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CONTENTS CONTENTSEditorials Editorials Claude LEnglo LEngleTheodore LEnglo1ho010ro LEngloTheodore Theodore A Poem By Us UsAgriculture UsAgricn1tnro UsAgricultnrn W E Pabor Agriculture CONTENTS CONTENTSHow Vrp N How To Got Settlers y JH Stephens StephensImpressions StophnImpressions StephensImpressions Impressions of the Fair c iWE W E Pallor PulmrFlorida PallorFlorida PahmFlorida Florida Opinions > a By State St to Prosa I I II I We can Sell Your Farm F arm or Business BusinessHundreds Businessaffi s sHundreds r ifati rat ratifati c cr affi affiHundreds Hundreds of Homeseekers are moving to Florida now and will ll never know of your yourplace yourdace t tJ t1ace J place dace being for sale unless listed with a Live Real Estate Firm We are are members qf ofaka qfthe JJt 2 2the aka the National Real Estate Exchange and your property will be listed with over 1500 1500Agents 1500Agents Agents throughout Ug the West WestWrite rt rtf iI t f H Write us today if f you have a abusiness Cl1nlA nTts tl utctheW CHRISTIE 1 CTIF JAGKSONVILLt JAGKSONVILLtI I CHRISTIE 1 fI j I business usinssfarm farm farmor rht K L K L fLonlDA O iD iDy J JfI y or unimproved rovd lands nd 5 for sale 1 f fIJJ i IJJ r P J I II III I I J SffiVffige WIh1n1tfQf 0 0J CffifIP > elt CQmfital1l1lY 1l 1l 1l II 131 W Bay y Street StreetJACKSONVILLE J I nll11U Umpolrtelrs Jiortelt6 a 11d d m6trilbinntor6 I JACKSONVILLE VV a FLORIDA I New Qo G000l69 < o > d9 d9Carpets s IPro Proper Jier IPrRce6 IPrRce6Carpets9 IPlraeeI a I f I Carpets O MattSeg9 A Matt V im UlVUlillU 1l1lgS9 < SJQ SJQr Wiedow W 1l1ldlOW Shades ShadesVeJvets 51h1adlesV SfliadeVellvets9 VeJvets V e vets9 Wiltoiras W tll1lS d r sf 9x12 Floor Coverings CoVeIr verg Il11gs Brussels S9 Axminster AxminsterTHE AXmrll Axrniiniterp AxrniiniterTHE ll1ls1ter p 1 THE SOUTHERN N FRUIT CO COFruit W WHOLESALE WHOLESALEGROCERS GROCERS GROCERSr k E EFruit it1 it1it r Fruit Produce Grain and Provisions Commission Merchants Send us your orders ordersand ordersand ordersI ordersand I and ship Oranges Pineapples and vegetablesFIVE Vegetables VegetablesFIVE Vegetablesi VegetablesFIVE i FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARSIs DOLLARS 4 4Is Is the amount amoun we will invest in our 19051906 Catalogue describing every evervclass class of Furniture If you are interested in finding out how to get cut prices priceson priceson on this class of goods send for a Catalogue to toJohn toCunningham it itrf rf John A Cunningham Jackson Jacksonville A Fla E Want Big BIgCro Crops CropsTHEN ps ps4J 4J THEN USE USEKtw USEYS USEr r YS USEIdeaI Ideal Fertilizer FertilizerOUR OUR BOOKS WILL TELL YOUFlerlda YOU YOUFltrWa YOUf f FltrWa ViBttihlM VgetablaUA A complete com pluto manual on Florida Crops CropsFtartda CropsF1IrkJI CropsFlsrkia r Ftartda OrtnBit OrangelUA A book of special interest to Orange Growers GrowersFtaldi GrowersFlltldl IFNdda Ftaldi SlwwbirriM11 Strlwbtrrl8luHookltton Kookleton4 Soil Varieties Cultivationuu1Fertilization Cultivationuu1FertilizationIrish Cultivation 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50Henrys nolI fieItonrysSeleet Henrys lI ItonrysSeleet n rs Select Sel rt o 2 200 200henrys QO QOHenrys 00Ilcnrs Henrys Host a t j 00 ooOld 00Olel 00Old Old Monogram I onogrnll1 4 oo Oillly ooMy 00I My I Choloo Hyo ft 600 600Ilolianil 00 00Hollund Hollund din = 1 f 50 > 0 to 3 50 50Corn noCurn 60ern Corn ern Whisky hlsk 1 150 50 to 3 50 EXPRESS MEPAH 4QtB 4 Qt Qto QtoCongress Congress Rye > 52 075 11 7n llcnry lIen rys s Best 3 ii 1 L 2t > O O Ol llonolnlln I hl hlIlnllnnd 11 Choho I o n 1I0l1nl111 0 Gin l nOno Ono Star 2 2 75 75o 110111111 o ami < i Hu IIn1tvo nTwoStnr lwo tnr a 1 fl 0 Hnllanrt Jin 1u Three Star 4 I tt > Honry8 I Special Bran NCCorn N C Corn 9 1 i Il > We guarantee all our goods oods and refund money if not satisfactory HENRY f FRET Proprietor I > 4J I rt 1 j i w