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'V&'WVfc'V Locals and Personals. i FRFFTf. FARWRS! i FARM NEWSPAPER FREE t FOR THE ASKING. f To any fanner who trades in f Madison and who will send us his 4 4 name and address, plainly written. t a we will send him free for ono ytar J a a splendid J t Family Farm Journal. 5 A Do not miss this opportunity; snid a g your name and address ; t once. Us ie-Su x&wm uo, o Sure;', p rs t I liann Mis. A. E. Fruleit'h was hostess tit th ' ne t ng of the Card Club-un Inst Frl.lay -ftrnion. Just received, at Moscley's Drug Stpu 1 fnsh supily of Itiistin J's liiinlen Set-i C W. McAliley, of the circulation de partment of the Times-Union, was la tl f city oil l.usii.ess Tuesday. Col. and Mrs. Cary H.irdi-e. and Jot HiiH-ly of Live Cat we;e in the city on i short i;,it Stnluy. IT ONLY COSTS 'x'on-subseribers ton cents to tulk ovei my eif the country lines. If you wish tc talk, come to Ccntrul ollice. Mrs. B. B. McCull left Sunday fo i visit of several days to relative! and friends in (jt.itman. Ca. Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Carton and daugh ter o Live Oak, spent Sunday in tint cily ll.e kuc sis uf tlie AicvhetiU Intel. i i ; ii I ' i .'. ( l o i " III. V. !!. K,,:.! , l i till- il,IV -il.i u'li'- I l,i I' ll i' II, (i i. ,v I U I.. ' I, Cm.. w:i 1 If & Absolutely Puro Used and praised by the most competent and careful pas try cooks the world over The only Baking Powder r-taifa from Royal Grape of Tartar made from gr?.pc3 ft MELONS, COTTON, IRISH POTATOES Send for our free books on Me-lons. Cotton and Irish Potatoes. They cive complete information on these subjects from selection of soil to shipping, In cluding economical control of Insect and disease trou bles. They are important helps to success. We sell Choice Need Irish Potatoes WRITE FOR PRICES Wilson & Toomer Fertilizer Co. Manufacturers of IDEAL FERTILIZERS Jacksonville, - Florida 1 1 in Oliver Chilled Plows sre the original, the genuine, nd trie best CHILLED PLOWS in th. world. They an ',SWE longer, do better work snd more of it WITH UUHILK DRAFT, uW sny other plows msde. Users of OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS 4 aot bssiute Is recommend (hem m the highest terns. f They speak from fsith bom of ezpeucact. SMITH MERCANTILE CO. The Farmers Store Madison, Fla. Spain-Taylor. ' carriage of much interest " '1 in this city Sunday af when Mr. Guy Spain, an, Ga., and Miss Mat- erv! Un ted in tho Jmlv hnnda nf i"tnmony, Rev. S. B. Cole, pas w of the Baptist Church, offi-fhn- The announcement of j JPriBi to the people of Madison r- parties are well known ! u' Jhe bride is the daughter par. Thomas Taylor, of. Mod- ticello, and is admired by a Jioe t of friends in her home town. The groom is a young business man of Quitman, and is well known in this section of the two States. The happy couple left Sunday night for Atlanta, andjafler their bridal trip, they will make their home in Quitman. Farmers: Everyone who has tried Pratt's Stock Food says it is fine for Stock and Poultry. I have sold it for ten years, and think it the best the market 3t B. F. Mooeley, Druggist Mi... K;M'.v Th.) 1 r r - '. tU' w i, nun a d. V i Kul . I 11 l; i,.:lus ui:u i i 'P.i!-. iii i;j!i, i:.ii. L-Viii.- and :.a'S.''i. t..( II., NcKs. 1 In1 lias liai.d nu s';r and hi:.', tri e Uiihicue nt Culiiouii Siijif on 'I uc,(':iv. l'tl). 2H:h is k'in I urrui.'d in (jive you a plentarjt day iif it. l-'or .' a!... i.ik 0 I (it I f I'' mi. a Seed I'liiiiui.. A.I lew i'iui, Miun.i and "unlit. II. T. Hall, Low!!, Hi. Frii nds of Mrs. Knox Bunting will be sor ry to learn that she is very ill witli hem morrliai;ic fever, but trust thut her condi tion will improve. Col. J, W. McKinnnn, of Madison, can didate for ttute AttuJiicy has been put ting in some good work in Live Onk this week. Live Oak Democrat Mrs. C L borrow and little daughter, Laura Fair, left Wednesday for Perry, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Blair for the next few days. I repair tinmenf, elioesand umbix-lUn, AIho ksep btt I libber lieels utO. W Rutbrford's. It. L. POWER. Carry the ladies and children lo Cal houn Sidinil un Tuesday, Feb. 20th to the big, free barbecue. Everybody is invited to attend and enjoy themselves. Misses Elizabeth and Sara Mays have returned to their home In Monticello, af ter a delightful visit of several days in the city, the guests of their sister, Mrs. C. P. Kell y, and friends. For my Watfh sijrn next door to Post Olliro Davis Watch Maker, Jew eler and Lngraver Puy your clock from a clock fixer that guarantees it. 15uy your spectacles at half price I cuarantee to ht you. 15uy your Watches, Jewelry, Dia monds and silverware Ironi a Madison Jeweler. Tlie CIiIbmko Jewelers don't vote here, they don't trade here, thev ilor.'t help our pimr here, I hey don't nay time here, tl e V don't, help our nclmols here, nor tistronus our merehHot here, our farmer, nor assist in keeping U our Churelief. This is applicable to every citizen In the county. Ca 1 in and see me suy bow, I ii m i lws linik'iiinir. R. DAVIS, maSa. Jalce The Painter SOYS ctsCetacgualntedil lam ooinrftouavvoij vvceKiy visits and tell you all about OHEif-jlbamakesTWa y Its tlie Lest paint on j tlie inarkot uni i whl tell i:1 von why. H isFmiULi, "mi, 'if "' urzJ tor Sale Ijy Madison-Drug Go. RESTAUSAN'ii Vs T Hill lUlV h.f :t1lt in I ' .. ' ".'i. 'r r 7A posiio V:mn JJro.' Rneh-t .Siore un 1 S ii 1'H tin" ."i. .'I lo i'iv" li'v i hsi,. . Vv The very best tliat can bo had S Meals atall hours Prompt, Courteous Tivalnierit Pe sure to call and .ce me J". LET. STBE-XEiN'SOlSr TPIE COLJH NO. 7 Diversified Planter Diversified Farming Our wisest and most successful men roonirn.'Ril di'verifiici) farmiii)?. Tlioy are rijrht, but if a man think.'; l,e can nuike j 'onoy by simply planting a great many mips he will be h.nely disap pointed. He will succeed in proportion as he "becomos expert in raising each crop he plants. Just so, a Combination rianter is the kind to buy and the kind to use. It costs less than the separate machines, and it, requires less trouble and less storage room to take care of it, but a combi nation planter might plant most everything after a f .ishion and yet not be worth hauling to your farm. If it is often geting out of fix. you will soon lose time enough to pay for a first class one. If it wears out quickly you lose money. There are none of these defects in the Cole Planter. It is sim ple, strong, and is easy to run. The Cole plants in just the right way Cotton, Corn, Peas, Deans, Tcanuts, Soja Beans, Velvet Beans, Sorghum, Cantaloupes and Watermelons. The Cole plants each one of these crops just as well as if it had been made especially for the crop. In fact, there is a special plate for each kind of seed, and th en you can fertilize as you plant, thereby sav ing much labor. The Cole has all the necessary adjustments for number of seed in the hill, the distance apart and the depth. All changes and adjustments are si mple and easy for any farm hand. There are a number of good planters on the market, but the best of them are not equal to the Cole. It will pay you to throw any of them away and buy the Cole. You will save money by doing it Cotton is selling too low now and we hope for If we farmers will diversify and raise all th-? food better prices used on our Ml farms, cotton will certainly bring a h-'ghcr prie no whether cotton is high or low there will 1)3 m-r ' sold this next spring than ever before. The Cole ' and a money maker for the farmer. When rric need that kind of planter woif-e than any otrr liir . . Place your order early. We have mor. pbntors thsn ever be fore, but there will not be half enough to supply the wide awake farmers, who are going to want Cole Planters this spring. Call and inspect our stock or write for catalogue. Leslie-Sutley Hardware Co. SUCCESSORS TO THARIN & LESLIE Madison : Florida.