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LO fi !i3 3 rl !' -aw1. 1 W W' p mm hm i ..Ha, a 3 8 E ns .'I I (A i Jl ".I C W t I trl I i n T " - - - I j ji ..i ( j : .. . .. ... ,. .. , ' : ' 1 i AND i i ' - Fcr Infants and C'MIdrer. cation, rrcsrptiy Keswrea by Peruna. Jfr. Rons Royi r, 14 2 1 Sin niian Aviv Eviinntiin, III. wrlu h: "If any one him reamn to prulso l'o runu It M sure ly myself. "IMirft Bjirlnp f tii camo tsi run down frorr the serious ef fects of a ling ering cold, that several com pllcallons unit ed in pulllnp nu down. I could nelth"! eat nor sleer well, anil lost flesh, one spirit. "I Una lb tried Porting and It did wonders foi me. In twe Wonka I wat like anothut pi t-son, and in 0 Mrs. Rota Boyer. , mouth I felt better than I over had I thank I'eruna for new life ojia itrtuRth. I send. yu two Pictures, so you can fee wbat Peruna has done tor oe." i. Li s:tf,.L U?fetf We Guarantee to Relieve Eji-jjeptia. If we Fail tne Medicine Costs Nothing. To unquestionably prove to the people that indigestion and dys pepsia can be permanently re lieved and that Rwnll Pyspip sia Tablets will bring about thie result, we will furnish the medi cine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to any one us in? it The romarkaiilc siiceec-n ol LVxall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in devising their for mula as well as to the care exer cisedin theirmanuacture. where by the well-known properties ol Bmuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carmi native and other tiKcnts. Kfem'iih-Subnitrate end Pep wi are constantly employed anc', rvC-.nized by the entire medical Pio"us.;:cii as inv'uluable in the treat n. d.tof indigestion find dys pepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexall D ;r ptpsia Tablets is carefully pre pared so as to develop its great est e.T.ciency. Pepsin supplier? to the digestive apparatus one of the most important elements of the digestive fluid. Without it the digestion and assimilation oi food ure impossible. The Carminatives possess prop erties which aid in relieving the disturbances and pains caused bi indigested food- This'combina boncf these ingredients makes remedy invaluable for the com plete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia. We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dys Pepoia Tablets on our own per Jn&l guarantee. Three sizes, c, 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rex JJl Remedies only at our store e Rexall Store. The Madison D'J? Co. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. ' i. her-hy g'.ven to all lemurs and dislriti. .Ih'itwunwthlroin the date hereof, I Wil ! Ihc U.niuiy JudK ol Madison Count "I'-vnnrheis end ma ,n, d., rem """'.'''''''"'''"tHt.01 Oeo. I.. toh!"! i " "l,',r"'" of ' reliimewlll Mu ancharw u ,,d,nlnlsiriit,ir of ssiil es- y e s 80BT. U M1LUNOR, Admi.iiunior oi iti EUtr ol O .1. Q4w,ieiMili A I I'fttliTl n.... 1 r - ,r; " " rtK lent. similaimjiiK.rtKJiiiilltfrttJa JiagtlicSiUijadisaiiJUumlsdi rromolcs DileslionChrcrful nessaftdlsirciiuiiisnpiiiiiT Opitim-NJorphuw norMiimoL' PiOTNAUCOTIC. Pm'iil AW" Vijtaftailhntn AnpiTfcl Remedv rovCimsltea- lion. Sour Stomach, D larrtioo Worms .('mwutsionslfvcrish ntssfjulLossorSLEKP. facsimile Si?ia!iwof KEW YODK. tfBff Guiiranutl under flie Foodf Exact Copy of Wrapper. it ItltCUTiatlsin, Ecliitluo, Stl!t Nrck, Nouralel ADd Lome Duck pi.llifu', ailnv n(s unj it If Jes!ruMs lo irot r'.i of tlv.'rn quickly. For pronrpt &nd uurt relief, rub in Baliard's Snow U raiment It is a Wonderful Pain Cure end Hai;n2 Remedy. Tt pcaetffttMi tUe fieh to l! bone, rnrro the Joints, rilaxi!" the miieolrsi, afe the pain onJ ri ikinn trTi?tti anil comfort. For liealirff cuts, wounds, tiums, iorej and ahraslons of the lUsli It la vory effective. As a l'.oupchoM remedy, for the nccldenta i?n'l thnt nro always occtiri inar In tho family, It li:.a uo H.iperior, It shouia Ijo kept on hand go that It cr.n bn use,! promptly. It begins tho mendlnff process ah peon an It Is applied and In all minor Injuries It not only curei qulelclv, i nt hcaU v.'itluut a Rear. Prtss 2So, IStc ox1 i.C p.- Dottis. iitvplienn I. ye Wolro Is a at'c !.Wi.Vw- ALL DRUGGISTS NOi lLltOPC I'AHDIAS TUSBM. ' v" V.'l.fl.iiCn-I.VKlxOi. ''' Mr',', J v,;, B..B.. mi.,.! i.'i .- n. " ! ';"1,rI" ..!,.1..l.,.u,ll!l'.ll .MM') I' . aid .:d.. -.""dv 'Ho iV" '" ,xIV -m vi-ur-. will -he V "f ixt an. A.O isillspidy. a- '"" """" "', lloi.l.,.. I. Mint'". ei"""v J " M",,b"" a,v,H'.r.d ,.l'.r:... h'.Iit ,,' l"iv.. K.,,-,11.1,1 r.'al.-t 'tl..'l'i'.?"M wiJ ill.- Tin We-l li-ilf cHI,f N, ill ui-l nU.n.r ilu- N'.nlnvir-l i)U.irii.r, " lr'l '"'u f'"" ,i 1.1, on ll." Ri- Hi.l.- ..f Hi- N'lltl. vi"' q ,rl,r .,( Ihf N.iilli-t q'mtl..r,.ill m '";; ' r.,w. shlU North. l:.i.Vi- -''' ' Coi...ii.l-l'l'''i.-.'i';'-"'-":",1"""il" 11 '' Mil. M J I'uivi-, t.u .i J--.I.. A pieeo of flannel damped witli Cliam-b-rloin's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest fiive it a trial and you are certain to be mere than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. Tie Florida Grower Kr trui'ker and trait growers. H.,r niks who warn, to snow bniiD minds, we my II oil Pr year; monthly. W Mend " """ k-ii-iub inal ubpcrl.llon. Wniippv. Ilrlnht. THE FLORIDA GROWER 61)0 FlOi'iCi .Vvcnue, Tumps, Hu. Doan'l Regulets cure constipation, tone digestion and appetite and easypassagei of the bowels. Ask your dni&iat for t9 cents bos. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TH eiNTOUII lRM, Htm OH ITT. ."il t"kCiiy iv.nrly fur Sore Kyt. , ' When her child is in dander a woman will risk htr life to piotect it. No treat act of heroism or risk of life is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and ail dotitfor is avoided. For sule by all dealers. Foley ECednay Fills TONIC IN ACTION QUICK IN RESULTS Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. HAVI HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION B. A. Jnr!. (127 Washington St., CoDuernvfllet foil., is In )ii8'nh eur. Ho write u.i ' I have atulr HulTftind imn.-h from my kidnAi nail Klail der lhriiinvrobackiirliHP uudmy kiilnry Retino was Uiofreiptent, niu tn In.e much alnpp St uight, and in my hluJ'ler thurft wuaconntaut pain. I took Foley Kidney Pilli fur m.oie time, and am Dowfraactnll irnnhlnand nuainablotc bo np and around. J uli- I.iirjy Vill? Ltn aj Mghoil rao-amoudatiou.'' FORECLOSURE SALE. NoticaU hereby given that undfr ami l.y "ii..e oi a final decree of forecluiure and asla luH v I of the Curult Court of Madlaon County, Flornla. wherein W. H. Burnett In bla own right, and a ad ministrator of the eUt of J. Pope Smith la com. Dlalnant, and S. E. McCoy and Sinthe McCoy era defendanta, I will expoM and offer for aale. la front of tho Court houee door In Madlaon, Florida, on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1012. durlnathe le gal houra of tale on Midday, to the hisheat and k... uj.i t .K . k. fniUiwIna dmcrilMd land ituata la Madltoa Cauaty. riorldaiasd more sati ciculariy dtscruxd as fpuow ta, wik nvio, u of Sooth East quarter Section fUtuoe (IS). Ibwn ahioTwe(2. North of RaoJe Tea (10 East Put- caaiwtaaaylor dda. H. W. Wamnu, soaeuu ssawer. IF 'I..M- ! I.I ! - M r. Hi I! II .! I II S . I, , , IV V li.l I . . -,f Ma A mi' , I In' h, I i ... .r u . " "... . a . . I i a ..i I.'"::"::;".:. k. 4, ' '-v W ' '.ii ... . i.l hi ft i i. -i . ,. ii . e i v '. ;:. i . 1 j I.- in ,i ,, ,i. i , , i i , IS Ml I x i.l ; i ' , v. i r, I - I .. ..... . I. . .i i ... - 'i .. 1 m "j 1 , i . i ' i i i -j i' hi I f' I ' ." I . i I t. 1! ' A' V'. ii- I ' mi a : " "'. " ,N' " ' ' ' ini "' ' :' l 1 1 'i ' -Li .. A ' i " Ii ll '' : ''' " : M I ' ift t lU " " , ' " ! M I . ' i i N i . i i ,. i i 1 1. 1 ,t '' , , h " ' S i.t ' !':'! ,-il.illl'N j -,.. 1 l.'.rl, i' : ' I in I ' . ' - I T -ii I i ! Jli il ii I ... i .Ii .... , , i .ii . I '.'.i I" I:' ' 1 I.i , ii I ; .V, I' M ' .M I ! I'M I vi KK tMifiiLA," ,t.'iinN ...' il i:i,ii'i lit ( KK ill , N.i. ii.j , ... a. , , .... m i. in.; I i Shi Ii. I, M.MIiiN-. I I I , ;- . ... .-. il,. K .. .1 I . M ' I'M I I , I . . I . XI .11 i lii ; .ii .i.i '.. ' -. i i.i ; i, .) ... ,i ii ii in ' n : r, a; 1 . i . . .-, :; ,,, n, II l'i i:' ;.. I ,, i . i .,i t Kf, A ".I I- 'I I- M M ( M ' vi TlKlWhKN NAh i I.I.I-':.' M'. ISiCs. A lKI. AN.i Mi ll.i , i .1". '.'i ' . -.'. "-r" l Hi H-ii'v S'l , I I' ' - .' ., ., u !' M J 'I .-. -! i . M i Nil i, ill I- i,, ' I, HI il IS ' M i.:t , .. . . ,, , 4 t) I- In in r .;, i i v -, I,, I 4 in 7 ' II -ii i M,.,.l:,.- ., t, ;' ! .J" M M ., I I'M Km' t'lil'lri -, I'.-ijih i er bar. s i.i' hi y i'hi r ciiirm iiiuii rt.l m-. i: II. V. M 'l'u lili.ii, Tr-iff. .Mr. Auimi i, i. i I!. ; n is, V. C. ('.iiK...i., As., in, MV..m, I'ln. Anil. '1'ui'f. .M.'i. T. K. liAinii. Cl in. A j;t... lo-i'.'i, Ciu Aiivitsti. ''in. "Queen of Sea Routes" Merchanlsfe Miners Trans.Go. STEAMSHIP LINES JACKSONVILLE TO SAVANNAH. BALTIMORE and PHILADHI.PHIA NORFOLK TO KOSTON A N D PROVIDENCE Steamers New, Fast and Elegant ACCOMMODATIONS AND CUISINE UNSURPASSED Through tickets on sale to and from principal points Send for Booklet L. D. Jones, Com'l. Agt., If. C. Avep.y, Agt. Seminole Hotel, Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville, Florida. "Finest Coastwise Trips in the World." m i i II m M Don't r wi 5 " I had been troubled, a Mrs. I Finrhpr. In a Iptlcr PS; - - , --- ------ not taken down, until March, to have a doctor. He did all better. I hurt all over, and I Cardul, and soon I began to good health, and able to do TAKE You may wonder why Cardul Is so successful, after other remedies have failed. The answer Is that Cardul Is successful, because it Is composed of scientific Ingredients, that act cuntively on the womanly system. It is a medicine 13 for women, and for women only, a builds, strengthens, and restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. If you suffer like Mrs. Fincher did, take Cardul It will surely do for you, what It did for her. At all druggists. VCr'W.i' l?dW .' A-!:efy Dept. ChatUanoM Medicine C(i., Chutttnooiri, Term., tar Srecml Jr.: "itc , ... i (4-page book, "Home Treat rent for Women," sent fret. J QR. W. F. PARRAMORE. .k iDontlfiti MADISON FLORIDA Dental Parlors in First NatU 't! Blt't Rr.UiiDT Suffer! little, for nearly 7 years," writes from Ppavv. Afa.. "iiut I was J w ' ' - I. J when I went to It J and had ht he could for me, but I got no could not rest At last, I tried improve. Now I am In very all my housework." M Tho Woman'sTonic n NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VAL1DATON OF BOND ISSUE. Notice is hrreby given that on the ISeh day ol February, 1912. at Live Oak. Florida, before the Honorable Irs J. Carter, Judge, will be beard the petition of the State of Florida vs. Town of Mad laon, Florida for the validation of the bond leads of 10,000.00 voted for by a majority of the qnell Jfled votrrrvating si ike eJettleh belt la said ion d Jaauertf. JSlL lottheturpoee of nrisMf tsan ey to purchase the Power plant from tao Ileal Isoelectric Power Co. T. Z. aLunm. CM ClrwkCwt. Maaiaaa Osoty, llarlaa.