Newspaper Page Text
1 ' 1 i VOL XI XO..y 'I.MH.M.y f'L.V, MClhAV. AI'IML -V HM-' I',. . i t.. S jpM-! !iiHT TO NO'i'i', - (K to I !' 1 . iiKA Ihlh. a n 1 V.;, ;mi V oF I H I ,.10. L : MM.,- ... v,:.:n 1 l V ilk ta r ? . ML f? I . 'He wilt represent the District" WM. W. FLOURNOY, (arttliilntr Vnr Congress, Third District. To the Democratic Voters of the Third Congressional District. TIip primary elivt i ,n ., .- .i u-.'- .i I :.i'vat. lit;' 'iiircssnKiii from the T'Liv-l iilnct i f .ni ,, li'.lil. SilH'l tilt'' 'it' ili.V iUlil'iKI CfMI'ect flu (J i- have endeavored. tliiMiii,)' Mie pre-s itini 1' e iii,i,il U V"!('l of the district i t.l lie, fiMnli'! u.ul c .. i T . lentl'ii if my life history, my public -cnnes and i y i''vt vicMmis upon all current issue- it m) (pief-ticu - likel before conirress for debate ui.d deci-ion N-- vctcr 'een reached by these several pulilicat.iinM.ciii truly ay that lie remains in ignorance concerning me. have al- visited as many communities and made public peeohes a.d person illy met as many of the voter1, of the )i.t-Yt a. has heeu I'Ossilile. I have carefully avoided, both in speech and ui nnt, all personalities concerning my opponents. Thu.t either (if them would prove fruitless in congt'e-s would he no excuse for me, nor would it add to my ability or capacity to represent you in congress. I have given, you my record. Neither of tuy opponents tas published his record. General statement ami appeal- to :ou by brothers and friends. WITHOUT FACTS, for you to ousider, are an insult to you as pure ar.d conscientious "oters. I have presented to you a history of my life work m detail, without any appeal to your friendship or your pas 'jo'is. 1 have sought your honest, intelligent and loyal ro iteration. I would not be worthy ofyour support if I asked ;'o to place your friendship or kinship above your duty -to I'our country. I have urged you. as J UIL0 US, to decide be fweeu the ambition of the candidate and the good of the dis trict and the claims of your government to he diligent, loyal wl true, and to let your conscience control your political action, by which course alone can peace and progress be given to oi:r political life. I heartily thaiK my friends and supporters throughout -'hp district for their support, and also the editors of the 'spitpe-rs of the district, who have been so firm and faith fl in their friendship, and so devoted to those principles -if stood government which I advocate and represent. ' Finally, I desire to appeal to all qualihed electors of the Strict to lay aside all mere personal and factional consider ations, and unite in the plain and patriotic duty of selecting yd nominating aa your candidate for Congressman the matt 0' C 1 J - 1 lie drcolint .ol f on -to come who has whom cm MoNKSTLY and I'ONSCIIiNTK'l IA Udietc 'o be. aivordiiii: to lour culm, thdibcratf ami unb ;wl jtidj'iniM.t, the ot.e I'.F.ST I'lT'l'KO. morally, intellectually, ;unl vt-i re-po t rt K I. IN'O KRCITKl'l, KXI'KCIKNCK in pulillC nT.I ' I -. t. ,erv ion. the people of the wlioledi-trict. ti tlia.t. bii;h ;n d boiiot'it'de ortice. April i.':. I'.'I-.V U'm. V. l-'f.dlill.NOV PLATFORM f 'iip n 1 ' '.-tn.t will dlllnntly itu'l i . ! j i -itn- 1. Tli ;i''-.-ip:f of 'hi1 las' IVrao cra'ic p' A'''ir-Ti 2. nrf t!i tntvrai Com nifrp C )"rH:'c)ii mii-h aulhorlly ami powers, i:.i if ma conslntetitly and pffir).jnil n i'i!re Into and rguli pxtr's, rvlr!, twinrHiili and tcl !lmij funi;Mr'.i-( JoiiiM( ail itucrstuta 'i A r-vU;oti of Hit. TirllT lawn. i Ihuf I' k!i ill I vll for revenue on ly, tluu tin !ix ri'.iii'hi oiM'i'RHlon ol' a free ;ie.'i!, .mil viuliii ion of the ,1'irS'Jsf. :ir ami leti.T ol our (!(iv rnmei.f ar.l I' iciiiKtltu'lon tiliall be no !or.r fo'e-a'ff.l li Ik roltii-y un-d-.T t!:e f rrn uf the In . 4. frevenfiji nnmliliti in every s;liere uf ! urn, -in adlvlty. i-niicrlnlly in r':triT iro'i lift ntnl tlie n usiilen of life, t)i,,'i uhicli then; In ivi iut- vr. 5. I.U'H tliat ,e efferllve rruitf and nonoiiolie, tlml will liive and ireerve eiml oiiortunli ie and burden!, i. I.4 thut will iiniperly control nd reiju'are both labor and capllal and their ne'-esnary oruunl7.atlons, 'hat bor'i may have a plain, apeody, iafe and adeimate adjustment. 7. Perfee'iun of the employ' Ha hllity art, that negligence may not be without it J'lHt burdenii, thut the de pendent laborer and his family with out Injustice to Hie employer, shall he proturted and adequately compen- HH led, .j. . S riu;r-' likc' apin-oprintioim hy the Hoi "rnrip'iit for 'he devidnpmiMit ot rU.Ti, 1 n-'i ;r., inland waicrwiiys .it'll dill ri.nU, hut no' the. uno of 'he i'.i:;i.i' Tv.'isury tor rominciriiil iMM. .I- ii u.ii; local f.ii-.r for aclllsh (l.'N. '1 I-'r.l "IVed t''riljtl.'S H if r'- eilillllMl ( li to f I .',ll.;inoll or 'lie f:iri'i t ,iti l iiar leti. r timt Ui. y ii"iy bo ..ifolv ndvlsi'd 'o increase i heir pnvliif !''! and profit. l'l. t.,i liia' will create "Lund'nme K.mks," a'i. make wife the fanneri and Iliad o nefii' property aa Hfcuriiy. It. Ttiiprovt?nent of our commercial banking and monetary H.vsiem that It ii'.ay be both iteipiaie and safe. Card from Mr. Ellison. To the Democrats of Mad ison County: The duties of my office have j been such that I could not attend (the many meetings throughout the county without neglecting the office. I would have enjoyed meeting every voter, but felt that my duty was plain, so I stayed on my job. I hope all will understand that my absence was not caused by indifference, but from a sense of duty. I will appreciate the support of all Respectfully, S. J. Elliso.v. U. D. C's. The monthly meeting of Eliz abeth Harris Chapter will be postponed one week, on account of the Tampa convention. The j chapter will meet on the 8th of I May. at 4 o'clock in the after j noon, with Mrs. Charles Carroll as hostess. This will be an in ! teresting meeting, as full re j ports will be made by delegates I to state convention. For Sale: Pure strain white leghorn eSUs. $1 per setting of 15. S, Alex Smith. tat. ilieiiit,fp M 'IIU ''U'M l.t' ' I laws that every v.l ion ie aflorded, ami yet illo nvmy t-i, tn be a sovereiun ami p i''1 K'M' i' " 'i the duties and ran In of f. it r.fiieli hi '. Income and liihi.nliim e i with limitations that will nut penm' an Indirect tax on S'l'n, ('onnli' ir municipal accurftie or inei'tasn :i. burden of Stale, Co'ri'y, or nniiii' iin.1 taxes. 14. AinciidlnK the. Act. of I'.nnni "i of tuu? un an to Include h'ior"l. -' wasninKton, Oregon, idmn. inun ,u. .. Wyoininit, and Colori'lo in prevnii lu further additions to the. Iirmitrv He serve area. 15. Abolishing the Choci iwloH iMmc" .Vatlotinl h'orent Reserve, riiioi'iiii; the unjust tax an. I limit. i lonu on original pioneer net'.jr willnn i'a boundary, that In terr'tviry hi,i.v i' come ihe homes of litMr'y lownm "O 7.elis, KiviiiK them the opporl null v l.o have neighbors and I'-hoolit mil lend the IiiihIs of HfJ'lilll H Ship canal itoiih Klortila. 'o avoid the r'sk mid epnw of He. ioii trip around the ilnrn.rooii ".o ml 17. Klimlnate tlie t(t,iaite coa-ii of the Federal ('our'M tint i.h indicia- may be the resort of 'ho ;itior In nl tie their Ibbucb and nor mernly play ground of the rich. IS. to peifi:t and aliiiplif. Court plcndlnn ami pr ici ic. thai, both a pneedv and fair tri.U xliall lm ha 1, with all tho essen'.i lU to eiiialiimn Jusi n.e. IS. Amendment to tho lV'tril Constitution that. v;"l ihill!-.)i lilo 1 T lire in office for K l -i i lndi;"n. 20. Our form of it jvoriniieul. in n.. three hriltichcts. I.-lili.i! I'lve, KKer-iilive ntl'l Judicial, in 'V' Im' inc.l ion Mil murks its force -p.. I t.jely over iIji ruins of all fore if 'irlii. .ai'liiiiK i :i cies inoiKirclilf-j ;ir. ' 1 'mhi( nun in reiresentative forti: tt in 'lie hei.t pro duct of Chrlsiriri "i ii '..'' ion lor 0.. Kn I'l nini'lP ol . i-"n"rvuin to t'i" people the r-iil: if imtilitni lr;r I'hiiniies In ormi:i. ' . , Hie lnvynm oi ppechil tax or ti:-; urinlinu ol r': I : n ordlinii'V prlviNx v, "' .vhidi the shouhl have llirii '1 'Vai'in I solicit ytiur i' . ; - .pT il ion ;llid tent port. WM V Kl 11 J It I n.' March II You owe imr-t i Oie llnli'lc.l limn o 1 he cnmll'I'r" Henty WitUleit Tuesday After an illness of .j wwk wiih pneumonia, Heniy Win, :i well known resident, of lh mn(y, dietl at his home on die TlionmuWIle rontl, about three rnilen from fhis city. The drtiuiisjil wan olioul thir ty years of ae, and leaves w'fe and two small children to mourn his loss, also a mother and five hro- thers and one sister Mr Witt was born and reared in the County, and was a man of sterling character and pleasing disposition He was a faithful member of the Methodist Church. The funeral was held here Wetlnesday, attended hy a large number of sorrowing friends Farmers! This is the season of the year to look after your stock. 1 have just received a larg: supply of Pratt's Stock Food, Stock Pow der Animal Regulator, Poultry Powders, Cow Tonic, Hog Choi era Specific, Rock Salt and Chlo-ro-NapthoIeum for Hogs. We also have a supply of Smokit for curing meat. B. F. Moseley. Pressing: We have bought the City Pressinil Club, and are now prepared to clean, dye and press clothes on short no tice, r'hone us, No. 1UB. Wisenbaker & Flynn. Council Proceedings April i. vm 1 j u u i; met in session. PrtsMtf, I. C. H.w-eil. D. H. Yates, W ilti'i- 13 ititiim mid SV. B. Davis. 'u .ircom!" uf L A. Fr:!tiili. preit t'tent if t C'i'.incil. leini .'iliseui, W 3 On is vmh tluly !'- teil pres- ;,te)( .-o VIII j T.'k- :na C'S f l.iv -M-e i'(-;t( I in, I tir)r.!( ! t .'in C'ir.'i ii hpfecut-i iiitrtii'Uft On ;nii- ClllViili ti: retiirti- uf the;i JiHti thin u. y un! r::e foilowirci ncrt' dtH-ttr-f! elei t -.t f. r the vi:s ii:m ri-rin: F'jr M.t'ir R. H. R-. ?''jr M.r-hal ,imI C'ilr. ;.ir A D.lle F.r T.c Ase.r F :- 1 S.iiuleru, ? ' ler'l .C!t T :t ff .S. P. I Gn.lfill For f.'i. iaeiln.eti 'A',.Uter Btint hti. t. : Hasell and D H. Yaten, f ir ihe. lertn of two each. riirt f"IIo-iii!4 hilU jjiainst Ui oiwn wer? examine'!. ey,iA itorrcl i;i.'I nni:rt paid 'A ilt-.i- I3ii'.f.rt:. salary $ ID t'l W. 3 Davis, ia'ary 12 lid D H Vate;,. salary ID OH r;'1. alury 12 C'l K Krileiilh, salary 10 (H M efiviii li'let'tric P'.wer !. l, -"iter CM I 2'i MiJiiion Electric Power C'., 'irthts 21IK 41 D. !I Y.itm services pi , .'ciao lti (!() B V, Moseley. bill ID 2'i H M. Ta for inspnetur 2 U'l P D Row for inspet tcx 2 1. 1 ? It Bnnt'ri. V r inspect a 2 H ,r'e Sl:,irp..t for itiep"i'i';f 2 I I VI. liiinlin ;. -1 In 4 pipe I (' I Le.i;i-SiiU'"- fl'irlwrn.! to . 9 L I ". t-n -,0 Nc ( r.'.'r, printio . 2S l' l '.. ' !';r t.ifw: ' c. .1 2i i -jc 'Ii a'v y 21 "I Hi ; I : t i 12 'I 73 1. 1 4I-". S'i 22hl 41 r.'o'jrned, to ' i'.t " ; ... s ,' ,r-. ..-thtry . -il-ir la! ;n iii'.'iitn. Ovmd II! dpr.l i2th. VM1. S P. 'Jr f-:n. Clerk uwoenwcoD can win. ! Olil Soldier's V if the S'tust'O-i. u,'ii ... Mai-.'h rtl.-ln ,ii i t n' il .Ieimn..t.i ration made i,. 'let i i-'iVy t i m i:f 'd Wilson !.,', iiei.t. 'I ere in a '.ery Htroint ;' :., in . ;'.! I !!erwtMi In nki ii"i . Tins Is llhis 1 i .t. ;ie -t.itoiiieiit of the it i- CI.'; t,f ! lixle. wlni , , in .i i li ;.ei"!'il i.v -'li'l lit oi;i uf a v lm: populntlo'i of f'irl.v 'n I:-iie he knew of llll'oe Wli " l'l tlie'l 'Ihe .'hen. were .ill n:p; mi int l'n , , .1. Mr. 'l ull , - 1 1 . Is a ..'!" lie etei'ail li 1 1. 1 :i mail ii' piMia.. I'll I1 in i '1'i'i a Talcs. i.i:. : "A s lo M ' I'liii'i -. oml 'en V.SU a -ii. t'i '.'i lea I. 'I'" l'.e 'i i he i, rii i vv r ii1: In the wal'li 'ins l.i ;,t' , i"ii liep- M'.int a ;.!. .lUiv..-! Ill i .,:! "-L. he luis I me : ie -ier -if ii.s 1 n I i " i . ;tml I iii'nl; !., i e i.. A s 11' II! In ho .i Di ll: of t.Ul!ic!elit nl.illn to t!il II U I !) ""Ml issue- o!' the II- i.iun ml" pt:i'el - ;'::,. Tliey say v. e t.i.ii win with u Koii'lieni man. We have licen defenleil with n western man mid with a northern man, ntnl I am wIII'iik to take chiinces with n southern num. I often pick a winner, ami In this ense I have 11 conviction that I am rifht in sup poi flnit Underwood."- Savnniuih ;.) Morulim News.