Newspaper Page Text
7 rf 7 r I .:...;. i n, a . i- ly Lrv:y Ci;. J 1-1 t i . " ., r ..;:. i iv. ii i' mco ii'i If''' vt'' it. i. i' . i it.' 1. 1 . ,i y i. i.'i.un ti i.i' .- i " .1 ' t i.-i ! t. I." 1 fa " '- , ! I i! . . -. ; .1 . I ! i 4 !: U . - I, ., v: i.v:,rv- : Vt, I r I', , 'II l f r -; l : I ! I i. . y I'. f I - I..-- i t-i- - : In: ,' "-(!.. : 1 1..' (J-i-li In- il I'll, K-i-IiliK .; fur ri.i.lii.n :i i;ll ii.i'li' f ,. r I' HH.. I .lis . , 11 M!r , 1". I a . ! "i i:.e 1. )..,' I'm '1 ' li' .1. ,-: ,. . i 1 lia '. : : i i i'm v i 'i I ;, r : V. i :-iipi -I. b i i! u!.; i. il 'i .y. i:.; 'r !. ; 1 .. '..'.. ,i. 'j '.i '" ' i .. i'- :iir.i a lin.-ly i l .; : r.t ! i (I1.- I; i rlnv, B.-.J vs I) l:o:!i snil.;:.' w;il It!-! in -!in? f r"-iM ' I'.il.t, (I'l'.i'ull'.'l a l.o V-J. I I.' I vi:!:, li"!f i:-r.i;i up-L i i'h ui' f.i u.:.. ', i:.. -I It fiOilcily n'riirir.!1 '!'. n'vi.-il !n;-. nil't'it. ; I'lil.S I 'i"i'l i: .-. Ill !! llnu !' ii'l !. : III. .ii ty. , i:-. V. Iil.'u ii In;-, i ' i-' P v.,: ..; ii - ,. I,:. a mi- iy l.i't fl .: . t'ixi.-ly. 1. . , j i , i ii."l I-. ,1 tin.- n .1 in. J.-'i !i;i: s, i.r v ii .MolK'S. 1 I a'. i-i.l I'.ior iiu.ii i m .! , i.u. I i;"'-. 'i I i jiro i-.hi-.n i " 'i u n veali (! u h hI'';- . v. ii.i v iiM.irli,-i, I'.'mi; in-.' i'; ;!:ili ill" ij';-, .v; y. !.':-.' 1 i ' .I, 'i;-i -1 i-ii v :'.i- I ln-.l ill. ;n; -'-. I . ; i i '. !..:. I-- i " V .1 1 1 ! ; I " I' . . a v tiiO .i. ii iill..l - v. . - : i.,- I I 1 1 I : i I..-. .-(! l.r.. 0- ... i ,.t ij: i .'.-. t'.l tll C'llllil- Ii : 'il; ) trie-.-" Illl't ! u U ii ii:!:n.irs, n;n- ..- i.r.wi oi' llio way lih? ..! nvor tiui roc'ib, but rt I ui i.'iitl li-.n I liad aliaincd a i v., .11 wliliai tlio dense UiUUft, ml ii n il ol '-rivi.- ics.rly tlio ground tolp'o j.;c nrd niin- of the bi-lc tu Lo ov..-rcoiui. A;i 1 cui tio.ic.l, It was a cavalry out rui:l; I cc-i (I Cl.-i Ini'.ulhli thu crosM.-J tiiOciii ca ti.e r.i.ii.i of tbo men, al-' tlio-i h It mis Bornw lime before I wai ulilo to Ct. i-ji ti.l:io positively wliore Ibcir liorsca worn picketed. There mut t h;uo len ail of twenty In tbe pnri..-, and 1 could dii.tinKuish tbe lieu ten;. .it in command, a mlddle-uged nun . lib lUmolorcd cliln beurd, scaled by blmsclf ngulnst tbo wall ot a i -.mull i-hiinly of l gs, a pipe in hli moulli and an open book upon bl knee. Mis men were gathered cloRe boiit the blazing lire, for tbe nlgbt a!r ttiis diicl'lwIJy chill as it swept down tfco valley; a cumber were elecpirs, a few at cards, while a Htilo giuiip, biiih.s wiib thilr backs to ward mo, yet almost within reach of my hcuJ, v.ero Idly tnuikiiig and cIIb CiiKEins tlio fiii.iiirR ninioM of the caiijp. 1 jiiiiiiised to malso out dimly tl'o fl,mr.o of a van o:i horseback be yord tbo raiir;o of flame, and appar ently upon tha very bank of the itic.mi, when to.ce word spoken by en old sriiy-iie.u-ed ieric-ant totercatod tic. "L'ob," bo to tiio soldier loung Inn next hiri, "v.hiit win it thet ctu.i of .r-cr ued Vi ilicr leftenant? I didn't Jij::t git Iher Hr.jiKlH of It." Tbo man, a debonair youg fallow, e' roltcd m littlo black mustaches re flectively. "Tber covi std fl-i how Cole'g dl vtH'oa wud bn aluijg; here afore day light, an' tiiot our fei'ers wud likely to eect out t'-.e of 'em." "Wuar to they a enln'T" The lefUnimt aaked him, an' tbe Cove- ted aa It wui a glMral advance ta meat oT Hancock at MlueravtU.' i...; i.."'i i!:c i. - - Il I'if.'i.- of i'i? U'U. 1 :-l I ) in; .- ', or lie wculd iwiiily I.....! !(; ; -.1 iv.e. timl bi'--fi- lie . ul-.l icliiie ll.e siniiV. ieii 1 bad l.i.l 1-y the rolli.i, v itll I ho -iJ liiii.: of :r,y Ftok n revoiver prot.-c! b:ird iu-,.i!nst his elK' 'A rinr,le word or Bound, and I fire!" 1 raid tternly. I have no recollection of ever fee ing any one more completely ns tourded. Ho gasped lik a fish newly landed, and 1 doubt If he could have ina-lo utterance even bad he dared. "Come In a little farther," I com mnnded. "Xow look here. Lieutenant, you Co exactly as I tell you end you will get out of tbla uffnlr with a whole Kkln; otherwise well, I'm playing this game to tbe limit. Now answer me: liow many men have you mount ed Ibis tide the ford?" He glared at me sullenly, and I drew back tbe hammer with an omin ous click, eyeing hlin fiercely. "Well," I said shortly, "do you choose to answer, or die?" "Two." "On the other bank?" "None." "Lieutenant," I eald, speaking low, but hi a totio which left no doubt as to my exact meaning, "I am an escaped priboner, and shall not hesitate to kill rather than be recuptured. It is your lile or mine tonight, and I naturally prefer my own; but I'll give you one chance, and only ono obey my ordor, and I will leave you here unhurt; dls oliey, and your life la not worth tbo snap of a flnirer. Movo back now un tlll yo-i face the door, and don't forget my pistol is within an Isch of your ear, nnd this in a bolr trigger. What is your sergeant' namo?" "Handky." "Order him to take ten men on foot one hundred yards wect on tho pike, ond wait further orders." "Handley," be called out, his voice so choked with rage as to make me fearful it might arouse suspicion, "take ten men on foot to the cross roads, nnd wait there until you hear from me." I could plainly not the dark shad ows of the fellows aa they Bled out cast the fire, but I never ventured to i I . :.! 1 . i .' ' . I. i'..i I . . i. :"i '..I ' v ,. .-,: i il..'. 1 s.)i ... .' I-..-- ' I in:-.:,, i "-.-a !' : i..y 1 c.t. "i :.('(: l.i T. I- .i''.' I l-.i'ii :.. .-.1.". :i I -' I .:' . I to ('V V '.y-i I ",i i v !;! ;:.!.-': i .v. ; -u J ::; i. :i 1 1 . "v-rn n 1.:k .'..-.: : J. ii ii ili-:i t!." ':).. l:i :i ; I: . '- I-'::: ! I v;i.i i.ivm t; 1. of .i.i- :.!kel., :..iil l.:..i f;-..::. i... r-v-ri u i '. '.- tint i.i tin- :l:r.l o. t .. ii' 'it I ,( e ir. lilio. T!i. r: v .is :. ul f i t, a !':.".: -p i;:i..pp!r. of :. wild i-'-ui'i '.i-;:'i- tiii-o;.;,li Hie lni. . ;: (v.enty li-i-iiii.'iie'l bi'les :..ii.; I-)) t'-, I ..:ilr. i l. I liv-i. lyi:,-t I,..-. I iv.n ever tl-i ! -:i::k!. 1 :' 1 ill- ttarCid c.-i:.'.,s i!om i tli ehf.Hc.'vs of i bo f r.i. Ti c f n. 1 G'liil'i.l tiiod 111:: I.i.. t Hi : ..)," r . I-Ml v.e v.. re piust l.l:n Hi.-- t!n lie. CjI ii. i!. lire, an-! i'.i ni.i .-i i.i t-. ill.; ';i'i---; . ui'." iiii-!,.';,- a I r:'y i-c-i "-. ;i-cl-i ii I'r.i:. li.e el: Ki i Mi;'i'. '.' he n : f-.llow '- o..e 1. ' V,, l:t wIM, :d I l.i.. ::i tl.O V.'k '.- f. t!- t i-i -J ! . r.: c. tnn'j ,; :; f.; i. '.'i ;:. TI - I v '.. i ;i vi 'i '. e 1 " n;i il. -i 1:.-!-k il ' " f Lin, a. ii 1 -t iim I i-i tl-.o iiii--.' i::..l ; .i ;i til" ii'.a- Ii I ; ' iv!t. 'I'. t'-:: .km i an'!' - -:m' S' m nkw rnt.M, i'.. a ,in,s:.'i-- .-w:.n'' V'.u'oiis' Zi-;JiO muiii. vii so t. Al! von n- e l 1 1 i..v i mill you dii si-eure t t!ti h'i ic i ia-ti iul pHi;!.nai ciits.tViii.'of il gi. i.rmi lioMln of Zl:M), n Hi 'l Kt 1 1 ZlvMO SO AT, iiml h 3iair- I I.L , 'How to I'.esorv lim hnin.' bICM iis bee nun, witlii'i h fi' s'lurt e r , lh niitlnn'i llid-t popular si in el i -culpeurf. It. is pure, 1 ti. init tienltnr t -anil 'tu -(Ti-ts me m-- iihi vi-Idih I Iihk cored the s v-hi -tt-es of Ke-'e-iia, mulib h u I'niiple itlHckheHili -n-l si-VHie fsuml 1 1-mifin . e nines OiinilriilT m.i! e!.-:iiiis I r ! .lp -Get h tr'nl piiok'iit li di'j- 2"i . f ji.ii liiiv-u iv fi rm ot !! i or seiil ri.iili.f jo i tin ul Hffor I no', io tut tlilii oieiin etfi-ct vi re tn.-i'. Suiilli Krutf Miir, Astc Wsaa l V D0IV1ESTEC noutil. Ketunna Doinm tl , the rc " n i t " 4 qiien of til MWit.if on it ronfinuftlV" ivrtiiu Myfttirf month, aitd -i toy vary SMclal mtiem iinet taren or froi our rur We WIU Take Your vm-mm w ftp, fHX I 'tLMtral lliwnr n ipleinli-1 m v iTomenUc, Andynurnn alill tk ml. DOMESTIC ikKtH unil i rod iv battar thA vc. ffW iehlnt l ana-lech atiteh and chalN atlf biratitiit drnt H.H. huh arm, t'ii ni c h cojn)lfrt aat af uavriiiiriU--tt ry oni'p'-M'Ucal, rtia.l for cvr-Hr na) Tha ftoriU- rr i'i,o hT rr.i)''''TTi "tt'ti" 'nurhin Drw"ak. t'tnit nntalii 'itlt. fcErVO won HOOK, FREC, The 'IVutli A.wut b-wn K ai hr u-IV-ng yny Imw U -af) hattt Jhf rtnmr irpn pinrn m'le St.iH-tn) Uw Prlre an-iat ONt.V ii a irn.ri' ii . )hMI hy a m11 llrw-'f lfi' hav no ajtmt and Viva vnu a it VivA.'t 4)AHAt'l i:K, (Jail .ie r. U l.i'f..ra yv buy anv rtnua tL rru I ' rr. tJr W' imvn -H. Tionry H-l.-I fit. V W a aarvnt va.. .uwu wrv. aati u mmr-m j , P-r- '. 1'. .-' -. .!!,,, ' I ' : : '. i --. ' .i "" :- ; j - ' ' i o "-i "''- ' ' -' - .J Vurt jv. . 1 . I.i... '.;:'. ;';'.'.-;1.JiWi, Cleanse the bowels and strengthen the liver by using HERBINE. It is a fine liver stimulant and bowel regulator. Price 50c Sold by all druggists. I f : r I- ! ' - Iial H '. 1' V I -.. il ' ' '. , I . . I'. .'-. t' Is;: of war.2r. s x:, ::-ea fc'..:!o.,t. is no stf:'r or niors r:!ir.!;!e re-- V a a- . icae. taasiacrlua laccla ac sold everj-wherc at 2"c a Lex. D Vebster's New IIITERIiATIONAL Dictionary THE MERRUM WEBSTER? Rrnui H s a NEW CEEA TIOU, ooverinit every field of tbe world's thought, action and culture. The only new unabridged dictionary in many yeans. Because " dsflnes over 400,000 Word more than ever before appeared botweea two cover, a 700 futes, 6000 II lantratioBM, Because " 'b OB,y dictionary ' with the now divided page. A " Stroke of Genius." Became '"an encyclopedia in . a single vuiiuua. Pecans accepted by the 1 Courtii, tichools isd Jfrtm aa tlto oaa nuprvme mix- thurlty. Became h who knows wii Sucre. Let us UU you about this new work. ai CIC.UUU1 CO..rUfakn,SpciwfUd.l rass tniiu :::;::::.; i :-::::::: :ra 'o y'i'p I-'i n' ; :;mi W.'setabK..- i-,'. " ... . ' . . -v ... 1 : . 1 i I 1IIIT V'll I : . 1. I (' L ! ir.r.rkvt rciioi't i-'. ". 1 I . HZWiTT CO. I ' 1,', .1 : .!' -Mi- M.i.l,s..:i ., Kir.v Vop.k ov) Halurally and '"." j' S.:cli rt 5ta':cincnt, comin; from tins c.-.;li'i.r of a bank, shows what rcfponsibio peoj)!! havt i.i pills. Mr, A. L. Wilsoa tfw-r fiijj thcjit wrote: -t v-l Dr. Mile Serre f-i' 1 i.-f T'i'l niil nKn A...;-".ii.. i i:id, on mystU, w.ih Vi po l rcsulii. Thn I.lvd- ri'.li f.. naturally suit f. eu.'ilr :::-.t I kny-A- Hut I i. i-.-" t ilt-n n r-ill. viiil I " i .-.w:i..l-d with 1k;i0.i-.::s t t . 111 Anti-Pi.fn Pill anil n-t in:::.. -I I.: p-!!. f In every i' 'i A. ,. WiNr.n, eiinrtu, V.I, V'.'ilM.n v;ih 1..." a n.."i lor ef j- ...!. ca-iiler of tha l'hs ..i i .1 i..:..:t c' cpartu. Dr. M:!cs' i.T:;-vc end Liver FiHs J-i.".-rent from others. Manjl !:ir.J cf Ii-. cr pills arc "iir.;.o:-iblc"l r.f:.-r c ie trir.l on tccour.t cf tlieiil ,-;r-,Ii-r.,0. Dr. Uilc-s Nerve and! Uvtr Tiils do r.ot r.ct by sheer force! out in .-i.-j easy, natural way, with out griping cr undue irritation.! They are not habit forming. If the f! rst bottle falls to benefit, yWl t'rjuiit will return the price. Ask hlnvl MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ini N'vricieo" M.wn rs pams Notice Is hereby given that under snl ri v riun ot di-cn-e ot roreclnmiro nisde anif'-l ipred by iheclrcultc mrt.8 it .lnrtl -tul 1 lim" 1 1 aud for Madleon county Klurlila.on HieJi'l liiy ui January A n ti'l-J. In c -iial . can-'l li.-n-ln pen tine wli r 1 1 Bunk or Orri-nvlllrl w.-ifcCmpiatuant. an-J W, Q. .Ii-Dklni wi d'-l i.ndaiit. tlio undi-ri-lncd, a 8x-clsl Mat il'piitiiii d by aid d -nree, .ill on Monti' ill 1,11. il iy ni 'orcli a. P. IDtil, tbe iiimc b'lu'l 1 li-KHt tale d iy. mir u le .al boui-- ot b.iI', i' he 11 out door of t e cmrt b u-e la Madia l (1"U county, Horlila ner fur suletufl il,ln-M. nnd best bl dor Mr casta tbe folluwufl H'MinlKd pi-opt-rty, to wit . One xra inarr muli sboui suv a year, alt ne uia.i Ii .ro mule ab mi. soven yean "i wo buy norsc mule ah mt stvea yea 1 me tin v borne inu t about ti n yes " " i.f Ii ..v hoist. niHle aimui ten years nlii '0 1 "II hi; 11110 srray niiun mule ab ut, ten yeJ I Id iia'i;ed liit eu; niie biy niare mnie ub'Uj i ll . M ai k "Id nam d Delia; f iur lox cni uf-l t In- wltli all cU.iI.ih and harness a-d til- iiier; 1 w 4 burse waif u Willi nil barm''"' xi . iim; iji.c nunibc iwo Krlclc ohw mil': Vi r. i! iiwer nil cniflne; one f.Vli use "V .-, n 11 iiibtilar but -.'r; 0. e Towni- K.lw; mil ii sli .p an. I all inula and lnLi uiu'-iits; 11 Inns, pulleys, b lu and evviyiliinir rM ni'iiiijf 10 tin- miw mill plant ol .tho mi d leiikiiis lu Maillsnn eiiulv, r-mwn, 4. W. JlcKINNO.V, Mastef Chest Dains and a drv. lmckinit cov& should be treated with BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP taken lnternsllf. nnd a HER RICK'S RED PEPPER P ROUS PLASTER applied to the cbe iiy the dollar size Horehound Syrup, you get a Porous Plaster free with bottle. Sold by alll dnielsts.