' one of cur hrrr.e.j;Town to;. . ! . obtained IiLs start cn a farm, lie j i is prominently con;:ecUd '.:t.i one of the best-known fai.iil'. of tliat section and his election i . is a foregone concilium. .la-.-k-tonville Mctropoliii. Call and See Him. The Great Anile.?. The Great Heahh Teacher and Demonstrator of An des' Great Oil, is still ut the Drug Store of the Madison Drug Co., in our city, where he is daily making wonderful cures of catarrh, indigestion, rheumatism, liver und kidney trouble and pain in the back, by the use of the Great Amies Treatment. All case of f headache, neuralgia and stirf neck (crick in the neck) nrc cured in ten minutes free of charge. It will certainly pay you to call and see the Great Andes while he is liere. Scj "The Great Andes" "ad" i i another column of this paper. James Dcnson Dead. laino If. Denson, a well known resilient of Madison, Kissed away at his home here esderdav Morning after an ill' ess nf several days with pneumonia and pleurisy. The deceased was well known !eiv, where he served on thy police, forro for a number of ycius. Previous to that time, iie was cnyayed in fanning in t li o n o r t li e r u p a r t of this county. The remains vvill I ii taken to the family ourying ground, above Madi son, this morning, and inter ment made there. The de-.'oa-c I leaves a devoted wit, f.iiir brothers and two sixers to niuuni his loss. J Brady Dead. A I 'og-aiii was received in h'.; c Tuesday ingot, stat- i. t! ' !. VV. lb-ady. a for i,er il known resident uf !:'; cdy, bad been killed by a :M'i, i" ar tilt Tort, Missis li.p At the time of this .vriii (I'hiirsday moriing). in exiected t in -r .dadison during the ue interment to take phi -c in the West Farm grave v arl. Card of Thanks T wish to extend my i hanln, and ni":ftiV'lt appreciation to the many ii'tatds "ho express 2d by , i . , i word and -i.:t Lhc.r sympai ly au- rug my .iusoand's illness. Euch an'. all who remeubcred him in hii; suffering vill bj re membered and gratefully cher ished by me while life lasts. airs. M. F. Marvin. Airs. Harrell Died Sunday. Mrs. Annie Paisy Harrell, wife cf Dr. II. W. Harrell, died at lior homr nt Oheny Luke Sunday a ft or an illness of several wVi k-. 'J'ho le (Ttise-il wi 0!ie thirty years old :tt the tiiri: of l;cr death, a id l"a(- ii liinf tiev. Iiu-'iand, ' wo si-tiTs atnl f iif '" iilit'-cu to no ui ii hoc lu.-. o:i' of tl:u (Midi '(!l liCI'! ;i only II,:.- 1 1. r: '1 v, u kind mrl dv otcl '.."(1, !'. Jill il'Tl.Tf i; l;l wifo :v ,! ,i wilt ( hn i.iii. Tiio . ::i:'; v. i ii!1, ! ri K'ic- :! '!i:i!'( 'i J aid i ';ty . i'l 'Oil. In itio .Ic'iiil J iliii-Jil I heir la - t ft s" .i.j j'iuci' by a 'ill'.:!' riil'fuursi' ol MilT.'W- iirj i'e!ati!s ami friends. "The Deestrick Skuie." Grat ran Maker autic Ocm Huce on Thursiuy N.ght f t 1st MissS. C. Ibittaile is here assisting the Woman's Club with "The Heestriek Skule,' which will be given at the Op era House, Thursday night, I'll'. 1st. K very body will rc iiiemler when .Mi- llattaile gave the "Skule" here before how what a fun milker the play was. Some new fea tures will be added this time. The first rehearsal was held Wednesday night, und the "skollars" laughed as heartily as if they had never seen the "skule" befoie. It is thought that standing room will be sold for the entertainment next Tliursdi.y night. Airs. Chilton Coming. hi the coming (,f tlie fam ous uiono-ilramist, Mrs. Wil liam Chilton, Madison has pre sented to her a rare opportu nity for seeing talent of the highest order. Mrs. Chilton is a Kentucky woman, and her work has long ranked a niong the best of her. kind, not only in I lie r.iuuli tut al most internationally. At the Shakespeare centenary, held in the liii'i h place of the master-writer. Stratlord-ou-A von. r'niglainl. Mrs. Chilton's inter pretation of the Women of ihiike:;pe.u'o was declared as out in'ikiiig that of any other artist. Mis. ( hil(; n will give one evenrg in Madison, u:nl that, will be ..u Ikiimiry '2'M l County Committee to Meet. The Ienioenitic County tfi ocnlive Committee," of which L. J I'o'fer of Cieeiivilie is i 'hai and W. 1 Knight of t)ii.s city Secretary, will f meet in (he, Court lloue on '1 hiirsib y moniing. Feu. 1st.' At this 'imc tn Ccnun.tteo will iituKdUio insessinpni, or- . tI . .. , ''er t h" veg'st r;itii.i"i b"OKa oi- ' h . , cu iMid cttevd to any ot In. r bus iiics.s coming up. IjIOm W' Su.h niriih w.-'.ilb . Inner Ir enrnvi i fi l-c: uti fui . I , Mnxclnr, Ml Mul)' Iruj( tr,on i'iicJt lUfnooii. If. 1 ( :