Newspaper Page Text
FCR CONGRESS. THIRD DISTRICT To tie People of the Tliirii Dimnct. of Fh.ridn: I an i mudiilHie fur in miiiHlion tv tlclt-llilril('oiiKrfut)j'i!t t Hi action of Hi Dhi'h-i uitc PiliimniT. If eho't il HimTi.iiiI llmlm't, w.ll b Biy fmr ir-lt Mini e vry pri't'tnot in It i' Ki-elnl i In III lli' flit ti iv, iik In lln pa-t, my wil plltpiHf Ull'l liiKtu'HI ui.'i will l" l' i rvi- llii' 1 iiiici'-l 'if nil tin pri pl. I i lli r veil ti- n fiii-Li'i' ol f"ii yrurh' ki I vli in VVMhliiiiL'I'in vi i l tin cmiif l iMiHy In jimr iiitwi'tt in. I 1 fut f 1 1 1 it t lii:n luiirkxil vTf prlio l if in II I VIC III llii' pi. Ft' 1 iinik'niti fill In ycui fur vnur c ili'i in il ""pi rt in tlit I'i'M. ii il 11. Ii V'l nppiiv iiir ni'ir tlmn I run '.'. i ynti, Air npii.r1. Inll e f ul iiri. Very I i i'ly rm rn, I !,-ii,nillt II. M rci: l"Iat:;s attorn:"' v. U-l '1 ii il i ii . i- uf Hut '! I iitl .luiii' i. ) r.i.'ii.i i . ! Ii . !- t!..'.' I..r i "' ' f ; I i .' . n- i . - :' 1 Ii : ' . .. . ,, I I, I. . fi r II,' ! tl la-- ',. .i i lin.i'h- f ..- 1 1 'I I ii. :i Tin put pi m of lb s nunoiii cent" I. . to i!tvf iin '; i":.! tint I v til I' dtniil'l iti' hi I in ! II. em not I . 1. 1 it.. iili tlnir if'i I t : nii'ii; l !i'ir --- until I ti:n" ... ' .. I ' d my el .urn . J " licit tho Mipi'if. of evi'iy vot'-r hiji jrollll- tli.i", if I l -l'li tl, 1 lll lliu 'llHUTe Hit- ilulim of 'Ii''' i'i. I'liOMi'TI.V linn imi'.ai: n i i.y v.i'.i.ou'. n:it 01 PAVOIt. ICi'iipectfliliy, OaMwi II Luke. UitV, Flu , Deo. 12, 101!. To the letnocille! Vi)trHof ttio J'liln: Judiulnl Circult.of Fluridn: I hereby announce my -elf cnnditlitt for St,nt,s Attorney fur tbe Tbiitl Judi cial Circuit of Kloriibi, eulijccl to tto Dem cratio punmriee tn be held In tb everbl countrt'8 compoBing caiJCirciii lb l'J',2, nml nolii-it the Biipporl. of tb dmoc ratio voters of til Circuit, If elected it fthall be my purport P dlicbarge lh duties of tbn olTlu to the beat uf my ability. Respectfully, J. B. IIODP.IW. Mauison, fla., Jan. i, ID 12. To the lienim ratio Voters of IheTnlrti Judiciiil Circuit of Mjridit: I hereby Hunounce niy t'Hndltiacy for tho nllii'rt of S'iiIh Attorney for the Tnlrd J id' Circuit of the State ul t'li ir Ida, pul'.fi t to lh iictiun of the Deiiioctutie pnniiirlci. If clei'li tl In this In p.ii 'itiit pui-ilnui, 1 i hull do ii j lllinnet to pel fnnil il m .i It o of li,rt nl lice wild pi-' ii" ai d niipur: iulry unn to l.i.i In -t i l in , aliilt'y. ,i. w. Mri-:p: ;.o:.'. FOR HOUSL' OF RliPKESF.NTATiVf iS- I h u by fimtituuic inytclf a curuliiluii: for re il ecli n to the liou-u: uf !-.': uusi'iiuttivrit m tfic rjm inn in!mnrl(s, und H'.i:it ttic n-(vTtf oil b mu rmu Vtryrht'trulty, Kuht. 1,.'si . . FOR SIIERIFf. To the Democratic Voters of Madison County, Kloiitlai I hereby announce my name us a candi date for le-tlexiioii to the cilice of Sheiiri of said county, ei.l je.t to the ucliou of I he democratic i;o!.'im". 'l'!.in;- my fiiemlt and the voters it thecoun'y for past favors, and soliciting iluor snppoit and voles in the coming piiiiiaiien of l'12, I mil, Very K'.spectluily, A. I). Stjiiluii, SherilF, Mailison County, Fla. I hir.'r.y tninounei thulium a rumiiitnle lor the ffiiir ii Sh -r if il Mi 1 1 m ju- l v. aiKl r. ii!,.ic'riil:y ll..;:t tl eticiiriil iiriiT.'.r'.i ptlsili in, I ;,. . Lilly nr.; t!.e . V. !J ..i n r . .1 v litis hi ll.t K I vtui to 'li.H n aimnsii Ii. I M . In s Y0.1 Ct : ,H. ' V ' To till' I , I.' i ' M.i.lUn CVui'ty I 'ori-hi: I hri'e.i .'I..'l to li".""-ii' i rafi-I'date for llie ofi'n e ol t'otioiy I ev'S'irer of Madison Coiin-y, and heieliy folicit tue support of he voters of t'ie county in tho Coming Primuy Medio. i ;; i t!u jU:!i of j piij next and it eh'r'cil 1 piomisj to the office fairly, honeitly and P tho belt of my MI Jty. I know that I can attend to the du- ties uf the office. Youis to iwie, Leonard Morrow, Son of Runtlell R. Morrow. I"o tlie Voters of Madison C'mintyi I aiiiiounie ii.y-.clf a candidate for the ntliteuf Treasurer tif Miidison County . mil will (ippwlaie the snppoit tif all in the ioinini;'l;ii. 1 have lieen Miving the piihlit' for ticai- !y five yearn af a pnhlii' scliiitil teat her ami iecl that I! done my duly l' the uiilil i en in my tine. Now, if you allow! me to lie your Treaf- m . r 1 will put fmtli cve:y flfuil to pviforni tin: ilu." ' uf t'.c tiTtiT. I'M. I'lOVI l.'s IHMIIIIA I F, John A. Davenport I Ii rii.y Mii-ounn-t'itit I hhi t-nnd!l,jte fur re rli-t ir I'. I i' i ''(' ii' t .miiiy InaMiriT, ami r lit ifiil y -iiiii .t Hi.1 wii'i'i'ii of tin- D. ir.'M r.itlc vi. tui;il!i ii.ii n i fiiiui;. (.. Il On t ..'l-' fiiv.i .ii. ill r. . ii . In n, 1 1 r irn'sc to mliti'illc In el' t!i.n il i .ii1 i ( i'i- i.ii'i'.' iniit..ui: -ilia 10 in. K- .t iii i..y ui tin. Fi ..netini y. Jv'IjN V. I) WIS. 'I., ii ,-, M. ei ii 'Vi:.;!,. f'la. V- p f ; :.;v !' C.RCLIT (X-IRT. i ... I I'!. ',. ... Il I . . , ... ' . I. . . I . ' III i , ,,.tl . , .).. '....r. i M. i. in I' .uiily. I i i. I ...n i.iii i .i. :.(v.:.i.n titl.t ( I. rl. , '!!' .( II"' iimii.ii t. mi. cm! I fcii.ll tn i! .-.i.n mil., hi.. i .:!l ) ift lul biici'i ri niu. i. iicr, :i; tl e ;ii yuri. I liuvi m if. d you. 1 1 1 .in. j' ! v en Ii '.net! tt;e v.irinl ili.lii i.-il tin ' Mi c t.i'..' 1.11.1 an tin yinir wuik nc iirati ly in il .! k . ...... i y i. li e iTuktM tiutifli l ill vi'iii h I lluvt t V leli k:li e ru it. I li:.v.. U'l II n wurtious. tllllil'illg Binl attentive t . u'l a. ! km v. hew, und am akmu V 'Or tuiunil af mi on my rrrord, wlileli my service hasiliveii ul an iii'iiurtucity tu btcome fun. itinr with, and if I hjve. inerited vuur cuiifiilf nee and fcui.iiuri fur ate uiheiiirin, I iirumim: Uigive ynu llie b' t servic. winch my hnuv.le.1tte and experience permits. Ailai.i tlinnkinit one antl all lor pant favurs, anil kiutlni w Hhuwn inc. 1 remain, yuurt to cummand T. Z. M una FOR TAX ASSESSOR I hereby announce that! am a candidate for Tax Asseswrut Madisou county, subject to the actiun of thrvntrra In the cumins primary election. I ai pr.icinlc fully the hearty and generous support iven to mc tn the psst, and I solicit your further favorable consideration, plcdilitm myself hi dii i harm the duties of the office as I bave in the past. I am ready msirve you with the same fidelity as in the past. Kespectiully, ROUT. J. PATERSON FOR COUNTY JUDGE To the Democratic Voters of Wadison Countyi I am a candidate for the offie of County Jud',e of Matlisoti County, Florida, iuh juct to llie action of the voters In the com ing ptimary. If nomiivited and elected, my best elforla will he piven to the inopei t.ijndiict of the aiiuils t.f the oH'n e. Kcpei li'ully, l.nnei. K. Kellev To the Ui 1'1.,1'uiit: Voters of Madison County! 1 heitliy announce myself a candidate lor the office of County Judge, subject In the nppioval of the voters in the coming pritnaiy. 1 respectfully solicit your cup pint Respectfully, ' W. H. Cowart. I lierrhy announce that I am a candidate fur the oftiee ol County Judito uf Madison County, Florida, and resptieUully solicit the support of all Dem- orrutic voters in the rximing primaries. If elected, I pronilse to perform the duties of the office faith' luliy aad to the best of my ability. Vrey Respectfully. 8. D. Momow. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Having been compelled to fiive up pas toral work on account of continued ill health, I retired to a small farm a ycai ugo two ntles from Madison hoping there by to lectin my health. My health having been restored many friendsnow urge rne to announce myself a candidate for the office of Superintendent of Schools for the County of Madison, ant. at their request I hereby announce my candidacy for the above office subject tc. the action of the coming dt mociaic pr. nury. ff elected, I shrill endeavor to faithful i'i'! Impartially discharge the duties iij 'jfliv-e to the best of my ability. Respectfully, W. R. Ivcy. It Is w ith pleasure that I announce my relf a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction oi Madison county, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held April 30th, 191Z If elected, I shall devote my entire time to the duties of this important office, and shall bring into the work a knowledge, ex- . . . ... J .l...t..- CI leucine, unu training at-quncu J"t teen yean of actual school woik. A my ichool duties require my time, I may not be able to meet many of the vot- therefore I submit the following mr your consideration, and respectfully ask your support in the coming l'rimaryi 1'iiiicipal of Pi'ieita School, Madison Co. I"la. i 'rincliul of Anthony fcclioul. Marion, t-o. r'la.i l'lincipal of Aucill ..w...l li.lfpntnn "n.. Ma. 1 l'li llt'i Hill of l.aiuo School, IlilUlioruuh Co. Fla.. i iiiuipal of I'upitun School, Lincoln Co, New Mexicoi l'lincipal of Anirus School I ln...tii t o. Kfi Mexico: I intinal of Vnuiil Siiniiuur Normal. Lincoln Co. New Mexico. I'mni Supt iinteiidi'iit ol 1'uMic Instriic tion Hadley, I sul'iiit the folhiwi.igi Santa f c. N. M.N., Mav IK, IMJS. Piofcsor H. . H.irpi"-, oiral, N?w MeNti'o, My dnir l'rofes'nr: l:i icj; ml to y-oil nim im'i school. 1 shall never tlrnvv aiiylhin? in its way, nn.l I s i.i'.l t iimhi' ;i.:e "U I eury wi'y that p' i'y cm. 1 ariv with you wholly tin the ti-i- l'r:-e e ho at! limn lliC t) pit ..'1 I ii'.' I i ,i. h m1'! ol riti'.t tl '.,1 r.'iii i ii ore pom it ! , i " I, sc. I ei , r or A; 'i -1, w' ..-.I M I ,i . vml Ml I: lit.'ir 1 l-.l-Vi. .ll.' I l'I'i ill IV Il i. ,i p: me thai 1 r: .-..niiiK'nd Ii :iny c i .1. .Vr. II. C. Jlaiper lit i ten hci of luaikcd a'nlty and fully capable of uivin:; ciiiiif .t.ittii.n to any who may be so fort mate as to have an tippi r tutiity to employ him an a teacher in ai.y capacity. Mr. Harper hat jiten the very best ol satisfaction as a teat her since he has been employed in the schools of Lincoln, and 1 do not hesitate to say that he is fully capable to continue to do so wherever em ployed. Respectfully, Edw. J. Cole, Supt. Schools Lincoln Co. From the President of the New Mcxict Normal School, I submit the following! Silver City, N. Mex., Oct. 17, 1004. I recommend Mr. H. C. Harper as r teat her and a young man of worth. Hi attended the New Mexico Normal School and I found him a good scholar and a man of principle. He is a person whom I can recommend to occupy a resitonsible posi tion, whether it be teacher or superinten dent of schools. Indeed, I think thatm hoo authorities will be fortunittein securing per sons of his capability. C. M. Light, Pres ident of New Mexico Normal School. From Superintendent B. J. Hamricki Monticello, Kla., Jan. 20, 1910. Dear Professor Harper: I w as well pleas ed with your work at Aucilla, I will take pleasure in answering any one you may re fer to me, and w ill give as good testimonial .is I know how to write. With pleamiie, 1 am, veiy truly yours, R J. Ilamiick, Supt. Public Instruction. Again soliciting your support, and uf- soring von that I heartily appreciate the -.ime. I am, Vcty truly yours, U. C. Harper. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I am a landidute for the office of Ta: Collector of Madison County, and earnest ly solicit the support of. the democratic voters of the county. Respectfully, W. Preston Thompson I herehy announce that I am a candidate for Tax Collector of Madison County, sub ject to the action of the people In the com ing Primary Klcction. Thanking the pen. pie for their liberal support In the past, I solicit their further support, pledging them to discharge the duties of said office as I have in the past. Respectfully, 6. J. Ellison, I hereby announce that I a csnd lilatc for the of fice of Tax Collector of Madison County, and res. pictfully solicit the support of the democratic vot- rsof the county In the comlnj prlmsrlrs. If el ected to this responsible positl.m, I promise to ful fill the dudes thereof fairly, honestly and to the bc-Kt of my ability. Very respectfully, Hugh R Simmis FOR SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRA TION. To the Democratic Voters of Madison County ; I nsk your support fur Supervisor of Registration if Madison county In the comina primary. Htv- Infl had considerable exut-rlrnce in contluctini! thi affairs of said office, I feel that 1 ain fully cuinpi- tent tocontinuo to discharge the duties of same, and if the Democrats will hunur me with the n-im- inutiin, my very bestcrTuru will be riven tu tht work. Thanking- one and all fur kindn. ss, I am, Respectfully, JOHN ".' VAN'S. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. District S. To the DemocraUc Voters of M idlsin r atty. I hereby snnounca mys I acsndi .t ,.r Coun ty Commissioner la and for the ith atairi.-t of Mod- "He Will Repre sent Ac- - , .en --;-rf 4 ,. : , Y'"--,- . f Wm.W. FLOURNOY, CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESSMAN. THIRD CONGRESS IONAL DISTRICT. In every paper published in the Third Congressional District, I have announced as candidate for Congressman. I solicit your consideration upon principles to be published and discussed in the campaign. I am by instinct, training and study an ardent sup porter of our form of government Vith its three distinctive and alluring branches: 1, Legislative; 2, Judicial; 3, Executive; which should be controlled of, by and for all the people, whether natural jr artificial, without stealthy encroachment by one department up m the other, or upon the people's rights by ring rule, factionalism, judicial construction, or otherwise. Let us emulate our fathers as men, candidates Rnd as voters. Let us study and realize our position, conceive the purpose of government, the solemnity of ojr obligations as citizens and bV erne to the trust reposed in us by those whose earnestness and sacrifice erected this great constitutional government Let us not for favor or passion circumvent the purpose or power of the primary n the selection of the best man. I want to serve you no less than you should want the best services. I ASK NO HASTY COMMITTALS. I am not before you to win so much as I am to be true to self and to my govern ment I shall make no statement, either on the stump or in the tiress, mertly to please you, or to catch your vote. I shall appeal to your intelligence, not to your passion, or faction. Government, to be pt'inianent, must be louncied upon intelligence- It is for the ijiotecticn and preservation of individual find puLlic rights, net to luster and promote the interest of any individual or faction con trary to the equal privilege and rights of others. If you award me this great trust, I promise you my best, I shall esteem it an honor to represent you and our District only when elected by your honest, lo.val and voluntary ballot. It is my purpose to give you my platform soon and also, to visit, if time will permit, your precinct in order that I may have the pleasure and honor of speaking before you in person. In the meantime I hope to have the attention of every vpter through the press the safeguard and advisor of the electors and the sura pre cursor of civic improvement Every elector is burdened with the obligation to advise himself and cast his vote. The man who is TOO bUSY, like the man who is corrupt, is a serious obstacle in the material advancement and safe administration of a government like ours. If private corporations were as careless in selecting their directors as the voters are in electing their public servants, private corporations would be a failure, and likewise would our gov ernment, were it not for your indulgence, patriotism, and the great power to tax. If all would participate actively and honestly, 1 be r lieve the best man for the position and the best good for the Dis trict would be had and done. YOU O' VE MORE TO YOUR DIS TRICT THAN TO THE CANDIDATE. Remember yourself, our District and me at the polls. May 1 have the pleasure tf a letter from you? Ison county Florida subject to the action of the Utmoerstic Primaries of April 30, llil'i If I am nominate! and tlerled I promise to fill the office airly and honestly to the best of my ability. Thanking the ;iple for past favors and cakicl support la the turning; primary I beg to remain. Vtry truly, W. H. PHILLIP3. FOR MEMBER SCHOOL BOARD. District 3. To the Democratic Voters of District No. 2: I repseeifully announce myself as a candidate for reelection as memo, r u; t le School Hoard at tl.e nminit primary to lm hi Iti Aiill ,)(lih, sutiict U tile m-iil ul th. i.i.lfl. ..!..:.. it , . tcXd i . ...' U..!f Ll .IVL ll.w m pitur t- ...Hl,l m h .i tl.e Ii ZM'Smlth, Mrs. Charlie Carr11. and Ii in the Thick! n the pais 1, fr their past support, and h j. Iiiii 1 1 itcelva lilt same aaln, I remsia Yours vuy liul, , ' J. H. Lamkonb '. P. Thoniaii, of Jacksonville, vUltj; to tbe city Tuesday. wat a the District" V - if o ? : :V.r.-c;m mm Wm. W. Flournoy Mrs. Bradley Hostess. Mrs. E E Bradley was the gra cious hostess of the Home Mission Society on last Wednesday ufter noon. The weather being brig it and balmy, there was a larie atte . dance of the members. After an interesting literary program and the business session, an elaborate and tempting salad course was scr- Mrs. Bradlev was eiiitt;d uv I V7U. serving by her mother. Mi. John Mrs. J. J. Beville Mi.s Catharine Hawking will) be liostcM a bridge thi evening, at 8:30 In'clLCk. tt bjr cozy home in Riverside in compliment : nanJall,' to hrtr house guest. Miss S. A. Madison, Fla. Timea-Union.