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Hi n icw y x r.-.i. i Kii-. i.' i.n'ii'! r-:: H.lsos lii-.i. unm.ii.i."-.' '."i lns. lONSOUD.tTMf J1' Milison. FlorJJ-.i. Km-', l n i: Oil.,.. :i- -.1... (.M M.iiu-i J i l'.n, u.i.l.i Aci "l Tlie Farmers ass i T. C. MERChiAkT EClTOm . n . ... . '.T .....I. U' r.t ..I.- k.M. IW.ll.-Jl IW.. I'' "I. "I' mni ,.l. :i.f ."ill'' ..n '.II .iih M.L- nl 1 , rr. BO .,tl il. . II lU.ll-.t'l.l I'HTV (I. II f V in..-1 it . Hi.' I...IU.-..I cv.r. .i.niiil'ii nr i.ii t.u m uii'ii, '...I .v. in.iv Isii.n. III. C.II.'V .lllill-l.. . lb l.lllKIll'l . M1 It.OIIVIil. lit- I'm II.. Ill) lli'.l.l. .VI. I '.nil .1 I ..IN. ill . li.U l4l.,i, .J lr. I'.. .in.' Illi.' Iilltl ll. Til li itN 1 MU'lOnl. KM onim Mm.I.s.mi. I ...ri.Vi. j. m. MecnANr.ieaai9tt I.IMK.W KHIKUAUY 0, 1012 Col. V7. V. Flotirnoy, of De Funiait Springs, and can.i iuatt for Ciiinrts from this district, is certainly a firm believer in tVe efficacy of printer's ink. It In.- is not dieted to congress it will not because she peo. jil do m.t know who lie is ai:d for he is running. The I ' ople of MadUon C.'oini. ty should Me that Col. J. W. Ak'Kiiicon carries the county ;it fio'i.l iy a i I''ioriil i ciu-s demo rr.itie. !'.;t!illn; -.i!ii-r c.ii'.iJi xeelliTi. jjent li and men t! .-'bilny, but it s Madiron . i iin.' t his year. The ' i: -ci i.i Journal of a lew i'ays .o Contained I lie ful lowiiin tqn.b, which lias in. uoiii.i ijtiu in . .id in t,oim old ii..j considerably oi laa : "1 i : iu nut a candidate, but LEE, FLA. Statement of Condition at the Close of Business January 5th, 1912, RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Banking House Furniture and Fixtures Cash and due from bunks Total $26,977.70 1,984.40 1,815.22 18428.95 $19,200.33 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Undivided Profits Cashier's Checks Deposits Total $15,000.00 1,643.29 3.GC2.45 28,900.49 $49,206.33 THE FASMERS BANK LEE, Fla. M D. WILLIAMS, President Vv. J. GEER. Vice-President. JAS. M. PAFFORD, Cashier. -rv ' jt?, s-i full t;.x. H must be paid be f jre tin !U!i ilay of March in 01 dt r fni one to vole in the com injf priimry election. The l.iw is that they mut be paid by the second Saturday of the tnonili pri'CMiiin the month of the election. As the election comes on April 30ih, SIar:li 9th 1h the l.ict day that poll taxes can be paid. Don't forget, and don t d lay. The M irvey Wilson-Walter-Kon-'J'illinan iiontroversy did not hurl. ilson at a!1. In our estimation it lulpcd hini. We alw.iv. iuimire 1 r,i!ii;nes;;, even it s:mn'. people do say that it is not always m.l policy. Uuriiij,' tl.e li'.a',.l cjti'.puijfn i'. o v li:eh w e i now 1 nn-!-; I. ! i ': ii'it fcr-t : liquor is si ill hi iii(f sol i in this couii i y, and thai NOW is the time to slop i. I lie editor has received n;anv xore.ssion.-? of eucoura ueincnt luring the p.'itl few weeks from ini.tunr of riaders over oui determi'ied etfoit to constantly improve the paper. We deeply appreciate these kind words, and we are nue to try always to furnish a really interesting paper to eur subscribers. The fact that two persons eiit to thair death at Niagara Fails the other day, wtple try ing to rescue someone else is proof that heroism is not dead yet, Oh, this may be an age of comxerdalism, and things may notiiejust.isvi eshould havethem, bat there is yet honor and brav. ery and fielf-sacritice in this old world of ours. In anothor column we publish a clipping from lEnu'le's iHx ie, relative to Madison Town and County. Oa behalf of the county, we thank you, Claude, for your kind words. Kvi ryone of our readers who nows. the editor can realize the keen disappointment which In fcullYred at the delay in '.be np. pea ranee tf last weeii's paper It seemed that the rollers to the press absolutely ref used to per form their work properly, and consequently, in addition, :i poor print. We booed that last week's paper was goin to be one of our best, bnt yet that is often the way. We aim and mis, lbn when we nms, we miss only to try aain. We think the rollers are in shape (or this wet-ir, and if not for this week, ili 'iitln ycertainly willbe, or evr u.ckle in the oil) e will be spent trying to getth. nthat vay. A credit to Jacksonville and the entire Stat of Florida ia the new Heard National Ka ik, which opened its doors for bus. ines Saturday with a capital of no million dollars and a sur lus of two hundred ttioupi. NOT LIVE OAK. BUT MADISON- Live Oak lias certainly been blessed" or whatever ycu are to call it, with carniva' ! ..nd tent shows this winter. No sooner dues one leave the city when alou;; comes another to occupy the "show grounds." If th' y all make money, Live Oak must be an easy mark. Live Oak Democrat. RIGHT YOU ARE. Belter to be free like the fox though hungry and often chas ed by the hounds than a sleek, well-fed don showing the sign of a master's collar, Vernon News. M id on. Florida, the other day v .led with practical unani mity io buy the plant of the lo e'ectric lighting and power compai v, and the enterprising liltle city has put its feet on the highway of progress. Ex change. Mailison is all right. Why caunot Si. Cloud do the same thing: purchase the phntof the St. Cloud Public Utilities C, and furnish ice, water nd elec tricity to tha inhabitants. If there is any profit to it, let our town oenerit by it. St. Cloud Tribune. and Truck Farm ing can be greatly improved by get ting the right kind of a start. Put your ground in the right con dition with an Oliver Goober Plow Light in weight and draft Thoroughly adjustable, durable and economical. ' milh Mercantile Coy. The Farmers' Store Madison Florida Good Cotton Crops . You can't Ret the big.est cotton crops un less you supply the very best plant food. Armour Fertilizer has its food in a form that your plants can use; this food comes from the best grade of materials, and it is so finely ground and thoroughly mixed that every ounce of fertilizer has just the same amount of plant food in it. Another thing, Armour Fertilizer put on ly The Inter-Cultural Method gives splendid results. This method makes more cotton with the same amount of fertilizer. We'll have a folder ready about January 20th telling about it; better send for your copy it's free. The J. E. Hardee Co. AGENTS. MADISON FLA, ARMOUR FERTILIZER WORKS, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. I (ex. 'AH ."J A . THE BEST FOR YOUR HOME OR STORE Simple. Economical easy to install The result of 14 years actual experience in Lighting. Cost of operating no neater than kerosene. Riva 3 Sunlight. Increase real esta.e values.... Let us tell you more about the STANDARD ACETYLENE AND GASOLINE LIGHT ING SYSTEMS.. ..Send par ticulars of your requirements and we will gladly furnish an estimate. Ml east Bay Btriit jAOKflONVILLC, LORIO FoIit Kiducy Pills will cur Buy ckb o! Uldoy or t ImAIm trouble oot boyoDd tho rHi'b of mediciaH. Mo medicine CM do B(-. ... .. , When BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT ia rubbed In for rheumatic achet ' and paint, U reaches the ipot quickly and the . wllef ia very tratifyinfc ' Price 256.' '60& ' and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by alt drag-' lUta. .. . I Look for Garages You cannot know what a good tire is Until VOn frV a MirhUn nmnrrtv mRntoA ' r r v & M IN STOCK BY Corbin Motor Car Company Madison florid.?