Newspaper Page Text
. MAUL-SOX, fla., VhiDA,', i-KuiUJAliY , !.)- D Wl. wk snom mi siimvm-to Ai v K i; Tin-: . yi:.u" Tin: VKiiv iwxr'wi: iivvk n, i a:: sn:y Council Proceedings. Malison, rin., J;m. 2.i'l 1012. Council met in regular seytum. Prt,M.I;t, D. II. Yates. V. B. D;:vi, E. C. Hafsell, Walter Bunting, mid La Fraleigh. Fresiden'. The minutes cf last meeting were road and approver'. The following bills ra'ainst the town were examined, found correct and ordered paid. L, A. FraliMtib sa'ary. D. H. Yutts W. B. Davis " $ 12.00 12 00 12 00 12 00 Walter Bunting " I C. Hassell 12 00 H. M. Taylor Inspector serv. election 2 00 Geo, Sharp 2 00 J. W. Williams 2 00 C. M. Konney " clerk " 2 00 J. Vann salary 12 SO T. T. Smith for lumber 7 74 Tliarin & Leslie hardware bill 21 65 T. F. Calhoun for lumber 1 1 SO Bailey Smith salary, 45 00 W, M. Butler salary 21 50 Un. C. B. Ashley lot rent 12 00 S, P. Griffin salary 50 25 !L Bunting fixing pipe 4 00 Enterprise-Recorder printing 28 18 J. J. Conway for lumber 1 25 Geo. E. Porter " " 29 96 V. A. Dale street work 105 00 W, A. Dale repairs market buildin' 20 65 V. A. Dale salary 58 94 Madison Electric Power Co. Water 200 00 ' " L'ghts 230 63 Total 932 28 On motion the returns of the in' specters and clerks of the special election held in the Town of Madi n on Jan'y 2, 1912, pursuant to the resolution of the Town Couneil adopted Nov. 15, 1911, to purchase the Madison Electric Power Co's- Plant and to execute and issue Bonds of said Town for the purpose of raising money to be used in pay ing purchase price of same, were canvassed by the Council and the result thereof as 6hown by said returns was as follows, to-wit: The whole number of votes cast were 117, of which 95 votes were cast in favor of the purchase and ownership of said Power Plant, and 19 votes were against purchase and ownership of said Power Plant The whole number of votes cast for bonds, for the purpose of raising money to be used, in paying the purchase price of said Power Plant were 117 of which 95 were cast in fevor thereof, and 19 votes were ttst ogoinst same. Being a majority for the purchase and ownership of said Power Plant f 76 votes, and a majority for the issuance of said Bonds of 76 votes. Therefore it was ordered that the Purchase as prescribed by Chapter 8237, approved June 13th. 1911. lawsofFla., to validate and con firm the issuance of said Bonds be 'orthwitfc instituted. Therefore the clerk was instructed to send the fol lowing notice to the State Attorney C A Hardee of, the 3rd Judicial Circuit of Flu. Madison, Florida, Jan. 6th, 1912. To C. A Hardee, State Attorney 3rd Judicial Circuit of Florida, Live Oak. Fia. Sir: You are hereby notified that at n election held in the Town of Madison, State of Florida, on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1912, by foe qualified electors of said Town, t which the question was submit ted to them, whether or not pursu ant to a resolution passed by, the 'own Council, Nov. 15th. 1011. land proved by the Mayor Nov. 16th. 19ll, the bonds of said Town to the ount of thirty thousand , ($30, !JH dUars, payable twenty rears the date thereof with annual County Committee .let Yesterday. Tiic Denxx raiie County i'xeeu dve Coimnitt.-e met in the Conn Ho.ise yesterday morning, present : L. J. Porter. Chairman, W. P. Knight, Secy.. S. J. Duval. Theo. Rundell, W. C. Smith, A. J. Coffee, and A. J. Loper. D. E. Thomas, ...1. - - - wuo wns present at tlie meeting. was elected committeeman from precinct 12, to take the place of Perry Sauls, deceased. It was ordered that the registra tion books be opened on March 23rd, and that they be kept open one day each week in the different precincts except in rrecinct 1, where they shall be kept open three days each week. Assessments against the candi dates were levied, as follows : Rep resentative, $10.00; Clerk, Assessor, Collector and Sheriff, $50.00; Coun ty Superintendent, $35.00; County Judge and Treasurer, $25.00: Coun ty Commissioner, Member of School Bourd and Surveyor, $5,00; no asessment against candidates for Justice of the Peace and Con stable. These assessments mnst be paid to W. P. Knight, Secy., before Monday, April 1st, noon, j After transacting other business, l the Committee adjourned to meet again on April 26tn. Com'r McLin Drops Dead Tampa, Fla Jan. 31. According to a special received here from Or lando tonight, B. E McLin, state commissioner of agriculture, after a strenuous day spent inspecting ex hibits at the Orange county fair, fell dead tonight while delivering an address in Elks' hall on "Frater nity as Exemplified by Elks." Juat at 11 o'clock, the hour marked for "Toast tJ Absent Brothers," Mr. McLin hesitated in his speech, then sank to the floor. He was dead when ' assistance reached him. Farmers! Thin is the season of the year to look after your stock. I have just received a large supply of Pratt's Stock Food, Stock Pow der Animal Regulator, Poultry Powders, Cow Tonic, Hog Chol era Specific, Rock Salt and Chlo-ro-Naptholeum for Hogsr We also have a supply of SmokiJ for curing meat. B. F. Moseley. interest of six (6) per cent for the purpose of raising money with which to pay for the Power Plant of the Madison Electric Power Com pany, to be used by said Town to pump water and to generate elec tricity and furnish the residents of said'fownwirhwaterandelectriclights andfoisuch othermunicipal purpose as may be for the benefit and best interests of snid Town should be executed and issued by said Town and that a majority of those voting on said question, was in favor there of. This notice i3 given in order that ycu may institute the procedure as prescribed by Chapter - 6237, ap proved June 3, 1911, Laws of Flor ida, to have said issuance of bonds validated and confirmed. Very Resjiectfully, R. H. Rowe, Mayor. Walter Bunting, D. A Yates. W. I. Davis. E. C. Hassell. . Aldermen.- On motion, Council adjourned-. . . . & P. Griffin, Clerk. i hey Say of Col. Flournoy. a (";::' rr to ins ijistkxt. "( id. I lipnn,ijy liiriiinl uiiiiuuiircmi'Pt which lid tats in ull the piin-rs in the liivtiii t lliis week, i.s in thnmujji aiiinl with hiv rcc.iid as a lc,;;,I.iti,r. There is li'Jl'iinji nf tin: di'inajln.i'.ue, imthinii of the political mountebank or the cheap iiiieul t i a ision or prejudice, liul to intelligence und intelligence alime. A nun who stands us he dues in this mutter would and will be a credit to llie district." De Funiak Bncze. AN AW.E LEGISLATOR. "In this issue appears the announce ment of Senator Flournoy for Congress man from the Third District. Senator Floiiiiioy lives at DeFuuiuk Springs and Is considered one of the strongest members of the bar in West Florida. Ho lias rep. resented his district in the Stute Senate and on the floor of the Senate demonstra ted thnt he was as able a legislator ashas been sent to Tallahassee. He Is a very able man, and has courage to spare. It was he who threw down the gauntlet to Oovemor Gilchrist In the lost session and for several days had diplomatic relations off between the Senate and the Gover nor's office." Havana News. PLATFORM CLEARLY DEFINED. "Win W. Flournoy has announced else where in these columns as a candidate for Congressman of the Third District. His announcement is forcible and his platform clearly defined. We shall have the plea sure of hearing him speak to voters dur ing the campaign" Graceville Advertiser. FLATTERING VOTE IN HOLMES. "Col. W, W. Flournoy formal announ cement for Congress from the third dis trict appears in doublc-coldmn form in this issue of the Advertiser and we ask our readers to look it up. Col. Flournoy is no stranger to the people of Holmes county and there is no doubt but what he will receive a flattering vote in this part of the district." Bonifay Advertiser, BEST MAN FOR REPRESENTATIVE. "Col. Wm. Flournoy has his announce ment in this Issue. Read it carefully and note the difference in ring of the way he add e ses the people and the stereo typed' old form of the other two. He goes abjut his business at all times In a busi ness like way, always using the best of language, and his ability is not to be questioned, for be is today adjudged one of the best posted men in the State, and if the people will follow after his talk through the press from time to time it will be an easy matter to see that he is far the superior and the best man of the three to represent the people of this dis trict in Congress. He Is more than en titled to the position and he is going to win." Laurel HiU News. A VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN, "Hon. Wm. W. Flournoy of DeFuniak Springs, was In our city Tuesday in the interest of his candidacy for Congress. The Colonel looks well and says he will make vigorous campaign from now un til the end of the show. Elsewhere in this issue will be found his announce ment." Milton Gazette. ENERGETIC AND SYSTEMATIC. "See the announcement on another page of Hon. W. W. Flournoy, of De Funiak Springs for the Third District. Mr. Flournoy has been considered a prob able candidate for some time. His abil ity is general conceded and his energetic and systematic manner of doing things makes him a formidable rival of the other aspirants for the honor." Vernon News. WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS TOO. "Elsewhere in this issue will be found the formal announcement of Col. W. "iV Flournoy, of DeFuniak Springs, as a can didate for Congress from this district. CoL Flournoy is one of West Florida's many good lawyers, has re presented his district in the State Senate, end has made a success in his business under takings." Marianne Times. Large stock of China, Crock ery and Glassware; four latest design 100-piece China Dinner Sets, which I am offering at very low prices. Ladies are especially requested to call and examine my stock. B. F. Moseley. NOTICE: Williams Bros, are equip ped to do all roputriuu and buildioKf neatly and. promptly and al reasonable rates, Le tbem know phea you need carpenter work ot apy kind. w Airs. Caleb Siniiii Vial Saturday. Mrs Lizzie Liil Muii Smith beloved il't.- hi ( 'i.lcli Smith die 1 at lier homo three mile Hurt li west of tin." cit on la-t Saliinlay morning after au ill ness (if a wt'ek, Tin' deceased was born in linker County, (leorgia and moved to Madison Comity in 1-SSf.l. She was married in I '." ti Caleb Smith, w ith whom she lived happily milil her death tinj who, wilhone sun ami two daughters, sunhes her. Mrs. Smith was a faith ful ami consistent menilier of the Methodist Church, and u devout Christian. The re mains were interred in Oak Kidge Cemetery Sunday afternoon. Entertainment was Good. The entertainment given at the Opera House on last Satur day evening by Mrs. Win. Cal vin Chilton, the monodram ist, which was the fourth num ber of the Woman's Club Ly ceum Course, was attended by a large audience and heurfjiy enjoyed by all. Mrs. Chilton chose "Polly of the Circus" ami with perfect ease she passed from one of the thirteen characters to an other. Her delineation of the minister was exceptionally good, also of Polly and the old negro woman. The Woman's Club, and the town in general, were indeed fortunate in having the plea sure of hearing Mrs. Chilton. Tomato Club. For several years much attention has been paid in somfe parts of the South to Boys' Com Clubs. This has resulted in untold improvement wherever tried. As has been announced before in these columns, a corn club has been organized in Madison County. There are now nearly sixty boys enrolled and a few more are to join.. The Department of Agriculture . nr v i . btnrf..n,kAn,n, in Washington is taking up the mat- 6 ....... ter of tomato work for the girls and has arranged through the efforts of Supt G. W. Tedder and Mr. J. S. Cobb to have some Girls' Tomato Clubs at a kw places in the county, M T H HI.Wn l,ou Kaon onnnlnl. ea to assist in organizing mcso cMs and to assist the girls in the canning of their vegetables at the proper season. Any one interested in this work can secure fuller infor mation from Supt. Tedder. Mr. CobU, or Mre. Bishop. It is necessary for both the corn and tomato work to be started very soon. The boys should break their land at once with a two horse plow, if they have not already done so. The girls should get their tomato seed bedded so as to have plenty of plants at the earliest time to set out The Department of Agricul tufe will furnish plenty of seed to all the girls. They should get their names in soon, however, so as to get the seed in plenty of time. L. C. DiciuiLson Shot. Air 'Mi, ulio i'lll Lmnbci,' was (iii -v iiv in l'il I- ;t I'l'i'iuiwr;,'. vviMi iJ Yvllo.v IVk I'oirju ny at liyi'ip;. I.Lst, Saturday slmi f 1 1 h.ii'k with a slifc Manuel Nellum, it negro em plojw of tic eomi:tny. The t rouble grew out cf the) fact t but the negro appeared toll is work late on Friday inonib'g and Mr. Iri'-kiuson de.t'oK it.i! ft wtu Ii is pay accord iagly. This angered the no gro, vv !ii'!'t;iipoii he cursed Mr. Hicliinsoii and Mr. It'ckitisork hit him with a stick A short while later the negro took a ahot gun and shot Mr. Dickin son as above stated. At first it was thought that the wounds were serious, but this proved to bo not, true, and it is expected that Mr. Dickin son will be enabled to return to his duties in a few days. Mrs. Bevllle Entertains. Mr3. J. J. Beville entertained a few friends informally at cards on Tuesday evening in honor of Mia'i Marie Pfenning, of Macon, Ga. A most delicious salad course was served with hot coffee and cream, followed by home made cake and charlotte russe A bet ter home keeper and more plea insr hostess than Mrs. Beville you will rarely find. An invita tion to her home is always a guarantee of pleasant hours and most tempting viand3. U. D.C. The regular monthly meetingr of Elizabeth Harris Chapter will be held at the residence of Mrs- John L. Fonda at three o'clock Feb 7. Reports from entertainment for Confederate Veterans on Lee's birthday will be ' given. Also a Committee appointed to the unveiling exercises of Olus tee Monument, and other mat ters of importance looked after. A full attendance Is requested! for this meeting. Presbyterian Church. Preaching at the Presbyterian i Church Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 . . . .. . . . I P. M. by the pastor A. Preston j R A Morning subject will be: 'The Power of an Ideal." Theme for the - evening second in a series of three sermons on the unpopular man. sub- ' J!t. 'Not 3 Hobo, Hi Paid His Fare.' Tax Assessor's Notice. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law, that I will visit each pre cinct in the county on dates named below for the purpose of assessing taxes for the year 1012. Let every property owner comply with the lav, by meeting nie and making re turns of their property. The Tax Collector will be with mo at Moseley Hall, Harmony and Greenville to collect tax for 1911. Look for me as follows: Moseley HtilJ, Monday " 5th. Harniuny, Tuesday, Feb. 6th. Greenville, Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Ha.iilur ,, Thursday, Feb, 3th, Hhtawn, Fridiy, Feb. 9th. ' . ' K, J, Paterson, Tax Assessor.