Newspaper Page Text
P;e scria. i Cliurcli. Srr-hl s;crvi.':v3 r.t Pi-al-ytsrian Church bc.ii i-'-'.'i fVb. 1J. at 7 r- Xui..' (by. sermon ly II. Vv'. Y.'Iut nc'L . - y. ;! i..;y, riT'iiT.i l.y I?cv. V. II. z ' . 8 w if I. 4fc w w , - r j-.i f i),.r"iEin I y Lrv. (..' L. D t.. ; v-. - i.-i., V. 1!. (3). Eiiiiquil.tiw-j flun . t of jiaslor mid l is wife. alltic miners of diurch ci.d i!-.oi who". Tne Fl-cal will bo soru'Ji ai ri.iire ttt tUOp. m. j : ..'. I m.. ... ? r..,. t I the church nt 4 p. in., Feb. 1C. C i.'ilO - i I Vc Hrc': Ci r Statements vii'i Our Pr;jo:ial Hop r'.jlicn :v:v. Vi'i' tax ro positive tint '.: '.-a?! rclicw constipation, no mailer hn-.v c'r i.i!c it nny by, thut we o!l';r ') f'.irn'.j;i thinuJiciiH! nxo of:,'! c .1- if w-j fail. v"c- thin!: 't'rtt it 13 wjivj than a?...l.:?; i. ou-v.ip. to cars cm sti; ill' -n villi citlur'ao. b'a:rs C.i ii i .ics miydo much Ikk'i.i. They ::i vy c.a.Ho a rea2tio;i, m. tat a 1 1 wJ-iuii tho bowels, a:vl riakJ c ).i.supation mors car.nic Gondii patioi U of ton accum pr.'c .I r.:i! ropy bo causJ by wci':n 'ss of tha n.rvt-i and mn s c'.cs of tha laro inte-jtina or calon. To expect to cure you nr.ut thjivfora tone up and stivnrrthcn those parts and re-str.-o thorn' to healthier activity. Th? discovery of the active prin.vile of our wmj;ly involved t!u labir of skillful ressurcti cheni'sts. ThLs remiJy prodacc'3 reMilts s-jch asarenxpectel from thob ':tof t'.io in tel':r:. toa'c.i, and it m parlicj lar'y in its results. V'evant yri to try Ii:x:Vi! Oiv'ioi 1'vs oa our guarantor Tlic-y aro c.;,1 .'3 1 in :;'.y to t ike anj a id jal for children. Th y apparently ast directly o;i tlio ncr.-ji an 1 muscles of th 3 bev els,, it would G3.?m, a neutral aitioi o:i othir ovi'i' or gland;. Thoy do not purs'e o cause inconvenience If thay dj not positively cure chronic or ha bitual constipation and thus re I eve the myriads of associate or depen lent chronic ailments, your money will be refunded. Try Rexall Orderliesat our risk. Three sizes of packages, 10c, 25c., and 50c Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this commun ity only at our store The Rexall Store. Madison Drug Co. The Weather. . tot tha week ending Tuesday, Feb. 0. IIikI) Low JVm. TVm lU'nlh1 Wednesday 152 .20 .W Thiirsilnv ...110 ..32 00 Fridy M 29 fiO 8turdKy 62 33 00 Bunduv .....44.. 28.... CO Mo,J'y 40 27 00 Tuwday 40 20 00 Totil .00 if u HOWS THIS? WenfTerOnB llundroil Dollir Re irJ for any cm at i ;tiirrli llmt vnn- , m l''irel hv Hi.'l'C.urrh Cure. f . .1. Ii F.N EV & CO., Tolli., O. i We, ihn nii(trhi);ni1 r.iiv kui u I'". J-t'li n.y f,,r tj.Blwt IS vnr(i, bd.I l 'Vf lilm p, rf.oilv bonnnilileiu i.I' liu ""Iriin.ctiuMaml Huunoinlly Htie J" carry .,ut ny oblualion lumle l y ' II -in. . VI ION'AL BANK OF COMMERCE. Tolwl. , o. ""H' C.itTh Curo to tultcii lu'er Hv. !linB ihivctly upon tha BVem. Tnmoulnl.i-ntfrea. Price 73 ceotf wrboitle. S-ldby all D-uKUta. Tlt Hail-g Family Pill fur conali- A- ' . Gtaieiiieut 7.' RESOURCE Furaiiurc and rixi!u-..s .j.) Loans arid r:ii;c:iiiiu y.i) '.".'i'lucry Total 'i. : ) XI. .5 y,y; -' Garago Sold. Tlie Ma;'ton Motor Car CoV. i.,,-.r- r;i: was ou Ia:.:t Fiio.-y t-M to! Messrs. ?.!. M and J. F. C.,Ii.o,m ! w!ii will have cliartie of 1ms. iaess in fjiure. Dotli vatai;' w; lire well aud favorably liarcvn find they will no doubt enjoy inndi tue ccfs. R. S. Coleman and H. G. Wade will continue their a;;e'iey for the Ford automobiles, and will make their headquarters at the a rae. Danger in Delay. Kiincv Dic.a;$ Arc Tjd Dang. mis for MiJison Pioplc to I-oziett- I'Iim tri.-iii il.t fcr jf ifi'!:i,-y irouiili-f is Unit llic;.' t.u i' in r.:, .. (.:.. Hu rl. II r-r icr'iniz .-t ill. in. ii.n!i!i it ii i liiii!ly mi lui'iim e I. II i ll' ':t,c, t-.i l .c' r, mr oii-ni I .i.: a-r i, ri:ul;i, linn .ry t n.u 'it ;-, i.mi . i 1 1 v . I hi. 1 1 i ;ritii'(j iIim' I. )! i -. if ii rui lvh f .i:..-i -"i hi . ll ni t i..fcV':t .iiiir kiill.i'yt- !l,..i i)rt I,,. I.e.-,, i I llH l' liilbl-- IU.ll r if 11' in l , iu..r:V Iv iiiii-y I'h, ti i., .iiii! i i'c e ri-i.l. li -i-. I, tin. 1 ,e lily. Thomas Wijifcins, 117 P(.'.uacj!;i St., ralluiiassc'e, flu., nays: 'I aiii-!iafcd tJ endorse Doun's Kidney Tiib and ad vise their use In cases of Kidney U on lil a. I had a lame and aching hack and was annoyed by the kidney secre tions passing too frequently, especially nt uilihL My buck was very lamo and ach ed constantly. About two months Ago 1 lint a supply of Doan'i Kidney Pills and their use bioutfht me prompt relief." l-'or mi io bv nil ileiilera. Piice CO cl. Foster.Mlliiurn I'd., UuS.ilu. New YoiU (ul HKenU fur the I'liit'.-d Sin tea. K-member th oiiu-.e Doati't -aud t ka no oltipr. MAMTEIt'SBALE. Notice is nrr by Riven tbat under mid by virtue otadei-ree of lorccloaure and sale Una--t out nt tb i Ircult court la aud fir Mllcn 0 muty, l-'lorlda. In a eauw tUeretu pcn(lliiK wtaviiiii 1 . L. Leutfuti i. eouip aluaut aud W. B.-leuklnii and btauia K. Jeiklim are di-d-n-dun 1 8, Mild decree Delwr dated JnLuaiy liU, HID. t will offer t r tale to de b gUen and ln-bt b.dder for cutt In fr..nt of tu court bou d ar at Ma iihod, Kicrldi, on tloudny, Maicb ti h, 101 i. tbe same belnr a pal lalei. day, and duii K ilio Ical himmjnt ule, tbe lnluioliiK deienbi dnal i-sime l. l.:g Ai.d.b:-li.' In Mudi. aouc'ounty. Klor.da. to-wli! 'Ibo NnVp: sKi O. fe N W J, j X Joi Bliij ot c S; N t i,' nt N K !4ju Hut BH. He ! Kt N KM. M 'n.teo liiNWof ,vvjKEiioC k. ee M.a lla ip I U, Haiifc-i ea i, C'liftaiiiuif 6i0 acieaniOieorlei-s. A mo fkH ot NKJI; bKut E!4;8H !4 ot Nii! NE14 ot K. .NWJi of am,n-ci4i vkvj oi x RK: vi-!i i in i n ofi X; a ut Nt;i)t ms'i V n)j ofJb' i-ei lit; -I k ut .w Ii, iu l; alt In ip 1 niirih, ifnm(i;8 i-as i l o X ot NE'il K ll a ninU .ai;nil cut oinla lulutf lu all ZV acres ui're or li'Mi. , It II. ltd VI', pec al Master. Mnlb Keili y, i "inilf fdr s. : :.rru.n:CXi;..i..i. ; csaxt:: 'i DR. J. J. CONWAY, j fj - Dentist, Residence Phone 34. H tjj- TTT mm i luajaam: cr Condition iu C.;:?63 i?---- J, l.;,!i,10 l!:.;;:i;.77 h It- tk' 1 ir.', 'J H Dyal-TJpchurch Buildins:, Jacusonyillo.Fb, Shiptiii-i.ta n, to any url ot Hie a'tue. Ouratot-lt In ma :e f rota t'na In-.Jt. turner in l.t, h v.i-'l m.n-f:iofni-?i a n I -.r lull,' a I- I. mi I our f,,ciiln., ti.r tilll-u ord, r fur cnrioail Io'.h ur p.-ii!iiiii.l!v i '. EflflETT ; : i (uk:-'-.-; 1 Candidate for Congress. I-'1R?T LAOIill'PE, THEN UKOX- CfllTIS That wn the chsb wlih Mra. W, S. Httiley, Mi.'Crverv, Ky., "My w ( I . Utri down with h Bi-vt:r 11it.11 k of It Hi'li p", wli'cli run la'o hroua- Itin. She oniil e I us tho' li h id cnnmmpiinn ' hlid eould not i-l-ep Mt niuht Theliti-t' buttle of Koliy' llmi-v Mini T ir Com- j liotinu e ve ner m uincn re u-t iiinr, sn i-nntlnticil upilk it u-.til shenns peniin ueiitly cured." NOTICE OP OISCIIAIIOI-.. Noiloe 1 nere'.y nlvpn 0 ill 1,-mi vs ntnJ 0I ir huieit, iuar, s, inoui b irom lliu Uiie lni-wl i will l-ri-t nt to llie Omlliy la.lif.. n Al i.ti.ih L' ilnlv, Hluridi, mv vmit-li.-i ;iml m.ilti; mv litiHi n-tillli. H. AdinlDii.lritnr of tliv 1-.hI.iU-u W.I. l.vm, rici-i.'A.-tl. und upon tii'pr. v ut nt rtij r,--turll will iihIc Ui bn liwntiretl i,b utlEiiiniHtf iiinr i.I mmkI fftAtr. MudiMMi, rik., Jm. Rth, ten . W. II DAVIS. of the fiitnl, I W, T. 0T1, k,MhI. 1. 1 a i; i C ii it i! Zi: D ;:( It i Hi!!., Liy.jbij u..:;vv!cd r-v.r-i. .i: 1 1 i i i'.l A-'viit. WILSON '' W,i I ' -M.I TUB 8UUM) tLEEP Ol'GOOU HEALTH. in not for thte suflTerisR from kidney :i i : uir-n t nhil ii rr-k-ulur t ieM. Toe iriiiupt us- i.t nt' Foley K d ev Pill will dirij el Ii ickiii-l.e I. m I rhi-iiixi il into, lipul mill . tri 'ht-u on, wa!t and lilioa; U'd nr-)!-, r Btiii-M iiiirin.'il ni-tinn, mul with it I h:iI tli nnil nr.-ut th. ,ir. M. F. So lUlinry. Sti-rliui;, lil ,)': ''I t:f tVreil (ffeitl. (ihiii in iiy Imr.k and kid- nevH, could nut, li-. nt. nlnh', mid could not ruin rny ."i a over my hi til. Bui two bottles ol I'o, ey Kidney l'll, oured inn. ' In MaitlsonCoiintr rtreulf Court, Third In dicia ti cull ot lUrild.i iDibancery. Kx Parle In Die maiter of laiy L Hryan. Ap pllcai I o 10 be made ire dt-a'er. This enuse oomlns on tuts day to bt beard o,on tbepelK LATH 3 r.OwLD5?5-3 h H i .V-'.r-i A 29-- 1 m l i t i r s 5.lCf:3if.f,0 1;) VJj.hQ ' i,r;:.::G !.:... ,-7i,.'Jl 'A V'l ii i") VV. i;. 1 1 n tilirt. i In- t'.liii-ii iiiiii-nnid I r i-ppart .it I hi' 'il I M ;r-.' i I , m il II, l; I I, lilt I'lil Illy, il v i . d, tl I lii.)i. c.,iit. i,n I i Inn tlii-l'i O, Hid ti''. " jii'l ;i d an I I), nrnl, lllit I lie re t i-:. ill I ,n .sjii i-t ii .'il i-,:rr Ij I' l Ins m. nr. U I1-I1I1..I1 1 ! 1 h ; 1 'i ! ,t i' . , 1, 1 1 1 1 , il it,n 'nod. I; ii lnrli'i- nid I'd. i.iiii-iil ,1 d Oi-cii i.J I'm 1 Hi I'.' 1 1 1 In i i-, M .1 ( ... In. nn, Ik I. -v. by :i.i',-' 'l c i s im l.ii 1: i-l. i;- ' ill, 11, .ti '.re iii'U L ' '1 , ' '1 if 1 11 ,v ; 1 1 -1 .1 1 11: , I i.'i; iril,,, c l:tl,llt ,111 I Ii 1' i,il i;l '. il iv 1 1 1 M.i' !n It .ti ll mid i" ui . 1 ii- n'-l! lii j 1 ' -, 1" - hi in lv ii-. 11 Llia '1' r II '.,1: 1 ' I I, I 1 11 " I III -.11: ill L ' 1 1 1 , 1.1 1 'ill! . II'., ;l 0,1'i I'll' I'll" 1 I'll.'1, I.I 11 Wilt!, In lie- ). ,1. 1 1 . - ; "!.' r i' lit 11 :i 'fi ; ,1 -r 1 hU ii. I .1: ,.,li!-."l I 1 111 1.' Ii ' it .1 u:d l.llO 11 ' 'i .i-'il i'l'-ii'Ii' 1 i,;i, Ij in m I.'Vl unit. ; line 1 .1J1 0. i ul I.'i ii'iri, . It. tn .'. ... '.. 1. Ci!t I 1. ., Jn'Jo. :o.'.r t.or , '.rrs thk kid- 1 11 Mm.- ;.il'.i If your liitni'B ar - t K'l.iv!. C 1I1I coii'u-itd il.t; Indue, 'i-n .i,, :oiriHi"li tv irk upon them, und v ii.lirr.s ll u r ai l on, S'l'lnu kidney ma'i 0 tml even I i 1 1 1 1 1-' il 1 KeiiK tuny i-nul'. Si n rji'li'iu your ki Iney, i-t il iif lie t tin Mini eon-nc-n, build Iikiii iii liv tho ti.riRiy 11 He of Foley' lilney fillrt. Toulu in nuliou, quick, in rea ill-. NUI'li K OK UlHCIf Alinii, N n IC ! lii nun bj- ,'lvi'ii to nil l.-aten and ill iltiuii'. 1 11 at. ki k ni'inMH ironilliM it, 1 will prune 11, 10 IUb ( ouiiiy Jul unit lmll 4 Hi I 'llll;liy -lul'l I.I, Illy Vnlli'lliTH Mild UUk n) it-mi t-etiirnh as Ad nl-ilniritioi ol ilie femaie it M N. It r a w, il e u ae d, aud uiioa iniiroviii nt nil 1 retimis will sk to du dis cliiirie 1 as ta inlMi i-aior ot sufd i-iluto Ma.lnili, 1 if Jmiu.irj ill li, mi.. , M. c. Hit -. 'V, ' ACj.imatrntor of tbe Bstste of M.N Ulvn'.OeM.'AM.'d. V WARXINi; ACiAINST WE1FKET Wet and chill d feet ueui.l'y afTect he biul-ou merubt'iine of the rio-e, ihroiit and luuj,", Htid hi t'rippe, luon ijhilia nr pneumonia may renul'. Wach artfully, purttculiir y tho childn-u, and or the ntukitiit attiliburn coimha (jive Foley' Honey and 'l'nr Cnuiiiiiinil. It Ki'iUn'8 tlie i nil urn; I iiir-iiilir.iiiee, and heiiln the cuujjh Tnku no jl liLHUtl'. IIEXIUtY & McKIX.s' .N AtLorncijH-a t-Lato Madison and Perry, - Florida tVlU i'tMetlmi n til tlate aed Kederol I'otirt 0F!cr: In First National Bank Buildiryr