4 ... THE EVENING TELEGRAM LAK HLAXD. FLA.. FEBRUARY 29. 1912 PAGE EIGHT "GET WISE" fWWWWWWVVWWWWWWV XmOOvvwvwwvww " 8 People Need the Money. So Do We. But That Is Not IVHY We Are Putting On This Sale. We Are Going to Move. NOT YET, But Soon. Buy your furniture and house furnishings NOW and it will take a wheelbarrow to hold your savings. The Furniture Sale IS NOW ON 30 Per Cent Discount all throgh the line. It's now up to you. GET WISE! Princess Dressers in Quartered Oak, ))(( ) CMl ) V M China Closets, Quartered Oak. pol sweU front like cut: JLLJLi fO " " 1 ished, bent glass door and ends: $18 value, now $12.00 $35 value, now $2500 I X $12 value, now 9.00 $25 value, now 17 00 Lakeland Furniture dc Hardware Co. SvOur 0 ssified cpartiipiU I VI For Sale New folding bed, cheap. Apply to the Elbcrtnar Hotel. 2-14 FOR SALE Ten bushels Hastings Politic Corn, due to arrive this week, direct from Hastings. O. L. Bryant. For Salt; Tomato, cabbage, egR Vlant and pcj'per plants. 1). B. Dick son. 2-15-12t For Sale Horse, wagon and har ness. Apply to C. F. Brush, or write rvox 426. 2-lS-tf For Sale or Rent Two story, eight room house, furnished; will rent all or part. P. O. Box 50. 2-lG12t HOUSE FOR SALE $1,000. Two-story, six rooms, two porches. One block from Lake Morton; lot 100 x!40. See Ohlinger & AMeld. 1-22 FOR SALE Seed potatoes, beans, millet, rape, Lima beans, melons, cantaloupe, squash, cucumber, egg plant, pepper, tomatoes, etc. G. L. ltryant. FOR SALE A few choice tomato plants ready for setting February 10th. Peppers and egg plants after the 20th. Place your order now. First come, first served. G. L. Bryant. Fit Sale Fresh settings R. I. Reds and Barred Rock eggs; thorough bred etock, $1 per 15; also two Buff Orpington cockerels; chicks of dif ferent ages for sale. L. B. Gill, 215 Vuih I-ako avenue. 2-2"-5tp For sale at a bargain, house mov ing outfit; Barnes combination rip and cut-off saw, "Porter's" wood lathe, tinner's tools, bolt tap and dies, "Duplex" pipe dies; power em ery stand, 3 II. P. Webber gasoline engine, eleven A grade cypress re frigerators, one hand and power drill press, new; saw and mandrel for wood sawing. D. D. Elliott, Lakeland, Fla.; 'phone 154. 2-24-Ct HOUSE FOB BERT. Five rooms and bath, toilet and lavatory; all modern Improvements. See or 'phone Ohlinger ft Alfleld. S-lT-tf Want to buy, either house or va cant lot, on cither South Massachu setts avenue, South Kentucky avenue, South Tennessee avenue, or South Florida avenue, not over four blocks from Main street. Address P. O. Box 564, Lakeland, Fla. 2-19-tf Wanted A live or six room un fiiriiislicl house, or unfurnished rooms for llaht house-lceping. Tele-' phono :;7. Wanted A six or eight-room un furnished house. Must have modern conveniences, close in. Apply to P. O. Box 50. 2-23-Gt WANTED Position in business, appertaining to business interest, will give reference if desired; 'plion S2G-Blue. 2-2S-6p For Sale Two large lots, corner Gilmore avenue and Peachtrce street; have peach and plum trees on place: just been fenced; will sell cheap for rash. J. E. Marshall, corner of Gil more avenue and Magnolia street. If you are in need of musical stud ies, religious song books or anything in the music line, see Perry-Tharp-Berry Music Co. Public stenographer, Miss Ruth Brown, Room 1, Raymondo building. 2-19-4wp FISH AND OYSTERS. Fresh and salt water fish, 8 cents pound; oys ters on hand now; best select 30 to 55 cents. W. A. Yaun, 218 North Kentucky. 'Phone 232-Red. 2-2tf Good board, pleasant rooms, fine cooking, large porches and yards, $1 per day, $5 per week. 411 New York avenue; 'phone 326. For anything in sheet music call on Perry-Tharp-Berry Music Co. All the latest popular music In stock at all times. NEW INSURANCE AGENCY. Strong companies, careful, person al attention to every detail of busi ness, entrusted to us. See ua or 'phone 165-G'reen. D. H. SLOAN ft SON. For Rent One room, furnished or unfutnished. Mrs. Claude Inman, E. Orange St 2-29-3t When you want chickens of any kind tee Bryant 'Phone SJO-Blue. DRY FINE WOOD. For Sale Piano, good as new; $2 per strand; lightwood splInters,Bs,'Il ' heap for rash. Just call and se. per sack, 25 cents. 'Phone 144. (J11- 608 North Missouri avenue, or 2-20-tf ite'opiioiie i';;!-Kod. 2-29-Gtp Will nar voi. stmt rnsh for vnnrS Lost A turkey hen. Finder will chickens. Bryant. 'Phone 330-liIue.(fPll'as' return to l. 11. Dickson. General Team Work Furniture 1 2-29-tf and piano moving. Call 'phone 289.9 ,V. E. Tyler. 1 Ploughing Have good would lik Send a postal. Sam Cooper. 2-2:i-lp Ditappolnted Office Seekers. i'orse;i A man will get so mad beccuse the to do home ploughing. V Job lie wanted was given t0 someone ele that ho will spend wee!;s fight- For Kale White leghorn ej:gs;BlnB 1,10 arP'ntir.af power, purely on is fnr i. ,,r u principle. Leghorn cockerel, fl: mire While r . , r, It .. ... . 1 1 e . .... i a LI 1 I . ... t.i... ii iuiivi3 iuur weens oia, ..iH vnicer, ne i LCse Acair). cents each; all pure stock. Corner!! do not 't,low what these "ther- North Missouri avenue and WesiBmometer earrlnSs" are. but we sup- Myrtle street. COS. 'Phone 239-Red If13 are the kind ,hat ou W tlfor by degrees. St. Paul Pioneer "P J Press. IRONING SHIRT IF YOU'LL SAY YES: I'll build you a home! I can do it easily on my income, for the GUAR ANTEE INVESTMENT & LOAN CO.. of Tampa will loan me the money and let me pay it back just like pay ing rent. ( Needless to say she said YES.) We loan money so that you can own your own home, or take up the mortgage you now have hanging over you. Our plan and terms will make your load lighter and you will be PAID out really before you realize It. f Write to us for full Information. The Guarantee Investment & Loan Company Incorporated in the State of Florida. Home Office, Third Floor Curry Bull din. Local and Long Dlatuco. PHONE 882. TAMPA. FLORIDA. If you wish yu,:r .-: to look just ri-hi. : disappointed if yo ; for we make a s; laundry work. Our purpose U THE LAKELAND STEAM R. W. WEAVER, PROP. LAUNDR 'Phone 130 Central Pharmacy For Drugs, Toilet Articles. Car Sodas, Cigars and Tobaccos . QUA LI T Y Qalck, Prompt and Polite Service Phone 25 cHaaowHOOflwreaoao Why Few Men Do. The tetn to make good la only cattoaally ken uougn to oak mas work oTortlao. Whyll I. S Often f, omabody who is trying w - goiior now imbs.