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si I fM I V. i vr, 1 I We Your Bank 1 whut we wuiild like nur Hank to lie. would like you to make im your depositor J to I'nve you talk over vour liuancealUiis wild !,-(,, jut )ls fiyo-ir luisint s mrittoi. We fry to meet our eiistotrtciH' want (sometimes it is v ry inconvenient to do this, Imt wosuluLit no tllianc'iil institution lltiri stood I'y .istoun rs any better than we do.) In fact Kf W:ll)t to Ijo of use to Our Bank Should be Your Bank The First IMational Bank Madison, Florida VWvWVWV This is Truly the Gift Shop This reinarkalile comprehensiveness of our dis play ati'l their splendid beauty, quality and value prove it. I'ndowlitedl.v ymi are jroiuyr to luiy sotw gift this month or next for sumo wedding or irraduate so permit us to state t lint you are cordially invited to evintine our jjtooiN w dirt her you conieto'nuy or not. e know that hand.-oinor. more evjiiisito and iiiore cleverly worked de-ins in (iold.S iker. Brass and C:;t tiluss r.rc not to l.e found an win re nor t licit prices liOttcivd, YOUR VISIT IS REQUESTED. SHELLIE P. VANN Telephone Exchange Building. i Locals and Personals. SEED OATS Toil SALE-fee A K. Fraleigh or Monroe Williams. Dr. W. F. Panuniore a promirfl Un'ia' of Mndlsoi'. wi" at r-e .lett'ei- on rn Saturday-MoMiccllo News For S-le. 4.0oO LusM Florida Seed Peanut. All new crop, ounJ mid bright. II. T. Hall, Lowell, Hi. Prof. II. C. Harper, of PlnetM, and candidate for County Superintendent of kdiools wan ic the city Saturday. Mr. J W. Mi-Kinnon h returned from a plcieant vlt of ncveral week to relative In Miami and Orlando. I repair hamc', slice nnd umbrclU. Also keep lie! rubber ( eel at d. W. Itiitherfjr.r. K L. POWER. I. K. Arnold, torm-riy of Hans n. but now ,f Clyattville, Uu., wa in Hie c i l v Saturday on mutter of business. 1'here will bo no -service at th Meiliodii-t otitirch Sundav, tli pastor, I'r. Hudson, living absent from the oitv. Mr. J.f. Fonda and Mr. Arthur Clo-rry left Tuesday for Cjiii'mui-, wh re they are iittndini the a rid i del eo iul meeting at St. June Episcopal church. NOTICE: lllianis Bus. Rre ripiip ped to .to all repairing and huildini! neatly an.t promptly and at reasonable rate. L t them know when you need carpenter work of any kind. Mrs. K. F Uuutiug, Mr. C. far- roll and Rev. S. I). Cole left Monday for Ooala, where they ere attending the liiiptiit State Convention, Id ee-slon there. Chandler Baker ha accepted a posi tion a clerk at the Merchant Hotel, J. P. Morrow, the former clerk, having ff'ine to Ellaville to accept a position with It. I.. Mi'linor. Claude Davis, Moseley's Drug Clerk, has a room in number 3, over Moseley's Drug Store, and can be found there at any time of night, ready to serve cus tomers. 3t. Dr. nnd Mm. E. C. Hnd-or, lef- Mnr- lav fur Petersburg, Tcaii., where lin y er called on account of the -eriou- llnoi"of the (.inner'" br.ithcr. Frienu 'ru-t that lliey will tli.d the cii.dliion f the pilient improved. i; A Cordial 4 Invitation JS EXTENDED TO ALL to make use of our unrival led facilities. We are able and willing to afford to every customer Accommodations Equal to those obtainable else where. Our officers will be happy to discuss any bankinj" business with pros- ective customers, and we desire own to make headquarters nect Visitors from out of town to make this bank their when in the city. CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON MADISON, FLORIDA i t. iii-MHEUiBm Mix Ainicta lett last Sat .jr day for ijintmiin, where l e we.c f..j- I In" purpose of tra.nlnii t!.. imi'--'tie nfii leiico'ii.l meet in at St 1 i. ir.-c. in Cnitii.i.n. All- i ! e it e-t of Mi. V. T. IV.. a i:. January First..... The new interest period commen ces. All deposits made in the Sav ings Department of this Bank on or before January 10th, will draw Four per cent, compounded interest from January 1 st. Deposits of $1.00 and up solicited. The Farmers Ban! LEE, FLA. Is are to Continue our Sale This Sale has been a Tremendous Success Thousands of people hme taken advantage of the (ipportun ity to iiet Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats. Etc.. at prices be fore unheard of In this part of the State, yet there are many people who did not have an opportunity of getting here to take advantage of the great bargain offered. 7A o). i mil M . V. 1 '.' w i liurin i ten i '' f:ti-. r. - mi, 'I cliet, I ii ." "Hi- r.c -lic Od. I'he pain .-. h" i-lii'.d k oik iu'o a N.,n.-v M. Ili.i.-r. Maud v . i!cv and Mi. Curtis G ulib Li.e O k were in '.lie city Sunday, the fcrsn er holding h' rcuuliir iiiipuininieiit. i.t the HpiKC l rlinn h here. While hen , ib.ey ere the gu.'tt of Col. Mini Mrs. Chi. K IJuvi. ' ' design 100-piece China Dinner Large stock of China, Crock-' W!ervand Glassware: four latest I j Sets, which I am offering at very J ! low prices. Ladies are especially 1 requested to call and ?)M my stock. B. F. examine 1 Moseley. i We linvc I't-cci v-d ninny riMtii'st up for a fcT. dav- lun-i-r thnt we have nil fairness to our friends aiul customers tr- 1- at the iidviTtifd prices until to keep deckled wo the sale that in will m'11 Pu-v.h V. Moore of Tallaliawe. Pre. I i.L. 1 1 ui7 Khlcr of t lit Methodim nhureli. ! fjk ttu, -a- in t tie city Sunday.! yk preaching Hf the church Sundav eve- I nt. n u.l I. !...... .....i.t.l,. - ! fill ".'Vil.m .l.inur.1) li'Jljl l-l -,-lJl v l Wednesday, January 31 m ay TLX t i e LOCK 1 M. The same low prices ad vertised still hold good Hi afterward. Thei are two kind of Chill T mice I Plank' aud other. The old reiialile 1 Plank' Chill Tonic is nuiiraniee.i to ' driv nut niHlariH, to cure chills, fever. ! uohU and (jrip. Vour money buck il i it, J.iea not. 2'ns aud rule per bn!c. For ,le l.y I). I!. Smith, V I.. Ti.. .., liM'n DruiCo. and It. K, Mo.e,.. !. 1. .'-!. I; VI- nus spack EVKity wi:i:k fokTi; of I'.Mrcj; the people nf M'idi"(n conn'y li Whuievcr limy want niiytliiny nice nnd lisii in the Grocery line, then tuo Madison Grocery Co. Is the place to get it. e do not eay it m a boastinir spirit, hut the fact remain HI we are tlm leaders in the Grocery Trade in M idisoti nnd e p pose to maintain our leadership be?aue Our goods are the best that can to bouerht Our prices are as reasonable as poss; ble. Everybody is assured prompt and cour teous ireatment. Give us jour order once ; we will treat you so well that y will always trade with us afterwards Ucmember: We dclivt r groceric promptly nnil to anbo and anywhere in tovn. Madison Grocery Co. i BostoirBaro-ain House 1 MADISON. FLORIDA Send Your Next Order For JOB WORK To This Office Mr and Mr. W. !!. Stewart and y.ii , 1:1111 iren rciurnen u ine rii y snn.l; y jfrnui ' e.h.r Key, where tliey have heel. peimirK inc pal evcral ilay. Tin y were ca led li. nie on iiccoiiin nf lie .runn lllr.oi-i and nilef (jneiit. death or Mr. Stewarf alster, MrB. Hum 11. $100 Per Plate wapahl at a bannnct to Heurv New Orlcan In 1SIJ. Mihly fur llio. with fctom.ieli trouble or Indite lion. Today people everv where use Dr. King' New Life 1MI fur these tiouble a well as liver, kidney nnd bowel disorder. Eiwy, afe, ur, On lv25ct. t all dniKKlBla. The Leading Grocers- -J i IMHUU'mn-Ll- V SKKi) OAT3 FoR.LF.--Sec . v., FrnleiKh or Monroe Willi.mi. The followiiiir Hjuib in L'BnelH's Dixie, relative to one nf r foruier townsnn n, will be noted wlih interest hv our reader. "F. J. Fearn-lde, (lf Pulatka, hla enough and tend cnuunh to be gover nor, was pre-eut Klving everybody the glad hand, and occasionally "dishing oul" good advice. KeamBu'a i a power ful factor In I'utnsnj county and tie "un ernflfd" were gBd to ureal him again." A H?ro m a Lighthouse hue. So, II Mich., a civil war captain, housekeeper averted awful wrecfl i oin er fact ie. he micht hav b1 wreck, hitneelf, If EUctrio Kittf not ptever ted. "They curtd m " nev tmiihlB and chill." be writ" tr I h,l taken other 0 ealledc" yeRw, without benefit nd tbey-1! proved mv eight Now, t '"! am feeling fine. "For dypePiy getlon, ail tomoh, liver end t trouble, they're without them. Only 00 oU. t H drugg". J